Poseidon [Sol Olympus]


Stubborne said:
...heading straight for Stirlitz Well bub, you got this or am I jumping in?
Pausing briefly, Stirlitz gives Captain Red a blank stare. Why is this person always meddling where he's not needed?, he thinks, genuinely puzzled. Clearly I'm doing the job correctly and efficiently. He then returns to concentrating on his work, trying to finish the calibration before the next hellish wave spin cycle.
Lily Dawnstar

With her suit on she stands by the navigation tool with the rest of the group. Seeing the captain on deck she cocks her head to the side slightly at his obvious neglect in acknowledging her and her sisters presence.She could have sworn her sister had told her it was customary to greet people each new morning Looking to Stirlitz she asks in her normal monotone voice

Do you need assistance in reacquiring the navigation tool?
Ya'll know we have an OOC thread, right? Though if everyone prefers it here, so be it.

Anyway, let's do this. Spoken words, either in person or via intercom, should be in quotation marks. Thoughts should be in italics. Either can be in your character's preferred color. So:


"Why don't we run up the stairs?" asked Bob, thinking Why did I suggest that? I'm fat and hate stairs.

And then any dice rolling goes in a spoiler box like everyone's doing.

Strange forms of communication, telepathy, kiting, what have you, that the game unveils will get it's own punctuation invented as necessary.

Also, if you want to put your character's name in the font color of your choice, that also works.

Neolarthytep said:
...Do you need assistance in reacquiring the navigation tool?
"Yes, Lily. Calibrate the lens."

Stirlitz likes Lily. She gets right to the point with him and usually doesn't waste time on idle chatter. And she is usually very clear about what she wants and what she does. He finds her the easiest to understand and interact with. As may be expected, he does not notice that the captain is ignoring Lily and her sister.
Stubborne said:
Not even acknowledging the female crew members on the deck and heading straight for Stirlitz Well bub, you got this or am I jumping in?
Cyan Dawnstar

Cyan's feelings towards red are a mixed bag. On one hand he is an arrogant chauvinistic ass, on the other hand because he barely acknowledges her presence he is an easy person for her to work with. Seeing a slight frown on Lily's face.sigh, oh well I better set a good example for Lily. I don't want her thinking this is normal

"Hello Captain Red, the coast seems to be clear at the moment"
The coast is clear. As clear as it ever is, of course. The waves are mostly smaller twenty footers that rattle the crew around, but don't suck them away. The top of the conning tower has chest height walls, which you can duck behind.

Stirliz, make an aim roll. Astronomy, nav, something like that. One of the skills we mentioned earlier. Cyan, roll perception. Red, as safety observer, you're not doing anything right now mechanically but being ready.
So I forgot Stirliz had already rolled this. Never mind then, you.

Also, when you post a roll, please post both the result of the roll and the target number. It would look like this:

{url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2666605/}Ten{/url} against my perception of 10 (Base 10 +3 for awareness -3 for the rad suit)

I switched the curly brackets for square brackets, but otherwise everything's the same.

"Another one coming. Down in three, two, one, Down!" yells Cyan, and everyone stops what they're doing to duck and hold on. This one, like the rest, isn't bad. It sweeps over the top of the conning tower and tries to shake you up inside the well, but doesn't have the power of the thirty, forty footers. Stirlitz learned early on that the 'brake' button is his best friend on the solab. It freezes the servos in whatever position they're in, meaning he doesn't have to start all over after each wave. Now the big machine streams with foam as the water drains out of the tower's well, but it's still pointed near the sun.

"Ten seconds!" Cyan estimates after she stands back up and sights the next wave. It's racing before the wind, but there's a brief moment between hits.

To Stirlitz the situation is an interesting one. Were he not buffeted every few seconds, the task would only take a few minutes. As it is, he works for seven or eight seconds per wave, and the job has been going on for nearly twenty minutes. Those are the breaks, though. The open sky is wide above him, even cropped by the narrow visor of the suit. Impatience aside, he's doing well enough.

"Down in three, two-" Cyan begins the repetitive countdown again. Stirlitz thumbs the break and crouches next to Lily. He holds on to a handle and Lily keeps a hold of him. She bolted one of her personal tethers to the deck at the start of the operation, and she's acting as a backup on the others. "Down!" Cyan calls. The world is a foamy chaos for several seconds. Then you rise and do it again.

After another ten minutes or so, Stirlitz reaches out to start on the solab again, but it beeps through his comm unit. The noise is startling, and it takes him a milisecond to remember what that beep is. Then he realizes the solab has caught the sun and is starting its automatic tracking process. The lenses begin to adjust focus, and the spherical main body starts to rotate.

Another wave, another crouch. But when you stand up again, the first green light is glowing. Sydney breaks in over the comms. "Hey! I'm getting a positive feed. Stay low for a minute or so to make sure it dials in right, but then come on down."

That is a long, uncomfortable minute. Finally the pilot adds, "Feed is good! We've got the data. Come on down, guys." and the Solab begins cycling automatically.

Now you can all go down. The nav calculations should be done by the time you get downstairs, and even though you're going to have to stay in your condoms, you'll know absolutely which way you're going soon.

I'm going to assume you all trudge down the ladder, back inside the ship? Edereth, Stirlitz can stay topside if he wants, but normal procedure is he needs someone up there with him as a safety.

Also, Nyarly, do you have a character sheet?

As everyone starts to unclip and head for the hatch, Stirlitz says,

"If no one minds, I'll stay up here for a while. Just until we're sure we can determine our correct course and are ready to dive."

Stirlitz would like to maximize his time topside. If no one wants to stay with him, he doesn't mind, whatever the normal procedure is. He'll just clip in with an extra strap or two and enjoy the open spaces 8 seconds at a time between waves.
Lily Dawnstar

Lily seeing the situation is in order retreats to the inside of the ship.

Not yet GM. I have been lazy and not finished mine.
Cyan Dawnstar

Quickly ducking to avoid another incoming wave. Is Stirlitz mad? we could get a bad wave out here anytime.

" I will stay here till everyone is safely inside. Sydney let us know when you get the results asap"

As Lily and Red trudge down the ladder Sydney helps you into a dryer. You can't shuck your suits until the sub dives, but you can dry off so you're not dripping everywhere. White both of you could fit, only one person goes in at a time. That way if there's an emergency topside, one of you is ready to rush up to help.

Speaking of topside, up there it's much the same as before. Cyan spots waves and gives the countdown, while Stirlitz stares at the open sky and tries to store up some sanity for later. It's odd to realize that Poseidon really does have an infinite horizon, for there are no islands. Anywhere you go in any direction it's just sea, and dark blue green depths. The waves are sharp and pointier in the low gravity compared to Earth. They move like little steeples.

He's taking this in, when Cyan calls, "Three, two one, duck!" and both of you crouch and grab hold. The water boils over top the sub. Then you arise and look around a bit more. The ocean remains just waves, and wind. Except for that giant circle of bubbles you get a crack sight of between two onrushing swells. Then the swells hit you and you lose it for a couple iterations of breakers, before suddenly amidst the waves you see it again. There's a flat spot in the ocean that's boiling like cooking spaghetti. You both see it.

Sydney chimes, "Hey, guys, I've got the data. You can come down now."

I'm assuming the sub has some kind of optical recording device on the tower?

Miashara said:
There's a flat spot in the ocean that's boiling like cooking spaghetti. You both see it.
Stirlitz turns on the [camera/optical scanner/etc.] and points it at the boiling section of ocean.

"Cyan, do you see that?" Then, flicking the intercom switch, "Lily, please come back up here. There is something unusual here and your enhanced eyes would be helpful. Sydney, hold on."
You want to point the solab, the solar navigation thingie, at the boiling spot? There's no other camera.
If that's the only camera, then yes, I want to point that thing at the boiling spot. Sydney already got all the nav data from it, right?
Cyan Dawnstar

Edereth said:
"Cyan, do you see that?" Then, flicking the intercom switch, "Lily, please come back up here. There is something unusual here and your enhanced eyes would be helpful. Sydney, hold on."
Seeing Stirlitz move to reorient the sensors, Cyan makes a quick realization. The sensor tower was never meant to aim at something on the surface. The whole assembly would need to be shifted for this to work.

" Yes I see it Stirlitz. Gimme a sec to reorient the conning tower so we have a chance to take a reading on that thing."

not sure what r=to roll on but all the relevent mech skills and sensors are 16, astrogation is a 17. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2674597/ roll is a 5. Hopefully I am ok in rping a reason for me to get a reroll in there
Simbelyn said:
Cyan Dawnstar
Edereth said:
"Cyan, do you see that?" Then, flicking the intercom switch, "Lily, please come back up here. There is something unusual here and your enhanced eyes would be helpful. Sydney, hold on."
Seeing Stirlitz move to reorient the sensors, Cyan makes a quick realization. The sensor tower was never meant to aim at something on the surface. The whole assembly would need to be shifted for this to work.

" Yes I see it Stirlitz. Gimme a sec to reorient the conning tower so we have a chance to take a reading on that thing."

not sure what to roll on but all the relevant mech and sensor skills are at 16, astrogation is a 17. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2674597/ roll is a 5. I have a total of a minus 4 so I make it. Hopefully I am ok in rping a reason for me to get a reroll in there.
"Holy SHIT this sun's going NOVA!" yells Sydney into the mic. "And we're falling... wait a minute. What are you two doing up there? I thought Stirlitz just caused the end of the world or something."

Sym, that's fine. The camera is on the boiling spot.

But why don't you both make dodge rolls because neither one of you is watching out for waves? Don't fail.
Lily Dawnstar

As soon as Lily gets to the bottom of the ladder the intercom comes alive with the orders to return on top. She presses the button on the device and replies

"Affirmative, returning immediately"

She then makes her way back to the ladder and onto the top of the ship
Edereth said:
I rolled a

7 against a dodge of 6. Hopefully the GM is generous enough to find me a +1 somewhere?

Generous. Yeah, no.

Of course if this was Exalted you could just stunt, but no, no, we want GURPS.

The wave hits you sideways, knocking you down and spinning you around the conning well. Tethered as you are neither one of you get's knocked out into the sea, but the pounding around the well rings your bells. There's no time to hit the brake on the solab and it pivots wildly as the ocean spins it around.

Below, Lily steps right back into the airlock from whence she came, and spins the great valve wheel to shut it. Most modern airlocks operate on a push button system, but this was paid for by a university so you're operating on an academic budget. Instantly the air exchangers set to work pumping valuable, oxygen rich air out until the far doors crack open, venting in methane. Everyone tells you it's invisible, but you swear you can see the yellow tinted air pour in. Then water crashes down from the next wave to break over the sub.

By the time Lily gets her head above the ladder well, Cyan and Stirlitz are being pounded into each other, tied up by their safety tethers and dragged about by each, relentless wave. They can't fall out of the well, but their tethers are constricting limbs, digging into flesh and tightening down about hoses. The solab is spinning on its axis, but it's spherical so there's no worry of it hitting someone. Lily has her tether in hand, un-anchored yet, and about five seconds before the next breaker crashes over the side.
Miashara said:
By the time Lily gets her head above the ladder well, Cyan and Stirlitz are being pounded into each other, tied up by their safety tethers and dragged about by each, relentless wave. They can't fall out of the well, but their tethers are constricting limbs, digging into flesh and tightening down about hoses. The solab is spinning on its axis, but it's spherical so there's no worry of it hitting someone. Lily has her tether in hand, un-anchored yet, and about five seconds before the next breaker crashes over the side.
Lily Dawnstar

Upon getting on deck Lily quickly locks her anchor in place before trying to help pull the two free and to their feet.

Sir this is not the appropriate way to align the navigation system. Do you require my assistance in properly doing so?

You would assume she was joking but Lily never jokes.

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