Pokemon League Champions???


Degenerate Animal Crossing™ Cheater
Thought of this today. An rp based around new champions from each region of the Pokèmon world and they are all on a quest together. And that's as far I got before I got stuck on the story for the rp. I figured it be a private rp with up to five people max who can join and we can have two characters to rp as(the second could be a friend,partner,sibling,a douchebag rival,annoying fanboy/girl etc etc etc....). If interested reply below and we can brainstorm on a plot for this idea. 
I'd also be interested, but by new champions, do you mean OCs or existing canon game characters? Just to clarify
Well Zorro,Lullaby and you Ducktard are welcome. Now help me think of a plot cause I'm still blank.
Well, what gen are we talking? All of 'em?

The classic is of course that Team Rocket/Magna/Aqua/Plasma are derping about, and I for one am all for that :)
Thats what I was thinking but I had no idea what they would be planning at all. Hence why this is in the RP idea section and not recruitment.
Well this is just off the top of my head, but they could be trying to get a hold of many (if not all) of the legendaries (plus powerful pokemon that they steal from trainers) to take over the world
A little header about the regional champions. We'll have one champion from each region(except the one from X and Y due to the fact the game isn't out yet).
Why seven? There's Kanto,Johto,Hoenn,Sinnoh,and Unova. Wait does the Sevii Islands count? That FireRed/LeafGreen exclusive area?
Character Skeleton


Age: (13-17)

Origin City and Region: (exg. Viridian City City,Kanto)

Pokemon you won with: (Up to 6)

Pokemon you currently have with you:(Not more than 6 either)

Short Bio: (Optional)




That should be it.
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This is actually pretty great and I'd love to join in if you're still accepting (I'd love to be the champion of Johto) ! Though I have some questions if that's okay. While our champions are gone from their respective regions who will be there to great challengers who have beaten the elite four? Also, I always thought champions (save for Iris) were older than 17? But that could be my misunderstanding
[QUOTE="Rei Jin]This is actually pretty great and I'd love to join in if you're still accepting (I'd love to be the champion of Johto) ! Though I have some questions if that's okay. While our champions are gone from their respective regions who will be there to great challengers who have beaten the elite four? Also, I always thought champions (save for Iris) were older than 17? But that could be my misunderstanding

Well its your lucky break you're our 5th and final person.

1.Unless anyone has an objection you can have Johto

2.I've though of that and still thinking abot that issue

3.Not sure on that either. I'll do some looking into that.

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