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Fandom Power Rangers Divine Knights


Lady Insanity

I live for the chaos, yet I'd die for peace.

Our story begins with a war. Centuries ago, there was a mighty kingdom, ruled by a powerful and true warrior and king. He united the land when no one thought it possible. His son, Prince Ascelin, was raised as a warrior in his fathers image. Raised to be strong and virtuous, Ascelin knew what it meant to be a knight by the age of twelve. Warriors, rogues, and mages alike lived in peace, the entire land always standing together. Ascelin's father believed in a united land, seeing those of all origins as equals. Few dared to oppose the king, and those who did met a fate only described as just and deserving.
Then came the dark age. Men seeking to usurp heaven and explore the unknown instead cast down a legion of demons. Summoned from the depths of the underworld by a powerful, evil creature by the name of Dumanax, usurpers had caused this arrival and attacked the kingdom. The demons, called the Shadoji, wreaked havoc upon the land. It is said that Shadoji were shapeless forms of evil entities, but these foolish mortals gave them new life. Dumanax was a being born of the darkest minds and power. A disciple of Silence, rumored to serve an higher mysterious being, he gathered a legion of demons from the underworld and formed them in his image to overthrow the king and bring chaos. Only the bravest and truest of warriors could stand against them. In a great fight, the king had fallen in battle, leaving Prince Ascelin to take the role as king, leading warriors into battle. Ascelin banded together with entire armies into battle against the Shadoji. While his father's body was never recovered. Taken by the demons as a trophy.

Ascelin and his allies knew they'd need a greater power to stop Dumanax and the Shadoji; at least to seal them back underground. A sorceress made the choice to call upon brave and true warriors from their ranks. A noble knight from his army, an cunning thief, powerful mages were gathered. As well as one tribute from a nearby tribe of forest-dwelling 'barbarians'. These barbarians had taken in Ascelin's ally in the midst of war under his protection, forming an unbreakable trust with the barbarians. Together, King Ascelin, his comrades, and the chosen warriors apart of Ascelin's new elite force drove Dumanax back into his own world, the Shadoji following in suit. Powerful magic had been used, as well as weapons forged under dragon fire, metals from a supposed depth of the Earth thought impossible, and a blessing from the highest priestesses.

Ascelin had undergone further loss than his father. As Dumanax had fallen, he had slain Ascelin's mother in the process, as well as his beloved soon to be wife. All the more reason to seal Dumanax away. But...the Shadoji wouldn't stay sealed forever. Ascelin knew of this, so he made it his official ruling, that he and he alone be sealed away. He would slumber for as long as needed, waking when the Shadoji did. Every hundred years, Ascelin rises again. But as centuries would go on, Ascelin's demand of the spell of eternal battle morphed into a curse. The King chose the path of eternity to protect his land, but somewhere along the line he found it a curse by the very same magic that placed the spell on him. Magic that bestowed incomprehensible power onto him and his Knights.

The Divine Knights would become a bloodline to those before. The original Divine Order were sworn by blood to train their children's children to join Ascelin as he rose up from his century-long slumber. Hundreds of years have passed on, and with every century before Dumanax is sealed away, he mysteriously gains a new ally. A new general. And with time, like the modern world, Dumanax and Ascelin, seemingly cursed together, evolve as well. Dumanax' forces evolved into more modern style fights varying on the time, as well as Ascelin's growing mind. He stands forever against the Shadoji, records of past Knights allying with him kept by anonymous historians and keepers of Divine lore. Illusive Ascelin slumbers now, just as the current time and generation prepares to face Dumanax. However, the current world is only knowing of this story as a legend, folk lore. Dark times are ahead, and one may only prey that the Divine Order has evolved with the Shadoji. And that Ascelin's tomb is well-protected by those sworn by oath, as well as the randomly chosen historian of this generation. Preparations are in the making, and the world must now stand ready for what is to come. For change is coming. Many fear change, many will fight it with all of their being. But sometimes...change sets them free.

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marorda marorda PenBlade1326 PenBlade1326 (here goes! a but unorthodox how I'm starting but given how the story goes... here xD don't worry, backstory IS a key and will be touched :) )

Quest 01: I Knight Thee:

All heroes have a beginning. So do all villains. Throughout time, mankind has told stories of brave warriors conquering evil forces and vanquishing them forever. Yet evil always finds a way back. Like cockroaches. The darkest of times were at the hands of 'cockroaches' among men and plagued the world with misery, torment and hate. Such evil is on a schedule. But sometimes...schedules aren't paid attention. Things come late... or early.
Several days ago...
In a tomb located far beneath the surface, seven seals glowed a vile glow, humming beneath stone slabs over ancient graves. Unlike the grave of King Ascelin, these tombs were old and withered, not polished and prim. These seals were supposed to reopen in due time, after the awakening of the King. But alas...they've awoken too soon. Far ahead of schedule. Months ahead. The center grave burst open, the three on either side of it following suit in a particular order. The Supreme Disciple and his six followers have awoken... and the world they've awoken to has not fully prepared for them. The rise of the Shadoji already began. Onward, they will go.

Present day...
Alexander Hart and his son, Peter, have been most successful thus far. In just a few months, they'd began collecting the Divine Order of the 21st century. First, they'd sought out the young but powerful mage, Braxton. Then, the second mage, Mellany. And third, the four of them all traveled to an island a short ways off the coast to meet Tribe Oathkeep who are devoted friends of the order and protect a sacred tomb, and met the first rogue, Raijah. The search for whoever the second rogue is, and the warrior, is on. Soon enough the five Knights will be gathered and Ascelin will hopefully awaken to a team of well-trained fighters at his disposal. Being a historian/guardian is a random task to be chosen for, but it is vital.
Until their King awakens, Alexander and Peter have welcomed the three current Knights into their farmhouse, where they do common chores both in and out of the house to pull their weight and make it easier for everyone. Nobody gets more or less work than anyone. That goes for Alex and Peter, too! There's an underground level to the house, but only Peter and Alexander are permitted down there for now. The farmhouse isn't perfect, but it's homey and a place to live together...and it'll do until Ascelin wakes up and they get to live in a castle!

Alexander has asked Raijah to pick some of the crops from the field, while Mellany is tasked with cleaning the kitchen, and Braxton must tend to the Mounts. Just feed them, clean up after them, etc. And Alexander is doing his share by repairing part of the front porch that had been damaged when a certain Mount decided to plop on the edge of an already-weak board. Oy...But they should all almost be done and ready to quit for the day by now. He wondered how the three of them were fairing... and then his head got a weird ache. He felt almost dizzy, but recovered. "Ohh that was odd..I almost feel like something is...off..." he whispered to himself. Maybe he's just now getting mental signs of what has happened far beneath the Earth...
Peter's off at school, but he should be out any minute and on his way home.

(so yeah! basically just have them doing the chores, going through the motions, thinking whatever they want to be thinking, etc.)
A most essential part of success is to display persistence and confidence. As well as discipline. Delightful attributes to have, especially when you've grown up studying magic your entire life. Braxton grew up with the sole purpose of bettering his skill and power every day. His parents strictly enforced the importance of such matters. As well as always pursuing excellence with the ferocity of a tiger. How quaint. Whenever Alexander and his son Peter, nice kid, showed up and told him it was time to meet the Knights and begin the current generation? He was more than ready. Being the first that was summoned was an honor, as well. He'd hoped his magic was well enough for the present moment. Although, he doesn't like bragging....actually he does, but between him and current mage company, he considers himself the far better one. That Mellany is decent enough, but my my my does she need work. And Raijah...well, he exists... who is Braxton to question the competence of someone born into the role of a Knight? Ugh.

This farm is nice. Not the castle he'd expected, but since the King still slumbers it's fine. A bed to sleep in, a place to train, learn, and food to eat. The bare necessities. And hot water is a plus.
So how might the powerful, skilled, and extremely devoted mage be spending his afternoon? Scooping up animal shit. Seriously, why does Alexander give him these jobs? Sure chores are a normal thing to have--and he will do them--but cleaning up after the Mounts is bloody big work. The amount of crap he's had to scoop up is insane. He'd use magic to poof it away...in fact, that's exactly what he's doing. It isn't a tool to use like that, but seriously what are these animals being fed? Braxton used magic to clean up the crap, and then he manually made sure the Mounts were fed accordingly. A few soft pets on the head and some tidying up and he was finished. Braxton briskly walked away from the place the Mounts were and to the front porch where Alexander was repairing it. "I've completed my chores for the afternoon. I'd assume training starts whenever Peter gets home?" He asked Alexander, not having noticed him with the minor head ache.
A few years ago, she thought she would be a rogue, training in archery and agility to fairly high levels. A few months ago, she heard she was to become a mage instead. And boy, Mellany hadn't been amused to learn that little detail. Suddenly her destiny wasn't what she had always made it to be. Those destined to actually become rogues... they better be damn well at their task. Huff. The company of the two other knights so far was... interesting. Braxton was an arrogant dickhead and she'd rather not be seen in his proximity... were it not for the fact they would have to work together... and train together... and the fact he just loved to rub in how he was sooooooo much of a better mage than she was. Worst of all? He was. Not that she'd admit that openly. Braxton might have trained his entire life... she only had a few months to train. There's a difference in that, you know? Worse than Braxton was cleaning the kitchen. Sure, they all had their chores that needed to be done... but cleaning the kitchen was always such a tedious task... Especially when there were clear signs of a certain rogue using the kitchen without knowing how things worked. Raijah... one of the rogues to be on the team. And she couldn't possibly detest him for being a rogue. Raijah was... adorable in his won, odd way. He was the most recent addition to the farm, and he still had a long way to go before she'd let him leave the farm and head into the city. For both his safety and sanity, as well as that of any people in the city... and her own sanity. We;;... at least the kitchen was almost clean now. Just a few more things to do before she could kick back and relax.

It had been a few days since Raijah had left the forest of the island, of the world he had always known. Who could have thought there was so much across the water? The elders knew, for sure. But mostly through stories rather than having seen it for themselves. The young man hadn't been too eager to leave when he was asked to come along. He was the Guardian of the Tomb! He had to protect the souls slumbering inside there! But, something the elders hadn't always mentioned too clearly, a part of being the Guardian was having to leave when called upon. To fight and train alongside the soul in the tomb against demons who wanted to destroy the world. And from the bits and pieces Raijah had sen... those demons where already there. Funny smells, dark smoke, dirty water... the world wasn't doing too great, was it? But worse than the world being in a poor condition, was... everything. From the strange things his allies called "cars" to the moving picture box names "TV"... something he might have smashed on his first day at the farm. Raijah had the faintest idea Braxton wasn't very fond of him. The mage used many words he didn't understand, for one. No, the other one was nicer. Mellany tried to help and make him understand the world. But it was still hard. English was confusing, technology was confusing.... but what wasn't confusing was being outside. Raijah loved the chores that let him tend to the animals, the crops, or otherwise be outside. If he wasn't forced to sleep inside the farm every night, he would much prefer a hammock and just be outside. Anyhow... today was tending to the crops. He had put the lettuces in bags, and was now carrying them inside to take them to the cellar... crossing into the kitchen on his bare, muddy feet.

"RAIJAH!" Mellany shouted. Raijah nearly dropped the bags he was carrying. Mellany strictly pointed at the floor. "I had just finished cleaning the floor! Get your muddy feet out of the kitchen!" Raijah looked at the muddy trail from the door to where he was standing now. He looked down at his feet and wiggled his toes.
"Raijah is sorry..." he muttered. Everything was clean, and now he had made it dirty again.
"Just... just wipe those feet next time, okay?" Mellany sighed and shook her head. As Raijah had put the bags away and made his way outside again, Mellany once again shook her head. Time to clean the floor again...
Raijah made his way over to Braxtron and Alexander, oblivious to what had just happened. "Raijah made mi... mistake..."
Alexander had nailed the last board in place and wiped the sweat from his brow, sitting straight up to give his back a little rest. Repairing a porch takes a lot out of a man. So does random headaches. Seriously, where did that come from? Did he eat a breakfast burrito this morning? He knows what those do to him...
Braxton had brought himself over. "Ah, good work. Did Bear learn his lesson about sitting on the porch like that?" He asked him, as if Braxton would even talk to the Mounts. What was it about talking animals that freaked people out? Stallion and Wolf were so confused...and Deer and Wildcat just wished someone would do more than stare. Bear just wanted his tummy rubbed most of the time. "Whenever Peter gets home I think we'll start dinner. Maybe order out from a pizzeria," he said. Training was important, but Alexander also believed at least one day of the week without constant training was healthy.
He turned his head to Raijah as he came over...he looked like a sad puppy. Judging by the yelling he heard and the mud on his feet, Alexander put two and two together. "We've got to get you used to wearing shoes, Raijah. But accidents happen, it's alright," he said in a fatherly tone, looking at Braxton and expecting a glare. Alexander respected and genuinely cared for his Knights. It helped build trust.
The last bell had just rang at Westfield Central High School. The city of Westfield was breezy but warm, sunny but not too bright. It was a big city in the north of the US but it had somewhat of a small town charm with a big city heart. Oxymoronic in some way. Peter Hart, a good-hearted but awkward teenager, stumbled out of the front doors with books in hand, a variety of jocks and popular kids pushing him out of their way. "Watch it, dweeb!" A boy said to him. Peter paid no attention. He was on a mission to get home! Well not a mission, more like 'hey it is time to go home,' but mission sounds way cooler doesn't it?
Following Peter and the vast assortment of other kids out the door was the cheer leading squad and their boyfriends. Front and center stood Chloe Wells, dressed in the yellow uniform with white accents. School colors! Pom-poms tied on her backpack, her boyfriend Jacob's varsity jacket on her. Slightly over sized jackets were so comfy. As pretty as she is popular, Chloe walked with the squad to the school yard to their rides or own cars. She blew a bubble with her chewing gum and posed for a quick couples selfie with Jacob. Exchanging quick girl talk and plans for their next practice with the team, Chloe bid Jacob farewell with a kiss and a 'tootles!'

Chloe basically pranced away from the squad, her makeup on point and her hair perfect, her uniform brightly shining in the sunlight. This girl was bubbly and carefree! In the parking lot, leaning against a cherry red convertible was her older brother Vince He was dressed in jeans, a shirt with red writing on it, and a jean jacket with the sleeves stylishly rolled up. A delusional guy who thinks he's supposed to be a Knight. Dork. Yet because he's so buff and blonde, the girls in her friend group--even with boyfriends--faint at the mention of him. Chloe approached her brother with her backpack slung over her shoulder. "Hey bro. Ready to go."
Vince nodded for her to hop in the car. Off in the distance, he saw a kid (Peter) getting shoved as he was just walking down the sidewalk. "Man, poor kid." He commented.
Chloe looked. "That's Peter Hart. He always gets picked on, but never does anything."
"You pick on him?"
She scoffed. "As if!"
Rumbling in their tombs far beneath the Earth, seven clouds of dark spewed out and claimed a new place for their own. Dumanax, leader of the Shadoji and the Supreme Disciple of Silence, found himself not only awake ahead of time, but also in a most perfect area. Faye Castle. It 'belonged' to the Divine Knights...but since there's no one here...why not take the castle? Their evil souls roamed for too long, it was time to find a home! And this is it now!
Dumanax did not speak, since he was muted long ago. He commanded his Thralls to rise with the six other Disciples.
And so they rose. "Disciple of Fire, Torth. At your disposal," said the general, bowing before his master. The big-headed creature flared flame from his mind.
"Disciple of Beauty, Urla. Beautiful!" Said the ever-stunning Urla. She twirled...oh how beautiful she is!
(basically villain role call, that's it xD)
"You speak of that bear as if it's capable of perceiving common logic. It's an animal, Alexander," Braxton said, so matter-of-fact-ly. He folded his arms, his tucked in blue button up stretching slightly from his waste line. He adjusted his glasses and dusted off his khaki pants, glancing at Raijah as he trudged over. He didn't like Raijah too much. Really, he didn't like anyone. Everyone was so... odd, by his standards of what a person should be. Maybe they weren't brought up like him. Well, he knew Raijah wasn't. He's practically a caveman. A wild animal.
"I guess Mellany didn't like you messing up a clean floor? I postulated as much when I heard a shout from inside," he said to Raijah. Seriously, did this guy even know what shoes were? Or a welcome mat? He looked at Alexander as if he were some kind of nut! He shouldn't console Raijah when he doesn't fit in with the modern world. So uncivilized... Braxton merely rolled his eyes. Alexander is a good man but good God he's soft.
The thrill of awakening after such long sleep is exhilarating. Waking to a new world to find only people are as stupid as ever? Perfect. Even better? Waking before time to wake. When the seals opened, the Shadoji were early by all means. And not only were they early...they had rose from the graves before Ascelin. Before their rival! This is perfect! They can rule the world or destroy it before he even wakes up! Before the Knights come to be! Best of all, they'd ended up in the castle. Faye Castle, the one thing the Knights called home. Haha! This just gets better!
Forming from the smoke and standing before Dumanax, stood the generals and disciples of his will. "Disciple of Mystery, Rogana. Hahaha!" Said the dazzling woman, twirling her umbrella and resting it over her shoulder.
Stepping forward was another. "Disciple of Slaves, Andero." He cracked his cane o the floor like a whip, the Thralls immediately snapping at some form of attention. Good to be their boss.

(I think I got their things right!)
"No shoes!" Raijah furiously shook his head. He had tried shoes before... without much success. He really didn't like the feeling of something on his feet. No, Raijah much preferred to just feel the ground under his feet. Like it was supposed to be! Who ever invented shoes, seriously? It's nothing but impractical. But... everyone here was wearing shoes... Hmm... maybe it was smart in the city, with sharp pointy stones and people always stepping on toes, but at the farm? Why would shoes be needed? His expression went to utter confusion again as Braxton talked to him. Long sentences and hard words... Raijah really had no idea what the mage was saying. He looked from the repaired porch to Alexander, to Braxton, and back at his muddy feet. As was obvious by now, Raijah didn't wear shoes and he strongly disliked them. In the few days he had been here, there was little time to find a more... civilized outfit for Raijah. So for now he still wandered the farm shirtless, barefoot, and in pants made out of several hides and leather. Very... authentic. But it was comfy, which is the purpose of clothes, right? Raijah glanced at the porch again. "Did Bear sit there?" he asked. Silly Bear.... Bear's too heavy to sit on porches.

Now that the kitchen floor was cleaned again, Mellany walked outside, stretching her arms over her head and leaning backwards until she felt that very satisfying little pop. She was wearing light jeans, a black tank-top and thin white jacket. Perfectly casual yet easy enough to flexibly move around in. The mud hadn't been too hard to clean off the floor, but it had taken her a few extra minutes she could otherwise have spend... well, doing anything else, really. She just couldn't stay mad at a guy who looked like a puppy whenever he was scolded... How confusing this world must be for Raijah. "Well, the kitchen's all clean and sparkling again," she said as she made her way over to the others.
It wasn't the time yet, was it? Yet here they were, waking up before the time was due. Which could only be a good thing. The Knights wouldn't be assembled yet, wouldn't be able to properly fight them in a long time. Oh, how wonderful! To make things better? They were right in the Knight's home: Faye Castle. Without a home for the knights, where would they be?
"Disciple of Chaos, Zaken. Ready to fight!" It had been too long since the steel of his blade had tasted blood. High time for that to change! He slashed his blade through the air, the metal making a hissing sound as it was removed from its sheath, and after a few quick slashes put right back into it.
"Desciple of Night, Lusa. Delightful!" Lusa was very pleased seeing their surroundings. A castle fit for a lady. Especially the Countess of Shadows. Even better: there was no nasty sunlight here. But, also no moonlight, as of now. Oh, how long had she been deprived of her God? She raised her scepter high into the sky, hoping her God would not be upset due to her long absence.
Alexander smiled at Raijah. "Okay no shoes. But at least wear sandals when we go into the city, huh?" He'd had a few days, but they felt like weeks, to adapt to this place and culture outside of his own. Oathkeep may be aware of this world outside of their island, but they sure don't embrace it. Nothing wrong with tradition, one might suppose.
"Nonsense, Braxton. The Mounts are just as intelligent as you and me," he said gently. "And remember they can hear you when you talk about them. The stables are right there!" he pointed out to him. Mounts are very sensitive when it comes to their pride. Maybe Braxton just hadn't had time to really get to know them. But Alexander had spent practically his entire adult life with the animals so he knew them best. He also knew that Wildcat was prone to stealing someones food if they weren't very kind to her... He then frowned at Braxton as he scolded Raijah for just being Raijah. Then emerged Mellany from the house. Kitchen's clean! "Ahh, hey there Mel. Nice job on the kitchen. I'll give you something a little less mud-prone tomorrow," Alexander said to her and softly chuckled. IN the time he'd known her, through patience, he thought of Mellany as sort of a...niece. Not a daughter, but that one niece everyone's bound to have that's a bit rough around the edges but is actually super cool. Raijah is basically a stray puppy that's impossible to hate and Braxton is...well... hey, he's smart! That's good!
Another headache hit Alexander. This time it hit hard. Just as he stood, he nearly tumbled over and grabbed at his heat, his graying hair being tugged on and seething between his fingers. He groaned in a sudden pain, unable to tell the others what was wrong.
In the castle, Dumanax bowed his head to his disciples. He lifted his own mighty blade high and watched as the edge glistening in the light coming from a crack in the stone walls. They were in the throne room were Ascelin would be throned normally, but instead...Dumanax took the throne for himself. Off to the side was a large, ancient mirror. The glass glowed a faint blue, showing it was no ordinary mirror. From his seat, he flung the blade at the mirror and shattered it, destroying its magic and its purpose. This caused Alexander's headache. It also gave the Shadoji an edge. What mirror is this?? In time, Dumanax would bestow commands via the hive mind.
"I believe that mirror severed the connection the guardian has," Torth said.
Urla giggled. "Oh! So without it, the Knights can't come here ever again!"
Vince and Chloe got in the cherry red car and backed out. He was going to take her home and then likely hit the gym. Vince had the car radio on some oldies station, music from the 80s playing. Chloe scoffed and changed it to pop music. "Vince, try this century. It's actually got music that's...well, not old." Chloe said. Vince rolled his eyes and changed it back. Then she changed it. Then he did. Then she did...he did...until eventually she gave up and Vince had his music playing. Chloe scrolled through her phone, already blowing up all forms of social media. Her selfie had already reached 300 likes on Instagram. That was quick!
As Vince drove down the road, he passed by Peter on his walk home. Chloe glanced in his direction, but focused on her phone. And in just a second...Peter vanished. She did a double take. "What the...you saw him, right?" She asked.
"I'm driving, Chloe. What did I need to see?" He asked, annoyed with his younger sister already. Well, half sister.
"Peter...one minute he was there, the next...gone!"
Vince rolled his eyes. "You're probably losing brain cells, thus hallucinations. For being an idiot." hey, Vince was her brother, this is how they talk to each other. It's normal. Ish.
In short time, they arrived at their house and Vince parked in the driveway. Once inside, they greeted their father and Vince's mom. "Hey dad. Hey Susan." Chloe said and set her bag down. They smiled and waved. "Alright, I brought her home. I'm off to the gym," Vince announced.
"Just a second, Vince. You should probably work on swordplay today." His father suggested.
"What? Dad I just did swords work yesterday, I'm a pro." The two went back and forth. Chloe rolled her eyes and plopped on the couch, still on the freakin' phone.
Back at the farm, Peter walked out the front door where Mellany just was. How did he appear out of nowhere like that?!?!? "hey guys, I'm home," he greeted everybody, kindly as usual. He saw his dad in a fit of pain. "Dad? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned and getting closer to him as his head continued to ring in devastating pain.
Ever popular sighs of discontent escaped Braxton's lips whenever mention of the Mounts came up. Really, they are just animals. If they were any smarter than other animals, they'd clean up after themselves in the stables. Sure they can talk, but that's likely a result of magic. Not intelligence. Magic explained just about everything in this world of theirs. Talking creatures, weaponry, lore of demons and Knights, it's all the same. Just less and less educated people around see that. Sure science contributes to everything in the world and explains everything, but magic is at the heart of it all, too. In a way, science and magic are one in the same.
Braxton had nearly jumped as Alexander suddenly burst into splitting headache. He was clearly in pain but nobody knew what the cause had been. Braxton extended his hand. "Alexander? Alexander are you alright?" He asked. More like a stern colleague than a friend.
Andero whimsically chuckled as Dumanax took Ascelin's throne and shattered that magic mirror. Splendid! Shards fell to the floor and ancient magic stirred. Something had been cut off. But... ah yes. The historian...guardian...whomever.
"I see. Now we have complete insurance as to the Knights never even attempting to retake the castle. Thralls! Clean up that glass," Andero commanded. The wicked grinned foot soldiers nodded and bowed, quickly picking up the shards and cleaning it up.

Rogana twirled her umbrella further. "Ohhh a shame. Twas such a pretty mirror."
"God, Peter! How do you always manage to just pop up out of nowhere?" Braxton said as Peter entered. How did he do that all of the time?!?!? "We don't know what's wrong. Just grabbed his head and started freaking out. My guess, something bad's happening."
Raijah nodded faintly. No shoes was good. Sandals were weird, but better than shoes, really. Did the mounts know what shoes were for? Maybe he should ask them in a little while. Though Alexander, Peter, and Mellany were helping him try to understand the world, the mounts as of now understood him better than anyone else. As Mellany approached, Raijah looked at his feet again. "Raijah is sorry..." he mumbled again. He had given Mellany extra work to do, and not helped in making it right. So now he was feeling bad. Raijah was always taught to make up for your mistakes.

"It's alright," Mellany chuckled. Really, she couldn't stay mad at the puppy-guy who was as friendly as could be. Especially not since Braxton made a point out of being an ass to him (and anyone else). Seriously, was he using all the fancy words on purpose or something? You'd need a dictionary to properly speak to that guy, Mellany grinned as Alexander suggested she'd get a less mud-prone chore next time. She gave him a thumbs up. "Great idea!" she said. She was actually pretty kind to most people here. Except Braxton. Prick. As the headache hit Alexander again, concern took over. She rolled her eyes as Braxton asked whether Alexander was alright or not. Of course he's not, you idiot, she mentally scolded him. Hmm... could he read minds or no? Anyway... "Maybe you should sit down for a moment," Mellany suggested. Perhaps someone could fetch him a glass of water or something?

Raijah noticed the pain as well. Hard to miss, really. "His head, hurting," Raijah nodded, trying to be helpful. Really, Raijah meant so well. Surely there were plants around that would cure, or at least ease, a headache. He could go look for them!
"Wonderful," Zaken clapped as he watched the mirror being destroyed. No mirror, no knights in the castle. And no knights meant Faye Castle was rightfully theirs! A perfect base for their evil, the ideal fortress to plan the doom and conquering of the world in this new time. Yes, yes, this was quite the perfect start. Waking up ahead of time, a castle for themselves, no risk of knights reclaiming their castle. This time, things were looking up for them. At last. After 600 years, would Zaken finally see true victory?

Lusa snorted, merely agreeing with Rogana. It was a pretty mirror indeed. And it would have been perfect for channeling the light of the moon for her magic. Ah well, a replacement would have to do.
"Hi Peter," Raijah turned around and happily waved towards their friend as he approached from the house. Where technology scared him, he couldn't care less about Peter just walking through the door without having been in the house before.
"Peter! Great timing," Mellany said, no trace of sarcasm. something bad's happening... NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Nobody just almost falls over with a severe headache, unable to speak! "Yeah... that," was all she said with a nod towards the other mage.
"His head... hurting," Raijah explained, now to Peter.
Peter carefully and closely examined his father as the others tried making sense of it. "Guys give him some room," he said. Even though he's a kid he sure has an authoritative voice when it comes to his dad being in need of help. He cleared some space and helped his dad sit in a chair on the porch. "Dad? What happened?" Peter asks, tossing his school bag and book down.
"I'm unsure. It almost felt like a part of my mind was cut out," Alexander described. Now that sounds painful. Then he looked really troubled. "It can't be that th...maybe...Peter, go check downstairs." Whatever was going on, he had a theory. Peter nodded and bolted inside.
He returned moments later. "The mirror. Something's wrong." The father and son then exchanged a few silent words with one another. They'd not told the knights of any mirror before...what are they going on about? Eventually the headache subsided in Alexander. "It's as I feared...impossible..." he muttered, this was the priority now. Peter shuddered. "Guys, we need to find the remaining Knights. Now." Alexander said and rose up to his feet, any talk of the mirror would have to wait. They needed to find the other Knights, possibly before it's too late.
He led everybody inside of the house. Hopefully the magical barrier around the land would keep them all safe for now. "My connection to the powers, to the very essence of the Order...something's been weakened. I should be able to find the other knights if I focus. Braxton, Mellany, I'll need a magical touch for this one." Alexander told them, a bit of magic may boost his connection to the powers that be. And hopefully, he'll find the other knights...ahead of schedule, but this isn't the time to debate that. He prepared with the mages and started to focus. Peter took Raijah and tried explaining some of the harder stuff in a flash. Stuff he'd need to know later, but learning it...now.
Half an hour had gone by, and the historian and mages were still focusing on finding the remaining knights. But...Dumanax had already found them. Both of them....at once. The Supreme Disciple pointed forward, a shroud of an image in the air. it revealed the Knights yet to be assembled. And Dumanax ordered Thralls to deal with them before the Order got to them. Thralls mobilized and crept through a shard of the mirror, for it was all they needed.
After all of this time, Vince convinced his father to just work out today and build up muscle rather than work with the sword. "Hey, if you're going back out, I need a ride. Brooke wants to meet up in town." Chloe said to Vince, bumming a ride. He groaned. "Didn't I just drive you?"
"Yeah, well you can do it again right? It's on the way." Chloe grinned. Vince did not. He's a nice guy but gosh his sister bugs him. He reluctantly agreed and took his little cheer leader sister with him. Their dad wished them luck and safety...and Susan, Vince's mom? She felt it...she felt what about about to happen. Something about the mother just knows... But her child and adopted daughter were already on their way. They siblings left in Vince's car, going to town.
Finally! Alexander found them. He was exhausted, but he did it. Shouldn't look for more than one at a time... He let the mages know he was done. "I...I found them..the other rogue, and the warrior. They're together! Somehow by a miracle it seems. Hurry, there isn't time." Alexander quickly warned the three knights. Suddenly things got serious. "Peter!"
His son nodded. "Come on, guys, follow me," he said and walked down the stairs leading to the underground portion of the house that they'd never gone to.
He couldn't hear it, but Braxton could just feel Mellany mentally bitching at him. He drowned out the thoughts once Alexander described what had happened. Part of his mind...cut out? Unpleasant. And worrying, what sort of foul magic is at play here? Braxton had learned of some dark magic in the world but never had he heard of something like this before. What's this about a mirror? Some big piece of glass that's important? He'd never seen or heard of a mirror. But Peter was told to go downstairs...the three knights never went down there. They weren't aloud. But something about a mirror was at hand. Then he'd been caught off guard. "The other Knights? Now?" What could be so urgent as to find them now? Aren't they going one by one? Why get both...and what's the hurry? Why don't they explain?

Braxton went inside with everybody and nodded once Alexander requested magical assistance. Whatever connects Alex to the powers seemed to be at risk. Plus he'd need a boost to find two knights as opposed to just one, Braxton theorized. He focused hard and performed a spell, a tiny glyph over Alexander's head to enhance his power and ability to search. Hopefully it would work. Just focus. Foucs. Focus.

Thirty minutes? It took thirty damn minutes to find them? The magic had better have been worth the effort. These Knights...not only were found, but together? What a stroke of luck. He wanted to know what they were being rushed all of a sudden, they had no time to prepare. But then Peter was leading them downstairs. Weird. "I demand an explanation once we're done, here," Braxton called out as if he were expecting a refund on a sweater from Bloomingdales...that didn't make sense.
A part of his... YIKES! Yeah, Mellany could understand that should feel really painful. And truth be told, that did sound really, really bad. Whatever could just cause this kind of pain though, so out of the blue? Probably something magical, and not the good kind of magic too! The talk of a mirror was rather... odd. Nobody had ever told her about stuff with mirrors before. The only magical mirrors she knew of were the talking ones in fairy tales. And that probably wasn't what was at play here. She watched as Peter walked off, being told to "check downstairs", the one mysterious area of the house where the Knights weren't allowed to come. Again, odd. And for once, just this once (or so Mellany hoped) she found herself agreeing with Braxton. Or at least equally off-guard. "What? Already? Both a once?" she asked. Really, why this sudden need for hurry? And what did the Knights, some mysterious mirror, and Alexander's headache have to do with each other?

Raijah just stood by, confused as ever. He knew what a mirror was, and that apparently breaking a mirror was bad luck. Whatever the connection between a mirror and knights was, would remain a mystery to him until someone slowly explained it without using difficult words. But.. more knights. That meant more people! More friends! That's a good thing. The idea of other knights getting here soon excited him. Raijah grinned. Other knights getting here was a good thing. Shame Alexander was hurt now, though. Would he still need some plants to chew on to feel better?

The two hurried inside along with the others. Mellany nodded as Alex asked for magical assistance. There was a disturbance in the Force... wrong reference... but it was fitting enough here. Something had disturbed Alex' connection, it seemed. He felt it, and he needed the help of the two mages in order to find the two knights that were still somewhere out there, unaware their destiny was calling for them sooner than expected. And one of them was a rogue... Oy. But this wasn't the time to get distracted. She had to stay focused here!

Raijah tried his very best to understand what Peter was explaining to him, and though he got some things, he definitely didn't understand everything. That would still take some time. Maybe more time than they had, but it would have to do. They would be knights for quite a while, probably, so there was plenty of time for Raijah to learn. Or so he thought. Anything longer than three moons was an eternity.

Wait wait wait... it took thirty minutes to find the other two Knights? Damn, that explained why Mellany was starting to feel exhausted. Keeping magic up for that long... that was new. And not too pleasant, she might add. Lucky for them they had success and found both knights. Even better... they were together! Fate was on their side, for a change. "I demand an explanation once we're done, here," Mellany imitated in a whiny voice. "Seriously?" Mellany let out a deep sigh and shook her head as she followed downstairs as well.
"That not nice," Raijah said as he followed the others too.
Using a talent to locate the remaining Knights took a lot out of Alexander. He'd have taken them down himself but he simply needed to rest. He sat on the couch, breathing in and out, for he'd pushed himself too far. He knows better than that but this is an emergency. If part of his connection was cut, that can only mean one thing. He didn't want to worry the others but...
Peter led the three downstairs. "You guys sure do bicker a lot," Peter pointed out on account of Braxton wanting answers in a rude way and Mellany mocking him. "Not nice indeed, Raijah," he agreed on that front.
Peter then at the bottom of the stairs opened a door on their right. The left door was for later. On the right, the door led to a small but tall room under the house. And in it was one thing: a mirror. A large, magic mirror.
"This mirror is a door. A door that leads to a network of openings in the world, made by one of the mages in the first Divine Order. Every guardian is entrusted with the network and shapes it to their will. Dad made it so this mirror leads anywhere we want, mainly to mirrors and doors all around Westfield. I don't have time to explain how it works. Just step inside the mirror, it should put you on the right path to the other Knights. Please you guys, there isn't a lot of time. Go now!" Peter beckoned the three knights to walk into the mirror as it faintly glowed blue.
It would take the three of them to a crossroad in between openings. Other mirrors beyond this one...one mirror in particular was destroyed. Others? Fine, and one was glowing bright. That was the one they needed to go to! Is this mirror network how Peter just comes from nowhere after school? He uses this to come home?
Vince had taken Chloe in his car. He'd turned off the radio and put the roof of his car up to avoid wind messing with his and Chloe's hair. What? Hair matters... He focused on the open road, clear path ahead of them. Westfield was oddly quiet for this time of day and in this part of the city. No traffic? Must be his lucky day. Vince's mind began to linger on what he'd work on at the gym today. Biceps and back? Leg day is tomorrow. And he just loves leg day. Okay he hates it. Everyone hates it. But the exercise was good endurance and strength building for his training. One day, the knights will be ready and he'll join them. He's been training for years. He has to be ready when the time comes! Also he has to look good for the ladies. And select guys, but he doesn't roll that way. Still, nice to be the one everyone's looking at.
Chloe was practically glued to her cell phone. Social media addict, much? The siblings didn't really talk to each other. Vince still lived at home because it was easier for training. Any other reason and he'd have moved out a while ago instead of always coming back from college and everything. So he wasn't by choice living at home and being around Chloe. Siblings fight, but these two? They just don't get each other in some ways. Chloe thinks he's a nutcase, and he thinks she's a little brat. But somehow they're both labeled as generally nice people...odd how the world works that way isn't it?

A little ways down the road Vince had come to a screeching stop. Both he and Chloe gasped and knocked back. "Vince? The heck was that for?" She asked him. In the road stoop a line of figures in black. Wicked grins were stuck on their faces, demonic growls and gurgles from their throats. They carried ax-like weapons and stood perfectly together.
Chloe gulped. "Um...Vince..."
"Chloe, stay in the car," he said and got out. These must be the creatures he'd read about in his studies a long time ago. Servants, soldiers and slaves. But...why are they here? They shouldn't be, it isn't time...is it? This was confusing. He didn't have weapon to use, but luckily he didn't need one. This isn't how Vince thought his day would go. He was a little scared...off guard, but brave in the faces of danger. "Alright. Six against one? Fair," Vince taunted and put his arms up. He hoped his first fight wouldn't be his last. The creatures lunged after him together, swinging their weapons and viciously attacking. Vince dodged them and rolled on the road, kicking ones knee back and pulling it on the ground. He caught an incoming hit and twisted the things arm, elbowing it in the face and shoving back. He punched and used his strength to push the things back, until one of the creatures grabbed him from behind and restricted his movement. The other five things beat into his chest and stomach with the blunt sides of their weapons. Vince grunted with every blow. This sure went to Hell really quick...

Chloe watched in fear from the car. Shocked is a better word. These things...are they...really here? Demons? Monsters, whatever you call them. This can't be real. No, none of that can be real! Vince is crazy...dad is crazy..she isn't...but then what is she seeing? Her hand covered her mouth as they grabbed and started beating Vince. He fought monsters only to get beat up? He was outnumbered and overrun...they'd kill him! She found herself getting sweaty palms and took a deep breath. "Shit..." She muttered to herself and got out of the car. Against all better logic, she ran to the creatures beating Vince. "Hey! Get away from my brother!" She yelled to the top of her lungs, pushing through them and pulling the one off of him. She kicked like she did in cheer routines, pushing one back. One of the creatures swiped its weapon and just barely missed Chloe's face.
"Chloe!" Vince shouted and pulled her down. They were surrounded...this isn't good!!!!
Braxton rolled his eyes and glared back at Mellany. "So mature, Mellany," he said as she mocked him in a whiny voice. Really, how can she be so childish? It's a wonder any hand of fate would ever grant her knighthood. Someone so childish and foolish. Not to mention Raijah with the brains of a stick in a field of deranged koala bears. "Peter, we don't bicker. I tell the truth and make rational statements, she just opposes everything I say and he can't comprehend half of anything we say."
Down the stairs and through one door led to a big mirror. He'd never seen such a thing before. It's truly a work of wonder...and art! Magnificent! "A mirror can do that? I've never heard of such a thing before. This is fascinating..." Braxton commented, watching the glass of the mirror faintly glow. And to hear one of the original mages of the knights created it? Even more amazing. It was probably his ancestor that did it, honestly. He comes from a long line of proud and talented mages, after all. He'd have to study this once they returned! But now isn't the time. He stepped through the mirror, oddly smooth and..door-like.

The ways between this mirror and the other ones--hard to think there are more--was indescribable. Like all of these portals leading to anywhere...and Alexander set this up? Imagine where these have led in the past! Peter must use this network to pop up from school...clever. Misusing them, but clever. One mirror looked broken and unusable. What is that all about? Could that be a source of Alexander's distress? A path ahead glowed and called for them to step through it. It had to be the right one! "Come along, let's get the other knights and get our answers," Braxton said to Mellany and Raijah as if he were the leader. Might as well lead since Mellany is a child and Raijai is a lost animal.
He stepped through it and found himself nearby the space of the other knights. He witnessed...what are those? he ducked down with the others behind cover. "Are those...Shadoji forces? Here? What on Earth is going on?" He whispered to the others. This is strange...now he's getting the idea of what may be happening... A young man was fighting the creatures, and he was very skilled. "That must be one of the knights," he pointed out. Who else could be such a good fighter? Then he appeared to be getting beaten...and saved by a cheer leader? Surely she isn't the other knight...
But now they're both in a pinch. "Oh for the sake of all gods everywhere," Braxton said and emerged from the side. He unleashed a quick but heavy rush of magic and eliminated a third of the creatures there. "Gentlemen. It seems you're outnumbered, now," he said to the...things.
Mellany huffed at Peter and shot another deadly glare at Braxton., not replying to this bullshit any further. They didn't bicker. Braxton was just a dick and she put him in place when needed. That's not bickering. Raijah just seemed to be feeling proud he got this social thing right for a change. It hadn't seemed nice, and now Peter just confirmed it wasn't nice. See? He wasn't so bad at this world. Then Braton said something again. Many long and difficult words Raijah didn't understand. But the tone said enough. "That also not nice," he said.

Mellany nodded at the explanation on what the mirrors were. Doors. That's pretty cool, actually. And good thing the mirrors didn't talk. Talking animals was strange enough as it was. She had no need for talking furniture and decorations. "Ah, so that's how you always walk through the door out of nowhere," Mellany presumed. Now that's handy! Why didn't she know about the existence of this kind of magic before? If it was created by a mage, why shouldn't she, at some point, be able to make it? Oh how much time that would have saved her back when she still went to school...

Hopping through a mirror was weird. Even weirder was the crossroads beyond it. Mellany looked around with a mix of confusion and amazement. Raijah clung onto her shoulders, seemingly terrified. Poor guy... "Raijah not like this," he said, looking at the glowing mirror on the other side of the crossroads. Technology scared him. Magic... probably even more. Whereas technology could somehow be put in simple words, magic simply couldn't. "So. We go there, yes?" he carefully pointed at the other end of the crossroads before Braxton spoke up, still hiding behind Mellany.
"Yes," Mellany nodded and gave Raijah a small smile. "And it's okay. You're safe here. Now we need to hurry, before something bad happens to the other knights." Again she rolled her eyes, this time because Braxton got even more arrogant than he usually was, thinking he's so superior to the two of them. Well... she couldn't speak for Raijah, but sure as hell she wasn't going to take any orders from a dork in plaid.

Raijah nodded and followed Mellany and Braxton to the other side of the mirror. And once they came out... There were the demons. Shadoji forces. But... how? They weren't supposed to be here yet, were they? What in the world was going on?
"Thralls," Mellany hissed, glaring at the wicked grinning demons in black and white. "Did you miss that part in the lore?" she asked smug and sweetly at Braxton. Oh, it felt so good to do this for once. Gosh, they looked like terribly dressed henchmen from a B-movie. Raijah looked at the Thralls, then at Mellany and back. "This not safe. You said, Raijah is safe."
"I said you're safe in the crossroads," Mellany corrected him before rushing towards the demons.

There were six of them, and they had a girl surrounded, as well as another guy around their age. Supposedly these two were the other knights. Unless the Thralls would be attacking random passersby. Mellany just assumed this wasn't the case here. Especially since there was nobody else around by the five of them.
"Oy shitfaces!" she called. "Over here!" As two of the Thralls approached her, Mellany rubbed her hands before putting them around her mouth, blowing a cone of ice at the two creatures, freezing them solid.
Raijah rushed at the remaining two. There wasn't really any place to hide, so he just bull rushed the two remaining demons, knocking them down on the ground and bashing their heads with his fists.
"Hello," he greeted the two people who up until a moment ago were still in danger. "Me, Raijah," he said, tapping with his hand on his chest.
The pair of siblings braced for impact with those monsters' weapons when suddenly they heard voices from the side. Vince peaked and saw a guy blast the fiends with magic, obliterating them! And a girl, freezing them solid. And finally...a guy, hardly dressed, tacking the others and introducing himself. There they lie on the ground, six Thralls taken out with such ease he'd never have gotten wrong who did it. Vince stood up and kept his eyes on the shirtless guy who'd said his name was...Raijah? Now that's a weird name if there ever was one. Chloe slowly rose up after him...amazed they weren't dead.
"Those were demons....real demons...holy crap, Vince...holy crap..." Chloe muttered in shock. To these three, it probably looked as if she were just a frightened civilian. But two knights are here...so why is this second person afraid? Vince nodded and put his hands on her shoulders. "Yes they were. Those were Thralls, nasty servants of...you know who." He told her. She nodded. She couldn't believe it...it's real...no way..

Vince looked at the three strangers. "Thanks for helping us out. I guess because the magic and the...uh...tribal look, you guys are the Divine Knights?" Vince asked them all. "Nice to finally meet you all. I'm Vince. This is my younger sister, Chloe," he introduced them both to the three strangers. Chloe gave a slight wave...weirded out. "I can speka for myself, Vince. Hi...I'm Chloe," she said. Now that is odd...no Knight has ever had a sibling. Ever Knight in history has been an only child. So...how does Vince have a sister? There are two Knights here...how is...what is...what's going on? What an anomaly this has become. "I take it that since you're all here, it's about that time? A bit early isn't it?" Vince asked.
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Braxton rolled his eyes at Mellany. He knew what these creatures were called. Again, how childish of a girl she was. The whole immature thing at least worked for her very well, after all if she looked like a child she may as well act like one. "I guess since you're as tall as a 12 year old, you should act like one," he commented to her after dealing with the Thralls at hand. When it was clear, he stepped out to greet the two people they'd saved. The cheer leader looked afraid. She can't be a Knight, then. If she was one, she'd have been fighting. Plus a cheer leader as a Knight? That's funny. "I'm Braxton Tannenbaum. Mage, studied since I was a child."
He would have shaken this Vince fellow's hand, but Braxton doesn't like shaking hands. So that's a lie, he wouldn't have shaken his hand. Not really a human contact type of person. Hold on a moment...
"I'm sorry, Vince. Did you say younger sister? That's not possible. I don't recall a Knight ever having a sibling. That's in our history...and we were told two Knights were here. You seem to be the only one. Unless..." Braxton said, hand on his chin. Hmm...could it be possible?
Oh no he did not. He did NOT just make that comment on her height. Being an arrogant dick was one thing, but this was just really taking it one step too far. Mellany took a deep breath. And another one. She tried to remain calm on the outside, but inside she was seething, burning with anger, as contradictory to her ice powers that may be. All she did on the outside was giving Braxton the kind of smile you give to someone you can just about gut like a fish. Inside... she was already plotting revenge. As painful and embarrassing as she could possibly make it without (lethally) injuring another knight. Yes, Mellany may be small... and she may indeed look a lot younger than she was... but woe anyone who'd underestimate her or poke fun at her for it.
"I'd use your ego for target practice with archery... were it not for the fact it's so huge it'd be impossible to miss," she said. "I'd rather practice on a smaller target such as your..." she hesitated for a moment. "Heart." Not was she intended to say at first.
She too approached the two. Whereas she had assumed the both should be knights, hearing they were siblings seemed to make that an impossibility.
"Hi, I'm Mellany," she introduced herself to the two. "Good to see you're alright." She didn't comment on Chloe being introduced as Vince's sister, but her confusion was apparent. How could... wait what?

Raijah listened to the names of the two knights, seemingly not as confused as Mellany and Braxton seemed to be. He smiled at the two Knights. Their names were short and not too hard to remember. Raijah liked that. "Is nice meet you." That's what people said when meeting new people, right? Raijah wasn't so sure. Braxton hadn't said it to him. Or to the other Knights. But Mellany didn't say it now either. But she said good, which was a...w well... good word. So Raijah assumed it just meant the same.
"Well met, everybody," Vince said kindly to everyone. He flashed a charming smile in everyone's direction. and felt it fade into a frown. "I'm sorry? I don't understand the confusion. Knights never having siblings, where's that in the handbook?" He asked. As if there's an actual handbook somewhere. But he didn't know that...Vince didn't know about the no sibling thing. And...they expect two knights? Not just him? He looked at Chloe. Their dad did say she should train as a kid...
Chloe shook her head at him. "Uh uh. No way. Not possible," she commented. "I'm a believer now but...no way. I cannot be. No, I haven't trained...I wasn't raised knowing I'd be a Knight," she said to him.
"Chloe..." Vince bargained. She still shook her head in denial. Then she looked at Raijah. "Vince...that guy...he isn't wearing a shirt. Or shoes. And his pants look like they came from a series of dead animals that went extinct 65 million years ago," she whispered to her brother. He looked at him and...nodded. Okay...that guy is a bit weird. He seemed nice, though. Which is probably more important than looking normal like everybody else. He must be from the tribe. If not...then whoa.

"Thanks for saving our skins, guys. Look I know there seems to be some confusion, but since we just all got attacked maybe it's best we go back to wherever you guys came from and see what's going on. No time like the present," Vince suggested.
Chloe tugged on his jean jacket. "Do I have to go with you?" She asked. He nodded. "Yeah. Just to see what the deal is. Plus you'd be safer," he said. She sighed but agreed.
"C'mon everyone, get in my car. Just give me directions or an address for the GPS and I'll take you all back wherever," Vince told the other three. He and Chloe got back in the front seat and left the back open for these three new people.
After some time and getting directions from them, Vince eventually found his way to the farmhouse. When he drove under the barrier he felt a tingle. Huh. Funny feeling. But a good tingle. He parked outside in the open gravel. "You sure this is the right place?" He asked...not expecting a farmhouse as a place of gathering for Knights. Or Ascelin for that matter...is he awake?
He got out, Chloe following suit. She looked at the huge house and the stables off to the side.
As they pulled in, Alexander and Peter emerged from in the house, expecting them. "Ahh. You found them!" Alexander called.
Peter tilted his head. "Chloe Wells?"
Chloe tilted her head. "Peter Hart?" Odd...they knew each other from school. They're both wound up in this?
An electric zap to the thigh had ought to teach Mellany a thing about being childish. But Braxton is for more mature than her so he didn't do that. The talk about target practice being redirected to his heart as opposed to what she had intended to say made him scoff. He folded his arms and observed Vince and Chloe. "There is a lot of confusion. I know what the Knights' history is like and I don't remember anything like this. What an oddity," Braxton said and heard bits of the siblings' conversation. He wasn't eavesdropping, just as close as they were all standing he was bound to hear something. Surely if this girl is a Knight....well hopefully she isn't. Maybe Alexander messed up and Vince here is the only Knight, because this girl doesn't seem to want anything to do with it nor does she seem skilled. Maybe there's a mix up, it's only logical. It must be that.

Braxton looked at Vince when he spoke to the group properly. He seemed alright, if not a bit sure of himself. "There's not a Knight handbook. Never has been, never will be. We came here looking for two Knights, it seems we found at least one. Unless this girl who claims to be untrained is one of us..." he sighed.
Vince's car looked big enough for them all. But why not just take the mirror back or something? If that's possible... could they find it. But there's the matter of the car. Can't just leave his vehicle out in the open like this. So driving it is. Braxton got in the backseat He played the role of backseat driver and used his near perfect memory to direct Vince every step of the way to the farm house.

When they got back home, he sighed. Again. "This is it. A temporary location until Ascelin awakens fro his slumber," Braxton answered Vince. He exited the car, having sat behind the drivers side and leaving the middle and opposite window seat to the other two. Raijah surprisingly didn't stick his head out a window like a dog. He acknowledged Alexander and Peter as they walked outside. "Yes, we found them. Or him, if this is a mistake."
He looked at Peter and Chloe saying one another names. "You two know each other?" He assumed from school since they were around the same age.
Raijah looked at Vince and Chloe in confusion. They were looking at him, whispering and nodding. He really didn't understand why, so he lightly tilting his head, curiously looking at them. He wanted to understand, he really did... But this world was so confusing. Let's not forget he's onky been here for a few days. That's not too much time to adapt to a world that could hardly be more different than his own, okay, technically he too came from this world but... You get it right? Because Raijah doesn't. "We not save skins. We help," he said. Or were they talking about his pants? His pants was made of hides. But he didn't save hides. Just used the necessary ones to stay warm.

"That's an expression, Raijah. A thing people say. They say thank you for helping them," Mellany explained, being much kinder to him than she was to Braxton. Something about Raijah jut made her that way. Perhaps it was him looking like a lost puppy. And the fact that Braxton seemed to feel too high and mighty to be bothered. She also understood th girl, Chloe, being frightened. There was some confusion here. Everyone thought she was a knight, even her brother did. But Knights didn't have siblings. So maybe there was a mixup somewhere and the girl was just a civilian who had now seen things she probably shouldn't? Would a memory wipe spell be a good thing to prepare, just in case? This frightened child couldn't... shouldn't be a Knight, right?

Raijah wasn't eager to get into the car. He wasn't too scared of seeing them anymore, but to go into one of those... things? Preferrably not. In that case cars were still a little bit scary. "Come on," Mellany nudged him slightly. "It's quicker than walking. And it's safe."
"You said that last time," Raijah protested. And well... Mellany had no real answer to that. She did say going through the mirror was safe... Which it was until there were demons on the other side.
"This is different," she said skowly. "We're going to the farm now." That at least seemed to put Raijah's mind at ease a little. Mellany gently pushed him to sit in the middle, between her and Braxton. Both because there was no way she'd want to sit next to the other mage, and... Well... Wouldn't want any incidents to happen with heads popping out of windows, right?
After a smooth ride back to the farm, the Knights, Knight-to-be, and hopefully-not-Knight-to-be, exited the car. Raijah was just very glad to be back on his feet, walking around and nt be in a weird metal case. "Raijah can go to mounta?" He asked Alexander, looking a little pale. Talking to the animals would probably help against feeling car sick... If not a nap in the straw would do just fine. Or against Bear's fur.
Mellany looked from Peter to Chloe. If they knew each other was already asked, so there was no way for her to repeat that. Yet she couldn't help but wonder. If they knew each other and she wasn't a knight... Yeah, then a memory wipe spell would DEFINITELY be needed in order to keep things from getting weird.
So strange to see Peter from school here. Does he live here at this farm house? He must. And that man with him must be his dad. "Um, yeah... Peter and I go to school together," Chloe told Braxton. She waved politely. "Hi, Peter....Hi Mr. Hart, " she called over to them both nicely. Alexander and Peter waved in return. The father and son looked at each other and made their way to the group getting out of the car slowly, observing Vince and Chloe. Alexander knew just by looking at them both. Part of being randomly chosen by fate in his life granted him his powers of the guardian. And knowledge of a historian.
Alexander put his hands behind his back. "Not now, Raijah, sorry but there's something we have to. Later, okay?" He said softly to Raijah. He was sorry he had to ride in the car but there was something important they all had to do now.

Vince shook Alexander's hand. "I'm Vince. This is Chloe."
He looked at the siblings. "Hmm. There is no mistake. Vince here is our warrior, strong and loyal. And Chloe? She is the cunning archer. The rogue," he said, looking at them as he spoke of them respectively. Vince smiled and bowed as his class was made kown. Chloe almost spat. "Um...what? Me? A rogue, Knight, archer? I don't get that...Mr. Hart, I wasn't raised as a Knight. I wasn't trained. I took archery lessons for a short time a while ago but that hardly counts! I can't be a Knight, this is happening way too fast..." Chloe said, sounding scared and just overwhelmed. This was coming all pretty fast anyway...
"No mistake, Chloe. You are the next rogue. It's in your blood," said Peter to try and reassure her. She stepped back....no way this is happening. Her dad was right...she's a Knight...she has to fight...demons...monsters...no no no...

"I'm sorry but can we address that Thralls attacked us?" Vince asked. Alexander's heart skipped a beat.
"Thralls? On the surface...here in Westfield?"
"Yes. They lined up on the road and attacked me and Chloe. Luckily the others came when they did."
Alexander breathed. "Then...with the mirror being broken, my headache, separation, and Thralls...it can only mean one thing. Dumanax has awoken ahead of the expected time, while Ascelin still slumbers," he said. This made Vince's jaw drop. He's here for ten minutes and already things are getting good. At least he's trained for this...unlike Chloe. Poor girl. But she was being all whiny and blah blah. "Please, you must come inside. If he's really back we must prepare now. I have a solution. Come with me," he said and fast walked in the house, Peter behind him. Vince looked at the others and shrugged.
"Well, everybody... it looks like things are about to get interesting," he said before following Alexander into the house, Chloe reluctantly going with them.
"I postulated as much," Braxton said to Chloe as she revealed she knew Peter through school. He walked with the others and met Alexander halfway as the newcomers made themselves known and greeted him. Certainly an odd idea that two comrades would be found together and in the road. Braxton was found at his home just after receiving a prestigious award from his university. He'd already gotten his degree, but they'd invited him back for a special ceremony and a speech for freshmen to hear. High esteem to be held in comparisons to the others. Although he had the same reaction as Vince when he first arrived at the farmhouse. Not the place he'd heard of in the books, but it's a nice enough home for the moment until the king wakes up.

Braxton was taken far back as Alexander said it was true. Vince is the warrior they've looked for, and Chloe is the second rogue. And she's apprehensive about it. Apparently she didn't train...she didn't think she'd be a Knight. Tsk tsk tsk. Shame. Either she wasn't brought up that way or she was lazy and chose not to train. "Hmm. So you're one of us, too. I don't see how this is possible. Let's hope you aren't a let down." Braxton spared no words, he said what was on his mind. This girl...she isn't going to work out in Braxton's mind. Vince will be just fine, given he seemed to train. This is a disaster so far. More contributions to the disaster made their way as Alexander dropped the bomb. All of this stuff happening meant one thing to him. The early return of Dumanax.
"Dumanax? The Supreme Disciple? He's awake now? That shouldn't be possible.." he said, hand on his chest. Clearly he was worried. But who wouldn't be? Knowing this super powerful villain is back before Ascelin... wait. "Ascelin isn't awake? What's happening..." he looked at Mellany and Raijah, disregarding their pathetic maturity and intelligence and just sharing a moment of concern with the two of them.
Inside they go. Alexander hopefully had a good plan. In case of supreme emergency... "Interesting? More like disastrous," Braxton told Vince and followed everybody inside. This didn't looked promising, it sounded as if they'd all be dead by morning. Maybe he's being pessimistic.
"Okay..." Raijah said, mildly disappointed. If there was something they had to do, it would have to come first. But he couldn't wait to head into the stables and have a chat with the Mounts. Like Bear. Why did Bear think it was smart to sit on the porch? Silly Bear.

Wait what? This girl... this child... the one who didn't want anything to do with this all, was the rogue? The one who kept Mellany from being what she had trained for her entire life? This couldn't seriously be happening, right? But Alexander was so sure. Chloe a rogue, it's in her blood... and they'd al have to deal with it. They'd have to deal with a whiny little girl who wanted I thing to do with this being a part if their team now. And it would seem as I'd a couple of moments ago wouldn't be the only time she'd have to agree with Braxton. She nodded. This Chloe better not be a let down indeed.

And then things took a turn for the even worse when Alexander revealed Dumanax had to already be awake... while Ascelin still slumbered. "This can't be happening, right? It shouldn't be possible..." she shook her head in disbelief. If it were true, and she trusted Alexander enough to know he wasn't messing around, this was really bad news for them. Whelp... Mellany gulped. Raijah nodded. "Ascelin still sleep, yes. Raijah guardian of tomb. If Ascelin awake, me know."

So back inside they go, to see what they were to do next. Mellany looked at the apparently two knew knights, her eyes resting on Chloe just a moment longer.
"I hate to say it, but I agree with you," she said to Braxton. This was going to be a disaster indeed...

(I feel like its super short... But I'm on my phone on a lunch break and already preparing the next activity)

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