Post-Apocalyptic RP


Double Luck
It's the end of the world. Humans have finally done it, they have killed each other off. There are around 300 humans left. Nuclear wastelands dot the earth, and small battles still rage. But you are all alone. You have found ways of survival. You have taught yourself to hunt the skinny animals (that scrounge for food themselves) for the small amount of meat that they have left. Most of the stores are still unlocked. That way you can take whatever you need. you have taken refuge in whatever you choose. The world is yours. You may do as you wish without anybody telling you "no". But beware. There are dangers out there such as: radioactive wastelands, mercenaries who were sent to kill any person that crosses their path, and don't forget, any person you come across may be your friend... or foe

Character Sheet:




Weapon of Choice:



Rules For the actual rp:

  • Of course, there are the RPnation rules
  • Please no one liners. Those are very annoying
  • No godmodding. ex: no military grade weapons or armored cars.
  • If you want to kill off a character/have your character killed off, you must talk to that person who you wish to kill/who you want to kill your character in p.m.
  • I don't mean to sound corny but... Have fun!
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/5779.jpg.830d50ee05fe36018412666e5cf68264.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/5779.jpg.830d50ee05fe36018412666e5cf68264.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> My character:

Name- Daemon Alexander

Age- 19

Appearance- picture

Weapon of choice- two hidden knives that he keeps where he can easily grab them at a moments notice

Home- doesn't necessarily have one. He just keeps using abandoned homes that he finds.

Bio.- He was only sixteen when the war began. He didn't worry, though most people didn't. They lived in the United States of America, what could possibly hurt them? He was at school when he heard the sirens. They were rushed into the bomb shelters but only a few made in before the bombs hit. He was one of the lucky few. But sometimes he feels as though the ones who died were the lucky ones. when they were finally let out of the shelter, there was nothing left. He took off running and never looked back. and even now, 3 years later he keeps moving away from that school and everyone who died.



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I have a question, is there a limit of characters to sign up? Or just one character is allowed. :'))
No there isn't a limit :) I'm just gonna close it when I feel that enough people have joined.
Name: Nayomi


Apperance: (ill post. Later)

Weapon of Choice: has a pistol and 2 daggers she fought in her step dads home.

Home: currently is staying in a apartment building which is borded it up with a store underneath.

Bio: was at school when everythin happen and was the last one to make it into the shelter before the, bombs hit. When they were let out she tried to run after daemon but she couldn't keep up so she ran to her step dads and grabbed all that was left. Nayomi kinda like daemon a bit but she gave up hopes after everything that was happening.
accepted :)  
UPDATE: I will create the official role play at exactly 3:30 tonight. 
UPDATE: The role play has begun. Have fun :)
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Character Sheet:

Name: Jhanina Elyras

Age: 16

Weapon of choice: Usually she'd do great in melee weapons such as a hammer and something like that but is much more comfortable with a Katana, a japanese sword.

Home: Usually she'd go around looking for a place safe but is currently staying down a house in a small village.

Bio: The horrific accident happened when there was a small gathering with her and her friends, once it break out they split into groups and ended up either being bitten or actually getting abandon. After the bombs hit in several places she decided it was best to head out alone. The one friend she was with went with another and eventually betrayed her. Jhani decided it must have been time to just rely on herself and face her nightmares alone. Though caries a small pendant that had a group picture, which helps her move forward.




Character Sheet:

Name: Raymart Freand

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon of Choice: A baseball bat, which is expected from a previous baseball captain.

Home: Currently in a tent. xD

Bio: Once the infection spread around he knew that you have to work as a team to survive till the end. Raymart worked hard to keep his old team going but slowly, his team was dying from either hunger, thirst and other health problems. The small group he had, the people he had met died and knew they were never going back. But he still wouldn't give up.


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Name- Raiko Nani

Age- 19



Weapon of Choice: Two tire irons (carries on back)

Home: Originally New York City.


Raiko was always the shadow, the out-shined, the third-wheel. And he would always stick his head into the books, and that was one way he would cope with the bullying. Another way was to take things apart and put them back together, but when he was angry he would just take them apart. His father owned a mechanic shop and he would help here and there, fetching tools, never really helping. Sure he would get money for it, but he would do this for the feeling of being needed, because someone would want him there. So he got a hand with screws, pivots, and planes. He knew what would go on, and as he fetched tools for his father, he would feel the item, examine it, for wear, or pros and cons, like he knew something was going to happen. He loved all the things he could do with such simple items, a crowbar, a saw, but his favorite, the tire iron. He loved the even weight, the simplicity of it, and how easily he could hurt the ones who made fun of him with it.

When the first nuke hit near New York, he was in a bunker, his uncle was a lunatic when it came to the apocalypse, he would always warn other, and tell them the end is near. He was known as the mad man, but he was seen as the savior when he opened up his underground bunker. Only three guest could fit, with his family inside of course. A few days after the 'earthquakes' from the bombs, they surfaced. The weaker died quickly, the radiation killed any with a poor immune system, and others he would shelter with, would slowly fall away, and Raiko was left alone after four simple weeks. Someone now depends on Raiko, himself.
Name- Lecky Bensen

Age- 17


Weapon of Choice:
A whip(lasso), and a lighter that she found.

Home: An abandoned house, that is completely wrecked and old.

Bio: Lecky was leaving her rich prep school when the ordeal happened. She got out of violin practice, and now was heading for her very elegant home. Just as she was about to leave the gates she felt a gigantic earthquake hit her, and she fell to the ground. A moment later she saw with her own eyes in the distant, a bomb exploding. Even Where she was, she could here the screaming, and already saw herds of people running away frantically. She didn't even need to think, she ran outside the gate joining the herds of people ,almost getting trampled over, and jumped into the furthest dumpster away from the bombing . She stayed there, for hours, until she finally decided it was safe. She got out and saw......a wasteland. Since then, she found a safe deserted house and stayed there, trying her best to survive.
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Name Athena Blair

Age 17



Weapon of Choice
Two knives, one kept in her jacket and one kept in her boot

Home The basement of an abandoned home

Bio Athena was raised in a small home with only her father. Her father was almost always working, except for Saturday's which he would use to spend time with Athena. He would always take her hunting in the woods by their house. Athena never really liked hunting but it was a way for her to spend time with her father so she was happy enough about it. While hunting her father taught her how to set snares, and skin the animal so that it can be used for eating.

Athena was one of the first ones into the bomb shelter before the bomb's hit. When the bomb's stopped raining down and it was safe to leave she ran from the shelter and her friends and searched the entire city for her father. She knew it was hopeless but part of her continued to hope that maybe somewhere he was safe.
Name: Ananias Redford


Ananias is a terribly disfigured man; his entire right leg has been completely blown to shreds from an old war of long ago, a mechanical leg now sits in its place. A wonderful scar runs from the top of his shoulder spiraling to the front of his wrist. On his right arm a sleeve of tattoos ranging from telling the story of his life. His right forearm is covered with names of old friends who have come and gone. Ananias’ right bicep is adorned with a compass, a Labrador retriever, a lion, and an octopus wrapped with its tentacles wrapped around his arm, every tattoo carefully drawn in black and white. His tired and worn face carried many bags and lines from laughter and sorrow, an unkempt grey beard hung wonderfully from his chin and would dance when Ananias stroked it in deep thought


Ananias stopped caring about the way he looked somewhere between a long time ago and forever. Mind you, he always remembered to wash and scrub behind his ears, and always kept a little bottle of rubbing alcohol tucked away in the inside pocket of his worn leather jacket that had lost its shine ages ago. Ananias always wore these long black cargo pants with a lot of pockets so he could keep all sort doodads. His dark brown leather boots commented his jacket well. But the laces were a little mismatched one black and the other a nice dirt covered grey, which he rummaged from an old shoe a few weeks ago. Ananias knew he wasn’t fashionable or that special but he was happy.


He loved to draw; it was one of those passions that never left him from childhood. When he drew it was the only time he ever held a look of stern focus that reflected his internal feelings. On the outside however Ananias always seemed rather unsympathetic, his scraggly beard hid whatever emotion that would peep from his lips. But his outward appearance acted only as a façade to the imagination and emotions that roared inside him constantly.


Some people live a normal life, others start out with a hard life and then one day they become a hero and they overcome whatever troubles them. Ananias was different he lived the Cinderella story, minus the fairy god mother or the happy ending. His mother died when he was seven. His father fell into a deep depression and started to drink spending all his money on booze. By the time Ananias was thirteen he started stealing like none other, and would sell what he stole too feed himself. Eventually his father sobered up and fell in love with a stripper named Kandy. When he was seventeen he was caught red handed trying to sell some stolen gems to an undercover officer and was sent to be incarcerated for two years. During this time his father never visited, and only called him once to demand Ananias to tell him where he had stashed the leftover cash from his older sales. When he got out he had nothing; his father had disappeared. So he started walking.

except its kinda torn and she is wearing a gray coat now but when she gets use to ou she will probably take it off
Name- Sam

Age- 19


Weapon of Choice: Anything she can find. Typically rocks to throw and distract, and heavy sticks or poles to hit people with, and anything sharp she can find.

Home: She stays on the move, sleeping wherever she can.

Bio: Sarcastic, grumpy and won't hesitate to tell you when you're done something to annoy her. Doesn't really get that close to other people, tries not to anyway, what with the end of the world and everything, who knows who's going to stab you in the back. She doesn't talk much about her past, and carried a grimy panda plushie she calls "Pan" around with her, and gets nervous without it, and in an awful mood if someone comments on it.

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