Your Lovable Jackass GM
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- Dice
Trainer Battles
(Keith vs Ashley)
The nerd cackled at his opponent's comments.
"Hehehe, see, no one appreciates my genius. For your information, Zubat can't learn tackle! It's bones are too brittle, so it uses it's powerful jaws, wings, and supersonic pitches to confuse an opponent! And leech life is sooo overrated. My zubat has lovingly been raised from an egg with every strategy perfectly memorized! I keep it on a strict diet to maximize success! genius-that-will-capture-Regigigas! For my training includes-"
At this point, Zubat flew over to Ghastly giving its best shrug while their trainers argued rather than battled. Keith continued as Zubat flew over to the tree and offered Ghastly a berry.
After a second, Keith managed to bring the conversation back.
"-And thus my EV's are hypothetically already maxed out in speed! And for the matter of my Zubat having nothing to hit a ghost-poison type, that's where your wrong, Zubat, astonish! A ghost type move!"
Zubat shook itself for a minute as it realized the battle was starting. Hiding it's face under it's wings, it shot them open, a menacing aura flying out to strike the Ghastly.
(*Side note, this guy's actually an idiot, and EV's I'm going to say are purely hypothetical in this RP)
(Kevin vs Lena)
At the growl, the Rattata stopped in its tracks, growling in fear a bit as it looked up to Starling.
"Rattata, what are you doing? Its a pigeon! Rats eat pigeons! Come on, what sort of pack did you come from?"
Rattata shook its head, and gnashed its teeth gain, showing it was ready, though it still looked weary of the starling. It's trainer, Kevin, clenched his fist.
"I keep telling people you're the top percent of Rattata's, show'em why Kevin's right! Again, Quick Attack! Use the birdhunter formation we talked about!"
Rattata launched forwards again at impressive speed, but it ignored the Starly, instead going straight for the tree, running into it at full speed. Pressing off against it, it leapt at Starly in the air, trying to hit it from behind with Quick Attack.
(Katelynn vs Rufus)
At the grimer, Rufus rubbed the back of his head, and then covered his nose. This girl liked how her pokemon smelled? Well, cross that off reasons he'd been avoiding asking girls out.
Slugma, however, had a different reaction. It howled, smoke emitting from it as it glared at the Grimer. Rufus blinked. Mr. Sizzles normally never was so fired up. Or angry. His pokemon loved everybody. It then clicked.
"Hey, uh, where'd you capture that Grimer at?"
He had a feeling he already knew the answer. The way Slugma worked itself up, it had to be. Shaking his head, he then stretched his back trying to look tall, and confident. He was one of those things.
"Mr. Sizzles! Use ember! Uh, don't know the rules, but keep making it hot til he stops!"
The girl giggled.
"Aw, you don't like Grimer's smell? What's wrong with you? And my grimer's a she thank you very much! I caught her at Celadon. I pour perfume on her every morning. She liked it, so now its my pokemon. Oh! Are we starting? Grimer, use pound!"
She was surprised as Slugma's embers hit first, Grimer flinching at the heat. Grimer, however, drew back its hand, and slapped Slugma across the face. It grabbed its now burnt hand afterward. The smell of burning sludge started to fill the area.
"Grimer? Hey! That's not fair, Grimer, Poison Gas!"
The grimer let out a screen of purple smoke, fuming the area, 5 feet from infront of Slugma, who kept pelting it with hot embers.
(Keith vs Ashley)
The nerd cackled at his opponent's comments.
"Hehehe, see, no one appreciates my genius. For your information, Zubat can't learn tackle! It's bones are too brittle, so it uses it's powerful jaws, wings, and supersonic pitches to confuse an opponent! And leech life is sooo overrated. My zubat has lovingly been raised from an egg with every strategy perfectly memorized! I keep it on a strict diet to maximize success! genius-that-will-capture-Regigigas! For my training includes-"
At this point, Zubat flew over to Ghastly giving its best shrug while their trainers argued rather than battled. Keith continued as Zubat flew over to the tree and offered Ghastly a berry.
After a second, Keith managed to bring the conversation back.
"-And thus my EV's are hypothetically already maxed out in speed! And for the matter of my Zubat having nothing to hit a ghost-poison type, that's where your wrong, Zubat, astonish! A ghost type move!"
Zubat shook itself for a minute as it realized the battle was starting. Hiding it's face under it's wings, it shot them open, a menacing aura flying out to strike the Ghastly.
(*Side note, this guy's actually an idiot, and EV's I'm going to say are purely hypothetical in this RP)
(Kevin vs Lena)
At the growl, the Rattata stopped in its tracks, growling in fear a bit as it looked up to Starling.
"Rattata, what are you doing? Its a pigeon! Rats eat pigeons! Come on, what sort of pack did you come from?"
Rattata shook its head, and gnashed its teeth gain, showing it was ready, though it still looked weary of the starling. It's trainer, Kevin, clenched his fist.
"I keep telling people you're the top percent of Rattata's, show'em why Kevin's right! Again, Quick Attack! Use the birdhunter formation we talked about!"
Rattata launched forwards again at impressive speed, but it ignored the Starly, instead going straight for the tree, running into it at full speed. Pressing off against it, it leapt at Starly in the air, trying to hit it from behind with Quick Attack.
(Katelynn vs Rufus)
At the grimer, Rufus rubbed the back of his head, and then covered his nose. This girl liked how her pokemon smelled? Well, cross that off reasons he'd been avoiding asking girls out.
Slugma, however, had a different reaction. It howled, smoke emitting from it as it glared at the Grimer. Rufus blinked. Mr. Sizzles normally never was so fired up. Or angry. His pokemon loved everybody. It then clicked.
"Hey, uh, where'd you capture that Grimer at?"
He had a feeling he already knew the answer. The way Slugma worked itself up, it had to be. Shaking his head, he then stretched his back trying to look tall, and confident. He was one of those things.
"Mr. Sizzles! Use ember! Uh, don't know the rules, but keep making it hot til he stops!"
The girl giggled.
"Aw, you don't like Grimer's smell? What's wrong with you? And my grimer's a she thank you very much! I caught her at Celadon. I pour perfume on her every morning. She liked it, so now its my pokemon. Oh! Are we starting? Grimer, use pound!"
She was surprised as Slugma's embers hit first, Grimer flinching at the heat. Grimer, however, drew back its hand, and slapped Slugma across the face. It grabbed its now burnt hand afterward. The smell of burning sludge started to fill the area.
"Grimer? Hey! That's not fair, Grimer, Poison Gas!"
The grimer let out a screen of purple smoke, fuming the area, 5 feet from infront of Slugma, who kept pelting it with hot embers.