Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ampharos' Guild (Always Accepting)


Check Mate
If anyone would like to establish teams with other characters, it is optional in this topic. I ask that you keep your teams ranging from 2-5. I don't want everyone on one team.
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@shadowdude505 You could make a short mini profile for him and I could put it in the Organization thread. You can then work out the finer details through the RP and control him yourself. If you were to ever want someone else to control him we could work that out.
Check said:
@shadowdude505 You could make a short mini profile for him and I could put it in the Organization thread. You can then work out the finer details through the RP and control him yourself. If you were to ever want someone else to control him we could work that out.
I'd control him, but he won't always be around since he'd be out on missions with his team. What would you want for a mini profile and where should I post it?
You can PM it to me and I'll take care of it. It doesn't have to be a fullf fledged sign up sheet. Just a few things about what he does and a couple sentences on personality. Doesn't have to be a lot.
Can we make characters that are experienced as well as noobish?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

For those who are unaware, I have just opened location submissions in the settings/locations topic. Just look at the very bottom of the first post.


*drum roll*


*base drum*


I have started the RP! Please read the edited IC post and my first post. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!​
WishingWell said:
I really like Hannah and I was wondering if you'd like her to team up with Marisol? I think they'd have great chemistry!
Yeah? That sounds great! :3

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Maybe we can have them as good friends or something from before this, and they meet up at the guild after not seeing each other for a while?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

In case anybody is wondering, I do have a couple characters. They are just going to make a slightly delayed appearance.

@Wild Born You need to start increasing your post length. I know it may be hard as you don't have a ton to write about, but try to find something. Explain what's going through your character's mind and small actions she might take. Bottom line, no more 1 to 1 1/2 line posts. I want at least 2 1/2 from now on.
Oh sorry I had exams, but summer is here so I will be writing more
[QUOTE="Pastel Yosuke]Hello everyone!
Gatsby the Furfrou is looking for a team to join!

He could be on Audra's team, she hasn't teamed up with anyone yet.

I would like to join, even though i see some roleplaying going on. Hope to have fun with this.
So mystery dungeons are like the ones in the games with Kangastan rocks and Stairs that don't always take you to the next floor?
No Kangaskhan rocks, but yes on Stairs to the next floors. For now, they all take you to the next floor. You can also find random items like apples, gummies, or seeds and berries. You also suffer from hungering quicker in mystery dungeons. I probably should have explained that.

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