Everypony wants to rule the world
World Map
Main Guide
Character and Pokemon sheets
How do I get started once my character is approved?
What is the post word minimum?
I got a Pokemon! Now what?
As the game advances, will I have the chance to start with more supplies or more advanced Pokemon?
When do Happiness Pokemon evolve?
What levels do Starters begin at?
How do I advance through a Route?
How do Rangers get paid?
Do real animals exist in PokePunk?
Do we eat Pokemon?
What is the policy on foul language?
I can't post regularly.
How long do battles go on for?
Do we have to buy things like food and camping supplies?
So PokePunk is ready. Please ask any question, and I'll answer it as soon as possible!
Main Guide
Character and Pokemon sheets
How do I get started once my character is approved?
What is the post word minimum?
I got a Pokemon! Now what?
As the game advances, will I have the chance to start with more supplies or more advanced Pokemon?
When do Happiness Pokemon evolve?
What levels do Starters begin at?
How do I advance through a Route?
How do Rangers get paid?
Do real animals exist in PokePunk?
Do we eat Pokemon?
What is the policy on foul language?
I can't post regularly.
How long do battles go on for?
Do we have to buy things like food and camping supplies?
So PokePunk is ready. Please ask any question, and I'll answer it as soon as possible!