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Slave to the Matrix

Hey guys!

So basically I am really craving a post apocalyptic 1x1 if anyone is interested.

I have a few rules and bits I expect you to take seriously and consider before messaging me (then essentially letting me down).

I want quality detail. I do value quality over quantity but I want something to work with. So basically, at least one paragraph of interesting writing. No one-liners and no paragraphs of absolute nonsense.

Romance is SECONDARY for me!!! I do it but it is not the main focus of the role play! Please don't ignore the original plot to just concentrate on romance, I get insanely bored.

I don't care about your gender. However to clarify I like play females, I can do both but that is my honest preference.

I like extra secondary characters. The more the better. Bringing other characters to the role play excites me very much! I also double or triple with main characters if it is necessary.

Please don't leave all the work to me! I love it to be a joint effort it truly does make role-play so much more fun.

Be able to spell properly and use grammar basically.

That's all really, shoot me a pm or comment on my thread if you're interested. If you have any straight up ideas within the theme then by all means share!​

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