Pokemon! Who's your favorite?

Pidgeot is fave for life that guy is a beast and I don't care what you say.

Totally toppled Elite 4 rematch in HG with mine~

I also like Rayquaza, Absol, Yveltal, Mewtwo, Volcarona, Meowstic, Articuno, and I should probably stop listing them off before I have 50 written here lol.

Favourite game is Black hands down, N is too majestic to hate. Don't deny.
My favorite Pokemon was Swellow, up until gen 6. Now I am obsessed with Helioptile and Heliolisk! (as you can see from my avatar) I absolutely love these Pokemon. (<3)

If anyone ever wants to RP Pokemon, shoot me a message any time! c:
My favorites are Bird Pokémon o^o I always have a Bird leading my team , in first and second gen it's a pidgy , I'm third gen it's a Wingull , the first Gen remakes it pidgey , fourth gen it's Starly , second Gen remake it's Chatot, fifth Gen it's Pidove , Sixth Gen it's Fletchling , and with the 3rd gen remakes I went back to Pidgey x3
All hail...


And as a not so close second, Gengar.

Favourite type: Ghost

Favourite regions: Kanto/Hoenn

Favourite gym leader: Sabrina

Favourite route: Route 113 (dat theme song doe)
Second Gen is the best for me, as that's when I really started getting into the game and appreciated the battle system there, instead of brute forcing my way to victory. That being said, my favorite all time starter in the series belongs to this generation, and is the only fire starter to not gain a dual typing as it evolves. The Cyndaquil tree is easily my favorite of all pokemon, and Typhlosion has gotten me out of more jams than I can count.

But starters are cheating, seeing as you immediately grow a bond with them since they're your first pokemon. For one you have to catch yourself, gotta go with the Ralts line. Nothing makes me happier than to see my Gardevoir/Gallade tag team smash through everything with their mix of physical and special attacks. Their designs also just get me in the good places, especially their mega evolutions. Gallade and his arm blades, plus a cape? Hell yeah. Gardevoir in a dress? Beautiful. Shiny Gardevoir and her black dress? Exquisite. I only wish Mega Gallade got the same coloring to match.
A very tricky decision... I might go with Cyndaquil, Gyardos and Eevee.


Simply because of how kawaii she looks.


My first evfer shiny. Everyone gets him but I was excited when I did!


My first ever starter! Or that I can remember. I picked him up in Heart Gold. I eventually evolved him into a beauty of a Typloshion, Insta KO'ing everything in it's path with Lava Plume!
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Hmm my top ten pokemon just as far as looks design is probably as follows. But if we are talking about battle purposes it would be completely different. Not included in this list is Eevee and its' eevolutions, however, everybody loves eevee so I left it out. It is kinda hard to decide with so many more new pokemon, but these are the ones that really come to mind.

1. Arcanine


2. Ninetails


3. Aggron


4. Wailord




6. Tyrantrum


7. Dragonite


8. Pikachu


9. Volcarona


10. Mareep


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Ditto. It's all of them. (Just kidding)

My favorite Pokemon would probably have to be Sableye. It used to have no weaknesses, until fairy came along. I still think that it can be pretty useful, if trained right. Prankster is definitely a nice bonus. Also, it's immune to three types, which is great.
Dragonair is my ABSOLUTE favorite in terms of grace. I love Pichu due to its sheer adorableness! Charizard is a longtime love, along with Salamence. I have so many favorites tbh, it kinda depends on the gen and why I like them (i.e. for how cute they are, their strength, in general badassery... etc). Pokemon in general are just cool.
Top five, because I hate decision-making

(Also, don't get your waifus in a twist with my decisions. I love these for mostly my memories- such as Meganium being the final evolution of my first ever Pokemon)

5: Lugia


4. Serperior


3. Ampharos


2: Goodra


1: Meganium

Currently I'm Nuzlocking Yellow on my 3DS, so I'm back to the new kid favorite, I really love my Pikachu his name is X (as in Malcolm, I'm a history nerd <.< )

Only level 14 right now, since I'm preparing my team for Brock, and I might need him to take a hit or two but he can't do any damage.
I just love eeveelutions so much. Espeon and Umbreon have always been my favorite. Then again it's probably also major childhood bias since Colosseum was my first Pokémon game... and the first game I ever wanted. It's just SO GOOD Dx... Though, I will admit that I like the gameplay and atmosphere of Pokémon xD better. I like the story of Colosseum more q.q.

Also, Ampharos... I love Ampharos... and Spheal... But Espeon and Umbreon are still better imo :P
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Welp If it wasn't clear with my Avatar my favorite Pokemon would have to be Feebas! (Aww you know it's Lucario all the way, always thought of mine as just my partner...sorry Turtwig, Snivy and Chespin....)


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