Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

Lily Dawnstar

As the lights begin to dim Lily's heat vision takes over. The whole ship is going from a dull color to brighter one very quickly. Seeing her sister in pain she goes to her side

Sister you require medical attention. I advise you seek it with haste.

She awaits further command.
Neolarthytep said:
Lily Dawnstar
As the lights begin to dim Lily's heat vision takes over. The whole ship is going from a dull color to brighter one very quickly. Seeing her sister in pain she goes to her side

Sister you require medical attention. I advise you seek it with haste.

She awaits further command.
Cyan Dawnstar

The first emotion that goes through Cyan upon hearing her sister's voice is embarrassment at being seen like this. That embarrassment is struggling to keep the relief down. Even Cyan doesn't like being hurt and alone in dark.

"I can't take the suit off till we submerge Lily. Thank you for checking on me. I should be ok I think. You.....you can go back to your station if they need you."

Cyan reaches out and takes Lily's hand. The grip is just a little too clingy for someone that is ok.
In the infirmary Cyan and Lily can hear Sydney yelling at Stirlitz. It's fear-anger, laced with things like, "You're the one who said we need to run right now!" While the pilot's making decent points, you think most of his argument is based on adrenalin. Lily, who really needs to build a damn character sheet, can tell that one by one non-essential systems are being dumped. Now close to eighty seven percent of the reactor's output is being dumped into either propulsion or cooling. When the propulsion tops out, Sydney starts dropping the core temp instead of leaving excess power. It's a fine line to walk, but he's eking out valuable calories of venting while yelling.

It's a losing battle though. The 'coldness' reservoir the ship relies on is the outside water, and that's pushing 293 K right now. Due to the miracles of modern technology, the ship is dumping heat at nearly 500K, but soon there's not going to be too much more you can do.

Then the rear bows and surges. Suddenly the deck is uneven, and you all start tumbling forwards, until a sudden buck of the deck throws you towards the rear. The whole boat twirls around like a bath toy. Then you start to spin and go down.

Some time later, the bucking stops and you come out roughly even. The lights come on, and the outside is very, very still.

"Hull is intact. Reactor core is functioning fine. Depth is-" Pause. "four hundred fifty seven meters? and outside temp is 234K? Does anyone have any idea what just happened?"

Words you don't want to hear your sub pilot say.

Edit: Except for the first two. Those are good.

Stirlitz pulls himself to his feet and looks around his lab, trying to determine the scope of the damage to his equipment. He then realigns what's working and points it down once more, checking the readings as he goes along, trying to determine what is going on outside.
Good news, everybody! The sun is gone. No, not Olympus, the one in the sky. The one underneath you. It isn't there any more.

Specifically, the solar neutrino flux off gassing from the unconfined fusion reaction isn't there any more. But who are we to quibble over details?

You're in a lot of 'hot water' though. The subsurface currents are getting rid of it quickly, and you can roll physics and navigation to map a quick way out. Then you'd be able to ditch your suits.
Yeah, you probably do.


You pipe the work up to Syd, who plugs it in. Because the water isn't hot temperature wise any more, it takes a moment to switch the cooling systems around and generally screw with stuff. As a safety feature everything shut down when people got knocked around. Now the quirts are idling, and the AC begins to blow wonderfully frigid air down on you. Syd responds via the intercom, "Got it, I'll run with this. And hold on because we're off!"

The ship quivers for a moment as water floods the forward intakes and gets superheated. Then the squirters squirt it out the back. Hey, the parts were named by an engineer. Anyway, a moment later the vessel lurches into motion and immediately crashes to a halt and throws you all around. The hull rings like a bell and quivers. Clearly you just hit something.

In deep ocean. The nearest land/anything should be fifty odd miles straight down.

There's a moment where everyone gets their bearings. The Orasmus wasn't going that fast yet, so no one is injured. It's more of the surprise. After a couple seconds the intercom crackles with "-the shit?" from the bridge.

There is the deep 'Pong' of high intensity, full spectrum ping, released from the ship and echoing back at you nigh instantly.

The intercom crackles again.

"-the SHIT? Ah, Stirlitz, can you tell us if the water around us is clear enough of radiation for Cyan to doff her suit?"

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