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Fandom Pokemon: The Chosen Ones [OOC]

shit i was going to have maverick fling himself on her before she could get the leg brace on his leg

tiiiime to rewrite i guess
StarryKnights StarryKnights Are we going to have it so that Giritina can contact Mia from any reflective surface if they both have one even if they are both in the real world, or do you want to have it so that it only works when Giritina is in the reverse realm or some other world but if Mia and him are in the same world it doesn work?
I'm thinking they can contact one another so long as they have access to a reflective surface, regardless of where they both happened to be located.
i have a great plan that includes celebi trying to use perish song on the nurses. if it fails, im out of plans. thats my best move, hes lightweight enough to carry out.
Beebasaur Beebasaur , SapphireSkylines SapphireSkylines Okay. One character is done to completion. However.... Question ...Is this okay for the reason Cresselia is connected to my Character + to be offically a Chosen in the future :

However, she started having dreams of a rather peculiar nature . Whenever she dreamt , this Pokemon she has only heard in legends decided to visit her. She recognized it immediately that Pokemon... Was Cresselia, a pokemon known explicitly her dreams and the night . She had seen her since after her parents disappeared, and the dream pokemon essentially decided out of sheer kindness to help her with he dreams, and said something like ' I'll be your Mom if you want it ' . Hugging the gentle Pokemon... She took it up on her offer, and essentially her adopted Mother was a Cresselia... Who she nicknamed 'Mommy' . She could only visit 'Mommy' in her dreams... So it saddened her deeply. But, she said that maybe she'll be able to come around and visit. She said 'anytime you need me, either use your gift or dreams to contact me' . Ever since then.. The two have been notifying each other ever since. It would be revealed later on that apparently her Mother's Soul rested within Cresselia.... Cresselia allowed her Mother to be in her to watch over her Daughter and talk to her through Cresselia, because of something her Mother did to save Cresselia's life & a promise she kept to her as her dying wish . It was why she knew things only her Mom did, such as 'how are the Unown doing right now ?' , 'How are you doing My Little Hikari' , & 'Is Radiant doing okay ?' . However... Hana has yet to realize it .

The irony is her whole motivation to becoming a Lorekeeper is that she is looking for her parents who were lost on a voyage. She doesn't realize her Mother is standing right there the entire time. When she enters her human form when she 'visits' her, she'll realize that her Mother's Soul inhabits Cresselia... Making for a great family reunion. Is this okay ?​
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Oh! Okay, I was trying to figure out what it had to do with Meloetta hense my confusion. I think it is sweet and rather good, you could probably add more details and explain things more but I think it is cool.
I am honored you wanted my opinion on something like this!
Beebasaur Beebasaur I respect your opinion and anyone elses that I feel has a good amount of wisdom regarding character developing and structuring.... Which I believe you are a natural at. But enough of that... Thank you for your opinion. Once I get Sapphire's I am all set.
Beebasaur Beebasaur , SapphireSkylines SapphireSkylines Okay. One character is done to completion. However.... Question ...Is this okay for the reason Cresselia is connected to my Character + to be offically a Chosen in the future :

However, she started having dreams of a rather peculiar nature . Whenever she dreamt , this Pokemon she has only heard in legends decided to visit her. She recognized it immediately that Pokemon... Was Cresselia, a pokemon known explicitly her dreams and the night . She had seen her since after her parents disappeared, and the dream pokemon essentially decided out of sheer kindness to help her with he dreams, and said something like ' I'll be your Mom if you want it ' . Hugging the gentle Pokemon... She took it up on her offer, and essentially her adopted Mother was a Cresselia... Who she nicknamed 'Mommy' . She could only visit 'Mommy' in her dreams... So it saddened her deeply. But, she said that maybe she'll be able to come around and visit. She said 'anytime you need me, either use your gift or dreams to contact me' . Ever since then.. The two have been notifying each other ever since. It would be revealed later on that apparently her Mother's Soul rested within Cresselia.... Cresselia allowed her Mother to be in her to watch over her Daughter and talk to her through Cresselia, because of something her Mother did to save Cresselia's life & a promise she kept to her as her dying wish . It was why she knew things only her Mom did, such as 'how are the Unown doing right now ?' , 'How are you doing My Little Hikari' , & 'Is Radiant doing okay ?' . However... Hana has yet to realize it .

The irony is her whole motivation to becoming a Lorekeeper is that she is looking for her parents who were lost on a voyage. She doesn't realize her Mother is standing right there the entire time. When she enters her human form when she 'visits' her, she'll realize that her Mother's Soul inhabits Cresselia... Making for a great family reunion. Is this okay ?​

Sure, maybe she senses that Cresselia isn't doing well. I don't want to spoil too much but they're being held captive too.
i have another great idea

celebi takes a liking to lotus and starts shapeshifting into a child version of his human appearance to play with her

hedgehog baby
do u think celebi wont sit around playing with blocks just to play with the grass baby. he loves children.

he doesnt curse (out loud), so you dont need to worry about him teaching her things she shoudnt know

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