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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

  • PokéCenter Battlefield
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:05 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    “There are plenty of places you can go to train. You can kinda do it anywhere.”
    Esther toyed with a scarlet lock while she thought back to her short, but eventful, weeks as a trainer.
    “In Kalos I visited a place called the Battle Chateau, they host Pokémon Battles and grant their members ranks based on how well they do. They’re bound to have training facilities as a battle club. There’s a battle club nearby, actually. I was going to visit it but…plans changed. Just down the road is the Battle Tower where they let trainers test their skills.”

    “There’s more to it than Battle clubs though: tournaments, events, battle establishments. In Lumiose there’s a Café that lets you battle its waiters, if you win within the time limit then you eat for free.”

    “Training happens…well, everywhere. If you want something more…stationary, then you can even intern under a Gym Leader. My friend, Reina, you met her, ya? She’s training under the Cianwood Gym Leader.”

~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond, Emma...~

Aldon looked over the edge of window down at the region below. Skol grinned at Politoad and the two wooper bounced up and down to get a better look at the happy toad. Skol was happily taking in the moment, not a care in the world despite being completely oblivious as to what the moment he was taking in was. He Aldon turned to look at Emma and chuckled.

"Yeah, Skol surprises me sometimes too. He's always been a special boy" Aldon shrugged and looked at Skol whom was cheerfully in his own little world. The two wooper on his back bounced up and down to look out the windows. Aldon was surprised that Emma's parents had a crazy encounter with several lampent.

"I bet its scarier in person than by story. Sounds like your parents had a terrifying encounter, but the results turned out pretty great cause it lead to their eventual relationship and you" Aldon leaned to his right side and scratched his chin. Despite Desmond's wishes, Aldon grinned, snapping his fingers at Desmond.

"Say less! Don't worry, you'll be the first person I'll call if we see a lampent cause you're a great photographer!" As Aldon spoke, his magnemite Zippy was admiring a circuit breaker.

Nakano Saito1726114431052.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys, Theo Hightower
Mentions: N/A
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Theo713 Theo713
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

The poor Riolu looked quite dejected. But, it was good that she seemed to accept it, as she wouldn't want one of Theo's best performing Pokemon to end up hospitalized because of her attempt at learning Aura Sphere too early.

With Theo's answer, she chuckled as she realized he hadn't even looked up of their attacks. She might have forgotten to have him download the Attackdex earlier, but oh well. He has it now. She nodded at his plan of action.

Naka waited for them outside of the center, only to feel dizzy. Her head hurt, and she felt this rage suddenly course through her. She wanted to pick a fight, but she had to keep herself stable. She took in a deep sigh, trying to focus on the scent of the Chikorita next to her, who realized she wasn't doing well.

Naka decided that maybe being outside wasn't a good idea, so she had her Silenus carry her to a table inside the Pokemon Center, where she slid off his back and onto a seat. She took calming breaths in and out before the source of the rage was quelled and then disappeared. She took a deep sigh of relief, but she still had to hold her head with one hand, groaning at how badly it spun.

Esther piped up while Naka recovered from Krem's angry outburst of energy earlier. Once Esther was done explaining, Naka had a gander at it. Although, her voice was still strained. "Yup... But if you're looking for specific battle place where they will teach you, a battle club or being a gym trainer for a gym leader is best. They teach you while you're fighting. I don't know what the hourly rate is on those fu-... Mngh..." She silenced herself, took in a deep breath, and then continued. "Dunno how much it'll cost, but don't worry about it. It shouldn't be a lot."

She groaned, rubbing her temples together, her Chikorita in her lap gave a strained trill and blasted her with a sudden green wave of sweet-smelling aromas-


She sneezed immediately but caught it with her arm before it sprayed all over the table, only to chuckle. "Ah... That strangely helped. I guess sneeze the bad vibes out of me, huh?" This got the sweet little Chikorita giggling in amusement.


[Iris] Rapidash ♀
[Pearl] Dragonair ♀
[Zephir] Leafeon ♂
Click for Character Sheet RICK
Date: Friday - July 29th
Location: Violet City
Interations: --

Rick waited on a couch as he waited for the results of the exam. For someone who had failed it thrice, he seemed to be very confident for once. "So? What's the verdict?" He asked with a smirk in his face, as the examiner came out. "Well... you passed. But I wish you had shown this much commitment from the beginning. Would've saved us a lot of time and trouble." Rick righted himself on the couch. "To be fair, the test was so easy, I had to play dumb so I could enjoy school a little longer. Besides, there's no fun in getting a Flight License if it's not even a challenge." The lady raised her brows, blinking in silence. "Anyways!" Rick shrugged. "Shall we skip to the good part, then?"

"Not yet, I'm afraid. The person who's responsible for the practical lessons is not a teacher from the academy, so we'll need to call him first. Given how busy he is, you can expect to start on Monday. Because weekend is right around the corner and I don't think he would come today." She explained. Rick rolled his eyes. "Then tell him I don't mind having lessons on weekends. I have nothing to do. In fact, tell me where I can find him and I'll just call him personally." Having said that, Rick's eyes shifted to the door as it opened. "That won't be necessary!" A blue-haired man stepped in. Rick's eyes widened. "Him?!" He exclaimed. "Oh! Looks like you're in luck afterall. Rick, I'd like to introduce to you, The Elegant Master of Flying Pokémon. Falkner!"

Falkner walked towards them. "Well, thanks for the warming introduction! I'll take it over from here." He said, scratching the back of his hair. The lady grinned and walked off, leaving the two trainers to talk. "Now! Let me introduce myself properly. I'm Falkner! Violet City Gym Leader and Flying-type specialist. And as you may have surmised, I'll be your teacher for pretty much the rest of the course." The Gym Leader stretched his hand for a shake. "Make no mistake though, this isn't a Gym Challenge. So don't expect a badge at the end of it." Rick raised from the couch to greet him. "I figured that much. And I'm not in for badges either way." The Gym Leader nodded. "As you may imagine, the school is not equipped for the practical lessons. So why don't we go to the Gym and get started right away?"

Once outside, Falkner took a moment to look over Iris. "So this is the Rapidash they talked about. Doesn't look anything special to me, at first glance." He commented, rubbing his chin. Iris scowled, her mane briefly flaring up as she growled. "Nonetheless, I look forward to see in first hand what she can do when she gets her wings." He added. Rick approached them with arms crossed. "How much were you told about it already?" He asked. "I know she can turn into a flying-type. That's what caught my interest. There were sightings in the Whirl Islands, Cianwood, Olivine, the Safari Zone... it's not really a secret at this point in Johto. News travel quicker than a Pidgeot, so it wouldn't surprise me if other regions start knowing about it as well." He told. Rick frowned "Yeah. That's what starts to concern me..." He muttered.

Upon arriving at the Gym, Rick looked around and above as he stepped through the doors. "It's been a while since I was in a Gym." He commented, as he walked up to a platform that would lift him and the Gym Leader to the top floor. "So! From what I was told, you're not a complete beginner to the flight scene, are you? In fact, judging by how many rules you have broken so far, you must really enjoy flying." Rick raised an eyebrow. "And you would be wrong... at least when it comes to enjoying it. I only do it out of necessity." Falkner scratched the corner of his mouth. "What pokémon do you typically fly on?" He asked. Rick looked over at the sky, as Pearl floated through the window and next to him. "Her." He pointed with a thumb.

"A Dragonair, huh?" Falkner rubbed his chin. "Not quite a flying-type yet, at least until she evolves." He commented. Rick crossed his arms. "She does a better job than a Dodrio, that's for sure. And who said anything about evolving?" Falkner grinned. "I guess you have a point there. Still, their skin is so smooth, it's hard to get a grip. I hope you don't expect to do aerial stunts with her." He stated. "And that's exactly why I refrain from flying unless I really need it. She likes aerial stunts a little too much!" He threw Pearl a scolding look. The dragon looked away, whistling and rubbing her cheek with the tip of her tail. "I see... well! For the first part of practical course, you're gonna use one of our rental Ride Pokémon." Falkner gestures to a Pidgeot, who had just landed on the wooden platform with a saddle already on. Rick ran towards it and leaned over the equipment. "What is this?"

"Someone who got this far on the course and is already a veteran rider should know what a saddle is." Falkner said, crossing his arms. "Well, obviously I know what it is. I just never use them. First time I tried it, my butt wouldn't stop complaining until two days after, and I swore never more." Rick stated. "Understandable. While they're not mandatory, the League strongly recommends their usage. But some trainers prefer to be more in touch with their pokémon and forego saddles. You may opt for using one of your own pokémon for the final exam, but until then, it is mandatory for Ride Pokémon to use one." He explained. Rick sighed. "It is what it is. When do we start?" He asked. Falkner grinned with eyes closed. "Now!" He grabbed a pokéball from his belt and sent out his own Pidgeot, climbing onto it. "For the first lesson, you'll follow me and my instructions. So get on, and let's catch some air!"

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