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Fandom Pokesync

Put whatever
text you want here
Put the right date here >:c
Snowpoint woohoo
money money monehhh $$$

"Tsk, these idiots pulling all these ridiculos moves out of their ass!" Ron bared his teeth as Furia her fangs. The Magical Leaf hit right on the spot, but the move only made the fire mouse back up a bit. "Ha! They want to try and piss us off, fine, leave em blind!"

Furia ignited her fire back up and started releasing more black smoke! If their opponents thought forcing Furia to continue using Smokescreen was a good idea, Ron would make sure it would back fire. With the field become more and more difficult to see in, Dreepy did what Dreepy do, be a little snake that little bitch.

Abra was now blind, like its partner. Dreepy sneaked in for the Bite once more, surely the psychic type wouldn't know what hit it until it was too late, Nua was such a genius. Of course she needed to impress Ron Senpai. At the same time, Ron watched with a smirk on his face as the Bellsprout didn't land one single hit, with Furia moving about and the thing swinging its long vines, it was easier than jumping rope!

The torture wasn't done yet, Furia once again sent out another Smokescree. Ron wiped the sweat off his forehead, his eyes set on the battle in front of him, despite the fatigue starting to build up. Funny how the tables had turned, Ron had become the support and now their damage depended on Seido. "Finish them off, Nua!"

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

Unfortunately the Dreepy would find himself just as lost in the thick smoke as the rest of the pokemon on field. If anything, the little Psychic type pokemon seemed to have the upper hand here as he teleported next to the Ghost snake and blasted him with another Confusion. But his movements lacked the crispness and dexterity he had shown before - clearly the opponents were tiring just as much as Ron and Nua. As Furia spewed cloud upon cloud of roiling fumes into the room, the Bellsprout grew frustrated with its constant misses, instead opting for switching tactics to Magical Leaf instead. "What? No! Use the Magical Leaf to figure out where they are!" The boys hollered, even as they heard the Bellsprout's vines crack into empty air. It was becoming increasingly evident with time, however, that whatever the Abra had done at the start of the fight was severely weakening Furia, as the grass attacks raining down upon her would start stinging sharper and sharper over time. The quick little Psy pokemon moved in to try and seal the deal with one last powerful Confusion, visibly putting forth all its effort into the attack.




Code by Nano
Put whatever
text you want here
Put the right date here >:c
Snowpoint woohoo
money Ask Fluff

Ron's breathing began to get heavier, but that soft lock he felt thanks to the encore disappeared then and there. A smirk spread on his face as Furia ignited her flames. The fire mouse faced her attacker and just about the confusion went off...


Seido came in like a champ, biting the tail of the yellow psyhic Pokemon. The Abra stopped its attack, turning its back to Furia to turn around, just in time to see the ghost lizard fleeing. Fleeing from...


Abra was hit by the Ember attack coming from behind. Those backshots knocked the yellow Pokemon down as Furia took yet another Magical Leaf. The small fire type turned her attention to where the attack had come from, blasting Ember after Ember towards it. Ron fell to one knee, still smiling but the sweat dripping down his face said otherwise.

Ron gasped for air, feeling he was about to hit the floor when, the energy pulling stopped. He looked up, seeing the smoke slowly fade and Furia standing there, also struggling to breath but her fire burning brightly and the sentiment of pride overtaking her trainer's mind. "Easy." Ron said as he managed to his feet, finally getting a better view of the defeated Pokemon on the field.

The punk didn't wait for results, as the ringing in his ear didn't allow him to enjoy the victory. He ignored Nua's look or comments, he couldn't tell if she said something. He returned Furia to her Poke Ball and walked back to the locker rooms. Once inside, he crashed on the bench, chuckling to himself. "Just give me 5 minutes."

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

Mari wiped her sweaty hands on her pants as she got up - she hadn't realised she'd been gripping the handrails so hard as she watched the battle. Something about watching someone else's battle was so riveting, but watching her own teammates battle... made her stomach lurch in a whole different way. Worry, guilt, admiration, resolve, unwellness, they all roiled in her stomach, mixing into one large poisonous cocktail. Avery fluttered to the floor, just beginning to anxiously preen himself when Mari bolted for the locker rooms after Ron. He resolutely hopped after her, staying just long enough to watch the green flag wave in their favour, and Nua herself didn't seem too worse for the wear. Thank goodness.

The girl took a moment to compose herself before sauntering into the room, masking her concern with a smarmy smile as she looked down at Ron.
"Ay, ye'lukl'aik shite,"
She began, plopping herself down next to him and opening a bottle of water for him.
"Tekker'minit, lemme go heel Furia fur'ya an'wei ken'alk'boot wot'odo nex',"
She moved to pluck her pokeball from his hands, trying to still the tremor in her hands from the adrenaline that still pumped in her veins. The venom that had laced their victory in the first round had begun to wear off, and Mari felt her spirits rise again in preparation of the rest of the tournament. What had happened to the boys before had certainly been unfortunate, brash of them, and it wouldn't happen to them! Right?

Code by Nano
July 8th - Bronze League

Lilypad Town, Sinnoh



Sweat ran down her face, air struggled its way in and out of her lungs, and her stomach felt like a Bouffalant had been using it for tap-dance practice, but Nua's footing was sure and her head was high as she stared unblinking into the smoke. She didn't need it to clear to know the result; the sudden quiet on the battlefield after Furia's onslaught of Embers was enough.

The smoke did clear, though, and a smile split across Nua's serious expression like a crack in an Avalugg's back. Abra and Bellsprout lay defeated, and their trainers stood dejected — but who cared about those losers?! Seido was still soaring, and Furia was still burning bright; they WON!

Pride and glee swelled, and Nua's hand shook as she outstretched it for Seido. Her ghostly partner obliged, speeding over to wrap himself around her and bask in the victory. They did it, they really did it! If it weren't for the growing urge to spill her breakfast, Nua could break out into song and dance at any moment! Forget Ron's Magikarp and the handful of Zigzagoon they'd scrapped with back home, they'd won their first organized battle!

Oh yeah, Ron. "Hey, good—" She turned, beaming ear to ear, but the punk was already leaving without a word. "...work."

Well what the fuck? Was he sick or something? Nua didn't feel great either, but she at least had the decency to try and share a congratulations! Had he never heard of common courtesy?! Decency?!

No, no. He was probably just drained. Nua followed after Ron once the green flag was waved, and ran into their other teammate on her way to the healing counter.

"Maribelle!" Adrenaline still keeping her fired up, Nua grabbed the bumpkin's hands and pulled her into a hug. "Did you see that?! We were great out there!" She broke the hug and stepped back, her hands painting a picture her words could hardly grasp. "The plan was perfect! Furia with the pressure, Seido with the disruption, it went off without a hitch!" ARCEUS she was FUCKIN' GOOD! at putting a strategy together!

"You and I are up next, yeah?" Nua fell in step with her teammate as she rambled on. "Ron can't keep up the heat forever, but we'll keep the streak going all the way up!" Seido tightened his grip around his partner's arm, and through the bond she felt his pride still overflowing into her.

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

Intercepted by Nua just as she was exiting the locker room, leaving Ron's half-dead corpse to rot there, Mari was pleasantly surprised, and more than a little awkward, to be on the receiving end of an enthusiastic hug from Nua. It hadn't been long since the girl joined the party, and there had been more animosity than kind words between her and Ron, but her heart swelled with warmth to know Nua thought of her as a friend, and she returned the favour - tightly. Pulling her into a gleeful squeeze and giving her a little wiggle for good measure, she released the researcher to-be, admiring her teammate from close up for the first time. The girl looked frail, with glassy smooth skin and delicate, thin fingers, but the strength she'd shown in the battle had been misleading from the first impression she'd struck up a mere week ago in the battle against Ron.

The dragon trainer's giddy excitement was infectious, and Mari found herself grinning back at Nua, watching and listening eagerly to her narration of the event, hand gestures included.
"Aye, ay'ssaw, t'weren'KOOL, ve'er'livin'in'igh cawton t'day! An'th'two'f'y'al't'getha too! Tha's'wha'ai'm'tawkin'boot, ther'rilly'ain'na pot'tuh crooked oot'here thatta lid won'fit! 'Ey, common, comwith, ye look 'ard rode an' put'up weyt, let's getcha sumfin cowld't'dreink,"
Linking arms with her partner, they frogmarched to the healing station, putting Furia with the scores of other winners, and Mari took a minute to scan their surroundings for the first time. The tantalizing waft of fresh food drew her to a corner, but she had her heart set on something else...

Ding! As Furia's number beeped, healed and ready to go, Mari scurried back over, arms full of goodies and a smile full of teeth.
She approached with her hand alreayd outstretched, showing off a cute little beverage that covered her entire palm. It was a hollowed out berry, used as the container for a berry cocktail, adorned with a singular tiny straw, and for all the triumphant flourishing Mari did with her outstretched hand, her other was kept busy holding several other beverages of the same kind. Avery and Zorya fluttered around, trying to peck a taste from the ones clutched to her body, leaving the one offered to Nua untouched.
"Chee whiz, they'rilly askin'a'fortoon fer'summin tha's'en'all shooga',"
Mari scrunched her face after a singular sip of the juice, shaking off the sugar rush like a dog and relinquishing her juice to Avery, who was more than happy to down it in one big gulp. Avery and Zorya had been sharing one all this while, but as soon as Zorya caught wind of the little Hoothoot gulping down the new addition to their riches, she hurried on over, their former drink clutched in her jaws.

"Ay, en'aalsoo, theyse!"
The rough-and-tumble girl beamed, holding up two shiny discs, the true goal, the one thought that had nagged and nagged and nagged at her brain all this while.
"'Ere, one'fer Seido,"
Aflush with the joy of sharing, the girl handed over one of the discs to Nua, pressing it in her hand and bringing her own copy up to her face, trying to decipher how the device worked by staring at it long enough. Sure, it caused more than a few bumps against people as she blindly walked back to the locker room, but her juice was unspilled and her walk was uninterrupted and that's all a girl needed, really.
"Oy, RAT bastar', 'ere's yer jooce, an'one'fer Furia too,"
She hollered, pressing one cold berry juice into Ron's splayed out hand and Furia's shiny clean pokeball in the other.

-$600, 6 Berry Juices
-$1,000, 2 TRs [Protect]
Final amount: $850

Code by Nano
Put whatever
text you want here
Put the right date here >:c
Snowpoint woohoo
money Ask Fluff

Ron felt the cool beverage on his hand and most importantly, Furia's Poke Ball. He groaned as he sat up, popping open the drink while his gaze traveled to the deliveryman, Mari. "Thanks." He rubbed the side of his forehead before continuing to drink. "Make sure Nua is in good shape, she won't be going in 100%."

The punk rock enthusiast touched the red and white Poke Ball, allowing Furia to emerge with a loud yawn. The fire mouse sniffed out the drink and pulled it into her chubby paws, popping it open and taking sips from it. "Sheesh Furia, sometimes you look like a nice Cyndaquil." Ron chuckled while barely avoiding a small flame shot at his face. "Well, can't sit here waiting for y'all to win. I'll be out on the bleachers."

Ron stood up and patted Mari on the shoulder. "Kick some ass Mari. Come on Furia, don't wanna miss out on the good spots."

Leaving behind the weight of the tournament on Mari and Nua's hands, Ron and Furia, especially Ron, had a new mission. Fishing. He wasn't looking to get another water Pokemon though, no, it was a different kind of fishing. The punk stepped out into the arena where the next battle would occur. His brown eyes scanning the area until they spotted the one thing he was not expecting. "Well, I found my target. Make me look cool, Furia, come on."

The punk began walking up the bleachers taking a seat next to girl in a very unique but obvious emo goth style, the same girl they had seen earlier. The punk looked ahead as if he wasn't aware of her existence as he felt her eyes on him.

"Hey, we meet again."

Ron turned around, looking a bit surprised. "Oh hey. Well this is a nice surprise. Here to watch the battle?" The punk leaned forward, his eyes still on the goth.

"Yeah. We lost on the first round but I want to see who makes it to the finals. You?"

Ron smirked. "Same."

Code by Nano
July 8th - Bronze League

Lilypad Town, Sinnoh

$3,000 - $500 (Protect TR) = $2,500

Having thanked Maribelle for the gifts with a promise to pay her back, Nua strode into the locker room with berry juice and TR in hand, a freshly-healed Seido coiled around her arm, and — dear Arceus her stomach! She thought she'd be able to hold out, but apparently her constitution wasn't as high as the adrenaline lead her to believe. Once the chemical dumped from her bloodstream....The girl's free hand shot to her mouth, and her eyes frantically scoured the locker room for...where was...there!

The sign for the ladies' room shone like a beacon to heaven, and she BURST! through the door like she was late for the rapture only to nearly plow straight through some poor girl trying to exit. They played the 'I'll go this way, no this way, no that way' game — what a pain in the ass! — until Nua simply brushed past her and beelined for the nearest stall.


Shit, that battle took more out of her than she thought. Nua examined her face while she washed her hands — runny eyeliner and flushed skin, but not too bad. Seido popped up in the mirror, too, taking a break from aimlessly pirouetting to coil himself around her throat.

“I’ll be alright.” Skepticism reached Nua’s psyche through the Sync Bond, but there was…something else to it, too. Like a hint of an underlying flavor in some drink, it was just outside of her reach. Was it warranted? Probably, the battle did drain her fortitude more than any of the training they’d done up to that point. It wouldn’t matter, though.

Nua straightened herself out one last time in the mirror and pivoted to rejoin her team.

It didn’t matter if the first battle was tough. They’d still pull their weight in the second.

Theyd still win.

Code by Nano
Last edited:
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

As she found Nua pushing money into her hands, Mari's feeble resistance was quickly replaced with shock and alarm as the scientist to-be darted in the direction of the bathroom stalls instead of playing the usual 'no no please, there's really no need, ah of course, I insist' game, instead opting to regurtitate every morsel of the breakfast they'd downed a mere hour ago. How time flew. Caught holding her teammates' TR and Berry Juice in hand, she haplessly stared at Nua's rapidly retreating back before making her choice, bolting after the sickly girl and leaving Ron to his own devices.

As they returned to the lockers, Mari supporting Nua's weight and gently encouraging her to take just another sip of the electrolytic Berry Juice, just one more, a bell rang out in the facility, indicating they were up for the next set of battles, which were just about to begin. Casting an alarmed look at Nua, she dropped her on the benches like a hot potato and began fumbling with her original goal in her hands - the TR. Dagnabbit, how did this accursed thing work?

As they strode out onto the battlefield, Mari still walking uncannily close to Nua as they approached their opponents, her eyes wandered around the field, taking it all in. It was startling how different it all looked on the other side, as though it was a foreign feeling every single time. The field felt bigger, the air felt heavier and her legs felt more leaden. Maybe it was residual static in the air, or maybe her hair really was beginning to stand on end, but after her last incident of stepping foot on field, Mari was insistent on having this battle go a whole other way!

She scanned her opponents, up and down; they seemed just about as weary as their team, looked like the continuous gauntlet was treating no one kindly, and about every other beginner trainer was being tested on the ropes with this gruelling challenge. A short, customary handshake, and Mari made sure to squeeze firmly, and the walk back to their positions stretched before them. Her mind was abuzz, is Nua okay? How will the opponents be? Are we ready for this? We gotta earn it this time, the static in the air must be contagious, Aves? Zorya? Probably Zorya, we got one more... so much happened today, this is fun? Am I having fun? Gramps never... And before she knew it, their feet made contact with the white line, in a flash of red light their opponents released their pokemon, and it was off to a rolling start!




Code by Nano
July 8th - Bronze League

Lilypad Town, Sinnoh


Nua took long steady strides alongside Maribelle back to their side of the field after the customary 'Let's have a good match!' handshake in the center, her mind buzzing like a Rimbombee as she pieced together a strategy. Neither team was in great shape, that much was clear, which meant neither could likely support a drawn-out battle. It also meant the winner would likely be decieded by one thing — momentum.

Her boots crossed the white line a hair behind Maribelle's, and she pivoted just in time to for her steel-gray eyes to lock onto the red flashes at the opposite end of the field — PERFECT! A Spheal and...what was that, a Klink? Only a half a second passed between their opponents taking center stage and Nua launching Seido's Poké Ball, and it was more than enough time to figure out how they were going to pull off the win.

"Focus on the Spheal, the blue-thing!" She hissed in a hushed tone to her teammate. "We'll both be faster, hit it hard and we'll make this a 2v1!" Seido's ball curved in a beautiful arc, and he BURST! out in a flash of white light to start the onslaught. A grin spread across Nua's face while her partner pirouetted upwards once, twice...

His eyes locked onto the little blue blob, guided by her focus. So far below, grounded and stuck, yet still the greatest threat to his meal. The energy writhed and poured, envigorating him and spilling into his jaws. He tucked and dove, hurtling down from the heavens and bore down on the Spheal in the blink of an eye — <<BITE!>>

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

Her efforts to mimic Nua's graceful toss of her pokeball failed to come to fruition, and all Mari could manage was a clumsy lob of her pokeball to release Zorya squarely in the field and an equally awkward catch of the pokeball as it returned to her hand. There was a certain pressure that weighed upon her, and it wasn't from the presence of her opponents, nor was it from the sidelong glances she was attracting again from the presence of Zorya on the battlefield. If the little Zubat felt any particular way about the whispers and quiet jeers, she kept it squarely under wraps, drawing fierce glares from Mari to all spectators as though challenging them all to speak up. But there were none, of course, and they had a task at hand to see through.

In a way, Mari's chafed, jealous little heart was assuaged by Nua promptly taking the lead in the battle, whispering instructions to her before sending Seido zipping down the air towards their very rotund challenger. A brief, flaring spike of resistance, and then only a steady determination as they got to work.
'Zorya, you heard her. Get that round thing,'
Sfeel, she called it? Odd name, but she'd seen odder. The Zubat was off in a flit, second in speed only to the swift little spectral dragon, and willed by Mari's unconscious observation, she latched on to the cold round opponent too in a sharp Bite, thrashing against the Spheal as her kind was wont to.

The opposing Pokemon didn't seem too surprised by the development, either jaded by the drain of energy or simply expecting it, and their respective trainers called out their own commands. The Spheal managed an almighty push to detach both assailants from it with a powerful Icy Wind, sweeping away the two pokemon with a bitter chill, and Zorya was promptly served a taste of her own medicine by getting ganged up upon, screeching in pain as a Thundershock descended upon her, getting struck to the ground in a crumbled, sizzling heap. A smell of burnt fur permeated in the air, and Mari winced as she felt the dull ache in her guarded psyche from the critical strikes upon her pokemon. In the span of a few seconds, the battle had thunderously begun, blows were exchanged and now it was Mari on the ropes; she let out a long, slow exhale, gathering her thoughts to call out an order to Zorya, knowing all too well it may be the last one she performed in this battle.

But as she willed her pokemon to move, she felt it; a restricting, binding chain upon their necks, a weight that fought against them and threatened to drag Mari to the floor too, the same as Zorya who lay there floundering in the dust. An electrifying paralysis had settled upon the two of them, a force that confined them to be prisoners in their own bodies, a heavy air too oppressive to be chased away by a simple force of will.
She grunted, swallowing hard as she thrust extra Fortitude into Zorya, willing her to move, please, she needed to get out of there now, she couldn't take a single other hit, and in the Zubat's hopeless little thrashes, she caught a glimpse of a round blue object clasped within the Bat pokemon's maw.
"Nnn-Nua... Zorya... sh'ke'nnt moov..."
She gasped out desperately to her partner, her panic quickly rising as she struggled to wrap her head around the situation. The whispers and slowly growing cheers for the opponent rang endlessly in her ears, creating a deafening din that echoed between her mind and Zorya's.




Code by Nano
July 8th - Bronze League

Lilypad Town, Sinnoh


Racing heart. Freezing cold. The tug, the pull, the drain. Her energy, what was left of it at least, flowing out of her. Being sapped from her. The grin fell from her face, tightening into a grimace. The opening moves of the battle were almost overwhelming — was her leg shaking? Dear Arceus her stomach!

Seido, shuddering from the snow's impact, pulled up and away from the Spheal while Nua gritted her teeth. It wasn't down. It wasn't down, but Zorya was. The Zubat floundered helplessly on the ground, pitifully stirring up dust with each failed attempt at taking off. What was wrong with her? A Zubat, a fucking Zubat, how could she have trus

Her name? Nua's eyes snapped off of the Pokémon for a split second and onto Maribelle. In an instant, the irritation, the vitriol melted away. The girl's face...her eyes...it was like she had no idea what was going on and it was scaring her. Zorya couldn't move, but Maribelle seemed more confused by it than if she'd just been damaged...the Thundershock! "She's paralyzed!" The girl's steel-gray eyes snapped back to the Pokémon. If all that was keeping Zorya down was paralysis, then that was something she could deal with!

"The electricity's lingering in her," Nua hastily explained, staring unblinking as she guided Seido at the same time. "We'll give her a boost!" They needed a moment, all they needed was a moment to pull it off. He tucked into a dive, homing in on his struggling teammate while firing a move off at the same time — <<Infestation>>!

A swarm of insects erupted from the ground, directly beneath...nobody. Instead, a wall of shimmering bugs shot up just in front of Zorya at the same time Seido reached her. Under the cover of the swarm, the Dreepy wrapped his tail around her and pulled up. Even with the Zubat airborne again, supported by Seido, they were rolling against the odds. If Zorya could pull through, then the Spheal would likely fall. If not...

They'd just have to finish it themselves.

Code by Nano
Last edited:
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

So fast. The world was moving so fast, as though threatening to leave the two of them behind, gasping and roiling in the dirt as they fought for air. Her stomach churned, the new word unfamiliar in her mouth, her knuckles white and creaking around the pokeball clutched in her hand - Mari had never felt so utterly helpless before, and thus she had never felt rage like this before. For a girl who knew she had braved the relentless wilderness of a range so remote it had no name in the common tongue and emerged, beaten bloody but head unbowed-- the frustration growled deep within her chest, unquelled, unabated, against the world that sought to harry and humiliate her, reminding her over and over of the many ways she lacked.

But against the redhot roaring flames of her indignation came a gentle lull, the electric yellow haze of the yoke on her neck melting away to a mellow yellow of a springflower of hope. She felt, more than heard, Nua's offered support, and hastily moved to accept and adapt as best as she could to the turning tides. She had only the briefest of moments to respond to Seido's proffers, it was now or never!

She cried, and let the Fortitude flow in a tidal wave.

The air grew heavy with static again, but it was a different energy than the one that had struck them down just moments prior. It was a dense, heavy pressure that descended upon the girl, and yet liberated her from her thorny, electrifying shackles. She felt... everything. It was as though a neural network had been unblocked, and she could sense Zorya. Not in a true sense, not quite in the partnership Gramps had with Jacket, but an open and honest collaboration, as though each others' secrets were laid bare to the other. She felt Zorya flinch from the overwhelming forces flowing into her little Zubat body, and she knew she could see all of it - Mari's anger, her rage, her shame, her confusion. That she fought hard against this world because she had a mission to accomplish, that even she was not free from the nigglings of doubt that every jeer, every mockery of her pokemon that fell upon her ears, that she was just as lost in this system as the Zubat was in this bright world that threatened to blind her. She knew she could feel her shame afresh; that Zorya had to see, to hear all of these sentiments that she'd thought hidden away from her pokemons' sensitive ears.

But for every emotion she let flow into Zorya, she was met with only one, that kept repeating over and over and over. The same response that returned to her from every corner that she gazed. Fear, fear, fear. Not a panicked, frantic fear that she'd seen and felt from Avery, when he'd been lost and confused, but a dull, grinding, endless fear. That all the words were not nearly as well hidden as Mari had thought, that perhaps they were right after all. That perhaps a Zubat, no better than a pest, no greater than a flea stuck in a jar, really couldn't make it all the way. That their friendship would tried over and over and over until it crumbled from the pressure, that her utility would run out, that perhaps the team really would be better off without her, if not today, then perhaps tomorrow. What place did the world have for a blind flea that never learnt to jump out of the jar?

But past all this fear, always, always, came action. And she felt it now; Mari felt it, how through fear, came action. How she rose to the task everyday, anyway. How she was frightened, but chose courage, always. And it was this courage that spurred her to action, again, screeching loudly - through the veil of hesitation, for Zorya did not want to suffer, she did not wish to take that hit once more, but for the sake of the battle, for the sake of her friends - as she mustered every paralyzed muscle in her frail body to knock Seido away from her. It was an excrutiating, hollow pain, she did not want to be alone, she did not want to be alone! From Seido, from Mari! She did not want to be alone!

As the two aerial bodies separated, the attack Zorya sensed crackling in the air descended upon her yet again, like a divine smite of judgement. Mari felt it all. The thunderous uproar of electricity, the smell of ozone in the air, the fierce heat from sizzling ions in the air, the searing, excruciating pain razing over her body. There were no sources of pain like this in the dark, damp cave Zorya came from. And as Mari reeled, eyes tearing up in pain, she watched as Zorya fell to the floor a second time, significantly more singed than the first time, fearing for her life. And still, through the fear, came action, and Zorya took to the wing again, dripping sweet juice from the gaps in her fangs. The Berry Juice?!

And still, she rose. Unfettered, unquelled, Mari felt it, the courage pouring into her body from the small avian before her. The bravery of a bat who never flew higher than her cave ceiling; the courage of a flea who made it out of the jar. She felt it all, spurring Zorya into action as she rose higher and higher into the sky, little body fluttering away, never seeking to fly away from her fear, but to face it and do it all scared, anyway. And then, a single cheep, and Zorya fell, her body bursting into flames as she descended. Like a bullet, she dropped, seeking out her ice-bodied opponent and slammed her little body straight into that of the Spheal full force, knocking the two of them wildly off-course, out of the battle arena, straight into the surrounding walls with a powerful boom and a hard impact. Mari drew a sharp breath, holding it in the long, stunned moment of silence that followed, the confusion and awe that permeated the air. The Klink, left alone to its devices, foolishly charged straight through the blinding wall of insects, snapping its gears shut into thin air in a failed Vise Grip, looking around the arena just as aimlessly as its trainer. And then, a wail from the other side; the dust had cleared, the score was settled. Zorya and the Spheal both lay crumpled in the corner, out for the count. And Mari felt the neural link between them silently close as Zorya feebly cheeped and gave way to unconsciousness.




Code by Nano
July 8th - Bronze League

Lilypad Town, Sinnoh



The world fell away as Zorya CRASHED! and BURNED! into the Spheal. Nua should've been relieved that the little Zubat managed to take their biggest threat out. She should've been worried for Zorya's sake, anxious to see whether she was okay after smashing into the wall, something other than...


Why...why were the people around her capable of so much?! A Magikarp with Dragon Rage, a Zubat with Brave Bird....where were they finding these Pokémon that normally wouldn't get so much as a second look but were so abnormally powerful?! Pokémon that should stick to their little ponds and their little caves, that had no right to try and reach for the sk—


Nua blinked, long and slow, and suddenly the world was back. Her leg was still shaking. Her heart was still racing. Her breaths were getting shorter. Seido was still up, and so was the Klink. What the hell was that? No time to worry about it.


The metallic Pokémon had just BURST! through the Infestation wall, and the call for Zorya and Spheal's defeat had just rung out. Their opponent's confusion wouldn't last long, they needed to take advantage NOW.

Nua and Seido set their sights on the Klink. First thing first, they'd steal some free damage. She felt the increasingly-familiar tug at her fortitude, and Seido put the energy to work. The Infestation wall swirled and writhed and COLLAPSED! down on the Klink, covering it with the swarming insects, and at the same time it started to crackle with electricity.

Here it comes.

<<Thundershock>> CRACKED! and HISSED! through the air, and the electricity burned over Seido as he dove down. The phantom pain washed over Nua — fuck she'd never get used to that feeling. He pulled her energy again, but the tug was...rougher. Sharper. His little jaws glowed black, and he CRASHED! into the Klink!


The anger, the frustration, the vitriol, all of it was taken out on their opponent. Between the Infestation eating away its health and Seido's resistance to electricity, the Klink was outpaced like a Sunkern racing a Blaziken. One exchange...two...three...and finally the Steel-Type crashed down to the ground with Seido still flying high above it. That had to have done it. They'd won.


A whistle was blown, a flag was waved, and a weight fell from Nua's shoulders. Her legs felt like they might give out at any second, her stomach still felt like a herd of Bouffalant had used it for tap dancing practice, and her head was swimming like Ron's Magikarp, but she managed to stay steady. She reached out her hand for her partner, and Seido ZOOMED! over to coil himself around her arm.

"Maribelle," Nua said softly, struggling to catch her breath. There was so much she wanted to say, but she settled on, "We did it!"

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Put the right date here >:c
Snowpoint woohoo
money money monehhh $$$

"That's my team."

Ron leaned back with a cocky smile on his face as he prepared to leave. The sudden extra weight around his arm made him sit back down though. He found himself looking at the female next to him. During the match Ron had a completely different intention, which was the goth girl he had set his sight on earlier. But as the battel started, his attention was more focused on the action than actually getting some action himself.

"You're leaving already?" The girl asked with that malicious look that usually drives men crazy.

Ron felt himself being pulled into the moment but his eyes darted to the field. His mind having a tug o war trying to decided whether he should stay or go. On one hand, this girl had a big grip on him. His instinct wanted to lunge at her and take her away until the sun rose. But on the other, his team. The team that included a bitchy Nua and clueless Mari.

The goth girl could see his internal struggle, carefully grabbing the back of his head and pulling him closer to seal the deal. "I gotta go." Ron stopped her movements and stood up. "Call me later tonight?" He said with a hopeful look that he could bake his cake and eat it too. The goth girl shrugged, letting the punk know that cake was going to be served at another party. With a sigh of defeat, Ron picked up Furia and started walking down the bleachers.

Ron walked into the locker rooms grumbling under his breath while Furia's back shot fumes and flames of anger. The duo stood by, waiting for their partner and waiting to go into battle. He made up his find. If he wasn't going to fuck the goth girl, he would at least fuck somebody up!

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

Releasing her breath in a sharp exhale, Mari turned her frantic, haunted eyes onto Nua, watching with melting horror and growing awe at the delicate choreography she weaved with Seido, watching him dip and weave and bob and swipe at the Klink once, twice, a hundred times over as the chunk of metal tried desperately and failed to keep up with the blitzing fury of the Dragon. Each strike was precise, each move, carefully planned, and it was as though the entire fight was foretold, forewritten; as though at the snap of Nua's fingers, the Klink fell, and the siren blared, declaring it a loud and confident victory for their team, yet again.

Was it luck? Was it all truly skill that kept them going with this unstoppable momentum? Was she contributing to this landfall victory? Mari swallowed hard, unconsciously mimicking Nua's soft smile, sharing equal parts disbelief and celebration in the quiet lull after the storm of the battle.
"A- ay..."
She mustered, weakly, as she felt all these emotions well within her that she was so unequipped to handle. She felt the soft wing of Avery brush against the jumble of her mind.
"Ye... ye did it, Nua!"
She sputtered out, with an increasing fervour and enthusiasm. It simply felt all too real as they said it out loud. They did it. They really did it! They were now well on their way to the finals!

"Ron! Did'ja see tha'?!" She barked as the two of them returned to the waiting rooms, and she held out her hand to take Nua's pokeball from her, intending to make another trip to Nurse Joy and let the girl rest. Despite the Brave Bird taking a massive toll on her, far more than anything she'd spent so far, she felt... fine. Better than the state she'd seen Nua in, for certain. She felt as though she were floating, steps pillowed on clouds; perhaps it was the glee, perhaps it was the fortitude, but she certainly felt giddy enough to break into a sprint and raise her fist to collide against Ron's shoulder in a hard but playful punch, giggling against him madly.
"Man, tha'w's awwsum! Firs'she'did'tha'! 'Enthensh'did'tha'!"
Her arms went flailing wildly, letting the light-headedness take over as she woozily soaked in the moment and gesticulated enthusiastically.

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Put the right date here >:c
Snowpoint woohoo
money money monehhh $$$

Ron just grunted at Mari's playfulness and signaled towards the exit. "Come on, let's win this thing already. If I don't find that goth girl after the tournament..." Ron shook his head, "No, I need to stay positive."

Furia roared, well more like a squeal, puffing smoke and baring her fangs. "No, we're winning this one with style." Ron pulled out the Lure Ball, which got an angrier respond from Furia.

The punk didn't seem to care about the angry Cyndaquil, he was more focused on reaching the battle arena. Eventually the flaming mouse returned to her Poke Ball, assuring Ron wouldn't burn uneccesary energy. As Ron entered the battlefield, his eyes quickly scanned for the tail he was chasing. No sight of her. He greeted his teeth and clenched the Lure Ball in his hand. His back hunched and his arms arcked. He harshly whispered curses as his opponents stepped into the field and the rules were being announced. Then it was time to release their Pokemon.

"Rage!" Ron called out as he tossed the Lure Ball into the air.

The sphere smacked into the ground and out popped the water Pokemon. Magikarp flopped around the field, getting several laughs and giggles from the audience. But Ron, he just anxiously tapped his foot and grew a mischievous smile on his face. They had no idea what was coming.

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

Twisting her face in displeasure, Mari shook her head, beginning to follow the man before starting to a halt.
"Er, ay'll'b'rai'h'r', guttaget Zorya bac't'shayp-"
She coughed out, turning on her heel to bolt to Nurse Joy while she could. She could feel a mild resistance from Avery, one that hinted that he may be chosen to go next, but his hesitation around the decision rivalled her own, and there was a long, uncertain pause in the hallway before Mari resumed her sprint to the healing station.

Returning to the room in the same cheerful sprint, she waved happily to Nua, who had taken a seat already and took her spot beside Ron, clutching her pokeballs tightly. They'd really made it this far - the finals. The finals! Of their first ever tournament! Beyond her wildest dreams! Her team had really hit the ground running and exceeded all hopes so far, despite the unassuming veneer of the surly teammates she was shackled with. Something had clearly gotten Ron's panties in a twist, causing the girl to give him a sidelong glance, but not comment on it any further, letting the punk focus on their adversary. The jeers that met Rage were even more vicious than the ones that had heckled Zorya, and the rough-and-shod girl hesitated to proceed, waiting another long, awkward moment before sending out her Zubat yet again. This time, she wasn't met with ridicule, but a series of hushed, urgent whispers around the arena. Good, so they had grown to respect and fear already! Mari was just about puffing out her chest in pride until she spotted the team the opponents revealed.





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text you want here
Put the right date here >:c
Snowpoint woohoo
money money monehhh $$$

Good, bulky Pokemon. Maybe the Koffing, but there was defintely no way it could take more than two Dragon Rage. Still, they need to guarantee the shot. "Mari, you make sure they don't see us getting ready to attack. Once they lower their guard, I'll destroy em."

"Let's go, Splash!"

The Magikarp stood still for a bit, then began jumping up and down on the same spot. Each jump went a bit higher, sometimes, but nothing special really happened. Ron crossed his arms with his devil smile on his face. He could already hear the others starting to make fun of him and his team. He could even hear some saying it was all a big prank or that Ron simply ran out of Pokemon. The theories buzzing amongst the crowd and probably their opponents, but that's exactly what he needed.

"Just be patient, Rage." Ron could feel the desperation and anger building inside the flopping fish Pokemon, but that was exactly what he was hoping for.

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

The twitters and jeers evolved into full blown laughter and booing as Rage flopped miserably on the field, even as Mari shifted uncomfortably, as though palpably feeling the Fish pokemon's fury crackle in the air. She didn't need Ron's sync connection to the Magikarp to see how agitated the creature was turning, beginning to flop about powerfully with more and more intent.
"Er, Ron, y'shor'ya gawt'heengs unda kawntroul?"
She whispered, even as Zorya worked hard unaided to dodge the Totodile's streams of Water Gun. The other team was clearly in discussion too, suspicious about the strats from their opponents, considering word was already circling the trainerkin of a Zubat with a powerful move up its sleeve. "Alright, Koffing, just like we practiced! Use the one that won't poison Rip!"

Clearly the pointed comment wasn't aimed at them, but even so, it only thickened the tense atmosphere; literally. The Koffing began spewing out roiling clouds of toxic fumes, a Poisonois Gas that permeated the area and seeped towards the two, one blind and the other hapless to their approaching demise.
"Zorya, outta't'er'!"
Mari called, even as her mind worked faster, conveying the same intent but unspoken, with a primal urge, a thought, a feel as to what was expected of her. But even as she did so, she could feel the Zubat's resistance to it. Zorya wasn't disobedient, but she also wasn't unopinionated like Avery was. Hm? Where did that thought come from? But as Mari tussled with the sudden intrusive opinion, she watched as the thick purple fumes, heavy with the stench of refuse and smoke, enveloped Zorya altogether in a vile, toxic embrace.




Code by Nano
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text you want here
July 8th >:c
Lilypad City
1k aprox

Ron clicked his tongue as the Poison Gas caught his Magikarp. It was to be exepcted, the flopping fish didn't have much mobility. Still, the anger began to boil even more within the red karp.

I eat, sleep, bleed
The demons in your dreams
I eat, sleep, bleed

Ron anxiously tapped his fingers on his thigh. He was sitting on a one shot button basically, but he needed to time it correctly. Once he took one down with it, the other would be at a disadvantage. But all he could do was try and lower their guard, let them think they were going to win, convince them to get closer. Once they did...


Rage's eyes could express the desperation that was starting to build inside him, as the poison caused him to cough. That didn't stop him from giving the mother of all splashes. The Magikarp smashed his tail against the ground and flopped into the air. He landed with a thud and repeated the situation once again. The movement was slower and sturdier comapred to his first splash. But that still got a mixed reaction from the crowd. Ron could even hear someone trying to boo them.

The punk just straightened his back and crossed his arms. "Get them Mari, show them how tough we are." His eyes set on the Totodile, waiting for the right moment to pull the trigger, to wipe them out, win and go find that goth girl.

Code by Nano
Lilypad City
art by Mixeli
8th July, Bronze League
Lilypad City
$2,450, 9 pokeballs, 1 premier ball

Mari had to tear her eyes away from the flopping fish coughing with its tongue out like a toddler onto Ron to fully understand his intentions. She followed his gaze onto the Totodile and gave him a curt nod, reaching out to clumsily pat him on the arm. She had to cover for him while he charged up to shoot his shot.... how was she supposed to do that exactly? There was a long pause, as the poisonous gas coiled and slithered across the battlefield, obscuring their side of the field, and the opponents paused too, joining in to extend the long, pregnant silence, until Mari finally decided to call the shots and take the first move.
"Awrai'h', Zor, gittim'wef'y'r'eengs!"
At the command, the Zubat shot out from the curling mists, looking none worse for the wear, and made a swift beeline for the Koffing, looking to strike him with her wings.

As the hit connected and the Poison Gas pokemon recoiled, getting knocked backwards from the frantic fluttering of the little bat, the Totodile turned its offensive upon the enemy who had infiltrated too deep into enemy territory. As the mists in its jaws brewed, ready to condense into a powerful stream, Mari could only convey a single, frantic plea that passed too swift for words. And as though instantly, without a single delay, Zorya received, and understood, and acted. The command was felt, more than told, and she raised her little wings before her and braced against the powerful gush of water that battered her backwards. There it was, she didn't know how it worked, or why, but Zorya knew now how to protect herself from all that might seek to harm her. Whether it be foolhardy to go on the defense or there was simply too much paranoia after the events that transpired before the team, Mari did not care, for her goals were met, and she could rest just a little bit easier knowing her team was safe and sound and certainly would not have to be on the receiving end on what Ron was brewing next.




Code by Nano
Put whatever
text you want here
July 8th >:c
Lilypad City
1k aprox

Ron's eyes could only follow the action going on between Zorya and the other two Pokemon on the field. The rest of him tried to gather all the laughs and boos from the crowd. Those negative feelings pouring in to their team went through Ron and then passed on to Rage. The Magikarp only coughed a bit due to the poison, but he slammed his tail harder each time. Ron could feel the anger inside the flopping fish, building and building, boiling and ready to explode.

Ron could feel his heart beating against his chest, not because he was nervous, but he was excited for the damage they were about to dish out. He knew he would probably end up knocked out after this, but god was it worth it. "Get Zorya out of there and don't let me fall."

Ron stepped closer to Mari and placed his hand on her shoulder, as if getting ready for an impact. He wondered if Nua would let him faint on her chest? He'll have to partner up with her and Rage another time. For now, it was time to win.

"Rage, fuck them up!"

There it was, the command he had been waiting for. Making fun of him, poisoning him and worst of all, they hurt his friend. One big slamm against the floor and Rage flopped into the air, his expression full of anger and his eyes locked on the first victim, Totodile.

Boom! Boom!

Like a shotgun going off, the Dragon Rage was shot one after another by the flying karp towards the bitch ass water croc.

Boom! Boom!

Two more towards the floating covid machine.

Ron kept smiling but his weight began to lean on Mari as he started to feel the energy pull away from him. This was the part where the training had come in handy. Last time, Rage just blasted left and right and nearly killed Ron, but now, the water Pokemon had managed to keep it under control, sort of. Ron smiled as the sound of impact sounded across the field, the explosion was amazing and he could feel Rage, raging for more. But they had to be careful, just in case, they saved two more.

Code by Nano

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