[Pokemon Prismatic]Route 1


One Thousand Club

tutorials to read within below spoilers.


Well you know what you have encountered and what level, but what do you do if you just want to straight up battle the pokemon?

Each area has a set move list for the pokemon. You will roll a 2,3, or 4 sided die(depending on how many moves a wild Pokemon has) to figure out what move a wild Pokemon uses.

It should be really simple. Once you have defeated the pokemon find out how much experience you may have received.

If you need help, just ask in OOC.

*Remember, don't read it all at once and try to only read pieces that you need at a given time.

When encountering a pokemon you must remember what area you are in during the encounter. On routes will be posted wild Pokemon you can find. You do not need to encounter wild Pokemon while on a route. Oh, and all routes will post level for all Pokemon.

You Gotta Roll For Encounters

You will roll a 100 sided dice. If there are multiple pokemon for the number you rolled like if you rolled a 10 and there are two pokemon that were 1 or higher than you can choose which you encounter. Same goes if you roll a 50 and there are now 4 choices than you can pick.

Shiny Encounter

You can if you want, roll to see if you encounter a shiny Pokemon. You will use a 100 dice and if you roll 95 or higher out of 100 you get a shiny. Of course there are items that increase this chance...


In battling tutorial.

Probably not going to Catch-em-all, but you can at least catch your favorites and this is the tutorial to tell you how to do it.

Initiating Catch

*This will be useful, when your in a battle against a wild Pokemon. Their is a separate section explaining how to encounter wild Pokemon.

All Pokemon have a Catch Rate. This expressed in a percent. You roll a die to see if ya caught a Pokemon after throwing a Pokéball. Example: Lotad has a catch rate of 40%. Roll a die a 100 sided die. If ya get 60 or higher then ya got Lotad ^^. (If ya look at the math of 100-40=60. So,to figure what number you have to roll equal to or higher then is this algorithm 100-Catch Rate=Number that die must be equal to or higher then.

Different Pokéballs add different effects.

Pokeball (normal no change in chance)

Great Ball (+5 added to Catch Rate)

Ultra Ball (+10)

Master ball (+100)

Special-Needs Pokéballs all +8 to Catch Rate

Dive Ball ( underwater pokemon)

Dusk Ball ( Night or in dark places like caves)

Lure Ball ( Pokemon found on rod)

Moon Ball (Evolve with moonstone pokemon)

Net Ball ( Water or bug pokemon)

Quick Ball (at beginning of battle)

Love Ball (Opposite gender of your battling pokemon)

Level Ball (only if lower level than your pokemon)

Heavy Ball (Heavy pokemon 440 lb or higher)

Fast Ball (Pokemon that are quick to flea)

Goes up or lowers

Timer Ball (starts at +0 goes up by +1 after every throw)

Repeat Ball ( +10 on pokemon already caught before)

Nest Ball ( up to +10 for pokemon under level 10, but goes down by one as it rises above level 10)

No catching effect but other effects

Friend Ball (Raises friendship level)

Heal Ball (Heals pokemon caught)

Luxury Ball (Raises friendship level)

Status issues

Pokemon with a status condition have a +10 added to their Catch Rate.

More Catching Examples!

Let us use Eevee as an example. Eevee has a catch rate of 6% so you would have to roll a 94 or higher to catch it. However, I used a Great Ball(+5 to Catch Rate) so Eevee now has a 11% Catch Rate and I need to roll 89 or higher.

I roll a dice an get a 64...T.T

Dem Stats

Finally caught it

When ya get a new Pokemon, you have to roll dice for gender and stats.

For gender, roll 100 sided die: 50 or below = Male & 51 or higher equals Female. However, some Pokemon don't have genders or don't cone in both genders-don't worry you will get info on those special cases when ya get the Pokemon or, if ya caught it, on the route info.

Once ya roll for gender, roll for stats.

all stats will use 20 sided dice


1-5: Normal Natures Hardy, Docile, Bashful, Quirky, and Serious (You can choose one of them)

6-8: Bold, Impish, Lax, Relaxed

9-11: Lonely, Adamant, Naughty, Brave

12-14: Modest,Mild,Rash, Quiet

15-17: Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy

18-20: Timid, Hasty, Jolly, Naive


First you must roll a dice to see how many Iv's your pokemon will have. (IVs are special values that determine growth of Pokemon in a stat. Don't worry that math isn't done by you, done by stat calculator below, after ya finish rolling the rest of this stuff.)

1-3: 5 iv

4-7: 4 Iv

8-12: 3 Iv

13-15: 1 Iv

16-19-:2 Iv

20: 6 Iv

Next you will roll the number of dice you got for Ivs so if you have 3 ivs you will roll 3 dice and these dice will determine what stats receive the points.(You will find in the stat calculator that Iv section has 31 above every stat. The stats with Ivs have 31, those that don't have Ivs will have to be set to 0.)

1-3: Attack

4-6: Defense

7-10: Speed

11-13: Hp

14-17: Special Defense

18-20: Special Attack

(Again, don't sweat, will make sense in calculator.)


Let's say Lotad can learn 2 abilities: Swift Swim and Rain Dish. Roll a 50 sided die for each ability. The ability with the higher number is the one Lotad gets.

If only one ability, then no need for rolling.

Now you can, if you want, roll for hidden ability. All Pokemon have hidden abilities they can get. For those, roll a 100 sided die. If you get 90 or higher, your Pokemon gets that rare hidden ability instead of the dumb normal one it would have gotten.


Every pokemon you receive gets 510 Evs to distribute where you please. EVs ars a special variable that boosts stats. So you can decide what stats to boost!

It was decided that any other way would be a hindrance to you all.

Remember that only 252 are allowed per area.Still confused? You will probably get it down once you put it in the stat calculator.

You can use this Pokémon Stat Calculator — Calculate Pokémon’s Stats

Where to Enter This Route From: Tempo Town

Route 1: Grassy Plains Lvl 3 < --- This number indicates the level of wild


A tall, grassy field just outside of Tempo Village leading into the Pitch Forest.

Sentret #161 (Higher than 50)

  • Foresight -- (This means attack never misses) Allows Ghost-type pokemon to be hurt by Normal-type moves.
  • Scratch 100% (Damage will be automatically taken account when you input it in the calculator)

HP: 16

Attack: 8

Defense: 7

Sp. Atk: 7

Sp. Def: 8

Speed: 7

Zigzagon #263 (Higher than 10)

  • Growl 100%
  • Tackle 100%

HP: 16

Attack: 7

Defense: 8

Sp. Atk: 6

Sp. Def: 8

Speed: 9

Taillow #276 (Higher than 30)

  • Growl 100% Target's Attack stat lowered by 2 till end of battle.
  • Peck 100%

HP: 16

Attack: 9

Defense: 7

Sp. Atk: 6

Sp. Def: 7

Speed: 11

Bidoof #399 (1 or higher)

  • Tackle 100%

HP: 17

Attack: 8

Defense: 8

Sp. Atk: 7

Sp. Def: 8

Speed: 7

Lillipup #506 (Higher than 70)

  • Leer 100% Target's Defense stat lowers by 2 till end of battle.
  • Tackle 100%

HP: 16

Attack: 9


Sp. Atk: 6

Sp. Def: 8

Speed: 9

Sewaddle #540 (Higher than 40)

  • String Shot 95% Target's Speed stat lowers by 2 till end of battle.
  • Tackle 100%

HP: 16

Attack: 9

Defense: 10

Sp. Atk: 7

Sp. Def: 9

Speed: 8

Minimum Needed Paragraphs Posted to Pass Route: 2

*Every 6 sentences counts as a paragraph, no matter how you group the sentences or the ideas they execute.

Where This Route Leads To : Pitch Forest
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I walk on the road with a smile and a scratched Alexander. I'm worried Alexander is too relieved of the training break in Pitch Forest. After a night's passing and an adventure with Rattatas, we had just arrived in Pitch Forest and were beginning my applied training. I'm trying to apply the Dragon Techniques to Alexander, but he is stuck in the mindset of a "just a Marill".

Alexander pops his neck, ehh, sphere, and hops onto my back. He begins to dig through my Bag. I think he is trying to skip on excellent leg training, so I gracefully shake him off. He flies off a yard into the grass, with the Bag. I run over to Alexander.

"Sorry, though you know since your short you have to work twice as hard for your legs."

Alexander shook his head and took out a the Bidoof's Pokeball.

I sit down with fluttering eyes.

"My goal is to be a Fairy-type master. I'm sure Shiny Bidoof is nice, however, we have to bring out your inner Fairy by keeping you with other Fairy-types."

Alexander has hurt eyes and puts the Pokeball back into the grab.

I say in a low voice,

"It's for you to know you, how superior you are to these others."

I push away a thought from Dragon Tamers.

We stand back on the road and I try to comfort Alexander again.

"Now this trainer responded to our call for a Rival! He's probably some huge buff guy with a Dragonite, or it could also be a skinny guy with a Lotad. Remember to not let your guard, power can come in all shapes and sizes. This will probably be a battle to the death. I could die via giant Bidoof. "

Alexander shrugged and put his battle face. @Toogee
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Pan had arrived on Route 1 and noticed the contrast with Tempo Town. While the town had a variety of foliage, the route was all grass in all directions. Indeed, if it weren’t for the forest in the distance, the field could have reached well into the horizon. The grass reached all the way to her knees, yet that was enough height to hide all manner of living things. The rustling in the grass proved that well enough, though since the creatures weren’t visible, the trainer felt confident that the residents weren’t life-threatening. Her pikachu Jolt wasn’t so sure about that, so he perched upon Pan’s shoulder to get a better view of what was coming.

Pan held her camera up to get a good picture of the scenery. It would be a great start to her Aisu photographic journal. As she looked through the lens, she spotted a figure. Pan walked closer and zoomed in with her camera. It looked to be another trainer, a boy around her age. He seemed to be talking to a pokemon, presumably his. Before she could identify what was coming, Pan felt a tug on her ear.

“Incoming!” Jolt said, trying to get his trainer’s attention.

As soon as Pan put down the camera to see what was going on, she had found that she had wandered into the tall grass. The grass was beginning to split, as if something was coming this way. Indeed, it was. Jolt didn’t wait for the creature to make an appearance; he jumped off Pan’s shoulder and prepared for battle.

“Time to show you what I’m made of!”

Out of the grass emerged the head of a tailow. Before the bird could take flight, Jolt sent a bolt of lightning at the enemy, knocking the pokemon out in one hit. The pikachu felt quite satisfied in the result of the battlefield. Pan barely got to see the battle, given that it went so fast.

"Ah, I wanted to catch that one..."

@NoviceOfRoleplay @DreamBeat ((Everything is within the spoiler tags. I assume a KO means I can’t capture the pokemon.))


Rolled 92! Encountered Tailow!


Not shiny!


NOTE: All moves by both pokemon have 100% accuracy. No accuracy rolls required.

Jolt is faster! Jolt gets first strike! Jolt uses Thunder shock!

Min damage: 18

Ave: 20

Max: 24

Not sure which one is the one I use. In any case, it’s OHKO!

Jolt get 15 EXP.
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(Yes, a K.O. means you can't catch the pokemon.)

We've been standing for two hours now. I'm proud of Alexander for not shaking until the last 20 minutes, mostly because I couldn't pep talk him after seeing my rival. A girl with a camera stood on the otherside of the route. I couldn't really see what she was wearing; she was battling a pokemon though. I'm not bias; I think. I didn't expect a girl, seemingly teenage girl who wasn't related to me.

I had to take a few minutes to process it.

Now I'm ready hidden in the gass a few yards from her. Alexander is held in my arms closely studying the new trainer. I figured she might not be my rival, either way, I need my head focised and examining any potential opponents. Her Pikachu still was low level, however, not too behind Alexander and being an Electric-type would be a good challemge for Alexander. Sadly, Alexander twitched a bit with jos tail when the Pikachu knocked out the Taillow.
Jolt's ears twitched as he was alerted to the presence of another. The smell...it was human. Perhaps it was the one from earlier. For whatever reason, he was no longer visible. And yet, Jolt felt he was close by. Pan had no idea otherwise, distracted as the wounded tailow retreated into the grass in defeat. At least he seemed OK. She thought she heard Crystal coming up from behind, but it was another pokemon rustling through the grass!

"Oh I got this one!"

Pan didn't even wait for the pokemon to reveal itself before she tossed the pokeball at the movement. She watched the ball shake once...twice...three times...click! She caught her first pokemon! Jplt turned his head to see Pan rushing to grab the pokeball. Things were off to a good start.

"Crystal! I got one!" Pan shouted out, though she couldn't quite tell where she was. The trainer walked backwards as she looked around, unknowingly about to walk directly into the "rouge mystic".


Encountered (non-shiny) Bidoof!

Pan tosses a pokeball! 255/255 = Auto-capture!

Pan caught a bidoof!

*bidoof's stat rolls will come in another post*
I start to panic when I realize that she was about to bump into me. I use my hands to signal to Alexander that were going for dumbfounded plan. I hastily stand up with my arms parallel to my side. I think I look casual enough.

" Hah, nice to meet you. I've been casually walking around looking for a my rival and you've seem to almost walk into to me. You better watch your step. Oh and have you seen anyone looking for a rival."

My voice sounds forced, every time I've executed that plan it sounds forced. Though people always seem to react negatively when find a trainer studying their battle tactics from a tree, closet, or swimming pool. Alexander plays his part better with a waddle to the Pikachu. Alexander puts on his intimidation face on, trying his best to look like he's sizing up Pikachu. The problem with his performance is that he is sweating heavily. I don't know how the Pikachu is going to react to that.
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Eleanor Rivers

Even though Ellen had managed to get to Professor Willow's laboratory without any difficulties, making it out of Tempo Town proved a bigger challenge. She had taken a wrong turn or two, leading to a rather long "adventure" consisting of running around in search of the road leading to Route 1. Eventually, no thanks to Sylvester's complaints, the girl found her way and took the first step into the wilderness of Aisu.

Ellen stopped for a moment to take in the new sights. It wasn't anything extraordinary, really, she actually sort of expected something like this. Trees, grass, a road leading up ahead, distant sounds of pokemon cries and the rustling of the leaves...

"Alright, we need to get to Capella, but we won't be able to if we don't train," she said, walking down the road. Sylvester agreed eagerly. Finally some action, he thought happily. Ellen looked around in search of any wild pokemon she could challenge. As expected, none of them happened to be waiting in the middle of the road. nstead, she saw something else in the distance ahead of her. People.

Well, even more reason to battle some wild pokemon first. I gotta get stronger, in case someone wants to battle, she thought, before turning and walking into the tall grass. Suddenly, a Pokemon emerged.. Ellen recognized it immediately, they were pretty common in Hoenn. A Zigzagoon!

"Alright, Sylvie! Go... Umm, use pound!" Ellen commanded, pointing to the Zigzagoon. She hadn't really battled before, but she had tried out different moves of her pokemon. At the very least, she knew what they were called and what they did, more or less.

Sylvester jumped off her shoulder and ran to the Zigzagoon, slapping it with his tail. Zigzagoon, although surprised, retaliated immediately with tackle. "Oh no, Sylvie can't be hurt now! Try Absorb!" Ellen commanded, and her Treecko sent a green beam of energy at the target, damaging it and recovering some of his own energy. Zigzagoon, weakened and startled, growled weakly. "Almost there, Sylvester! Absorb again!" Sylvester dealt one final blow, defeating the Zigzagoon, who then retreated back to the tall grass.

"Sweet!" Ellen summarized the situation as Sylvester ran back to her to receive a pat on the head. "Our first victory! I'm sure we can now battle those trainers too!" Although her Treecko's eyes glimmered with hope at the thought of participating in a trainer battle, Ellen continued, after having analyzed her chances. "Hmm, no... probably not."

[dice]18802[/dice]A wild Zigzagoon appeared!

Zigzagoon 16/16HP - Sylvester 19/19HP

Sylvester used Pound. It dealt 6 damage!

Zigzagoon 10/16HP

[dice]18804[/dice]Zigzagoon used Tackle. It dealt 4 damage!

Sylvester 15/19HP

Sylvester used Absorb. It dealt 6 damage again and Sylvester recovered 3 hp.

Zigzagoon 4/16HP - Sylvester 18/19HP

[dice]18805[/dice]Zigzagoon used Growl. Sylvester's Attack fell.

Sylvester used Absorb again. It dealt 6 damage and Sylvester recover 1 hp.

Zigzagoon fainted! Sylvester 19/19HP

Sylvester gained 15 EXP!
Pan was taken by surprise by the sudden appearance of Tyler emerging from the grass. He made an awkward attempt to explain what he was doing. Pan gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he wasn't trying to be creepy. Jolt was not so trusting; the pikachu took position in front of Pan, standing on two feet in case things turned sideways.

"You should probably try looking above the grass, Rouge Mystic," Pan replied with a grin, heavily hinting that she knew exactly what he was talking about. Meanwhile, Jolt watched as the marill attempted to act tough. The pikachu responded by flashing electricity from his cheeks.

"Careful. Sweat conducts electricity."




Nature: Relaxed


IV: 5


IV spread: spe. def x2, spe. att, hp, spe att

Must reroll 2 die to replace duplicates


IV reroll: Attack x2

Reroll one die


try again...


IV Reroll: Speed

Final IV spread: spe. def, spe att, hp, att, speed


Ability: Simple

EVs: 252 Def, 252 Spe. Def, 6 Attack









Crystal followed behind Pan, Bubbles fit snuggly in her arms. She took in the beautiful scenic view of Route 1 for what seemed like the millionth time, yet it never got old. It was always wonderful to look at the grassy field. Just thinking about how there were other places more pleasing to the eyes than this made her anticipate what was to come.

Then, Jolt "pikachu-ed," which she knew meant incoming. The girl watched with Bubbles as Jolt knocked out the poor taillow. The newly partnered pikachu did considerably well for his first fight. However, she knew that he was still weak, just like Bubbles was still weak. Bubbles didn't need to be strong, in her opinion, but it would be nice if both Crystal and Bubbles could fight off the pokemon together. She looked at the fallen pokemon, not knowing what to do.

She was fascinated, however, when a red beam captured the pokemon. Personally, this was her first time seeing a wild pokemon be caught. While it was a bit anti-climatic, she was also happy for Pan. Crystal smiled. Meanwhile, Bubbles saw something else in the grass other than their little group.

"Piplup!" There's another!

At that, Crystal looked at Bubbles, and then the direction Bubbles's eyes were directed at. She couldn't really see anything, but... "Who's there?" Crystal thought. A boy emerged from the rustling grasses, and the battle began. Neither she nor Bubbles noticed another presence on Route 1.

@Ayari @Toogee @NoviceOfRoleplay
@DreamBeat @Toogee

Her comment confirmed, my, my thoughts I think. This is the rival I had to meet with; she seemed strong, could be stronger, or weaker. I change my pose to a slight lead of the right foot.

"Alright you know what I'm here for, rival,"
my battle smile finally appears,
" I like to go by Rouge Mystic and this is my Marill Alexander I! We've been looking for a trainer to occasionally train with us! And! And..."

Me and Alexander had planned our little battle speech since last night. It sounded great, in motion, I felt a bit ehh. Especially with the other girl here-wait there is another trainer! I study the blue haired girl and hope that my new rival wasn't planning on a double battle for our first meeting.

Also Pikachu's return intimidation had Alexander take a step back. With one opponent already scaring Alexander, a double battle could go badly.

Route 1

The Bidoof hopped twice and cocked her head once, the signal. 4 Biddoof tiptoed around grass. It was impossible to see with all the tall grass, but a swarm of communicating Bidoof were now signaling one another of the Treecko attack on that Zigzagoon. The information got to the head Bidoof in a matter of minutes. The new head bidoof at a leaf bandanna and belts made of woven twigs. After their shiny Bidoof leader was caught they decided the best dressed Bidoof should be next in line.

The leading Bidoof yawned at news and told his assistants to employ operation RGB. A Bidoof ran in front of Eleanor and played dead.
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Eleanor Rivers

Ellen and Sylvester were celebrating their victory when a Bidoof came out of seemingly nowhere and collapsed. The girl gasped in concern. She recognized this pokemon, it was a rather common one. She recalled some news report on the most common pokemon in the world, but she couldn't remember the name of the species. All she knew was that it was as common in Sinnoh as Zigzagoon was in Hoenn.

"Oh no! A Sinnoh Zigzagoon!"
she exclaimed and without any second thoughts, she approached the Bidoof and knelt down next to it. She picked it up a little bit and shook it lightly, believing that it was knocked unconscious. "Are you hurt somewhere, little Sinnoh Zigzagoon? We should take you to the Pokemon Center!"

What's the big deal, we just beat a similar one up, Sylvester thought as he grimaced, but he said nothing and instead watched his trainer, as she continued trying to make contact with the fallen Bidoof.
Pan glanced to her opponent's pokemon, then to her pikachu. It was clear that Tyler was more enthusiastic about the battle than the marill. She wasn't sure how well this battle would go; this was her first after all. Jolt was already primed to strike, so it was clear he needed no more encouragement.

"OK, then. You're on!" Pan relied, backing up to make room for the pokemon.

"Jolt, thundershock!"

The pikachu obliged, sending a pair of lightning bolts from his cheeks. The bolts formed into one and zipped through the air, towards the marill.

Thundershock deals 8 damage!


No critical!


No paralysis!

Jolt Lvl 5 | Male | Serious Nature

Held Item: None

HP: 18/18

Atk: 12

Def: 10

SpAtk: 14

SpDef: 11

Spd: 18

Evasion +/- 0

Accuracy +/- 0

Status: None

no slide
Electric (Physical)

A jolt of electricity is hurled at the target to inflict damage.

It may also leave the target with paralysis (10%).

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 30

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

Tail Whip
Normal (Status)

The user wags its tail cutely,

making opposing Pokémon less wary and lowering their Defense stat.

Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 30

no slide no slide
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  • Tackle is one of the most common and basic moves a Pokémon learns. It deals damage with no additional effects.
  • Type:Normal
  • Category:Physical
  • Accuracy:100%
  • Power:50
  • PP:35
Tail Whip

  • Tail Whip lowers the target's Defense by one stage.
    Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each.
  • Type:Normal
  • Category:Status
  • Accuracy:100%
  • Power:-
  • PP:30
Water Sport

  • Water Sport reduces the power of Fire-type moves by 50%. The effect applies to the entire field.
    Most Pokémon that learn Water Sport are part Water type and thus already resistant to Fire attacks.
  • Type:Water
  • Category:Status
  • Accuracy:-%
  • Power:-
  • PP:15
Water Gun

  • Target is blasted by a stream of water.
  • Type:Water
  • Category:Special
  • Accuracy:100%
  • Power:40
  • PP:25

Held Item:None



Atk: 8

Def: 17





Level 5

Marill took the Thundershock and stood his ground. I glanced at Alexander and he semmed to have just brushed it off. The Pikachu is faster then Alexander but not as defensive. Our first rival is about to see my wall training come to life.


"Good move! Alexander show let's due a simple Tackle!"

Without a squeak ftom him, Alexander ran forward and crashez into Pikachu head-on! Pikachu is pushed back a foot from Alexander. My pokemon starts to do his twirling victory dance. I'm still tryinto get that out of his system.


No Critical
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The grass behind Eleanor begins to ben downward. A few yards away a tree's branch begins to bend. The wind stops. The Bidoof in front of Eleanor stands up right and Tackle Eleanor in the stomach, which pushes her backwards. Behind her 12 Bidoof stretching out a tent that one Bidoof, who bragged about his knitting skills today, made. Eleanor fell back into the net; every second Bidoof of each side umped to the otherside of Eleanor, creating a tight cocoon over her body. From the trees a Biddof put on the rusted goggles it found yesterday and whistles 3 times. The goggled Biddoof is in a wooden catapult. 2 Bidoof cut the launch the goggled Bidoof by cutting the catapult's rope.

On Sylvester's right, 30 Bidoofs fly through the air toward Sylvester.
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Need 8 or above for paralysis.

((@NoviceOfRoleplay What damage did Tackle deal? I'm going to assume 5 damage.))

Pikachu: 13/18

Marill: 32/40

Jolt was knocked aside by the marill's tackle, landing on his side. The pikachu had to admit: he did not think the blue ball had it in him. Whatever he lacked in courage, he made up for in bulk. It was going to take a bit more to bring him down. He did not need Pan to say the next command; Jolt was fairly irritated by Alexander's cocky dance. It was time to put an end to it.

"Hey, wait! I didn't say- well OK." Pan was unsure if this line of attack would work out for Jolt. Then again, she wasn't sure what other moves he had in his arsenal.

Jolt uses Thundershock! Deals 8 damage!


No crit


No paralysis

Pikachu: 13/18

Marill: 24/40
(I apologize, didn't realize I left out damage amd HP info)


Level 9 HP: 24/40

Alexander stands still after the attack. He rolls onto his back with an expression of terror. He is going to need another preperation talk aftwards; however, I'm not worried about the battle itself. Alexander's body is truly great. I'm surprised by the way the Pikachu, Jolt, got back onto its feet, what Marill beats Jolt in is the ability to holdout.

I relax my body and in a sincere voice,
"It was great battling you. I was hoping to find someone stronger, but it will still be good for me to see someone as a goal."

Alexander rolls back onto his feet.

"I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, but these low-level pokemon battles are decided by which pokemon can hold out the longest. "

Alexander jumps behind Pikachu and indents the ground.

"Jolt can consistently deal more damage. I'm sorry to say that since after the first attack, I realized you have a glass cannon vs. a tank."

Alexander Tackle Jolt in the back.



11 Damage by Tackle
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Jolt had his face buried in dirt as he was slammed again! This one really hurt; he didn't really want to get up after that. It would have felt so good making a nest in the grass and recover from his injuries. Yet his ears perked up when Tyler began lecturing Pan on how he was hoping to "find someone stronger". How he pretty much knew the outcome from the first attack. He was trying to sound nice; it came off as pretentious. Jolt wasn't about to lose to this guy so easily!

Pan, however was a little bit nervous about how knowledgeable her opponent was. She wasn't even sure about all the terms he was mentioning. That's what she got for meeting a random person from the internet. What she thought was an equal turned out to be a trainer who had more than two battles under his belt. Pan would not have been the least surprised if he started flashing badges around.

"Well, I don't know all the things you just said, but it is only our second battle ever. I'd say we did pretty well- huh? Jolt?"

"That stuck-up know-it-all thinks it's over, huh?" Jolt said, slowly picking himself off the ground. "Well, here's another fun fact for you: we pikachu have natural static electricity in our fur. This marill knows what I'm talking about."


Alexander is paralyzed!

With Jolt's newly found strength, Pan felt encouraged about continuing the fight. Her consideration of forfeiting turned into a desire to see things through. If Jolt was in, she wasn't going to deny him the chance to turn this around.

"I don't know what a glass cannon is, but if that means we see this to the end, then...Jolt, Thundershock!"


Thundershock! Jolt deals another 8 damage!


No crit!

Jolt: 2/18

Alexander: 16/40

After Alexander's attack, hid body began to twitch. He looks at me with worried eyes as a spark begins traveling around his body. I grin.

"Didn't expect to get Paralysis, maybe this battle can go on q bit longer,"
I look at Alexander with a clenched fist,
"Don't worry Alexander, all we need is one more solid Tackle."

Alexander does a slow nod and wipes of the sweat. Alexander examines the Pikachu's current condition. Alexander charges head-on toward Jolt. However, two sparks begin to travel around Alexander's body. I'm half hoping the paralysis kicks in to extend the battle a bit more.


No Paralysis

Alexander crashes into Jolt's head. Jolt is pushed the ground with Alexander rolling off Jolt's head.
NoviceOfRoleplay said:
The grass behind Eleanor begins to ben downward. A few yards away a tree's branch begins to bend. The wind stops. The Bidoof in front of Eleanor stands up right and Tackle Eleanor in the stomach, which pushes her backwards. Behind her 12 Bidoof stretching out a tent that one Bidoof, who bragged about his knitting skills today, made. Eleanor fell back into the net; every second Bidoof of each side umped to the otherside of Eleanor, creating a tight cocoon over her body. From the trees a Biddof put on the rusted goggles it found yesterday and whistles 3 times. The goggled Biddoof is in a wooden catapult. 2 Bidoof cut the launch the goggled Bidoof by cutting the catapult's rope.

On Sylvester's right, 30 Bidoofs fly through the air toward Sylvester.
Eleanor Rivers

Surprised by the Bidoof's sudden attack, Ellen didn't manage to block the tackle in time, effectively falling into the trap. She squeaked in shock, as she noticed all of the Bidoof surround her. The girl struggled to break free from the cocoon, trying to rip the tent with her tied up arms.

"H-hey! Here I wanted to help the poor Sinnoh Zigzagoon, and this is what I get?" Ellen said, unsure if the Bidoof can be reasoned with. As she continued her struggle, the girl wondered what the pokemon could possibly gain from trapping her. Knowing wild pokemon, it should be about food... unless they had some secret sacrificial rituals.

Sylvester, equally surprised as Eleanor, tried to fight back the Bidoof who had been playing dead, but before long he noticed that he was greatly outnumbered. "Sylvie! Run... on the tree!" Ellen commanded and her Treecko obeyed. He jumped up the closest tree and climbed to the top, where he hoped that no flying Bidoof would reach him. Since when can they fly?, Sylvester wondered, hoping that they would not do that again.

With Sylvester presumably safe, the girl looked around at the Bidoof surrounding her. "So... you guys are hungry, I assume?"

I hope, she added to herself, thinking back to her sacrificial ritual theory.
Ayari said:
Eleanor Rivers

Surprised by the Bidoof's sudden attack, Ellen didn't manage to block the tackle in time, effectively falling into the trap. She squeaked in shock, as she noticed all of the Bidoof surround her. The girl struggled to break free from the cocoon, trying to rip the tent with her tied up arms.

"H-hey! Here I wanted to help the poor Sinnoh Zigzagoon, and this is what I get?" Ellen said, unsure if the Bidoof can be reasoned with. As she continued her struggle, the girl wondered what the pokemon could possibly gain from trapping her. Knowing wild pokemon, it should be about food... unless they had some secret sacrificial rituals.

Sylvester, equally surprised as Eleanor, tried to fight back the Bidoof who had been playing dead, but before long he noticed that he was greatly outnumbered. "Sylvie! Run... on the tree!" Ellen commanded and her Treecko obeyed. He jumped up the closest tree and climbed to the top, where he hoped that no flying Bidoof would reach him. Since when can they fly?, Sylvester wondered, hoping that they would not do that again.

With Sylvester presumably safe, the girl looked around at the Bidoof surrounding her. "So... you guys are hungry, I assume?"

I hope, she added to herself, thinking back to her sacrificial ritual theory.
The flying Bidoof crashed into the ground running, well some knocked out by the fall, most running towards Sylvester. Passion, a mission, and dinner was keeping these Bidoof's legs moving. The Bidoofs landed in the center of field and spread into every direction. Sadly, the goggles actually made it harder for them to see, let alone distinguish what shade of green was the target. Biddof around Eleanor began to heave her up, with trouble. There squad leader didn't expect the human to be this heavy. Squad leader jumped onto the back of a heaving Bidoof, making that Bidoof drop, and screeched for extra pair of hands. It looked like it might be awhile for one of the flyers to catch on the request.

The base of the Bidoof, the newly name changed, Supereme-Ultra-Leader-of-Bidoof Bidoof was beginning arrangements for the trespasser's punishment.
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Eleanor Rivers

Noticing that the Bidoof were trying to pick her up, Ellen watched their struggle with concern. One of them was making weird sounds, seemingly talking to the others, but the girl couldn't tell what it could be saying. There did seem to be a problem and picking her up was evidently their goal, so she decided to speak up again.

"Umm, you know, if you need me to go somewhere, I can try to walk on my own,"
she suggested, trying to heave herself up and put herself in a sitting position. She didn't exactly want to tag along with them, but she figured that any chance at getting back on her feet, and possibly even getting the net off, was worth a try. Ellen still didn't know if the wild pokemon even understood her, let alone felt like negotiating, but she imagined that talking her way out of it was probably a better solution than counting on Sylvester to defeat the legion of Bidoof on his own. "I-I bet you want someone to take you that new... Um, Sinnoh Zigzagoon restaurant they opened, right?"

Meanwhile, Sylvester watched from his safe spot on the tree. The Bidoof didn't seem to be climbing up, so he could observe and think of what to do next. There didn't seem to be any opening for an attack, especially not an attack coming from a single Treecko. Well, I'll need to catch myself a new trainer, he thought, slightly amused. He decided to stay on the tree and follow, should the Bidoof take their prisoner anywhere.

Squad Leader dropped his voice and turned back to Eleanor. Eleanor didn't seem as resistant as the Bidoof expected. The SquadLeader pondered if that boy from before was a blip. The Bidoof around Eleanor had all stopped their heaving to begin heavily breeathing; the fallen Bidoof were too confused and scrambled to do anything. Squad Leader decided to go by his gut. He whistled to his Bidoofs to keep some leavs tied to Elanor wrists and and to get hr to walk with them. In a sweat haste, the Bidoofs complied. Tight leaves bind Eleanor's wrists and a Biddoof is directly behind Elanor with a stick in it's mouth. The Bidoof begin to move Eleanor away to the forest area of Route 1, opposite of Sylvester's direction.

The fallen Bidoofs also had a Squad Leader; he was one of the knocked out Bidoof. Second-in-command was trying to gather his blood crazed, bumbling, troops. Second-in-command decided the best course of action was to find a tree to shout from. She began to snoop around the trees in Sylvester's area.

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Eleanor Rivers

The girl followed the Bidoof obediently, knowing that she didn't have much of a choice. Her hands were, quite literally, tied behind her back. Ellen considered what her options. She found a lot of comfort in having her legs free, as she could always use kicks, if a need was to arise. However, she didn't like that option. I don't want to hurt a Sinnoh Zigzagoon, she thought, looking at the little things lead her to the unknown. Even if they had questionable intentions, they were still pokemon. The girl still wasn't sure what could come next. Maybe they're just angry because I called them Sinnoh Zigzagoons? But what was their name? Maybe... Toothy? Toothy sounds nice.

Meanwhile, Sylvester couldn't find a way to follow Ellen, with the flying Bidoof squad staying behind. Coming down seemed risky, even though the Treecko would hope that he could handle at least some of them, now that they had split up. But he had to play it safe. He sneaked to another branch of the tree he was at and from there he hoped to make a jump to the next tree. He planned to follow Ellen and her new "friends" from the trees. This seems difficult, but hey, they don't call me Treecko for nothing!, he reassured himself before making the first jump.

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