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Fandom Pokemon Survival: Characters



~Vibing along the cosmos~

Important Note Please check OOC for details on Pokemon teams and other. When you finish, I will add your character to the list. No fakemon.

Character Sheets

: (Picture preferred)


Age: (Must be 23+)





Pokemon Partner: (They will accompany you on vacation and your main. 1 only they can be of any level)


Move set: (4 only)

Pokemon Team: (5 Pokemon you will catch along the story.)

Personality: (Optional)


Move set: (4 only)

Other: (Items carrying/ personal details/ likes & dislikes, etc.)

The Cast

Marshall Kade

Yuria Genkei

Tobias Richard

Espen Inazuma-Aberdeen

Tome Ryuu

Maydeucea Labuschagne-Sinclair-Devereaux-Pennington

Valerie Marie Anning

Jace Arington
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Marshall Kade

Personality & History

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Yuria Genkei


  • Name: Yuria Genkei
    Age: 26
    Gender: female
    Occupation/Career: Ace Trainer / Clerk
    Personality: While usually portrayed as a level-headed person within her workplace, she becomes an adrenaline-junkie adventurer during her vacation as she seeks various extreme sports and unique dishes to try. She doubt she would won another lottery after all so she wants to make it counts.
    History: Ever since she was young Yuria had shown a lot of love for pokemon battle, so much that she actually tried to battle some of the pokemon(please don't try at home) herself with expected result. Once she got her first pokemon she would spend hours everyday stalking other trainers and ambushing them so she could fight them with her newly captured team of 6 weedles.

    If she could choose of course she wants to be a full-time pokemon trainer, but unfortunately she wasn't that lucky and life must go on. She ends up working as a salarywoman in a company to keep her wallet filled. Still, every weekend she would slowly but surely working through her pokemon training and gym challenges. In fact she actually already bagged 3 badges from the gyms in Sinnoh. She came to Cosmic Island after she won a ticket for the trips an accomodation from the company lottery and she couldn't be much happier.
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Being second place isn't all that bad.

Tobias Richard

Digital Artist



Tobias Richard


Male ||| He/Him






August 1st

birth region



Digital Artist

Innocent Prayer





5'6 || 168 cm


144 lbs. || 65 kgs.

hair c.


eye c.



Mao Isara



Tobias is a very relaxed and laid-back individual. Often the person you can rely on to remain calm and somewhat logical even during the most terrible of situations. Though he's always been the jumpy type. Not scared but easily startled. Despite how he may seem, which is impulsive and childish, he's always been someone to depend on. Does what he promised to do even if it means forcing himself to stop procrastinating and be productive. He's quite hit or miss with productivity. Always putting off things he doesn't want to be but obsessing over things he's passionate about. There's really no in-between for him. He's a fake it till you make kinda person. Always trying his best to keep his chill and relaxed look while trying to push down stresses and frustrations.


Parties, Anime, Drinks, Beaches, Pop Music


The Heat, Exercise, Seafood, Rain





Tobias has lived a rather happy childhood despite the circumstances he was in. Knowing early on that he was an unplanned child between his parents. A one night stand gone wrong is how he came to be. His parents remained on good terms but never actually loved each other. However, they both loved Tobias. The two lived fairly close to each other in Castelia City. So. they held joint custody over him and that often led to him moving between the two households very often. That’s how it was for his early childhood, but as he neared puberty his parents began getting married and starting their own families with other people.

Soon he went from having his two parents to now having a pair of stepparents and step-siblings. Everyone treated him kindly, and it was like having two entire families, but part of him couldn’t help but feel ostracized. He could tell that he wasn’t treated exactly the same as his younger siblings when he was their age. And soon came to the conclusion that maybe they just loved them more. It hurt, but he never held any resentment towards his parents or their families. If he had to explain it in simpler terms, his step-siblings were treated like their own kids. While he was treated more like a kid you’re babysitting for a friend. He tried not to mind it. Content with always being the 2nd favorite for both of his parents. He should be happy that they both continue to provide and care for him, and it allowed him to be far more independent. Often sneaking off and even going as far as out the city. Kids travel around all the time on their own. Sure, he never really had any ambitions to be a pokemon trainer...nor did he have a partner at the time, but he still loved them. Loved to watch them and feed them...and run away from them when they were chasing him. But it was through these reckless escapade where he met an important friend.

One day finding an injured Deino while walking through the woods, it took a bit of patiences, and biting, to finally be able to help the pokemon. It didn't seem like the pokemon would be coming with him, so he simply patched him up the best that he could there and gave him some food before heading off. But after that day, that same Deino would be waiting in that spot in the woods. Everyday he'd be there even if it wasn't injured. Tobias would give it some food everytime he passed. But paid no mind. Assuimg the guy just lived there. Only to realize how wrong he was when the thing stubbornly began following him around everywhere! Even when he tried to go home! The Deino was waiting for him specifically. Everyday. And now it wasn't going to leave. Tobias never bothered to properly catch him. The guy wouldn't leave him alone anyway. So they were simply a pair of little guys in the big wide world. But it did make Tobias a bit happier. To have someone willing to stay by his side. It made him feel wanted. And important.

There were so many times when he wished he could spend time with just him and his parents. But that never really happened. His parents were on decent terms, but they weren’t friends. It was always one or the other. Never both. When he graduated from high school, that was probably the first time in a long time that both of his parents, and their families, came together to celebrate him. Before that, it was usually two separate celebrations. Some may say having two is better than one, but having a single party for him where both of his parents were present made him really happy! But also a bit sad. The only time they were really able to be all together again was when he was no longer a child. He really doubted there would ever be a time the three of them would be all together again.

Deciding that he wanted to break away from these pent-up feelings starting to build up about him and his family, he went straight to college the next school year, bringing his pal with him...after finally giving him a proper ball. And he soon gradurated with a bachelor's in animation and a minor in coding. He worked while going to school and saved up as much as he could. He now lives on his own. Working as both an artist for a small indie gaming company and a freelancer.





Cherry Bomb || Main Buddy

Species: Deino
Gender: Male
Ability: Hustle

Personality: Cherry Bomb (name subjected to change) has a bit of a temper. Despite seeming docile and relaxed, he has such an explosive personality for a guy his size. He seems to not only be protective but also very clingy with Tobias. The first cry out and growl at anything that seems to be messing with his beloved...trainer? Friend. Tobias, who is not a trainer, doesn't have much control over him in battles. With Deino acting on his own most of the time. But even with this close relationship, the two bicker and butt heads all the time. And Tobias has more than enough bruises and scratches from the other. Thankfully, Cherry Bomb has learned to nip at Tobias more than bite him. Getting the message across without actually hurting him...too much.

⒈Dragon Breath
⒊Nasty Plot


Species: Togepi
Gender: Female
Ability: Serene Grace



Species: Magikarp
Gender: Male
Ability: Swift Swim



Species: Swablu
Gender: Male
Ability: Natural Cure



Species: Rotom
Gender: Female
Ability: Levitate


Ice Cream

Species: Alolan Vulpix
Gender: Male
Ability: Snow Warning




Clothing Style

Tobi has two types of clothes he enjoys. The lazy comfort wear, such as sweatpants and sweaters. And then he has his more trendy wear. Best described as an E-boy's outfit with a bit of jock. Baggy shirts with stripes and tighter jeans with chains and belts. Hoodies under bomber jackets. But he has a bit more of a colourful wardrobe. Enjoying all sorts of colours. Mainly navy green and purple, But he'll wear anything if he think it'll go nice with with what he's wearing.

Aside from clothes, he likes wearing a mix of accessories. Such as rings and necklaces. He also loves piercings, having a bunch on his ear and even one in his nose and navel. He keeps his hair often pinned up in the center with a varity of hair clips.


↠↠↠ Is quite a bit of a heavy drinker. And really enjoys casual drinking with anyone who thinks they could keep up with him.

↠↠↠ Can do a lot of fancy pen and knife tricks. Espically when he's bored and just doing things idly.

↠↠↠ (Might add some later)

♡coded by uxie♡

    Espen Inazuma-Aberdeen
    24 (going on 25)

    132 lbs.

    Pokémon Coordinator
    Having grown up on a mountain, Espen is a capable and experienced climber.
    Espen excels in cold weather, but finds heat and humidity unbearable.
    On several occasions Espen has acted as a model- primarily (but not solely) for coordinator magazines.

    Each member of Espen's family has a piece of jewelry bearing the Inazuma family crest, including their pokémon.
    Espen wears his crest as a necklace.
    Snowflake's crest is the centerpiece of a fabulous collar.
    Vera wears her crest in a wrist cuff.
    Soot wears his crest on his wrist as well.
    Nichika's crest is a part of her hair tie.
    Keita wears a ring with the crest.
    Simon's crest is the top button of his lab coat.

    Alolan Ninetails

    Artist: Ven_0305

    You said you have a dream… That dream… Make it come true! Wonderful dreams and ideals give you the power to change the world!
    - N, Pokémon Black/White
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fluticasone fluticasone
Tome Ryuu
twenty seven
Tome has always been a dedicated, serious man who isnt the sort to cut corners. Everything he does is in meticulous detail, making him a bit of a perfectionist - always one to give his absolute best and nothing else. It perhaps speaks to his dedication that he's even willing to forgo necessities such as sleep and eating when particularly busy - though never for long. After all, a clear mind cannot contribute to research properly. So despite his bad habits, he's not quite as bad as some.
When many people look at Tome, they see an intense man, and his tendency to work overly hard - and gain a tired look as a result doesn't really help him. However, Tome is surprisingly kind despite what many many may speculate. He's very respectful, and quite capable of carrying a conversation with others, though he does admittedly prefer work related subjects as opposed to personal things.
With close friends he's pretty straight faced and comes off as serious, but capable of witty remarks and some light banter. That softer side of his is typically on display when it comes to pokemon, and he's befriended many of them without the use of a ball. Simply respecting their space and learning their habits without disturbing them.
As a young boy, Tome was curious and inquisitive. He liked learning about things, though majority of his interest catered to pokemon. Learning about behavior, preferences and habitats were all things he was keen on, composing a guidebook on his findings - which he proudly displayed to his family, teachers and friends. It was evident from a young age that he had an eye for details, so no one was surprised when he decided he wanted to be a pokemon researcher in the future.
Aside from school, he volunteered at a pokemon lab aswell as the daycare center - learning more and more. He even received his own pokemon, and unruly Furfrou named Lady, who was initially studied to see if different trims really did affect their battling prowess - and it was he who was assigned to it, building a fond bond that let him keep her even after the research was done.
Eventually, Tome graduated school and joined the lab he was volunteering at as an employee - going from lab assistant to a certified researcher in a few years.
After doing a bit of traveling to experience new things and pokemon, he eventually headed to Cosmic Island to see different pokemon in various habitats.
Pokemon :: Furfrou
Name :: Lady
Gender :: female
Ability :: Fur Coat
Moveset :: Headbutt | Tail Whip | Sand Attack | Bite
Lady is, as you'd expect from her name, a Lady. Or at least, that's how she asks. Shes very prim and proper, no nonsense and spoiled. Often donning the pink Matron Trim, she struts about like a princess, never keen to get her paws dirty. Not like she ever will, as Tome is accustomed to carrying the little diva around unkempt obstacles such as dirt or mud. Despite how she acts, it's obvious she likes her trainer - and will willingly fight other pokemon she deems a threat, even if it results in her getting dirty.
Pokemon :: Frillish
Name :: Gumdrop
Gender :: female
Ability :: Water Absorb
Moveset :: Recover | Rain Dance | Hydro Pump | Shadow Ball
*Will eventually evolve into a Jellicent
Pokemon :: Nidoran
Name :: Ranger
Gender :: male
Ability :: Poison Point
Moveset :: Leer | Poison Sting | Peck | Fury Attack
*Will eventually evolve into Nidoking
Pokemon :: Flamigo
Name :: Kicks
Gender :: male
Ability :: Scrappy
Moveset :: Low Sweep | Roost | Acrobatics (tbl)| Detect
Pokemon :: Beldum
Name :: Red
Gender :: male
Ability :: Clear Body
Moveset :: Tackle (will learn more when it evolves)
*Will eventually evolve into Metagross
Pokemon :: tbd
Name :: tbd
Gender :: tbd
Ability :: tbd
Moveset :: tbd
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Character Sheet

Maydeucea Labuschagne-Sinclair-Devereaux-Pennington

Age: (Must be 23+)


Former grifter turned socialite and entrepreneur.

At her core, Maydeucea is a survivor. She grew up on the streets, where she learned to be resourceful, cunning, and ruthless when necessary. Money and status mean everything to her now, and she enjoys flaunting her success, though deep down, she fears ending up back where she started. She is charismatic and masterful at charming (or intimidating) others as needed but also vain, shallow, and materialistic, often judging others by their clothes, speech, and status. Her selfish nature makes her overlook the people (and Pokemon) who genuinely care about her, including her long-time partner, Ekans.

Maydeucea grew up in poverty, relying on scams, petty theft and her charms to survive. She hustled her way into high society, starting off as a "companion" before marrying a series of wealthy men. Now, Maydeucea is a renowned socialite, a successful entrepreneur, and the owner of her own luxury fashion and jewellery brand; Maison de Maydeucea.

Pokemon Partner: (They will accompany you on vacation and your main. 1 only they can be of any level)

Ekans is deeply attached to Maydeucea despite how she treats him. He remembers the days when they were inseparable, partners in crime as it were, but now Maydeucea sees him as more of a tool than a friend. Ekans wishes more than anything for something to happen to get things back to the way they were.

Move set: (4 only)
  • Leer
  • Glare
  • Stockpile
  • Spit Up
Pokemon Team: (5 Pokemon you will catch along the story.)
  1. Onix >>> Steelix
  2. Dunsparce >>> Dudunsparce
  3. Seviper
  4. Servine >>> Serperior
  5. Sandaconda
Personality: (If you don't have an idea yet just add N/A. Be sure to let me know when you edit)

Move set: (4 only)
  1. Harden, Rock Throw, Dragon Breath, Dig
  2. Drill Run, Yawn, Roost, Coil
  3. Lick, Feint, Poison Fang, Venoshock
  4. Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf
  5. Wrap, Sand Attack, Brutal Swing, Sandstorm
Other: (Items carrying/ personal details/ likes & dislikes, etc.)
  • Maydeucea isn't her real name.
  • Maydeucea uses Ekans to store items she might not otherwise want to be seen carrying on her person.
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Valerie's Notebook

: (Picture preferred)


Valerie Marie Anning

Age: (Must be 23+)


Souvenir Shop Owner

Valerie is a shrewd, money-grubbing opportunist with a knack for bending the rules to boost her profits. Cunning and conniving, she isn’t above cheating her customers if it means a fatter wallet. Confident and charming when dealing with tourists, Val can quickly and somewhat easily switch to aggressive and violent in her dealings if it's not going her way.

Raised on Cosmic Island renowned for its beaches and tourist trade, Valerie combed the beaches in her youth. Val loved collected shells, shark teeth, scales and was even lucky enough to find fossils. Taking pride in her collection, the young woman found she had gathered a valuable selection of finds. Setting up a stall on the beach, crafted from a Lapras shell, Valerie thought to sell her finds, crafting necklaces from the shells and teeth, cups adorned with scales and even her rare fossils. However many island goers didn't share her love of shells, or the seas gifts turning their noses up at her 'tacky' trinkets. This embittered the proud Val, and this became reflected in her business. Over time, Valerie refined her knack for sales, gradually developing a reputation for high-priced and sometimes dubious wares. Unafraid to use any means necessary to secure a profit, she quickly became infamous among both locals and visitors. Every pearl sold, every shell traded, is a step closer to her lifelong goal.

Pokemon Partner: (They will accompany you on vacation and your main. 1 only they can be of any level)


(Lvl 34)

Cocky and self assured, Shellder is happy to lounge about on the Val's storefront and relax in the sun using his childish charm to attract tourists. When things become heated however the little bivalve Pokémon is quick and happy to step in and take the flack off his partner with annoying antics or a strong shell.

Move set: (4 only)
Razor Shell
Aurora Beam



Move set: (4 only)
Razor Shell
Aurora Beam

Pokemon Team: (5 Pokemon you will catch along the story.)


(Lvl 1)

Move set: (4 only)

Iron Defense
Water Gun



(Lvl 30)

Move set: (4 only)

Mud Shot
Ancient Power



Move set: (4 only)
Metal Sound
Leech Life


(Lvl 45)

Move set: (4 only)

Ancient Power
Rock Blast



Move set: (4 only)
Shell Smash


(Lvl 60)

Move set: (4 only)

Body Slam
Perish Song


(Lvl 52)

Move set: (4 only)

Teeter Dance

Personality: (If you don't have an idea yet just add N/A. Be sure to let me know when you edit)

Other: (Items carrying/ personal details/ likes & dislikes, etc.)

Over the years, Val has accumulated quite the collection for her stall including a multitude of shells such as shell bells and shed shells, dome and helix fossil, deep sea teeth and scales, pearls of varying sizes and blue shards of pottery all of which have washed up on shore.
Val has a mysterious buyer call Mr Black.

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Art: Crisalys
Jace Arington
Chef/Pokemon Snack Maker
He is more of a free spirit. Travel and the lone wolf style are more his speed. Has always gotten along with Pokemon more than people.
Jace is a very free spirited person. Living on the autistic spectrum makes his daily interactions with people a more irritating process than he cares to admit. He has always found himself more at home with Pokemon rather than anything else. It was with these Pokemon that he discovered his love for caring for them and people. Hence his love of cooking and making Pokemon snacks. Growing up in a corner by yourself, one tends to learn about themselves. He is the first person to give the shirt off his back or any help that he can give. Despite this many view him to be standoffish, awkward and weird. Yet they're never seems to be a way to hate him. He has a jolly persona. A type of wonderful innocence and joy to him that other people seem to be attracted to. Always one to care, help and be useful to those who need him.
Born in the hoenn region, he spent most of his life out in the fields with the wild Pokemon. Even from a young age people could tell that he was different. He didn't much care for people, but even the most unruly wild Pokemon seemed to love him. There would be lots of times where his parents would find him out in the field, feeding the wild Caterpie and playing with the Beedrill. Honestly, it seemed as though he would never form a connection with regular people. Despite this, it didn't stop him from trying to make human friends. It was through these attempts at making human friends that he discovered his Love of cooking. He met a traveling chef who taught him a few things about berries and what would be healthiest for his Pokemon friends. Being the way that he is, once he discovered his love for this type of work, he dove into research about it. Discovering not only things for pokémon, but his human friends as well. He found himself loving the idea of bringing smiles to people's faces with his food. He opened a small shop in his hometown, catering to humans and their Pokemon companions. He gained a skill that even his customers noticed. He always knew exactly what to make. What ingredients to use to heal people and Pokemon of whatever ailed them. Even if it was just a bit of sadness. Each order is custom and made with every ounce of compassion he had. His personal way of connecting with the world that he often feels so far from.
The first thing he always packs is a special cooking set that his father got him. It is one of the most prized things he own.

Aron -> Lairon -> Aggron

Dragon Claw
Iron Defense
Fire Punch
Heavy Slam


Plasma Fists
Hidden Power: Ice
Close Combat
Knock Off

Life Orb
Volt Absorb

Fishious Rend
Icicle Crash
Psychic Fangs
Freeze Dry

Heavy Duty Boots
Water Absord

Exeggcute -> Alolan Exeggutor
Draco Meteor
Leaf Storm
Giga Drain

Choice Specs

Munchlax -> Snorlax (Has Gigantimax form)
Giga Impact
Hyper Beam
Brick Break

Rocky Helmet
Thick Fat

Litwick -> Lampent -> Chandelure (Shiny)
Fire Blast

Heavy Duty Boots
Flash Fire

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Appearance: Riley Grant screenshot (1).png

Name: Riley Grant

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Occupation/Career: Pokemon Ranch Hand



Pokemon Partner: Vera, Meganium, Female


Ability: Leaf Guard

Move set: Ancient Power, Body Slam, Petal Blizzard, Outrage

Pokemon Team: Amaura, Sandile, Litleo, Noibat, Buneary

Personality: (Optional)


Move set: (4 only)

Other: (Items carrying/ personal details/ likes & dislikes, etc.)

This is still a work in progress. Posting now to prevent loss.
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"Name's Pax, and this is my buddy Hachi. Don't worry, he doesn't bite."


"Well, he doesn't bite hard. Be honest though, you can't be mad at his cute lil' face."



Face Claim: Worick Arcangelo (GANGSTA)


Name: Paxton Donovan Lockhart-Sinclair | Pax D. Lockhart

Alias: Donny

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Team Rocket Grunt (Former)
Pokémon Trainer and Actor (Current)

Personality: Pax outwardly is a friendly, easy-going man that is quick to lend a hand if someone is in need. He is also a man who is always tired, prone to spacing out, and can sleep practically anywhere once he's actually able to fall asleep. Despite his friendly nature, he keeps most at arms length and is rather vague about himself. He can be a bit playful and sometimes flirty, but he is also a man that flusters easily if someone flirts back. Whether attention is on him or not, Pax tends to adjust how he acts with those around him as if slipping on a mask and due to his generally rough appearance tends to try and make himself more approachable in how he carries himself.

He can be a bit stubborn, and almost allergic to asking for help even when he doesn't know what he's doing. Pax doesn't do it often, but he can have a bit of a mean streak and will sass someone. In essence, he can be a bit of an asshole at times whether intentionally or not.


One would wonder what kept Maeve Lockhart together with Richard Sinclair before finally separating and trying to continue her career as a coordinator. It was their children.

Pax was the heir of the Sinclair family, a family that was once on the wealthier side that resided in Sinnoh, with a line of trainers and coordinators and the occasional researcher that helped build wealth to the family name. Pax was heir until his father saw his younger brother Gabriel more fit as heir after Pax “borrowed” his father's partner Arcanine to impress a girl at a party and couldn't control it causing a scene and labeling him as an embarrassment to the family. It was not the first, nor last time he had caused trouble for the man at a social event. Especially when said event was orchestrated to try and one up the competition of the Smith family while also trying to gain a profit for upcoming projects and ventures in Pokémon research and breeding.

The Sinclair family were not the wealthiest family in the region, but to Richard Sinclair they were, and Pax hated it.

He tried his hand at being a trainer, he wanted to do something without the man breathing down his neck all the time. He took an egg from his father's old Arcanine to raise, and once Hachi was born raised him as his partner and almost like a sibling. With Hachi at his side Pax struggled his way through the gyms, and while battling was enjoyable at first the same old song and dance required for battling in the gym challenge didn't feel quite right. He didn't beat the Elite Four and spent what little allowance his father gave him on the journey to Kanto to try again there, expecting better results.

It didn't go well, and he found himself discouraged. Soon he found himself getting low on funds and not wanting to go back to his dad and ask for money, or asking his mother. That's how he found himself recruited to Team Rocket.

After a few years and a little improvement under Team Rocket he had a run in with his half sister, Lisa, during her own attempt at a journey. After a conversation and a few more run-ins, he decided to leave Team Rocket and lay low for a while before trying to turn over a new leaf. He ended up traveling to Unova some time after the organization disbanded, and tried his hand at acting for a change of pace. What better way to use his skills of disguise and acting like someone else than at Pokéstar Studios in a few films? Somehow, likely due to his rather rough looking exterior, he has been type casted into minor roles of either a bodyguard or henchman.

Pokemon Partner: Hachi

Gender: Male

Personality: Hachi is energetic and playful, if not brave and willing to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. Many a time he's gotten Pax into trouble by starting fights with other Pokémon or wandering into places he shouldn't.

Ability: Flash Fire

Move set:
Double Kick
Flame Wheel
Thunder Fang

Pokemon Team:


Name: Choco
Gender: Female

Ability: Water Absorb

Move set:
Mud Shot
Poison Tail
Toxic Spikes


Name: Roomba
Gender: Male

Ability: Wimp Out

Move set:
Struggle Bug
Sand Attack
Leech Life [to be learned]
Scald [to be learned]


Name: Orion
Gender: Female

Ability: Inner Focus

Move set:
Quick Attack
Metal Claw


Name: Apricot
Gender: Male

Ability: Own Tempo

Move set:
Double Team
Rock Throw


Name: Curly
Gender: Female

Ability: Static

Move set:
Quick Attack
Thunder Shock
Electro Ball

Other: (Items carrying/ personal details/ likes & dislikes, etc.)

-Hates being called Paxton and insists he be called Pax or Donny

-The kind of guy that easily makes jokes at his own expense

-Not the best cook. He can do basic breakfast foods at best. Hasn't tried his hand at baking.

-A social drinker, and one who doesn't drink too often unless for some form of event or special occasion

-Left eye got injured early on during his first attempt at the gym challenge in Kanto. The story of how he injured it changes every time someone asks

-He's been working on cutting back on smoking, only because Lisa asked him to

Likes: cigarettes, drinking occasionally, photography, warmer climates, sleep, coffee, tea

Dislikes: gambling, rain, sand, snow, heights, Zubats and caves

He generally carries his traveling gear in a slightly worn backpack he has had on him since he first set out on a journey. It has a little fire type charm hanging from the zipper.

Richard Sinclair (Father)
Maeve Lockhart (Mother)
Gabriel Sinclair (Brother)
Gavin Sinclair (half-brother)
Lisa Sinclair (half-sister)
    Archer Amarante Mulberry


    Pokémon Model
    ▷ Greninja
    ▷ Sylveon
    ▷ Armarouge
    ▷ Meowstic
    ▷ Indeedee
    ▷ Noivern

    Froakie ▹ Frogadier ▹ Greninja
    Eevee ▹ Sylveon
    Charcadet ▹ Armarouge
    Espurr ▹ Meowstic
    Noibat ▹ Noivern

    Froakie ♂
    Eevee ♀
    Charcadet ♂
    Espurr ♀
    Indeedee ♀
    Noibat ♂

    - Though Archer might like the idea of singing, he has never so far proposed his own hums in front of others
    - Archer's nickname may be Archy, yet it had only been given by his sister Aster. He prefers if no one else calls him that.
    - Archer is most likely bringing a pen, out of sarcasm, in case anyone knew him due to his modeling career and wanted an autograph.
    Artist: FaQ | Zerochan
    Not every journey lasts forever, just as every rose must wither. But even in its fall, a seed is left behind—to take root and begin anew.
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A simple trainer that has been invited to Cosmic Island, lovely.

  • requisite.

    full name

    Yuki Iwata








    Pokémon Waitress






    5'5 (165cm)

    hair colour

    Gradient Of Blue Tones

    eye colour


♡coded by uxie♡

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