Your Lovable Jackass GM
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~Pokemon: The Frontier~
GMs -

*Red = Team 1
* Pink = Team 2
* Yellow = Team 3
GMs -

*Red = Team 1
* Pink = Team 2
* Yellow = Team 3
The path up through the mountains was relentless, ever going higher, and crags on every side. However, as each and every trainer made it through, civilization could be spotted in the distance, the first town of Vera Valle, Cumulus City. The city had a rustic feel to it, wooden structures creating everything just about. Electricity was new to the place, and the roads were chaotic. The only ‘city’ part about it was how wide and sprawling it was, encompassing an entire hill and then some.
Signs would point the new trainers to a welcoming center, where a meeting was about to begin. The welcome center was less a building, and more a large tent with seats laid out for it, with a platform in front. It wouldn’t take very long for the meeting to start.
A large man walked to the platform, and turned to the trainers there with a spark in his eyes. He was nearly 7 feet tall, wearing a labcoat that threatened to rip at every movement, and had a prominent beard that went down to his chest. He spoke with a deep thundering voice.
“Hello there! Welcome to Vera Valle! My name is Joshua! People call me the pokémon Professor!
Vera Valle is an adventure in and of itself. Unexplored wilderness, unprecedented discovery, and untold opportunities. Now, Vera Valle is a bit dangerous, but that is where the challenge comes in! Some of you will become famous, I can tell it!
Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking. Where are the rumored legendary pokemon? Well, let’s try and start small, shall we? Last group that went to Regi mountain-” Professor Joshua pointed out a flap in the tent towards a large but distant mountain, the sole one in the direction, “never came back! The pokemon here can be strong sometimes. But they can also be our allies. Why, just last week another group was saved from a wreck in the Fogma River by a herd of Seel.
Now, I would like to see each and everyone of you become whatever it is you dream to be, so I’d like to shake each and every one of your hands following this. But first, well, team assignments. They are by no means binding, but if you would follow an old man’s advice, stay with them, and it will do you good. Dreams are hard and friends few.
The League also has a few missions they are willing to pay to see done, and, I, being an outstanding member of the League, have a few lined up right now if you needed help on where to begin. Now, these are optional, but I promise payment, a map of the area, your very own Pokedex, and adventure if you go! Even the simplest of errands here can be fulfilling. And by fulfilling I mean extremely dangerous and promoting of the pectoral growth.
Adam, Maya, and, uh… Ryder? That can’t be right… Cora! Cora! You three are a team. Enjoy. If you wouldn’t mind, I have a letter for Mayor West in Nimbos Town. Hooligans called Team Blackleaf have somewhat strong armed the town, so be ready for a fight.
Lime, Kabema, and, uh… I can’t read this writing, sorry, you’re a team! I’ll be needing some samples from the Cumulo Moars’ swamp water. I hear this area is filled with ground, water, and poison types, so be careful.
Rufus, Ashley, and Helena, finally, no screw ups on this pad, you also are a team. They say the fastest way to adapt to battling is to charge right in. There are a few squatters outside my lab trying to break into Victory Road, try to chase them off for their own safety. I’d rather not have casualties on Mt. Regi right outside my lab.”
Having addressed the room, going over various other trainers and their missions, he turned back to those he’d already addressed.
“I’d like you all to give me a firm handshake on the way out, and to tell me your names, and dreams. Now, go find your teams, and get out there!”
His lab coat finally ripped, his shoulders breaking free from the clothy prison as he reached out to shake the trainer’s hands, and let them be off to meet with their teams.
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