Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]


✧ goth prince ✧
PlaguedWithInsanity submitted a new role play:

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown - A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RP based off of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky!

One day, you wake up to discover that you have become a Pokémon! You awaken, eyes barely just had opened, to see an amazing region of Nagoiya, filled with Pokémon from Kanto all the way to Kalos.
You get up on whatever kind of limbs the Pokémon you are so has, intent on trying to figure out just how, and why you are here/got here. You don't recall ever really being human that clearly, so the vague memory just kind of fades a bit, maybe and hopefully to come up later.

You wander until you find...
Read more about this role play...
(I'm ready to get things started, plagued want me to start the roleplay?)
(not yet, we need more people to apply for the Rescue Teams)

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(Sure, but why aren't we putting this in the OOC section, guys?)

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Let's start the thing.)

There was a land of mystery once upon a time, devastated by winds and rock, shaken by cracks and storms as far as the eye could see. It was long ago, dubbed for a land by Pokemon. They braved the elements and built a city ontop of their rubble. Through the devastations they would roa, and they would name the region Nagoiya.

"And they would continue to do so up to today. Creating a sophisticated system of groups, led by humans previous. The question is, will they keep the utopia they had kept so long... or will they tear themselves apart?' It was a small voice compared to the rather large town in front of it, but it was no concern. The stranger was not looking to destroy anything. He only wished to speak words of the coming future. And when he had completed this, he would leave. Such was fate.


It was a sunny day in the small town, and several creatures big and small bustled about to enjoy the bright light that came from the sky. On this particular date, one tall pokemon stood up in front of a peculiar building to survey the area. if you knew the residents, he would be known as the Guildmaster, or the current at the least. A Zoroark named Kiosk. And he was there to greet the new arrivals upon entry...

At least, that was what he was told. He hadn't needed to step outside before, for explorers tend to tumble themselves onto the Guild's doorstep. But it was insisted of him, and so he complied with a barely concealed grimace.

The sun didn't tend to agree with him. While he hoped that merely his presence would inspire them to climb the hill, perhaps his voice was needed to seal the deal.

Here goes nothing.

"The Explorers guild..." He started out with a booming voice, which unintentionally turned into a growlish roar. 'Is open for recruitment at this time. Feel free to sign up, at the left road in front of you.'

. . . Kiosk had a clue of how he sounded while speaking that, and he hoped he didn't cause anyone to get the wrong idea. Damn his scratchy voice...
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The pink Espurr wandered Alphiren Town, still wondering how and why she was here. 'How can someone just become a Pokémon? I mean was it because of what I did?' She thought to herself, following the direction the Pokémon Guild sign had said where initiation was. 'If it was, I'm so sorry...I just thought it would end my problems...but obviously it didn't?' She thought to herself, a frown growing on her cat-like face. 'Ugh, I guess I'll just have to find some answers...' She sighed, her face in her pink paws. She then raised her paws and scratched her fluffy ears, still not used to being so 'animal-like'. Powerful psychic energy surged from the yellow eye-like design from the inside of her ears, destroying a rock in a little explosion, leaving it in smithereens. 'Oh crap, that's right...I'm an Espurr.' She sighed, her eyes wide, hoping nobody saw that. 'I really hope I don't hurt anyone with these powers...' She glanced over at a... Zoroark?! Her eyes widened again at the mere sight of the Pokémon of Illusions, and he didn't seem to be happy. 'I-is he the Guildmaster? I hope he doesn't punish me with his dark type powers if I'm bad!' She thought again, since she wasn't much of a talker, a bit of fear rising up inside her as she remembered that psychic types don't do so well with dark types. She quickened her pace a little so she wasn't in range-of-contact for the menacing black and red fox Pokémon, a smile starting on her face as she was so close to the Pokémon Guild, the place where she could learn to control the darkness inside her by saving others that couldn't save themselves.
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The ground shook as a figure towered over everyone else. Its feet kicking up dirt as it walked through the village, it weighed almost a metric ton. The figure was a Golurk, tall and proud. He used to be an investor. That was a very long time ago. He had since started a business here when he was a mere Golett. He took the jobs and the peddling that no one else wanted to because it was good money. He now had a massive building with housing to show for it. He was the owner of the business guild as he stood next to the Zoroark, towering over it and blocking out the sun. It put down a large sign that read:

"Join the Merchant guild. Follow the riches and chase your dreams! Work with the explorer's guild to be the best you can be."

The golurk looked down at the Zoroark and raised a massive hand.


This was all it said as it stood next too the zoroark and looked down at the small Espurr which only came up to his foot.

"Hi to you too."
The Zoroark jumped a bit at the sudden intrusion, but int he bast few weeks here, the jumps have become almost mandatory. It wasn't a frightened jump, it was a 'the ground is shaking and I know who caused it' jump. It kind of came with the description of a Explorer leader, you had to work with he Merchants. Not that it was a bad thing, but let's just say that Kiosk was GLAD that the Golurk was his ally, not his enemy.

He looked at the sign for a few seconds, then back to the master of the Merchant guild. "Hello...glad you could make it." he commented in a friendly manner. He had the feeling that the Espurr wasn't ready to talk to him yet, so he chose to give her the benefit of the doubr and not meet her gaze. For now.

Kiosk took the time to look at his claws for a moment, only wondering of who ELSE would come to this. It was always interesting to watch the newcomers each year stream into the two different guilds. Of course, he knew well of the beach area where a darker group lurked, but at the moment it was not a concern of his.
The golurk stood there looking out at the town as he spoke to Kiosk.

"You looked hot. I blocked out the sun. I do not get hot. I hope you get many strong applicants. I hope I get strong ones too. The bad men aren't here today. That is nice."

One might feel slightly dwarfed by standing in such close proximity to the 9' tall construct

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"Come onnnn!"

"No, get out of here, mud puppy!"

"You wound me."

The Mudkip and Vulpix walked side by side, the Mudkip had his lips puckered, trying to weasel a kiss out of the pretty fox. "Come onnnn, just a kiss and I'll go away!"

"Not happening!" The Vulpix growled at him.

"I'm going to keep trying!"

A Shinx ran to the pair, batting the mud puppy Pokemon on the fin with his tail and turning to the Vulpix. "NIKKI! They just opened recruiting for the GUILD! Lets go!"

(Let's just pretend that this Deino can see, but she uses sound waves, much like a bat)

"This is gonna be fun! It'll be just like back when I was a human!" The Deino said out-loud, not caring if anyone felt like staring. "Heh, I'll lead a gang like at home too." She smirked, continuing on to the guild. She walked proudly, her blue paws sending rubble and pebbles flying a few centimeters. She looked around, everything black with yellowish figures. She relied on sound, so the only thing she could 'see' was the edges of objects, which is why she walked so heavily, the noise of her steps bouncing off objects to tell her where things are. 'Damn, why a Deino? I'll have to get used to the blindness, I guess.' Sure, she had eyes; they were a reddish-purple, much like a Hydreigon's, but she was blind as a bat, so she was glad they were covered with her long, dark head-fur so that other Pokémon wouldn't comment on her always glazed-over eyes that constantly wandered with no direction. She opened her mouth as if to smell, much like a snake, seeing two figures ahead of her, both bigger than her. "Hello!" She bounded, her blue mouth curving upwards in a large smile at the Zoroark and Golurk. She could also rely on her great sense of smell that could tell her a plethora of things ranging from the other Pokémon's type to how tall they stood.


"Eep! Are you, uhh, t-talking to m-me?" The pink Espurr shrieked in her soft voice as she slowly turned around, having to step back about a foot or two to atleast see the Golurk's face. She shook, almost appearing that she was about to start panicking from fear. "Y-yes?" She nervously asked the huge ghost type, swallowing the lump in her throat as she met both the Zoroark's and Golurk's gaze.
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"Ah jeez, look at that. Reapplication time. I wonder what will happen this year, eh?" A voice from behind the soon-to-be guild members sounded out in an almost...professional tone, as if the Pokemon had been through this many, many times. A Murkrow with a crimson bandanna fluttered through he ranks, but turned to the right of the large rock instead of the left. No matter how many years passed (..this was her 3rd?) She always found this day a bit nerve-wracking. "Huh...perhaps it's the possibility of having newbies on the team." She seemed to be a big fan of talking to herself. It was a bad habit for the flying type, but nobody minded. Luta never said anything too remotely out of line, after all! That would just be stupid in the grand scheme of things.


"Thank you." The lack of sun was well-appreciated. Dark types tended to loathe the sun on most days, and he was definitely an exception. Kiosk would wipe the sun from the earth if everyone could still live. That wasn't going to happen soon, though.

"I agree, it is a nice change. I'm sure they'll be plenty new recruits..." it was the closest thing of confidence he could give at the moment. Nobody knew what could happen, for change seemed to be a big factor in this day and age. It wasn't a good one, either. It looked like structure was needed more then ever.

A bit overwhelmed at this new crowd, Kiosk stole a glance at the louder Shinx and his friends for a moment before turning back to the Espurr and the Deino, nodding his head in a friendly way. "Hello. Welcome to town." The greeting held true to his personality.
The golurk seemed to smile at the Espurr as it pointed to a patch on its chest.

"We are the same. I am Zenta. I am leader of merchant guild. I am very very strong. Nice to meet everyone. I hope we work well.."

The massive automaton said addressing the newcomers while raising a giant hand in a wave.

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The female Espurr stepped inched a bit, backing into a Mudkip. "Oh..I'm t-terribly sorry. F-forgive m-me." She spoke in her shy way, her head dropping to stare at her pink hind paws as she moved out of the water type's way.


"It's good to be here! You're the Guildmaster, I'm guessing?" The Deino raised her head to 'see' the outline of the red and black fox Pokemon. "And...A dark type... a Zoroark, I think?" She guessed, standing in front of Kiosk. "I'm still trying to get used to this "seeing-by-sound' thing." She smiled, prodding at the ground where she stood to familiarize herself with her surroundings and the Pokemon near her.
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"Correct. You can call me Kiosk, though... not much for formalities." the Zoroark raised a paw, palm up and nodded in understanding. Even if there were not very many Deinos in the area, he had heard of their ability of scent. Similar to his own, but fine-turned due to their lack of sight. He wasn't quite sure if he was envious or if he felt sorry.
"Oh, it ain't no problem, baby-" The Mudkip started.

"Ignore him, he's a tool." Nikki said, smashing her paw down on the Mudkip's head, making him faceplant into the dirt.

"OW, my beautiful face!"

Nikki rolled her eyes at him, then sighed.
"Cool name, I'm Pantera!" The Deino smiled while introducing herself, still making little steps to make sound waves and educate her on what was around her. 
The pink Espurr raised her hands above her head in defense, as if the Vulpix was going to hit her too. "Uh, a t-tool?" She asked in a shy voice, backing up a bit away from the three Pokemon, fear crawling up at her in just the slightest. "What's t-that? I m-mean you don't h-have to tell me i-if you don't w-want to..." She said softly and nervously.
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Not very long ago a Fennekin had a startling awakening near the outskirts of Alphiren Town. She hadn't remembered a thing that had happened to her before and vaguely remembered that she had once been a human. Marie, her name was the only other thing she could remember at the moment. She found a group of pokemon much similar in shape and size gathered around with each other. Curious as to what they were doing, she followed behind them and found the sign up for rescue teams. Rescue team eh? Maybe if I explore the place I can figure out what happened and why I ended up like this. She walked up to the group still unused to being a Fennekin and asked them, "Is this where we sign up? Sorry I've never been here before..."

Outside of the guild popped the assistant to the guildmaster, Miss Bonbon the Wigglytuff. She found the guildmaster Kiosk and a few pokemon out ready to register to be part of teams. She hopped up to the group and giggled, "Welcome! I'm Bonbon and I'm guessing most of you have met the guildmaster Kiosk? I'm his assistant and I'll be here to organize you all into rescue teams!" She said.
The Vulpix sighed and let the Mudkip up, then Bobby ushered him away. "Don't worry about it. He's just an idiot. Just don't worry about it. You going to sign up for the Guild?"
"Oh, uh, y-yeah. I want to be on a t-team with a P-Pokemon that can help me f-fight...b-because I d-don't think I w-would be good at i-it..." The pink Espurr's voice shook as she spoke, her hands anxiously fiddling with themselves, pulling and poking at her tiny claws.

'That's a lie, and you know it. You would probably be great at fighting...You know all the pressure points and weak spots...You could easily kill everyone here, too...Like that sharp rock over there? You could shove it into their necks, instantly killing them either from impact or their ruptured jugular.' She battled with herself as an evil smile broke on her face, in which the others could not see because she was looking down at her hind paws.
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The Golurk stomped on the ground, sending shockwaves throughout the area as it called out.

"Order! There will be order as we begin signups. Order is key for business. Business is key for success. Order is key to success. Form a line in front of Bonbon to sign up for the explorer's guild, form a line in front of me to join the merchant's guild. Team assignments will be after signups. "

The once docile Golurk now showed its rather intimidating side which it was highly famous for in the town. He may be just a humble merchant, but that meant that he was deliberately attacked, unlike the explorers and had to learn to defend himself in very timely fashion.
"Wait wait wait w-what's happening!?" The Deino said in panicked manner. Again, her 'sight' was based on sound-waves, so the unexpected stomp from the Golurk had made her literally blind to what was around her; as a result, destroying her nice mental picture of her surroundings.

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