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Futuristic Posthuman ~ OOC

Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Leandra has a leather eye patch over her mechanical eye. It was discolored before she died, but now it has been modified to be something of a single-lens binocular for her to use. She's currently hiding it so as to not give away the potential advantage against anyone. She also dislikes how messed up her eye looks now compared to it simply being discolored before she gave it up for the submerging process required of Watchers. She does still have the scarring diagonally above and away from her eye due to the original injury, but the eye itself is entirely mechanical now. The eye patch hides the mechanical eye, but you can still see the edges of her scar on her face.
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Brief Introduction: Heyo! My name is Foogels. I am an 18 year old big geek and weirdo. My favorite game series is "Legend of Zelda", my favorite book series is "The Mortal Instruments", and my favorite move series is an awkward tie between LoTR and Star Wars. Mexican food is my favorite to eat. And MHA is my favorite anime and thus why I used Shinsou as my character face claim.

Brief RP Experience: I've been on this site since 2014, and I made 2 SAO rp's that failed and 2 Tokyo Ghoul rp's that actually gained some traction until they eventually died x3 But in the past I normally joined fantasy based rp and I still look at that tab more then the others. I think I'm a decent writer when I'm not running on less then 3 hours of sleep.

If you could invent a new piece of technology, what would you make?: I would make a dad that doesn't leave... Nah I'm totally joking. But I would invent a magnet that pulls remotes to you so you don't have to get up and grab it after you just got comfortable.

Country and Timezone: I live in the US and am running on the PST timezone though I work the night shift so I'm normally up really late.
Lioness075 Lioness075 I see, thanks for the clarification.
I realize that it may be a bit confusing in my CS since I mention her messed up eye being discolored, but that's because the appearance section comes before all of the Watcher details, which is where the eye gets replaced. >.<
Brief Introduction: Oi oi :v I'm Macbeth, if you didn't already see that lmao. Call me Mac or My Liege or whatever, I'm not fussy..
I'm 16 whole years old and am currently on a post-GCSE summer break that I definitely do not deserve ;o I love chill R&B, sci-fi, yoga, being a disappointment to my school and glitter jelly slides. My favourite film right now is Inception, and my greatest vice is probably using lmao every other sentence. lmao

Brief RP Experience: I started all this roleplay bizniz on here, actually, which I get the impression of being kinda unusual? Most people seem to have started somewhere else? I dunno, I think I found it through Iwaku somehow when I was trying to find something writing-related for some reason that's now completely lost on me, but ended up making an account here in 2015! God that makes me feel old. You young whippersnappers don't understand what it's like..

If you could invent a new piece of technology, what would you make?: Three words: anti-motherfuckin-gravity. Like, how cool?! You just switch this technology doodah on and boom, you're floating. Imagine sleeping in 0 G. You should probably only use it indoors, though :/

Country and Timezone: I live in the fun & sun of the British Isles, so I'm BST / GMT +1 c:
So, I forgot to add a mention of Leandra's mechanical cat companion in my first post and just went back to edit it. The last paragraph is new and just kinda highlights the cat being with her.
Also, speaking of the cat, would anyone be willing to volunteer their character as being the 'outside help' that aided Leandra in programming her cat? There's no way she could've pulled it off herself and I'll just keep pretending an NPC helped her if nobody wants to be the specific character. I figure it could be a nice way for her to not be totally isolated from the beginning.
If someone wants to claim to be the person who helped Leandra make her mechanical cat, then we could go back and forth while waiting for Sky to get back online. ^^
Oh, and a fair warning, I'll be arriving at Ft. Stewart this Sunday evening and will officially be starting my National Guard training then. I won't get back home until late on the 28th. I'm really hoping I'll have free time here and there to still get on and potentially write posts. If I am able to do that, I won't be using any coding in my posts since that's a huge nuisance to manage on an iPad or any mobile device.
Let's Try Again
Hey guys. Sorry about the silence on my end over the past few days. As somebody supposed to be championing communication as one of my own RP rules I've let myself and the rest of you guys down. I'm making this post to see what we can do about it.

I don't really have any major reason for my absence - I've been on holiday these past two weeks with my family and whilst its been great to spend time with them and do a lot more exercise and sight-seeing than I normally do, a side-affect of that has been that I've had very little time to write, and the free time I have had I've been too tired to have any writing motivation. I did sort out the code ready to make a big post moving things into the action a few days back as I had a few train journeys to go to a friend's wedding but didn't make enough time to do much on the post itself. Unfortunately this has all come about by me trying to force myself to be more productive than my usual demotivated self by making it so that I would have to be proactive in posting. Whatever the shoddy reasons, I shouldn't have dipped from explaining them so I truly do apologise for that. In all honesty, I was a little demotivated by how slowly the RP began anyway, but that was also partly my fault for rushing in with a fairly sedate introduction out of being rusty to RPing.

I've been encouraged by some PMs which show people are genuinely interested in continuing on this adventure! However, I am also aware that given the way I've coped with the past few weeks, with the next three being even busier (I graduate from university, move house and then have two consecutive weeks of leading childrens work at Christian camps) I am unlikely to be able to give an RP of this scope the attention it deserves and fulfil my GM responsibilities to the level you guys deserve. Therefore, what I'm proposing, though we've only just begun, is that we put the RP on hold. When I'm back from those camps I will have a lot of free time until I get a job, so I will definitely be able to commit. Additionally, I've found from past experience that RPs that start as slowly and as stutteringly as this one has tend to die very quickly - doing an effective soft reset and getting a few new faces in for that should hopefully give the RP a second chance. There's some fascinating characters here and I have an exciting plotline awaiting exploration!

Sorry for being a shoddy leader so far - if you want to dip I totally understand (though please let me know). Otherwise, I'm proposing to restart the RP on 6th August. I will post in the week leading up to that with something a little special for everybody who's coming back. In the mean time, thanks for your understanding and I look forward to trying again in a few weeks time! Otherwise please do feel free to chat with me either on here or on PM :)

Semblance Semblance , Lioness075 Lioness075 , Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze , Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis , Foogels Foogels , Plutoni Plutoni , Reis Reis , Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy , Lekiel Lekiel
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Ping my numbah again come August~! Have no idea what my schedule will be like then, but I'll see how things go when the time comes. Till then, have fun!! ^3^

*now... where was I...? Stoopid bbcode, how can you be so amazing and annoying at once?!*
Honestly, this works out perfectly for me since I’m going to probably be AWOL from the 15th to the 28th of this month for my training. I also am going to have to move out of my townhouse since my landlord has to sell it for personal reasons. It’s going to be chaotic for me to have to move yet again before the school year has even started. I still have no idea if the cadet program is going let me keep trying to commission either. >.<
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Hello lovelies, I was going through the endless videos of music and I found one that struck me as very fitting to our little gaggle of individuals.
I gotta ask Lekiel Lekiel where on earth did you get that front page moving image for your character? It's breaktaking! Is there a site that specializes in that sort of thing?
I'm not sure about a site that has such large gifs, never came across any before. As for mine, if you go through my character's profile, at the bottom under the "other" section, i posted a music link which pretty much inspired my character. The person who posted that music piece animated someone else's picture.

I uhh... extracted the video and clipped it using a gif maker to make the image.
So, Kharmin Kharmin it looks like both of our girls are fairly junior Officers, with a couple of trips under our belt. Wanna be training buddies? Or roommates for that matter?

How do living quarters work in this setting anyway, for Watchers? ...Do Watchers have families for that matter or are their revised bodies not up for that kind of thing?
So, Kharmin Kharmin it looks like both of our girls are fairly junior Officers, with a couple of trips under our belt. Wanna be training buddies? Or roommates for that matter?
Either idea works. Or both. :) Will certainly be an interesting pair should either of these things happen.
If I understand the lore correctly, nobody ages after they die and join The Watch. All of our characters died at a specific age and have remained that same age since their deaths. So, theoretically, nobody could have families in the sense of raising kids because babies would basically never age beyond infancy or probably ever get born since they couldn't age in the womb either. But I can't see why characters couldn't still fall in love and romance could flourish despite the brooding dark world our characters now live in. Since RpN forbids we get too detailed about our character romance anyways, we can leave certain parts of the romance to the imagination. In terms of our lore, I'd imagine unless a character had an entirely robotic lower body, then they'd probably still be good to go in that department. And if they do have a robotic lower body, there's surely a chance that they could have had it modified so they didn't lose everything down there.

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