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One x One Pokemon!

Name: Maria Jackson

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Maria is a fun loving, caring person. She can be quiet at times but she's friendly once she gets used to a person. She is a creature of habit but she does like to have an adventure. She's very loyal to her friends and Pokemon, giving her the advantage of bonding well with her Pokemon. She's not the bravest person but she will do anything if she forces herself to do it. Sometimes she's stingy with her possessions. She'll share with her closest friends and her Pokemon, of course. She'll never leave you behind if something bad happens and is the type of person who would sacrifice herself for those she loves.


Maria comes from just outside of Pallet Town. She's been homeschooled all her life but she has had plenty of social interaction. When she was younger, she would run berries to the stores everything Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. She's not had a very exciting life until a few months ago. On a quick trip into Pallet Town, Maria was given the opportunity to visit Professor Oak in his lab and he decided to give her a pick out of three different starter Pokemon. She happily brought her new friend home along with a Pokedex to record the various types of Pokemon that live near her home. Recently, she's started venturing further into the world and is planning on attempting to gather all the gym badges and face the Elite Four and hopefully the Champion.

Starter Pokemon: Squirtle

First Pokemon Caught: Pidgey


Maria is a fairly tall girl, standing at five foot and nine inches. She has thick long orange hair and bright aqua blue eyes. Her skin is fair with freckles spread across her cheeks and shoulders. She's not thin or fat but is very muscular from working on her parent's farm. She has a scar on the back of her left hand from an accident in the kitchen involving a knife and a can opener. She has a birth mark on her shoulder blade that looks similar to a water drop.
Name: Shane Fera

Gender: Male

Personality: Finds it hard to make friends, so loves playing with pokemon in the viridian forest instead. He won't leave another person behind no matter what the sacrifice, he would do anything to finally be able to have a friend. tries to be brave but struggles often. Doesn't mind sharing or letting people go before him. Very shy.

History: raised in viridian city Shane would often go to the viridian forest to play with the pokemon. When he goes there he see's trainers battling and decides he wants to be just like them and will try to get every single badge and beat the pokemon league. When professor oak noticed this boy during fieldwork he decided to let him get his very own pokemon to start of his adventure. He is now on his way to pewter city for his first badge!

Starter Pokemon: Bulbasaur

First Pokemon Caught: Nidoran Female

Description: hazel eyes, dark black hair, wears a light purple sweater and black gloves, with a white scarf and jean pants.
Ikarus Concrecio

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Very outgoing, friendly and LOVES to make friends. She does, however, get very anxious when she's alone or in a huge crowd of people she dosen't know. She cares for and loves her Pokemon, no matter what. If any of her Pokemon or friends are in danger, she'll immediately attempt to take initiative and try to save them, even if it gets them both in more danger than before. She is rather reckless, though.

History: Ikarus was raised on a farm in Kanto, far off from any cities. At age ten, her mother took her to Vermillion City where Ikarus was dazzled by the sheer amount of houses and people. At age fourteen, Ikarus' mother sold the farm and moved to Vermillion City, where Ikarus pursued her dream of becoming a Pokemon Trainer.

Starter Pokemon: Charmander

First Pokemon Caught: Rattata

Description: Blue eyes, brown hair, freckles, a green turtleneck, jeans and a beanie.

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