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Gaius Danius Griinia

Apparently Infamous
Hey guys DaniGriin here with "Yuusharanger"
Its like Sentai, but not strictly Japanese and its not Power Rangers either

It takes place in a world that has Humans and Monsters living in relative harmony after the current Demon King revealed their worlds to one another
However there is a group of Insurgents who use monster hunting technology leftover from the conflict that preceded the peace to wreak havoc on the races in a bid to split them up again

Demon King Etienne Advantage assembles a team of heroes from different races to combat the threat

Rough Idea and would appreciate help in building this up

Yuusha Red: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Yuusha Blue: Ilikepie Ilikepie
Yuusha Yellow: Crow Crow
Yuusha Green: Roxasarass Roxasarass
Yuusha Black: Venchi1986 Venchi1986
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Can I be a Yellow one with an Ichimichi Mao faceclaim or is that too blatant
I could try blue, I just hope this roleplay gets off the ground so many of these seem to end before the first morph.


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