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Fandom Pokemon high school

skyler smiled and blushes looking at him as if she saw something she totally liked. "pleased to meet you im Skyler." she shook her head trying to focus."sorry im not good at making friends." she nervously held her arm abit worried. 
Jade smiled " hows about i pay?" she looked over to the new arrivals and laughed lightly. " so howd the desert go? any luck?''
"it's fine i'm the same" Lux said as he is trying to hide the fact that he is shaking "its seems you like music" he added noticing the earbuds around her neck he decided that he should move his headphones off his head being barely able to hear her through the one exposed ear his headphones was not on he moved them around his neck.
Marcus laughed and shook his head, "Hey, hey, consider it a bit of payback for me rambling on about my travel stories. I insist!"

Noticing more students, he straightened himself out and tried to look more professional again. With a slight air of embarrassment, he tried to save face in a way that his neck pillow would never allow him to. Here was a strangely burly man that had given away his teddy-bear demeanor before students had even gotten a chance to be afraid of him. After a second, he replied with his usual vigor, "The desert? Went fine, just fine. The family seemed glad to have the scholarship we offered, and I certainly think they'll notify their friends and family. Of course, we won't know how lucky I was until they show up."

"Or don't," he added, "But we're hoping for the best."
"hm? oh yeah i love music. i see you do too." she smiled and tilted her head with a quick look over him, blushing. she tried not to run away.

jade smiled " fine being as you are persistant." she nodded reassuringly. " im sure they will or atleast quite hopeful thank you." she straightened the files and welcomed new students with a humble attitude.
"indeed i do what type of music do you like if you wouldn't mind telling me?" Lux asked becoming even more nervous as he cannot hear his music but then he noticed her blushing he began to think 'is she blushing does that mean' Lux forces a smile hoping his conclusion was right but begin's to shake even more a few seconds after.
Lucy looks behind Flex at his brother. "Nice to meet you. I'm Lucy." She says distractedly as she forces her eyes away from the yellow haired boy and the girl. Lucy looks down at her book, pretending to exam the cover.
she notices him shaking and places her hand lightly on his. '' mostly rock as of right now its knives and pens -- bvb" she looks up at him smiling, thinking 'i wonder if hes nervous or if...?' she trailed off.
"Hey, you know me well enough to know that I don't let people pay," Dunstan explained, still trying to silently greet the students that came in. So many new, fresh faces that weren't sure what to make of this place yet. "What would people think if teacher schmoozed his employer for free coffee on the first day back?"

The man nodded to his boss, "Hey, this place is looking great, always has. Wouldn't have gotten me here so easily if I didn't think the place was worth it. And the people too, of course... Hey, excuse me a second."

Marcus stood up and grinned, giving his best strict stance to try to spook the students. He loved doing this early in the year, though his booming voice and imposing appearance might have fooled students into thinking he was serious. At the group of flirting students, Marcus shouted, "Hey, no flirting in the hallways! You'll have plenty of time to make goo-goo eyes after move in day!"

Marcus attempted to hold his glare, seeing if any of them were sufficiently scared before he let on that it was a joke.
Jade nodded, " i guess that a really good point." she said abit jokingly. still greeting the students upon entry she had greeted everyone upon their entry trying to make them all feel comfortable
Flex noticed where she was looking "my brother hmm" he said out loud by mistake "wait did i just say that out loud" flex added not knowing if he did or didn't.

Lux just stood their thinking for a moment 'she like the same music as me for real' "for real i like them but i'm more into Dead by April, falling in reverse and a day to remember at the moment " he asked blushing like crazy when he saw her smile at him he began to shake uncontrollable thinking 'i cant do this i need to run now' but against his judgment he decided to try and keep as calm as possible he held his own arm tightly to try and stop him shaking.
skyler noticed he was getting uncomfortable and moved her hand, holding her arms behind her back. " Nice choice," she stated trying not to take off or be a clutse, she moved her bangs from over her eye and looked at him calmly. 'I think--' she noticed he had tighten his grip on his arm, blushing lightly she put her hood on to hide the red on her face, as she waited for him to speak she played with her headphones.
Heating the loud booming voice, Lucy sighs in relief, taking the distraction and order as an opportunity to jet. She rushes past Flex and past the yellow haired boy and the girl with a wolf on her shoulder. She runs up the steps and into the girls section of the school. When she reaches the door of her room she let's out a relived sigh and just leans against her door in the hallway. She slides her feet on the floor and sits infront of her door. She begins to read as she grabs her earbuds from her pocket and her phone from her back pocket. She turns her phone on and begins listening to music. She begins her Greenday track on random and "Boulvard of Broken Dreams" comes on. Seeing it fit she keeps it on.
Knowing that everyone was getting settled in, at least, Marcus took his opportunity to vacate the chair. He nodded to his employer and excused himself, "Think that you've got the fort held down. I'm going to go get my quarters back in order. And the class. Got a bunch of new stuff to torture the kids with."

"Feel free to drop by if you get too bored out here," Marcus laughed, finally starting out. The man whistled as he headed towards the teacher's rooms. Thank god for the area they gave him, the commute between here and his old apartment would have been a nightmare and a half.

As always, the apartment was in relative order. It always looked ready for an interview, just as he liked it. Uncluttered table and chairs, shelf of nick-knacks from around the globe, framed newspaper articles to show off his cred a bit. If there's one thing that Marcus liked, it was getting credit for his good work. Some called it a slight touch of arrogance, but why hide one's accomplishments? Even if that meant framing them for all visitors to see. He began to pack away his travel clothes so he could crash in peace for a while.
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Flex just stood their like what just happened scratching his head just standing there.

Lux just stood their not knowing what to do or say he stopped holding his arm and attempted to see her face under the hood to see what type of face she was making he seemed to have calmed down a lot noticing how cute she was being he was blushing a lot.
jade laughed,"alright let me know if you need anything, do you remember the way the rooms, correct? " she gestured up the stairs to the right then she turned to greet the others, handing out paperwork and drinking her tea the single sip at a time. 
Skyler noticed him looking at her and moved the hood enough he could see her eyes and her hair draped over her shoulders but not able to hide the blush she quickly looked down abit nervous. ' He's kinda cute.' she thought trying not to make him uneasy and lightly smiled noticing he had calmed down lightly nudged the hood off to show she was pleased aswell
Flex walked over to his brother and smiled he whispered what room Lux's had as he was keeping that information from him he then walked off with his bags in hand heading to his room when he got their he unpacked and laid down on the bed and started to play with fire that he made.

Lux smiled back at his brother thinking 'thank you' he just looked at her his mind wa allover the place he didn't even know what to do anymore his knowledge of talking to people ran out long ago never mind a girl he didn't no how he felt about he just smile looking at her.
Skyler had blushed lightly looking at him and smiled, she hadnt a clue what to say so she stood there thinking 'Focus dont be stupid... oh im always doing this' having flashbacks to not long before now. she then sat her suitcases up and took a seat leaving one available for Lux so he cant calm down the rest of the way.
Lux noticed she left a seat for him and kind of doubting whether he should take it or not he decided to take the seat "thank you " he said smiling and blushing as he sat down thinking 'don't be an idiot what is it i feel about this girl its different' he had fully calmed down at this point.

Flex was still playing with fire.
Skyler smiled and thought for a moment 'what do i say' ... she then pulled out her phone and looked at them time then put it back in her boot pocket , pulling out her drawing book and draws him unknowingly that it was him she drew. " do you like art?" she attempted to make small talk with a brighter blush her heart beating frantically as she felt something new become known
"yeah i love art but i'm not so good at it myself " Lux said with a bright smile on his face not knowing what he should say he's heart was beating like he was having a panic attack but it wasn't one it was something else.
Skyler smiled lightly noticed what she drew and handed it too him. "Lux I drew you." She giggled and looked away. ' thinking she was such a loser and that was awkward and freak like ' she looked down and let out a sigh placing her hood back over her face holding the earphones around her neck as if trying to clam herself down. her hair flowing in the light breeze, and her eyes a emerald color green
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skyler becomes a bit figgity and smiles. " thanks im glad you like it. i promise i wasnt trying to be creepy im so sorry i didnt meant too im not good at this." She quickly stood up and stepped back abit then grasped her arm and took a breath she turned to face him unable to think or relax she realized she hasnt felt this before she figured that this was odd and that she was bothering him with the awkward way things were going she tried once more to breathe and think clearly but all that came out was " uhm.."
when Lux saw skyler stand up he does the same "it wasn't creepy i liked it i'm not very good at this either but they is something about you that i feel like i can just talk to you without a care in the world" he said as he turned to face her but before he noticed he was staring straight into her eyes awkwardly but he can't turn away for some reason she was stick in his head like his favorite song normally is but this was even more than that he was blushing and his face was bright red.
Skyler smiled looking back at him as her hood fell, she had blushed. " R-really? I feel like im being a fool but there is something about you that i cant help liking sorta like--." She smiled unable to say anything just sort of looking at him and stuttering over her words. " like im safe" she said abit lower and looked away standing as thought she was lonely and was always that way with a slight trust issue she never let her guard down. she took another breath as she looked at the sky

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