Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Venture !

The pokemon rescue team union is a unique group of Pokemon that put the safety of others in their hands. There are several of these rescue teams scattered through the island of Derasa, a island that is devoid completely of humans! The land is protected and human interference is prohibited. It is inhabited by many diverse Pokemon species. The land is scattered with strange places called mystery dungeons, a ever changing maze that is filled with violent Pokemon.
There are two rescue teams that are a part of this union whom share a very serious rivalry. At times that rivalry turned violent resulting in tiny skirmishes throughout the lands. There is a lot of bitterness and resentment, despite the fact that these groups were formed to help Pokémon.
The first pokemon rescuing guild goes by the guild name of Aka. They wear red ribbons around their rescue team badges, and their guild leader is Talonflame. Their guild resides in the proud town of Kippany.
The second pokemon rescuing guild goes by the name Ao. They wear blue ribbons around their rescue team badges and their guild leader is Swanna. Their guild resides in the pround town of Aurora.
Each guild is home to numerous rescue teams. These rescues teams are usually composed of two or more partner pokemon.
Recently many strange occurrence's have been occurring throughout the island. Both of the rescue team guilds blame each other and the tension's are quite high. Recently a member of team Ao has gone missing and Swanna suspect's that guild Aka is responsible... But the reality of the matter is very different.