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Fandom Pokemon to be a legend: character sheets



The dragonslayer….And your bestest friend!
Roleplay Type(s)
Literature Text

Name: (What's their name? just a first name will work, there's many characters in the pokemon world with no known last name.)

Nicknames: (Do they have any nicknames? if so who gave it to them?)

Age: (How old are they?)

Birthday: (When's their birthday?)

Gender: (Are they a Boy or a Girl?)

Hair Color: (What color is their hair?)

Eye Color: (What color are their eyes?)

Height: (How tall are they?)

Weight: (How much do they weigh?)

Looks: (What do they look like? anything from how their hair is styled and what their facial features are to what clothes they wear as well as any alternate outfits they have should be described, if you have a drawing of your OC then you can use that instead of this.)

Personality: (What are they like? make sure not to use single words, how someone behaves isn't as simple as just being "kind" or "mean" so give a description of their personality! it doesn't have to be long, just enough to give people a good idea of how your OC acts.)

Dream: (Everyone needs something to strive for, what's your OC's main goal in life?)

Hobbies: (Drawing, Writing, Hiking, Cooking, Playing Video Games, we all have something we enjoy doing in our free time, is there anything your OC particularly likes doing?)

Occupation: (What do they do? are they a Student? a Trainer? a Pokemon Ranger? maybe something else?)
Region: (Which region are they from? if they're originally from a different region then the one they're currently in then list both and mark the one they're in.)

Hometown: (What town are they from? like with the Region section, if your OC originates from a different region then the one they're in list both and mark the one they currently call home.)

Parent(s): (Who are their parent(s) and what is their relationship with them like?)

Sibling(s): (Do they have any siblings? if so who are they and what is their relationship with them like?)

Relative(s): (Do they have any other relatives? if so who are they and what is their relationship with them like? people like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all fit into this catagory.)

Friend(s): (Do they have any friends? if so who are they and what is their relationship with them like?)
Romantic Interest(s): (Do they have a romantic interest? maybe a crush?)

Other(s): (Is there anyone else important to them that doesn't fall into any of the previous sections? like mentors or acquaintances.)

{Trainer Info}

Key Items: (Any items that have significance to them that they always have? things like the Pokedex, Bicycle, a Fishing Rod, Poffin Case or Pokeblock Case, Xtransceiver or Poketch, and a Map of the region they're in all count but you can also add other items that aren't found in the games like say a picture of a close friend or family member or a good luck charm.)

Badges Obtained: (How many badges have they obtained and which?)
Island Trials Completed: (If they've taken the Island Trials of Alola on, which ones have they completed?)
Ribbons Won: (If they partake in contests, which ribbons have they won and with which of their Pokemon?)

Starter: (Which Pokemon was their very first? it doesn't have to be one of the starters of their region, it can be most any Pokemon.)

On Hand: (

(What's their personal history? did they live a normal life or have some troubles along the way? anything from their birth to their present should be detailed as much as needed for your OC.)

(Any extra facts or tidbits about your OC that don't apply elsewhere in the bio? here's where you put them! if you don't want to do this part then you can always delete it of course, it's just optional stuff.)
Literature Text

Name: Timothy

Nicknames: None

Age: None

Birthday: Jan 1st

Gender: Boy

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: jade

Height: 5’4

Weight: 85 pounds


Personality: A nervous Boy with helpful capabilities and a kindness.

Dream: To get enough money so his parents can live a fulfilling life. To become champion.

Hobbies: Cooking, doing chores.

Occupation: Trainer

Hometown: Hayono town. (Outskirts of galar)

Parent(s): Jet and Liza. They have a strong bond.

Sibling(s): None


Ability: rock head (increases bone and muscle density, allowing him to take and give more attacks but leaves him unbalanced and gives him darker fur)

Moves:Quick attack, Crush claw(egg move,unmastered),bite, howl, Rock throw(still learning)

On Hand:

As a child his parents made the wrong investment, leading to them becoming poor. He never went to school and was homeschooled to save costs. Now at age 12, and still not a trainer because of money, He feels embarrassed about his financial situation and quickly accepts money.

(Any extra facts or tidbits about your OC that don't apply elsewhere in the bio? here's where you put them! if you don't want to do this part then you can always delete it of course, it's just optional stuff.)

Edit: shut up I can’t draw and i just used AI
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  • Name: Ruby
    Nicknames: none so far
    Age: 20
    Birthday: May 28th
    Gender: Female
    Hair Color: Light blonde
    Eye Color: Sapphire blue
    Height: 175 cm
    Weight: 65 kg

    Generally quiet, but used to chaos due to having three siblings, she cares for her pokemon a lot and when possible like spoiling them. She's a bit of an introvert too, but will open her mouth when needed, she comes of as blunt due to her habit to just tell the truth.

    To one day finish the island challenges and return home to Galar to become champion

    Playing video games
    Drawing (mostly her pokemon)
    Playing with her pokemon
    Taking long walks

    Occupation: Wandering trainer, while basically having been to a lot of places she explores regions they come from rather then staying on the boat or in one of the parks.

    Region: Galar, though the exact location is hard to pin down since they were on their ship.

    Hometown: Unknown
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Literature Text

Name: Pierce Lape(L-ape)

Nicknames: Indigo, given to him by his father, for loving all things Indigo.

Age: Fourteen

Birthday: April 17th, 2009.

Gender: Boy

Hair Color: Indigo!(Dyed)

Eye Color: Indigo(Contacts, without it's brown)

Height: 5'5

Weight: 96 Pounds.

Looks: pixai-1713591531319351200-1.png

Personality: Indigo is a speechless person, and never talks to anyone unless he has to. When he does talk to someone, however, he gets a dialogue option in order to communicate. He does not talk in any language, and yet everyone understands him. Indigo is a brave and friendly boy, and always makes eye contact with other trainers, which results in him getting into constant Pokemon Battles.

Dream: To gather all water-type Pokemon and be the new Hoenn Water-Type Gym Leader.

Hobbies: Painting PokeBalls blue,

Occupation: Pokemon Trainer.

Region: Born and currently in Hoenn.

Hometown: Verdanturf.

Issac - Father.
Marie - Mother.

Nick - Brother(Friend, gathers all types)
Angelo("Angie") - Brother(Rival, prefers Fire Type Pokemon)
Sierra - Sister(Rival, prefers Nature Pokemon)

Grandparents - Thomas(Gave Indigo his first Pokemon), Rose(Former Psychic Gym Leader).

Friend(s): Ophelia(Main Rival/Frienemy, tends to somehow know where Indigo is every time.), "Purple"(Wants all the gym leader badges.)

Romantic Interest(s): None.

Other(s): Brendan - Idol.

{Trainer Info}

Key Items: The usual Pokemon Trainer inventory, x20 Potions, x1 EXP Share, x10 Pokeballs, x 7 Ultraballs.

Badges Obtained: None.

Island Trials Completed: None.

Ribbons Won: None.

Starter: Froakie.

On Hand: Pokeball(Painted Blue, has Froakie inside.)

Indigo had an average early childhood and was a fast learner, his grades were usually B+ or C. Watching Ruby(Otherwise known as Brendan) on TV inspired him to become a Pokemon Trainer himself. Once he had told his grandparents who he currently lived with, they were eager to get him started. After selecting Froakie, he instantly gained Froakie's trust and many other Pokemon. Ever since that day, he decided that he would be a great Pokemon Trainer. This begins Indigo's journey to become the Water Gym leader.

Indigo tends to show more affection to Froakie. He always heads home after a week, and sometimes checks up on his parents, and spars with his relatives. Due to his current location, Indigo's Pokemon are level twenty and up.
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Literature Text

Name: Pierce Lape(L-ape)

Nicknames: Indigo, given to him by his father, for loving all things Indigo.

Age: Fourteen

Birthday: April 17th, 2009.

Gender: Boy

Hair Color: Indigo!(Dyed)

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'5

Weight: 96 Pounds.

Looks: View attachment 1143680

Personality: Indigo is a speechless person, and never talks to anyone unless he has to. When he does talk to someone, however, he gets a dialogue option in order to communicate. He does not talk in any language, and yet everyone understands him. Indigo is a brave and friendly boy, and always makes eye contact with other trainers, which results in him getting into constant Pokemon Battles.

Dream: To gather all water-type Pokemon and be the new Hoenn Water-Type Gym Leader.

Hobbies: Painting PokeBalls blue,

Occupation: Pokemon Trainer.

Region: Born and currently in Hoenn.

Hometown: Verdanturf.

Issac - Father.
Marie - Mother.

Nick - Brother(Friend, gathers all types)
Angelo("Angie") - Brother(Rival, prefers Fire Type Pokemon)
Sierra - Sister(Rival, prefers Nature Pokemon)

Grandparents - Thomas(Gave Indigo his first Pokemon), Rose(Former Psychic Gym Leader).

Friend(s): Ophelia(Main Rival/Frienemy, tends to somehow know where Indigo is every time.), "Purple"(Wants all the gym leader badges.)

Romantic Interest(s): None.

Other(s): Brendan - Idol.

{Trainer Info}

Key Items: The usual Pokemon Trainer inventory, x20 Potions, x1 EXP Share, x10 Pokeballs, x 7 Ultraballs.

Badges Obtained: None.

Island Trials Completed: None.

Ribbons Won: None.

Starter: Froakie.

On Hand: Pokeball(Painted Blue, has Froakie inside.)

Indigo had an average early childhood and was a fast learner, his grades were usually B+ or C. Watching Ruby(Otherwise known as Brendan) on TV inspired him to become a Pokemon Trainer himself. Once he had told his grandparents who he currently lived with, they were eager to get him started. After selecting Froakie, he instantly gained Froakie's trust and many other Pokemon. Ever since that day, he decided that he would be a great Pokemon Trainer. This begins Indigo's journey to become the Water Gym leader.

Indigo tends to show more affection to Froakie. He always heads home after a week, and sometimes checks up on his parents, and spars with his relatives. Due to his current location, Indigo's Pokemon are level twenty and up.
APPROVED: though about the dialogue thing. the game is more anime inspired but if you’d like your character to track levels. I have an idea. You could make him lIke a psychic and he broadcasts his thoughts
Literature Text

Name: Alexander Tempest

Nicknames: Alex, it's simpler

Age: 22

Birthday: March 31

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Mixed bag of Black, Grey, and White strands

Eye Color: White and pupiless

Height: 6'

Weight: 180 lbs

Looks: Typically keeps his hair tied back. Has a condition called Stahl's ear that collapsed the supportive cartilage on both of his ears, making them appear more elvish. He never got the surgery to correct them.
Alexander Tempest screenshot.png

Personality: Can come off as cold and unfeeling to people who just met him. In reality, he just likes to keep to himself... Usually.

Dream: To see the world with his own eyes.

Hobbies: Hiking and vocal mimicry

Occupation: Trainer
Region: Sinnoh

Hometown: Celestic Town, Sinnoh

Parent(s): (Who are their parent(s) and what is their relationship with them like?)

Sibling: Leona Tempest, she's his younger sister. The two of them have a decent relationship with a touch of sibling rivalry.

Relative(s): (Do they have any other relatives? if so who are they and what is their relationship with them like? people like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all fit into this category.)

Friend(s): (Do they have any friends? if so who are they and what is their relationship with them like?)
Romantic Interest(s): (Do they have a romantic interest? maybe a crush?)

Other(s): (Is there anyone else important to them that doesn't fall into any of the previous sections? like mentors or acquaintances.)

{Trainer Info}

Key Items: Pokedex, Mega Stone Pendant, raw Gardevoirite and Lucarionite, Pokemon Grooming kit

Badges Obtained: All 8 Sinnoh League badges
Island Trials Completed: 0
Ribbons Won: 0

Starter: Ralts named Gwen

On Hand:
1. Gardevoir (F)
Nickname: Gwen
Ability: Trace
Attacks: Shadow Ball, Moon Blast, Psychic, Thunderbolt
2. Lucario (F)
Nickname: Aria
Ability: Justified
Attacks: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Shadow Claw

(This part won't be in paragraph form. Just a little heads up.)
• Born physically blind
• His first Pokemon, Gwen, was gifted to him by his parents
• Aria was an injured Riolu when Alex first met her, nursing her back to health with Gwen's help
• Accidentally discovered his ability to detect Aura
• Can read Brail
• Decided to try his hand at the Gym challenge despite his parents' protests
• Despite only having 2 Pokemon during his journey, Alex was somehow able to obtain all 8 badges.
• Didn't make it past the second round of the Sinnoh League competition

• Has developed echolocation involving clicking to help in navigation
• Sensitive to Aura, minor manipulation
• Doesn't actually need his hiking staff, it just gives him a little extra insurance

Ok, I know I have more to add, but here's what I have so far.
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Ok in this world it is more realistic so wild Pokémon attacks are common. It also means that people don’t usually take turns in battles,keep track of Pokémon levels, or run around i grass to find a Pokémon. It also means that Pokémon abilities are different So are moves. i am going to make it so the Pokémon abilities you see in the Pokédex are the most common ones. Im also going to make it so you have a normal ability and a hidden ability so 2 abilities but that’s only for fully evolved Pokémon if you worked extremely hard to unlock their hidden ability. Moves have to be learned and mastered. SO your Pokémon doesn’t just sit there and hit caterpies until it learns quick attack. And evolutions. An evolution in the middle of battle doesn’t mean an insta win. Most Pokémon after evolving become Much more tired, the only thing keeping them going being adrenaline/new hormones. This excludes bug types because they grow fast in a short amount of time (i.e butter free ad bee drill evolving at lvl 10) and as such are instinctually accustomed to their new forms
Literature Text

Name: Alexander Tempest

Nicknames: (Do they have any nicknames? if so who gave it to them?)

Age: 22

Birthday: (When's their birthday?)

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Mixed bag of Black, Grey, and White strands

Eye Color: White and pupiless

Height: 6'

Weight: 180 lbs

Looks: Typically keeps his hair tied back. Has a condition called Stahl's ear that collapsed the supportive cartilage on both of his ears, making them appear more elvish. He never got the surgery to correct them.
View attachment 1143597

Personality: Can come off as cold and unfeeling to people who just met him. In reality, he just likes to keep to himself... Usually.

Dream: (Everyone needs something to strive for, what's your OC's main goal in life?)

Hobbies: (Drawing, Writing, Hiking, Cooking, Playing Video Games, we all have something we enjoy doing in our free time, is there anything your OC particularly likes doing?)

Occupation: Trainer
Region: Sinnoh

Hometown: Celestic Town, Sinnoh

Parent(s): (Who are their parent(s) and what is their relationship with them like?)

Sibling: Leona Tempest, she's his younger sister. The two of them have a decent relationship with a touch of sibling rivalry.

Relative(s): (Do they have any other relatives? if so who are they and what is their relationship with them like? people like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all fit into this catagory.)

Friend(s): (Do they have any friends? if so who are they and what is their relationship with them like?)
Romantic Interest(s): (Do they have a romantic interest? maybe a crush?)

Other(s): (Is there anyone else important to them that doesn't fall into any of the previous sections? like mentors or acquaintances.)

{Trainer Info}

Key Items: Pokedex, Mega Stone Pendant, raw Gardevoirite and Lucarionite, Pokemon Grooming kit

Badges Obtained: All 8 Sinnoh League badges
Island Trials Completed: 0
Ribbons Won: 0

Starter: Ralts named Gwen

On Hand:
1. Gardevoir (F)
Nickname: Gwen
Ability: Trace
Attacks: Shadow Ball, Moon Blast, Psychic, Thunderbolt
2. Lucario (F)
Nickname: Aria
Ability: Justified
Attacks: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Shadow Claw

(What's their personal history? did they live a normal life or have some troubles along the way? anything from their birth to their present should be detailed as much as needed for your OC.)

(Any extra facts or tidbits about your OC that don't apply elsewhere in the bio? here's where you put them! if you don't want to do this part then you can always delete it of course, it's just optional stuff.)

Ok, I know I have more to add, but here's what I have so far.
I like the idea of raw mega stones ngl just friggin meteorite chunks
Done with my character, kinda wished I could have her bring all her Eeveelutions, but meh
Literature Text

Name: Timothy

Nicknames: None

Age: None

Birthday: Jan 1st

Gender: Boy

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: jade

Height: 5’4

Weight: 85 pounds


Personality: A nervous Boy with helpful capabilities and a kindness.

Dream: To get enough money so his parents can live a fulfilling life. To become champion.

Hobbies: Cooking, doing chores.

Occupation: Trainer


Parent(s): Jet and Liza. They have a strong bond.

Sibling(s): None


Ability: rock head (increases bone and muscle density, allowing him to take and give more attacks but leaves him unbalanced and gives him darker fur)

Moves:Quick attack, Crush claw(egg move,unmastered),bite, howl, Rock throw(still learning)

On Hand:

As a child his parents made the wrong investment, leading to them becoming poor. He never went to school and was homeschooled to save costs. Now at age 12, and still not a trainer because of money, He feels embarrassed about his financial situation and quickly accepts money.

(Any extra facts or tidbits about your OC that don't apply elsewhere in the bio? here's where you put them! if you don't want to do this part then you can always delete it of course, it's just optional stuff.)

Edit: shut up I can’t draw and i just used AI


Name: Ruby
Nicknames: none so far
Age: 20
Birthday: May 28th
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Light blonde
Eye Color: Sapphire blue
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 65 kg
View attachment 1143750View attachment 1143751

Generally quiet, but used to chaos due to having three siblings, she cares for her pokemon a lot and when possible like spoiling them. She's a bit of an introvert too, but will open her mouth when needed, she comes of as blunt due to her habit to just tell the truth.

To one day finish the island challenges and return home to Galar to become champion

Hobbies: (Drawing, Writing, Hiking, Cooking, Playing Video Games, we all have something we enjoy doing in our free time, is there anything your OC particularly likes doing?)

Occupation: Wandering trainer, while basically having been to a lot of places she explores regions they come from rather then staying on the boat or in one of the parks.

Region: Galar, though the exact location is hard to pin down since they were on their ship.

Hometown: Unknown

Adrian (father, owns several parks where they help and eventually release injured pokemon)
Estelle (mother, owns a sailing company that ferries people from one region to another)

Sapphire (oldest sister, 25, nurse in training at the pokecenter aboard their ship)
Amathyst (second oldest sister, 23, incredible cook for both humans and pokemon)
Emerald (younger sister, 17, currently helping their father)

They have no contact with other relatives

Friend(s): None known friends
Romantic Interest(s): Nope

Other(s): None

{Trainer Info}

Key Items:
Mega stone bracelet, though lacking any megastone right now.
Dynamax band, a gift from her father
Medical kit, for humans and pokemons
Rotomphone with a shiny Zorua case
Calming sedatives, to calm down wild & angry pokemon so she can help them
Potions and revives

Badges Obtained: All Galar Badges
Island Trials Completed: Half of them, had to stop after that cause she was leaving
Ribbons Won: None

Starter: Shiny Zorua, she wanted an Eevee, but her sister Emerald might've strangled her in she did.

On Hand:
Eevee, female, confident personality, wears an everstone necklace
Umbreon, female, kind personality, wears a sun pendant
Espeon, female, hasty personality, wears a moon pendant
Flareon, female, lazy personality
Glaceon, female, proud personality
Jolteon, female, hyperactive personality

Living and growing up on a ship certainly wasn't ideal when there are four kids running around, but they made it work. Ruby was always fascinated with how Eevee worked, and with how adorable it is, and decided to get one when she could. However in the main park it was the choice between an Eevee and a shiny Zorua, as the two could not be released back into the wild, she choose the Zorua because Emerald was pouting and looking at the Eevee as if she would do anything to get it.

Eventually Ruby got her first Eevee from an egg and she was excited, she quickly gathered more of them to her all possible evolutions, she succeeded, much to the annoyance of her mother, who didn't want so many pokemon running around the ship, but she relented and let it go after a while.

Now, after completing the journey in Galar and doing half the island challenges in Alola she wanders wherever they go, hoping to one day return and finish what she started.

Due to an accident that resulted in four Eevee eggs Ruby and Emerald decided to each take one gender, Ruby has the female Eevees, Emerald the males.
Woah this is really good! Approved!
APPROVED: though about the dialogue thing. the game is more anime inspired but if you’d like your character to track levels. I have an idea. You could make him lIke a psychic and he broadcasts his thoughts
Aw I wanted to make him unique
But if you insist I'll do it (:
Literature Text

Name: Pierce Lape(L-ape)

Nicknames: Indigo, given to him by his father, for loving all things Indigo.

Age: Fourteen

Birthday: April 17th, 2009.

Gender: Boy

Hair Color: Indigo!(Dyed)

Eye Color: Indigo(Contacts, without it's brown)

Height: 5'5

Weight: 96 Pounds.

Looks: View attachment 1143680

Personality: Indigo is a speechless person, and never talks to anyone unless he has to. When he does talk to someone, however, he gets a dialogue option in order to communicate. He does not talk in any language, and yet everyone understands him. Indigo is a brave and friendly boy, and always makes eye contact with other trainers, which results in him getting into constant Pokemon Battles.

Dream: To gather all water-type Pokemon and be the new Hoenn Water-Type Gym Leader.

Hobbies: Painting PokeBalls blue,

Occupation: Pokemon Trainer.

Region: Born and currently in Hoenn.

Hometown: Verdanturf.

Issac - Father.
Marie - Mother.

Nick - Brother(Friend, gathers all types)
Angelo("Angie") - Brother(Rival, prefers Fire Type Pokemon)
Sierra - Sister(Rival, prefers Nature Pokemon)

Grandparents - Thomas(Gave Indigo his first Pokemon), Rose(Former Psychic Gym Leader).

Friend(s): Ophelia(Main Rival/Frienemy, tends to somehow know where Indigo is every time.), "Purple"(Wants all the gym leader badges.)

Romantic Interest(s): None.

Other(s): Brendan - Idol.

{Trainer Info}

Key Items: The usual Pokemon Trainer inventory, x20 Potions, x1 EXP Share, x10 Pokeballs, x 7 Ultraballs.

Badges Obtained: None.

Island Trials Completed: None.

Ribbons Won: None.

Starter: Froakie.

On Hand: Pokeball(Painted Blue, has Froakie inside.)

Indigo had an average early childhood and was a fast learner, his grades were usually B+ or C. Watching Ruby(Otherwise known as Brendan) on TV inspired him to become a Pokemon Trainer himself. Once he had told his grandparents who he currently lived with, they were eager to get him started. After selecting Froakie, he instantly gained Froakie's trust and many other Pokemon. Ever since that day, he decided that he would be a great Pokemon Trainer. This begins Indigo's journey to become the Water Gym leader.

Indigo tends to show more affection to Froakie. He always heads home after a week, and sometimes checks up on his parents, and spars with his relatives. Due to his current location, Indigo's Pokemon are level twenty and up.
It was a long and very heated delegation and we were even about to put up our fists and fight but we eventually we came into a agreement
Literature Text

Name: Bruce

Nicknames: None yet

Age: 19

Birthday: March 4th

Gender: Boy

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 6’2

Weight: 209 lbs

Looks: His hair is short in a bed head like style, wears a Navy Blue hoodie he leaves unzipped with gray t-shirt with Camo cargo pants and blacks tennis shoes. Has a stocky build from his years working in the mine. Typically seen with a lazy smile on his face.

Personality: Bruce is very relaxed usually not worrying to much and rolling with whatever comes. This all changes when he battles against another trainer or a particularly strong wild Pokémon he becomes extremely fired up.

Dream: Bruce’s dream is to train to become a Pokémon Champion. He also wants to travel the world.

Hobbies: Video games, listening to music, and fishing.

Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, previously a miner
Region: Unova

Hometown: Driftveil City

Parent(s): Derik (Father): A kind man who try’s to care for his children despite his wife’s passing. He has a very good relationship with both his children.
Katrina (Mother): Passed away when Brice was 3, she had a good relationship with Bruce.

Sibling(s): Rebecca 16 (Younger Sister): They have a very good relationship though she does get annoyed by her older brothers relaxed personality. (She has never seen him battle.)

Relative(s): None

Friend(s): Ben 18 (best friend): Ben has been friends with Bruce since they were toddlers he is much more of a go getter than Bruce is. Has a good relationship with Bruce.

Romantic Interest(s): None yet

Other(s): Clay (Ex Boss): They didn’t really interact much so neutral relationship

{Trainer Info}

Key Items: Unova style Pokedex, a Fishing Rod, Xtransceiver, a Map of the Unova region, a picture of his family, and a picture of his late mother.

Badges Obtained: None yet

Starter: Timburr (M)
Ability: Guts: When inflicted with a status ailment drastically increase physical attack will ignoring affects from the status that would lower physical attack.

Moves: Pound, Leer, Low Kick, Rick Throw, Focus Energy, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Drain Punch(Learning), Mach punch(Egg Move), Detect(Egg Move).

On Hand: ( Deino (F)
Ability: Hustle: Physical Moves used have increased power but also an increased chance to miss.
Moves: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite, Headbutt(learning), Draco Meteor(learning), Earth Power(egg move)

Bruce grew up in Driftveil City with his little sister and dad, his mother passed away while giving birth to his sister. Things were pretty normal for Bruce other than the fact he didn’t decide to go on a Pokémon journey like the other kids including his friend Ben when he turned ten instead going to help his dad in the mines, he was allowed to do this because his dad had given him a Timburr as a birthday present. When his younger sister turned 10 she left on her own Pokemon Journey and sent him home a Deino she caught on her journey as a gift. On his 19th birthday Bruce decided that he wanted to give being a trainer a shot, besides he always wanted to see the world and this would be a great opportunity so he decided to start off in his home region.
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