Power Combat and level caps


New Member
Ok, I don't have a copy of the Exalted Players Guide, so I have no idea what   how Exalted power combat works, which is really annoying when everybook references it. Mainly I have one question and that is: What are the Perfects? By that I mean, what is a perfect defense, attack, or dodge?

Also, many charms, or activities such as artifact creation require Essence and Abilities to be above 5. Does Exalted technically have no cap on these things?  Am I just retarted and miss something in the main rulebook, or has this been alluded to in other supplements I don't have?
malhimweaver said:
Ok, I don't have a copy of the Exalted Players Guide, so I have no idea what   how Exalted power combat works, which is really annoying when everybook references it. Mainly I have one question and that is: What are the Perfects? By that I mean, what is a perfect defense, attack, or dodge?
Perfect defenses have nothing to do with Power Combat. They're things like Heavenly Guardian Defense, which simply work, without a roll.

The main changes in Power Combat were to allow cascading parries, adding +Essence dice to all Dodge rolls, increasing "ping" damage, and giving armors a "hardness" rating.

malhimweaver said:
Also, many charms, or activities such as artifact creation require Essence and Abilities to be above 5. Does Exalted technically have no cap on these things?  Am I just retarted and miss something in the main rulebook, or has this been alluded to in other supplements I don't have?
You're just retarded. The cap on Attributes and Abilities is 5, or the character's Essence rating, whichever is higher. It's in the core book.

No, it was stated long before that. If it's not in the core book, it must be in the errata.

... that's because it's one of those things the developers pretty much take for granted. I remember the same hoopla going on over Vampire and the rules for the Generation trait.
Toss in the fact that there are, technically, two categories of perfect defenses...

1) Defenses like Seven Shadows Evasion, which allows a defense w/o rolling, but may not be used when the attack is undodgable (or unparryable, for an equivalent parry charm).

2) Defenses like Heavenly Guardian Defense, which allows a defense w/o rolling, and explicitly may be used against unparryable attacks (or undodgable attacks, for an equivalent dodge charm).

 I've started calling 7SE-like charms 'automatic' defenses, and reserve 'perfect' defenses for HGD and its like to avoid confusion.

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