Pokemon: In The Eye Of Distopia Character Thread


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
One by one, they all fall as fast as they appear. Either way, the criminal syndicates are vastly diminished to nothing but memories. Nothing but stories of the criminal intents from 'Pokemon Activists' like Team Plasma to thieves like Team Rocket. They are always defeated, and because of so, life is peaceful. The last look of anything evil faded with reappearance and disappearance of Team Plasma and that was years ago... But now things are different when we thought all was peaceful the switch was flipped. Out of nowhere the syndicates that were once thought to have faded have re-risen and with a vengeance. There was global tyranny across the regions, and as if it weren't worse enough the Elite Four couldn't stand a chance and like if that wasn't bad enough, somehow the crime syndicates managed to come to an understanding and joined forces. I mean most of the syndicate leaders had completely opposite idea compared to others. Whether it was Evice's Shadow Pokemon schemes and enslaving/stealing as many Pokemon as possible to turn them into super powerful tool of destruction versus Ghetsis's plan to 'liberate' people of their Pokemon; or Giovanni's plan to rule the world while it be Cyrus's intention to make a new one they somehow managed to get passed their differences. Now it's up to not just a select few but you the Trainer, the Breeder, the Ranger whoever you are... We need your help... not only us but the world and the Pokemon in it. Their goal is to capture Pokemon and turn them into Shadow Pokemon, where they will use them, to attack and make us liberate our Pokemon, turning them into Shadow Pokemon too until we have none. Then while we're most defenseless they will take us as their prisoners to work for them until their new world is created.


1.) No text talk.

2.) You don't have to be 100% literate to join. By that I mean you can write in 'script' format. All I care is that you don't use a sentence per post and that I can read and understand your words.

3.) No God modding, power playing, Auto-Hitting, or one-hit KO's.

4.) Add some Drama. It doesn't have to be 100% Action. Fall in love with your enemy or friend. Split personality. I don't know really... But yeah insulting charas are good, but respect them in OC. And don't go overboard with the insulting.

5.) Can we curse? Eh sure, why not... (Just don't go sailor with it.)

6.) Complaints should be told in the form of a question. Just kidding, but PM me if you have a complaint of any sort.

7.) Don't control other charas or other charas' Pokemon.

8.) Can't win every battle! And eventually you will get hurt severely.

9.) Yuri and Yaoi are allowed. And I don't really much care if you decide to their suddenly be a relationship between a 10 year-old chara with a 20 year-old chara... Though I have to admit that will be quite weird and interesting to see how it'll go when problems occur. Also, Cross-Dressing, Transexuality, Transgendered, Polysexuality, Pansexuality, etc. are allowed too. I see no point in discriminating them.

10.) Expect the Unexpected... I always do!

11.) Please at least try to be active, but I understand losing the internet, family crisis, sickness, testing, and work.

12.) You can only have one legendary Pokemon. (If the rule is enabled for more charas, the you can only have one legendary for one of your charas, the others get nothing!).

13.) Have fun

14.) Try to make your character unique, no one likes blandness in a person.

15.) Since not everyone is about Heroism, you can be apart of Team Distopia.

16.) There are no level limits to a Pokemon, but don't make the battle unrealistic. If you have say... A Rayquaza vs. a Tynamo then chances are, the
Rayquaza is going to win.

17.) Minimum to love is kisses and hugs. Anything beyond that has three options.

  • Doesn't happen at all.

  • You Time-Skip.

  • You do it over PM.

Because, after all, no one wants to read about what's happening 'under the bed covers'. Plus, I doubt this RP will get that far anyways.

Here is the website which will hold all the accepted characters.

Character Sheets:

(For Members of Team Distopia/ Trainers/ Breeders/ or Coordinators Tier.)





Appearance: (Actual picture link is preferred.)

Pokemon: (1 - 6, and only one Legendary/ Shadow Pokemon if I approve.) (Also, please add a move set and ability.)

What Town/City?:

Side: For the cause or against it?

Tier: (Team Distopia or Trainers/ Rangers/ Pokemorphs/ Breeders/ Pokemon/ Coordinators)

Bio: (Not Opt.)

Personality: (Not Opt.)

Other Info: (Opt.)


(For Members of Pokemon Tier.)





Appearance: (Actual picture link is preferred.)

What Pokemon are you?: ( Can be a Legendary/ Shadow Pokemon if I approve

Side: (For the cause or against it?)

Bio: (Not Opt.)

Personality: (Not Opt.)

Other Info: (Opt.)








(For Members of Pokemorphs Tier.)





Appearance: (Actual picture link is preferred.)

Pokemon: (
1 - 5, and only one Legendary/ Shadow Pokemon if I approve.)

What Town/City?:

What Pokemon are you?: (You cannot be legendary if you already have one same goes for shadow.)

Side: (For the cause or against it?)

Bio: (Not Opt.)

Personality: (Not Opt.)

Other Info: (Opt.)








(For member of Rangers Tier.)





Appearance: (Actual picture link is preferred.)

Partner Pokemon: (Cannot be a Legendary, but can be a Shadow.)

What Town/City?:

Side: (For the cause or against it?) (If you're a Ranger, then you're for the cause.)

Bio: (Not Opt.)

Personality: (Not Opt.)

Other Info: (Opt.)

Name: Dante Ryugazaki

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 9239



Nickname: Voltorn

Gender: Male



Aqua Tail


Drain Punch

Thunder Punch


Nickname: Tindera

Gender: Male

Ability: Flame Body


Bug Buzz

Calm Mind

Giga Drain

Heat Wave


Nickname: Euphoberia

Gender: Male

Ability: Poison Point


Aqua Tail


Mega Horn

Poison Jab


Nickname: Exeedra

Gender: Male

Ability: Hustle



Draco Meteor

Dragon Pulse

Work Up


Nickname: Vanguard

Gender: Male

Ability: Rivalry


Dragon Claw

Dragon Dance

Night Slash



Nickname: Des Gardes

Gender: N/A

Ability: Pressure


Calm Mind

Ice Beam


Signal Beam

Side: For the cause

Tier: Trainer/ Coordinator

When Des was three, he saw his first Pokemon battle, and at that moment he instantly fell in love; but the family he had managed to grow up in did not like the idea of Pokemon being in their household, so the answer was no. But, that didn't deter him from getting his first Pokemon, so when he turned ten, he started his adventure without telling his parents, and went to Prof. Juniper to get his very first Pokemon but was unsuccessful and was unable to retrieve a Pokemon; but with her help was able to catch a Pokemon. Which was a Tynamo. And so, his grand journey started, leaving the Unova region forever decimated by his impression on how quickly he managed to challenge and defeat the eight Gym leaders. And soon enough after conquering the Unova league he decided to take a rest, so he bought a house in Nimbasa city where he currently resides to this day. And so one day during a festival, held in Nimbasa city, a crew of lackey Distopians decided that they could attack people with their Pokemon, but Dante thought otherwise, quickly putting an end to the rampage and thus, that's when he first learned of Team Distopia.

He likes to stay very silent most of the time and is more of a layed back guy who loves his Pokemon to the farthest extent of love, but has no problem standing up for the ones he loves. He loves to horse around a lot, and knows how to have a good time. He can get hot headed though, so be careful with what you say.

Other Info: He prefers to drink tea during nerve racking situations, instead of freaking out and panicking.
I'm rather interested in this role play. Would you have a problem with Mewtwo being one of my Pokemon? If you do, then I'll choose a different Pokemon, of course. Thank you!
Name: Sevil Mako

Age: 16

Gender: Male




Gender: Male


Moves: Ember, Flame Wheel, Smokescreen, Headbutt


Gender: Female

Ability: Shell Armor

Moves: Aurora Beam, Bubblebeam, Ice Ball, Water Gun


Gender: Male

Ability: Chlorophyll

Moves: Nature Power, Synthesis, Bide, Explosion


Gender: Female

Ability: Guts

Moves: Night Slash, Double Kick, Spark, Fire Fang


Gender: Male

Ability: Sheer Force

Moves: Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Fury Attack, and Heat Wave

[sixth saved for possible rare]

What Town/City?: what amounts to the new version of New Bark Town

Side: Think of him as Chaotic Neutral with tendencies towards good. Basically he will be on whatever side he sees will benefit him most at the time, but not if that side is inherently evil.

Tier: Trainer / Breeder / Coordinator

Bio: He was a young child of barely nine looking forward to becoming a trainer in a year. He wanted to try everything from contests to breeding Pokemon, he wanted to experience the world. But when he was attacked brutally by a Golem who had been turned evil by an unknown criminal he went into a coma for several years. He woke up at the age of 15 and was blown out of the water by his growth and the growth of the world. On top of that his seemingly young parents had become old looking as they spent so many years at his bed side worrying about him and wondering if they would ever hear their sons voice again. But now the world was being taken over by some evil force and he doesn't like it. Many friends from his town donated a Pokemon they either bred or caught to him for starting his journey and as such he had a full party of six first form Pokemon who most of which had moves they shouldn't normally. He has learned for the most part how to deal with his size change and the world change with the help of his Pokemon, they are now able to understand each other even though they speak languages worlds apart, it seems to him that his Pokemon is speaking perfect English. Now Sevil is ready to leave his town and make his way in the world.

Personality: A bit clumsy and absent minded sometimes, this is easily attributed to the fact that he was in a coma for 6 years. He also will switch sides if he finds the other has something he likes but he will not join a side he believes is evil or harmful to innocent defenseless people. He eats aloooooooot and never seems to run out of hunger, but that is because his metabolism went from nothing to teenage male overdrive. He is solid and bold in his beliefs and will state how he feels no matter what anyone else thinks. His Pokemon will follow him to anyplace and not care what side he is on. He treats them firmly and will tell them their mistakes in training or battle but never does so with any such air of disappointment or meanness. He is only kind to his Pokemon. He was raised to treat women as better then men, and he will as long as they are women who don't piss him off.

Other Info: Almost all of his Pokemon are a very short way from evolving as he has been with them for a year now.
Also he has an affinity for red heads and loves Bengal Spice Tea and a buttered roll.
Go Ahead Chat ^^ Everyone's allowed to join!

Since you asked Lunar-Dweller, of course you can have Mewtwo.

And also, you are accepted AllHailDago.
I would love to join and catch Raikou along the way. :)

Name : Rhea Addor

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://www.free-hdwallpapers.com/wallpapers/anime/159247.jpg


View attachment 9453



Nickname: Cypher

Gender: Male

Personality: Larger than the average Crobat, Cypher is very protective and loyal.

Ability: Inner Focus

Moves: Air Slash, Haze, Fly, Bite


Nickname: Hikaru

Gender: Male

Personality: Has a bit of a loving personality, tends to be a peace maker.

Ability: Overgrow

Moves: Grasswhistle, Solarbeam, Magical Leaf, Skull Bash


Nickname: Chia

Gender: Female

Personality: Calm and focused. A little Lazy.

Ability: PickUp

Moves: Assist, Shadow Ball, Dig, Iron Tail


Nickname: Roar

Gender: Male

Personality: Hot headed and easy to anger. It’s a baby.

Ability: Torrent

Moves: Scratch, Rage, Water Gun, Leer







Raikou or TBA

Nickname: --

Gender: --

Personality: --

Ability: --

Moves: --

What Town/City?: Born in Fuchsia City in Kanto then moved and grew up in Celadon City. Moved to the Johto region briefly and ended in Unova at White Forest.

Side: For the cause

Tier: Mostly Breeder/Trainer

Rhea had no family as a child. Abandon in a cave at a young age she was saved by a Zubat who risked its life against a large group of Geodude. Soon after she was found and relocated to Celadon City with her Aunt and Uncle, the Zubat following close behind. As she grew Rhea had a fear of people around her but a love for Pokemon. Rhea was known for picking up stray and injured Pokemon and bring them home, nursing them back to health. A few of the Pokemon she saved choose to stay with her earning her new friends for life. When grew old enough, Rhea was put in a Pokemon school instead of leaving to go on a journey. She passed school quickly and with flying colors, Her battling was weak but her Pokemon care was excellent and knowledge extensive. Her people skills on the other hand had poorly improved, making friends never coming easy to her. Although the thought of going out to the world on her own was scary, her thirst for knowledge of different Pokemon overrun her fear. She left a year after she finished school, her Pokemon all fully matured and ready for adventure. Her first stop was in the Johto Region where on her first day she found a badly hurt baby Totodile. Wanting to help it recover, she made her visits very brief and moved on to White Forest in Unova region to learn medical knowledge for any Pokemon in the future. Rhea learned the Totodile was extremely young and was possibly only a few days old. So Rhea had settled down in White Forest to study once more, only for her studies to be cut short by Team Distopia when they attacked the White Forest for its rare Pokemon. Rhea and her Pokemon fought off most of Team Distopia in protection with a few other trainers. Now Rhea seeks information about the Shadow Pokemon.

Rhea is be very shy and She is easy to take advantage of. She has a hard time saying no to people, making her completely spineless. She tries her best to better herself socially but can rarely find the courage to do so. Rhea is always looking up to people who can truly stand up for themselves and looking down at herself. Rhea truly loves Pokemon and feels like she is always there to help them more then anything else. She loves her best friend Cypher because he is the reason she feels she can continue on sometimes, without him she feels lost.

Other Info: Rhea plays the flute and seems to have a natural calming aura around her. Rhea has problems speaking her mind or asking for things so sometimes she will stare at things that she wants. Rhea also has a love for sweet things. Rhea is good at research, healing and taking care of Pokemon.
Ahh, though I was thinking I could bring in my Shadow Lugia morph again. Her and another character.

Anyway... I'll be editing into this post once I get an answer...


Name: Decency Chrome

Age: She is, in actuality, around the age of 6, but she was modified to be nearly 3 times that age (17).

Gender: Female



Pokemon: None

What Town/City?: Violet City

What Pokemon are you?: Shadow Lugia

Side: Against it; she is forced to.

Bio: Decency lived a pretty unhappy life. First thing is that her father abandoned her and her mother when Decency was born. Ages 0-2 Decency lived alone with her mother in poor conditions. They lived in an old run-down shack in the middle of the forest and all they ate were native fruits and other droppings from trainers that passed by. Age 3 Decency found her house burnt and the forest that was in it burning... She managed to escape but after that she didn't see her mother again. She was alone and without a home. Age 4 one of the leaders of Team Distopia saw how miserable she became and saw an opportunity in her. That person took her in and ran a few tests on her. Soon enough she became a lab rat, and she didn't disapprove because that leader happened to befriend Decency. Age 5 the Shadow Lugia tests began on her. They managed to severely change Decency's body to make it able to switch from human to Pokemon (XD001)form with a little electric shock or a change in attitude. They used the shock method more, though.Age 6 was the time Decency realized things were wrong and tried to run away. The Pokemon DNA gave her new senses and opinions and views on things that she never heard of. She also became more self-aware. But she became mute and wasn't able to speak English anymore. The self-awareness ended up in distrust and rage and she almost wrecked the place where she was tested... She was scorned and that never happened again. She became miserable and blunt and did everything Team Distopia asked of her...

Personality: Decency is rather emotionless, dull, and she doesn't speak at all. Decency may also be a little unstable of her emotions on the inside, and she might break down under extreme stress.

Other Info: She is only able to say the word "Ahh".

Ability: Pressure


- Shadow Blast

- Shadow Storm

- Shadow Down

- Shadow Shed

Name: Rufus Stevens

Age: 16

Gender: Male


View attachment 9458





Swift Swim


- Aqua Jet

- Whirlpool

- Rain Dance

- Giga Impact






- Wild Charge

- Thunder Fang

- Crunch

- Roar




Super Luck


- Roost

- Air Slash

- Present

- Metronome






- Toxic

- Hex

- Hypnosis

- Power Gem




Rough Skin


- Sand Attack

- Dig

- Draco Meteor

- Dual Chop

What Town/City?: Twinleaf Town

Side: He isn't quite aware of Team Distopia, so for now he is neutral. He may take either side, however, depending on the situation.

Tier: Mostly Coordinator, also Trainer

Bio: Rufus is like your typical avarage kid. He lived in a modern household in his hometown, Twinleaf Town. He grew up with his mother and an elder sister who, coincidentally, was the top coordinator of her time. As a result, Rufus looked up to her. Soon after, though, her sister moved to Unova to spread her prowess over that region. Rufus, at the time, didn't really accept the fact and she was stubborn to keep her back in Sinnoh. It was only the choice of her mother to hand him a buizel and a shinx that he let go of her and began to train as a trainer and a coordinator under his sister's advice as a child.

Personality: Rufus is a nice, generally kind, modest kid. He is easily embarrassed. At the mention of a battle, he is always there to observe, since he can't control his curiousness very well. At times he can become very naive and will believe most things he is told, even if he knows contradicting facts of the subject.

Other Info: He loves collecting Buizel, Shinx, and Wigglytuff (His sister's cherished pokemon) merchandise and often he will bring these things with him. He has a storage belt and a shoulder bag that he uses to hold stuff like pokeballs, healing sprays, food items, and miscellaneous.

Well... I consider both Lugia and Shadow Lugia to be two separate beings... So, C h a t you can have Chrome back and Dago, you can catch your Lugia. And yes Ricia you can catch Raikou along the way.
Awesome! This is a great thread. I'd like to join, so I'll create a character ASAP. On a side note, I'd like to have Arceus as my legendary. Now, I'd like to think of it like a connection between my character and Arceus, as in he never captured Arceus. Plus, there is only one Arceus, and the probability that it came across my character is kinda low. So, it is almost like Arceus answers the call of my character. What do you think? Also, can my character possess all the plates? Also, since it seems that most of the characters are for the good cause, can I be a bad guy? I actually have an interesting idea, so if you want, I'll PM it to you.
I want to join! This sounds very interesting and fun since I grew up playing pokemon. I'll start on a character sheet right now. Can my legendary pokemon be Suicune?
Name: Georgie Sakurafamir?

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Pokemon: (Do we say the level?)




1. Psybeam

2. Yawn

3. Lucky Chant




1. Tackle

2. Ember

3. Flamethrower


Run Away


1. Ember

2. Flame wheel

3. Tail Whip

4. Protect


Early Bird


1. Growth

2. Harden


Hyper Cutter


1. Fake Tears

2. Bite

3. Astonish

4. Protect

What Town/City?: Black City

Side: Neutral, until his Mawile is kidnapped later in the story.

Tier: Trainer

Bio: Ever since Georgie was 10, he didn't like Pokemon as much as the other children. They adored them, but he wasn't fond of the little creatures. It was only until the Age of 13 that he started collecting. He only has 5 pokemon, since he doesn't aim much for "catching them all!". His parents thought the site of him watching the children play with their cute, little pokemons from his 23' story apartment was quite odd. He always did that; watching, and watching, and watching. His parents say it was because he actually did want pokemon; but didn't want to admit it. He's very shy. He doesn't talk to the others much because of his fear of being taunted or bullied. The only reason he fears of others is because of the fact he's different. The thing is... he's Gay. Doesn't quite understand his feelings, but knows what it's called. He doesn't have his eyes set on a specific boy, but maybe he will in the future. For now, he wanders around the islands and places, hoping to find love; or even adventure. With him, the possibilities are endless. All he wants is to be noticed. That's all he wants.

Personality: Georgie is shy, as said before. He usually get's carried away with his shyness, causing others to believe he's a bit on the "Cooky" side. The only things he talks to are his pokemon. When threatened, his main option is to flight. Rarely he'll fight with his pokemon, or without his pokemon alone. The only way for him to stop being so quiet is for someone to befriend him. Maybe then he can end his fear of socializing.

Other Info: None that I can think of, If I do I'll add it!
Name: Marian DuPre

Age: 17

Gender: Female




Nickname: --

Gender: --

Ability: Unnerve

Moves: Confusion, Physic, Shadow Ball, Rest






Town/City: None; Marian doesn't stay in one place for long.

Side: Neutral

Tier: Trainer

Bio: Marian was abandoned as a young child, left at an orphanage by parents who didn't care for her. Growing up, she didn't know love or friendship. She felt unwanted and wanted to escape. Upon turning 10, she ran away from the orphanage, going wherever she desired. Without any help, however, she quickly found herself lost and in trouble. Mewtwo found her, lost and alone, angry and bitter. He pittied the poor girl, understanding her feelings all too well. The pokemon stayed with her, protecting the girl and journeying with her. They grew strong together, coming to trust and rely on each other. Suddenly, the world didn't seem so unbearable.

After being together for five years, Mewtwo allowed Marian to capture him, offically becoming her first pokemon. He wasn't treated as a pokemon, more like an equal, but the action bound them together. Wanting to stay only with the pokemon who understood her, Marian captured no more pokemon. She trained with Mewtwo and they fought many battles togeter, but never did they expand their team.

Personality: Marian is very hurt and a bit angry with the world. She doesn't hate people, but she doesn't trust them. She stays quiet and keeps ot herself, but she isn't shy.

Other: Marian treats Mewtwo as a friend and equal. She doesn't confine the pokemon to a pokeball, instead letting him move freely. She consults him on almost everything, and considers him her only(therefore closest) friend and confident. They feel the same way about many things. After years of being together, the pair has grown remarkably close, each knowing the other inside and out.
Alright Ryker... This is how I see it... Arceus took some time for mt to think through, but yes, you can have Arceus on one condition... The idea of having all the plates is a little risky, so... How about you start with like... 5 or 6 and work your way from there since Arceus is as over powered as ever. Does that work?

Oh, and all of you are accepted.

And on a side note yes Domichii, you can have Suicune. You can have whatever you want as long as youcan make certain compromises! ^^
Name: Alice Gray.

Age: 19 years old.

Gender: Female.


View attachment 9501




Gender: Female

-Night Slash

-Dark Pulse

-Icy wind



Rough skin

Gender: Male

-Dragon Rush


-Shadow Claw



Flash fire

Gender: Male




-Flame Charge


Sand stream

Gender: Male



-Stone Edge

-Hyper Beam


Super Luck

Gender: Female

-Perish Song

-Sucker Punch

-Razor Wind

-Faint Attack



Gender: N/A




-Shadow Force

What Town/City?: Olivine City.

Side: For the cause.

Tier: Trainer/Breeder.

Bio: Alice grew up in Olivine City with her two younger brothers and her family. There is no denying that they are the wealthiest in town, yet Alice never acts like it. Ever since she was a little girl, she has always wanted to become a powerful trainer. She didn't know what kind of trainer she wanted to be, until she found her first Pokemon at the age of seven.

While wandering the shores, she heard a strange, yet eerie sound echo out from a mountain near her home. At first, she had no idea what it was. It sounded like no other Pokemon she has ever heard. Than, she heard it again, but a lot louder. She scrambled up the mountainside, and sure enough, there was a dark cave that lie in front of her.

Slipping out a Master Ball her father had given her, she pulled a flashlight from her pocket and switched it on. She walked inside the cave, until she was at a dead end. It seemed there was nothing there after all.

About to give up, Alice began to walk back to her home. Until that was, the Pokemon finally showed itself. Shooting out of the dark shadows, the huge gray and yellow Pokemon blocked the cave's entrance, staring directly at Alice with red eyes. She turned around, and her eyes widened at the sight of the Legendary Pokemon, known as Giratina. Without thinking twice, she flung her Master Ball at it, and the next thing she knew, it was gone.

The Master ball bounced back to her, wiggling slightly. She had caught it, and not only that, but it was a Legendary. Running back to her home, she showed her parents, who were completely shocked and bewildered at her achievement.

As soon as Alice turned 17, she set out on her own little journey, catching Garchomp, Houndoom, Weavile, Tyranitar, and Absol on the way.

And that, is how her story began.

Personality: When someone just meets her, Alice can be mysterious and somewhat quiet. But once someone actually gets to know her well enough, she is a very sweet, caring girl who isn't afraid to help others in need. But for some reason, she has trouble trusting people. It takes her quite a long time, and she has to get to know someone fully in order to trust them.

Like other trainers, Alice can also be very protective of her Pokemon, especially Giratina. If anything happened to them, she would surely snap.

About Giratina: Loyal, trusting, and a good companion, Giratina would never betray Alice or anyone else. It does have a very nasty temper, and is hard to control at times. It has a tendency to be a little bit overprotective when it comes to people it doesn't know. But after meeting someone, it becomes nicer in a way. Giratina also loves the nighttime, and usually plays out in the moonlight with Absol.

About Weavile: Nothing can describe her well enough, than a complete trickster. No matter who it is, this Pokemon always has a few nasty tricks up her sleeves. She can also be very stubborn, and doesn't always listen to Alice. But when she does, she is very loyal and powerful as well. Weavile also loves berries, and always picks a ton of them when traveling.

About Garchomp: A bit on the stubborn side, Garchomp is a fierce Pokemon. He doesn't usually take no for an answer, and doesn't think twice before doing things. He has a quick-temper, and isn't afraid to snap at another trainer's Pokemon. He especially loves to battle, and gets quite eager to destroy his opponent. Battling refreshes him, so he is always in a good mood after a fight.

About Houndoom: He tends to be a little more fiercer than he looks. But once someone gets to know him, he is as playful as a puppy. He always tries to make himself look stronger than he really is, which tends to scare a few of his opponents. But really, he isn't like that at all. Outside of battles, he is a loyal Pokemon and loves to mess around with Weavile.

About Tyranitar: Even though he doesn't seem like it, Tyranitar loves to make friends and is a bit on the wild side. But in battle, he is a completely different Pokemon. Strong, independent, and a monster, he will easily tear his opponent apart with no mercy. Other than that, he is a surprisingly sweet Pokemon.

About Absol: She can be a little stuck-up, and she acts like she is better than most. But once someone gets to know her personally, like Alice, she truly is an amazing Pokemon. Shes like Weavile in a way, always playing tricks on people and having fun, but there are times where she can be pretty stubborn and mean.
Umm... Well... I would've atleast reccommended that you tell me that you were going to use Lugia... But since Legendaries are first come first serve... I guess Lugia is yours... Just ask next time.
OMG! I was literally going to suggest that, then I didn't want to sound pushy. Imagine, you could travel in the Shadow Dimension with Giratina! That would be so cool!
xD Yeah I know right?? I love Giratina:) It was gonna be my first choice, but Lugia is like my fave Pokemon xD

Wait... Did you already sign up for this?? Or are you going to?
I'm going to. I snagged Arceus, my personal fave. I'm thinking of going with a Tryanitar, a Lucario, a Dragonite, and maybe two others.

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