Pokemon X and Y Adventure [Inactive]

"Oh, I see now. I thought maybe you were the professor..." She blushed a little at her mistake. Well, he was giving them their pokemon, all the same. She stepped forward to pick (oh, how she wanted Froakie! He was just too cute), but then she remembered that there were others with her. "Oh, right. You guys can go first." She stepped back, her enthusiasm had gotten the best of her. She just crossed her fingers, hoping that Jess and Blake would pick Chespin and Fennekin, leaving the adorable water-type for her.
He smiled down at them.

"It's nice to see that kids like you are interested in making friends with Pokemon." he said, using the term 'kids' despite only being about two or three years older than Bridget in appearance. He was wearing a white dress shirt and blue tie, so it would be easy for someone to mistake him for a scholar or young professor.

"I'm supposed to travel with you, at least until we get to Lumiose. Professor's orders." he said, smiling. "I don't mind. I was hoping to perhaps battle a Gym Leader along the way..."
She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Jess, you go first. You're the one who got us here, after all. Plus, you seem really excited." She giggled, remembering how obsessed Jess had been with the Plusle only moments before. Though, admittedly, it was really cute. "And then Blake should go next, and then me. It all works out perfectly!"
((Sorry, was at Dollywood today))

She excitedly looks between her two new friends and then back at the case smiling at the Pokemon on her shoulder.

'Froakie is just adorable.. And Fennekin has a lot of sass it looks like..' and then her eyes landed on Chespin, who she picked up without a second thought.

"You." She beamed at her very first Pokemon and held him close to her. She noticed a certain strength in the Pokemon and had an instant connection to what seemed like a bright and energetic Pokemon. "I'm going to nickname you Miko." She said ruffling the cute pokemon's head.
She grinned. Everything had worked out perfectly! "Well, I suppose I don't have much of a choice now, since there's only one left..." She took a step forward. "But that's alright, since you're the one I wanted anyways!" She laughed and picked up Froakie. The pokemon was even cuter in person, she had only ever seen pictures of it before now. "I don't really think I'm going to give him a nickname, though. Just because I'm having trouble thinking of one." She looked up at Andre, "Thank you so much! I'm glad you're going to be traveling with us, even if it's not going to be for very long."
Putting Miko on her shoulder, she beamed at the other two, then back at the professor's assistant. "So what do we do now? Train and catch Pokemon?" She asked with a smile
"i would like to get to know yin here a bit first but if you want go ahead i will catch up to you" he said as he petted fennekin.
Bridget frowned a little at that. "Don't you think we should stick together, though? I mean, we're all new and none of us really know what we're doing... wouldn't it be best not to split up so soon?" She knew for sure that she'd be totally lost by herself, so she'd rather be traveling with others than all alone. "Besides, the best way to bond with your new pokemon is to train and fight with them! At least, that's what I've heard."
"Sort of. Our primary goal is to get to Santalune City for now, so we need to head through the forest on the way there. You can train there if you'd like!"
She nodded and ran to catch up with Blake and Andre, motioning for Jess to come too. "So, I've never been to Santalune City! Have you been before?" She inquired to Andre. "I'm so excited to go! Can't wait to get there." Her Froakie had been following along behind her for a bit now. She'd rather have him on her shoulder, she thought, but he didn't seem to totally trust her yet (or even really like her all that much!). Of course that was natural and all, but she did wish that she could be better friends with him sooner! Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.
Blake was trying to feed yin a hondew berry "here, come on you know you want to try it" he said as she ate the berry slowly before yipping happily nearly falling off in the process.
Bridget giggled softly. "I guess your little guy has a taste for bitter things, huh? Where did you get all those berries, anyways? Do you just have a huge stock of them on hand at all times?" She smiled briefly. She was trying to keep conversation light, but she was secretly a little jealous of Blake. How had he managed to bond with his pokemon so quickly when her's wouldn't even come within a foot of her? It was pretty puzzling to her, since she had always considered herself relatively good with pokemon. She heaved a sigh and hoped it'd all work out in the end.
Miko struggled excitedly and ended up on top of Jess's head, ruffling her hair up. Laughing excitedly at the hyper Pokemon she skipped up to bridget and blake with a huge smile. 'Santalune city is really close Bridget' she smiled softly at her 'ill go with you there if you don't want to split right away!"

Miko quipped and climbed back onto her shoulder, looking ahead at the forest. He had a nervous demeanor about him.
Bridget nodded at Jess's suggestion. "Yeah, I'd really appreciate that. I'd hate to go alone, I'd get lost so quickly!" And while she was really grateful for that, she couldn't help but take note of how Jess's pokemon also seemed to adore her right off the bat. Was she doing something wrong? No, Andre would've said something if she had been, right? What was she going to do? Pokemon who didn't like their trainers didn't listen to them, everyone knew that. Well, she'd just have to deal with it for now. She made a mental note to ask Andre for help later though. Her pokemon liking her was top priority, as far as she was concerned!
"Yes I keep about 50 on me at a time. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to get more for a while" he said as he fed yin another berry
She nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm sure you'll be able to buy more soon. There are spots where berry trees grow along the side of the path too, so maybe you could pick some of those! Your pokemon sure seems to like them. It really would be a shame if you ran out." She smiled at him. Maybe she could ask Blake for a berry later and see if her pokemon liked it too. Or, she could even pick one herself if she saw one!
Miko, as curious as ever, "Ches-Pin!" He jumps down and scampers off towards the forest. Jess suddenly takes off after him. "I gotta follow Chespin! Wow! Such an adventure!! Ill be back in a bit!"

((I need to duck out for a bit.))
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