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Realistic or Modern Post Apocalypse: Fading To Black (Need more players!)

(Inspired by The last of us and The book of Eli)

It was 1am on New Years Day. 2015 when it happened. The event that would wipe out 99.3% of the population. Some say that it was a nuclear attack, others say that the sun burned everything.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Last-of-us-environment.jpg.a0903ce85cea014729c056877d93cd21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Last-of-us-environment.jpg.a0903ce85cea014729c056877d93cd21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Most of the survivors left believe it to be somewhere around 2050 but no one can be sure, there are various stories that i've heard in New Haven from the elders (people who were alive during the event), it seems no one can accuaretley say what caused the event.

Oh yeah, New Haven is one of the various "Safe Zones" across America, you see after The Event everything broke down and the military siezed control, although even they couldnt put things back to how they were. They dont accept any "new" people in to dafe zones either for fear that they carry the H1Z1 virus which basically turns you into a savage and deformed flesh eating monster. They have scanners to detect it but they still dont let anyone in and you can only get infected if your bitten by one.

People like me who were born and raised in New Haven (After the event), have been told that outside you will die, outside is where the creatures roam and if they dont get you the bandits will..

THIS RP HAS NO SET STORY LINE BUUUT, if someone could be the cure for the "disease" that would be great, im expecting alot of us to go outside of the city...

Here is the link to the actual RP - http://www.rpnation.com/threads/fading-to-black.72137/



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