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Fandom Pokémon: Sandbox [Recruiting!]

For any newly interested parties, we've been looking to recruit more people who have an interest in GM/DM-ing. If you have any Pokemon-related story-lines you want to DM for then we're open to discussion!
Hi, the title says this is still open but I'm still gonna check anyway, are you still accepting new members?
Hello! I see that you're still accepting? I have an oc I'd like to use but I'd like to chat with someone to make sure it'll fly before I go through the trouble of writing up a form. Is it okay to join the discord to ask?
cool, drop an oc whenever you're ready and if you're still in the discord let us know where you would like to start :3
oh okay that's fine xD probably confusing you with someone else then, you're welcome to drop your cs and check the thread, see which region and or group interest you. I think most of them are open except the group in Kalos.
Oh, weird. That sucks

Well, in either case, you thinking of going to a different region/have a different adventure?

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