[Pokemon Prismatic]New Member Introduction


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

You encounter the Welcoming Committee.

Welcome aspiring pokemon Trainers! If you haven't joined yet or you are looking to perhaps introduce yourself, post here and we shall give you a big warm welcome. You can also post questions and we can give guidance.

Quick Tip about posting: There is designated threads that represent routes with the Open Party tag. You may create your own threads to journey across a particular route. Solo tag - You want to by yourself, Private tag - Want to travel with your own personal group. Now if you seem some threads without a route name, and are not quests, it may be leftover threads that have not gone through are recent revamping.

*Be warned, to battle this Roleplay will require you to use dice-based battle system, however, you do not need to battle to gain experience for your pokemon or hinders your ability to enjoy the world. If a route does require you to battle(which will be few)if you are in a group and a member defeats the battler you may continue on with your group.

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Why hullo thurr~

I am Yuuki, and I haven't joined yet, but am looking into wanting to join when I have more free time. I need to look over things again, but I would definitely love a good PKMN rp.

I... don't have any questions yet. And... I don't know what else to say. I'm kinda braindead at the moment. xD ;;

I was actually looking at it before, but decided to wait till more information was solidified and posted up. Last I checked was something about a map. O__o;;
We managed to get the map so now everything has a place. We are working on finishing the cities and routes

Yuuki is excite. I'm debating what character I'd want to use for this too. xD

I have so many. OTL
Hey there! I'm Emily, and I've finished my CS so i can't wait to start if i get accepted!
Why would you not, Emily?! Welcome and I'll look over your character once I make it home.

This is amazing!!!! I went over everything -- except settings, there's a lot I need to go over for that -- and I'm just foaming out of my mouth now ;;;;A;;;;;

That PokeMath Calculator was a nice touch and I see you guys put a lot of effort into the HP with creative antagonists, towns, and just so much my heart can't handle ;;;w;;;

I would love to join in on the fun but uhh... Do I just post my pokemon's stats to reserve it? I like to go for Treecko~ owo
Dead said:
This is amazing!!!! I went over everything -- except settings, there's a lot I need to go over for that -- and I'm just foaming out of my mouth now ;;;;A;;;;;

That PokeMath Calculator was a nice touch and I see you guys put a lot of effort into the HP with creative antagonists, towns, and just so much my heart can't handle ;;;w;;;

I would love to join in on the fun but uhh... Do I just post my pokemon's stats to reserve it? I like to go for Treecko~ owo
Haha~ Welcome!

To start with settings, you might want to look at "Aisu" in the regions section. That's the map. You don't need to look at everything at once because it's like... one step at a time, man. In order to reserve your pokemon, just go to the starter pokemon thread and post which starter pokemon you would like to reserve. Stats and stuff can come after~

Mmm... I'm just a person who's created two routes, but I think that's how it works 0.0
//sees Iceland

Nice choice~ Using Iceland as a region as well as giving it the name '
Aisu' XDDD

Thank you for the warm welcome and I'll have my pokemon stats and Trainer CS up soon once I get through some things~

Again, good job at making this HP and even if you only did two routes, you did contribute in helping making this place possible! cx
Pftt Thank you for the welcoming @Red

Mind if I join you in lurking around? I'm mostly gonna be doing the same after I get through all these first
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]I didn't see this thread.

Treecko = Best.

Hello hello! Wow, so many people :D
Hhheeelllloooo There, Your Friendly Magician here~

It's been so long since I've played Pokemon but I'm still incredibly interested in it and have a secret love for all Ghost / Psychic types~
Glad you can work that Ghost magic, they were never my skilled type that is for sure.
Welcome, Hope! I have work this morning but I will be on later in the afternoon. If you need anything feel free to ask

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