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Fandom Pokemon: Fractured {Medieval AU} (OOC)

Alexis is angy. Fitting, considering she was originally a cat, who was retrofit to be catgirl.
OfficialCosplayerVA OfficialCosplayerVA
I'm a bit concerned about the most recent post for a couple reasons.
The biggest is that you took control of everyone's characters and said what they all did, going to the new location. As a general rule we avoid doing that because it takes agency away from the people playing those characters. We each control our character's actions, but nobody else's.
The second is that Alexis's concerns and situation got completely glossed over and ignored, and she was made to follow along like everyone else despite saying that isn't what she would do. Doing things like that goes against the "yes, and" spirit of cooperative storytelling, and it's always better to build on what other characters do and say than to ignore or otherwise minimize their contribution to the story.
I don't mean any of this to put you down, I just wanted to point some things out that could be improved upon in the future to make the RP experience more enjoyable for everyone involved ^^
Also you should really let everyone get a post in before continuing...

Like, i understood the first time when it wasn't certain who was actually showing up or not, but now its pretty clear who the players are- you really shouldn't be giving everyone under a day to respond. 17 hours sounds like a long time on paper but for me that was entirely taken up by sleep and school so i haven't had a chance to respond and the plot is already moving forward
Real life is a thing, yeah. Would be nice to give people at least a few days to respond, to give people a chance. Lume also brings up a very valid point. Even in something like a classic TTRPG, the DM(dungeon master, that being the person who drives the story and such), the DM is not meant to force someone into actions, but merely motivates the characters into following the story. By forcing continuation of a story on the players, it no longer is a roleplay, and takes away a lot of the agency and free will of players, which takes away the biggest aspect. We are a group, and it is wrong to try to directly control characters.
I don't want to sound antagonistic, but those are some good things to keep in mind to make sure everyone is feeling included and enjoying themselves. There's always room to learn and improve, so don't worry about it ^^
It'd be a good thing probably if you just redid that whole post- Cause your also forcing everyone to start with a full team when id' prefer if they actually caught new team members
You don't need to stop doing this, though I know how easy it is to let criticism get you down. I'm sure you'll keep improving, as long as you want to and enjoy RPing <3
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I'm not sure who's turn it is, honestly. I've been busy with getting all the drivers and such set up and updated on me new rig.
I know it’s their turn, and I’m fine if you’re not active. Yet they’ve clearly been active on this site and haven’t responded to any messages.

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