Pokemon X and Y Adventure [Inactive]

"I see! I was a little confused for a moment when you just started talking to me." She laughed. "It's nice to meet you both." She gave a faint smile and a wave to the boy, Blake. She always tried to be nice when she met new people, but he hadn't spoken a word or even offered a handshake. She would try to be kind, but she secretly thought that he was a bit rude. "Well... since we're all here, shouldn't we go to meet the professor?" She began to dig through her bag, looking for her map, but came up empty-handed. "I had a map in here, and an itinerary... but I must have lost it. How inconvenient!" She frowned. "Well, I know we have to head towards the town nearest this one. Aqua-something? Do any of you know the way?"
Jess smiles brightly, "It sounds like a plan!!" She glanced at his map, "you wanna lead on?" She asked the quiet boy excitedly
She gave a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad, at least you have a map. I can't believe I already lost mine!" She mentally reprimanded herself, and made a note to be more organized next time she traveled. They all started walking, and Blake was even so kind enough to offer her a berry. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. She took it and glanced it over. "Y'know, I've never had one of these before. I guess I might as well give it a shot." She gave it a last glance before popping it in her mouth. She chewed it up a bit before swallowing. "It's... different than what I was expecting. It's good, though a little weird!" She hurried to keep up with Jess, who moved through life at a very fast pace, or so it seemed.
"Great! Route one!! Through here should be the town! I'd try to pronounce it, but unfortunately I can't." She giggled and started walking at a slower pace, admiring the trees and the flowers. Growing up in Luminoise City, she never got to see nature like this.
"Ah, so that's what it was called! I couldn't remember." She gave a quick smile. After a bit of walking, however, she was starting to get bored. "Not to be rude, but... can't we pick up the pace? I've already seen all these plants and stuff. I wanna get my pokemon as soon as possible and then go see the big city!" She was just so impatient! The big day had finally come, so couldn't they at least walk a little faster?
"Plauu!" Plusle had cried out upon seeing the three younger people coming down the country road. Its trainer stood, the other rabbit Pokemon tucked safely into his arms.

"So. Here they are..."
Blake noticed a young man standing ahead of them seemingly waiting for someone "i think that's the person we're meant to get our pokemon from. you were right saying we should speed up"
She didn't talk much for the rest of the trip. If they wanted to take their time, then she was outnumbered anyways. She didn't really mind the leisurely pace much anyways. That is, until the town came in sight and Blake mentioned it. She squealed delightedly. "I can see him! He must be the professor!" She could hardly contain her excitement. She was finally about to get a pokemon!
(My notifications were so whacked!! Sorry!)

Jess smiles brightly and eyeing Blake excitedly, she squeals squeezing on his arm. "The professor!!" She then eyed the Plusle and Minun, "OH MY LORDY THEY ARE ADORABLE!" She squeals.
She then excitedly lets go and runs towards Bridgette and the professor yelling back at him "hurry up!" She said ignoring his statement.
She didn't answer Blake, but instead nodded excitedly. She gave a quick smile and then dashed ahead at top speed. As she got closer, she waved frantically, trying to get his attention. "Hello!"
Still obsessing over the plusle and the minun, she pauses to say a quick hi to the professor. "Pokemon are so cute!" She squeals
"Oh, thank you!" The light-haired young man replied. The Minun in his hands had awoken, jumping onto Jess' shoulder.

"I'm not the professor, just his assistant. My name is Andre." he said with a smile, as his Plusle skittered up his pant leg, shirt, and onto his shoulder.

"Here-" he held up the glass case.

"The three Pokemon for you are in here. Fennekin, Froakie and Chespin. Take your picks!" he opened the case.

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