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Answered Post vanishing on Mobile


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I don't have any extensions on my phone, however one of my posts vanished. I'm new to this site, but, the post said it was being checked, which according to the faq is normal however when I woke up it was gone. I don't understand if it was a bug or if my post was taken down at the moderation phase of a new accounts posts.
If you edited your post after it was approved, it may still go back to moderation queue.
I can confirm it's currently there, so it's not a glitch! Just need to wait for the Staff to check it 😀
If you edited your post after it was approved, it may still go back to moderation queue.
I can confirm it's currently there, so it's not a glitch! Just need to wait for the Staff to check it 😀
Thank you! I apologize I just kinda stumbled upon this website so trying to figure it out has been hard

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