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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! When Worlds Collide!


The Reboot
The Sign Up Sheet for Bayonet's Guild



Type (As in any special physical traits being Shiny, or special colored):


Reason for joining:


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Name: Tira

Pokemon: Absol

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/TiraS.jpg.47a18c7a3ee063ffd9c86319da405e15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/TiraS.jpg.47a18c7a3ee063ffd9c86319da405e15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Type (As in any special physical traits being Shiny, or special colored): Longer hair than the Typical Absol.

Moves:Night Slash 15PP

Physco Cut 15PP

Swords Dance 20PP

Punishment 5PP

Reason for joining: Tira was looking for Adventure in her life. Since she is Adventurous in Nature the Guild life seemed suitable for her.

History: Tira comes from a long line of Absols known for their fighting ability. Her parents were always on her, pushing her to surpass the limits of even her parents and all of her generations before her. She almost completed this feat if it was not for her running away from the stress her parents put her through. She had to live somehow though, losing the way to her home. She stumbled upon Banette Guild and has spent around 9 years of her life there. She is 17 now, and loves everything about her life.

Personality: Tira is Adventurous in nature and has no regard about danger she may face. This makes her Brave in the face of danger.



  • TiraS.jpg
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Name: Rino

Pokemon: Pancham


Type : Different colored fur that no other pancham has

Moves: Drain punch 14PP

Fire punch 16PP

Ice punch 16PP

Power-up punch 14 PP

Reason for joining: Rino always wanted to join ever since he was 6.

History: Rino's family is well known for being the strongest Panchams and Pangoros. When Rino was little his parents pushed him everyday and he loved it. At the age of 13 he was the strongest out of him and his 3 older sibilings. His brothers were jelous of him so when their parents weren't around they beat him up. Tired of his brothers Rino ran away from home and never went back. Not knowing what to do he joined the guild. He's glad he did. Rino is now 16 and has been part of the guild for 3 years.

Personality: Rino is playful and kind. He always is there when you need help.
Name: Alwin

Pokemon: Kabuto

Type: His shell had a reddish tint

Moves: Absorb, Rock Smash, Waterfall, Hidden Power (Rock Type)

Reason for joining: After listening to a motivational speaker talk about self-actualization through service to others, the directionless Alwin decided to join a guild.

History: Alwins parents died when he was young. He grew up taking care of himself in the Stormy Sea. After a severe case of hesrtbreak, he left, showing up in Pokemon Square, where he's stayed ever since.

Personality: Alwin tends to not be very personable on the outside. He's short-fused, untrusting, and the like. However, if you prove yourself to him, he's a fierce ally, a strong fighter, and will always have your back.
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Name: Zed

Pokemon: Beldum

Type (As in any special physical traits being Shiny, or special colored): Has etched a geometric pattern into his exterior to make himself look more distinctive. Basically, it's the Beldum equivalent of a tattoo. He tends to wear a brown cloth covering around his body, along with several pouches and a larger bag.


--> Take Down 20PP

--> Zen Headbutt 15PP

--> Iron Defense 15PP

--> Iron Head 15PP

Reason for joining: Zed has two loves in life: History and fighting. Becoming an explorer allows him to do both of those things.

History: Zed was born in the Magnetic Quarry. He had 3 siblings, all of which were encouraged by their parents to stay in the small community. However, Zed was an inquisitive child, and longed to know more about the world around him. One day, as he was playing outside the family home, he came across a cave. Entering the cave, he found a strange red and white ball-like object, with what must have been a button on the front. It was heavily dented, with strange patterns on the inside that seemed like they must have carried magnetic forces at some point. The object was unlike anything he had ever seen before. He took it back to the home and kept it. That night, he was visited by an apparition. A Magneton, to be specific. The Magneton told him of a long-lost race called the humans. Zed had thought the humans were mere children's tales, but the Magneton's ghost explained that before Pokemon had developed their own society and were still in the animalistic stage of their evolution, humans had domesticated them en masse using the device Zed had found. The conversation continued for a while, but the abruptly disappeared mid-sentence. Zed became obsessed with verifying this encounter, to the point where he ended up joining Banette's Adventuring Guild as an adult in order to better find out the truth.

Personality: Zed is calm and analytical most of the time, but in the event someone is in danger, he tends to throw caution to the wind and jump in to help them. He usually tries to be helpful, even to strangers. He tends to get very excited over discoveries, and is naturally curious.

Did you see my sheet? Anything I need to fix? Apparently humans are a myth in Mystery Dungeon, spoken of in fairy tales. I figured there would be a grain of truth to it, or artifacts from their civilization at least.
SilverSolis said:
@SilverSolis, so we have the four main characters, when will we start? Are we waiting on more people? Speaking of which, how will the roster work in this game? Is there a waiting list, a 4-player limit, or is this just accepting everyone that shows up?

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