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Fandom Pokemon Cruise


Mindless Thinker
You may play as any living thing that boards the Splendor during this 7-day cruise. You could be a Gym Leader, a Pokemon, some other passenger taking the cruise, a crew member, etc. I have some restrictions that apply.

I have limited number of roles available for Gym Leader. There may only be one Gym Leader per city of Darigea. There are 12 cities, so no more than 12 Gym Leaders. I know, this exceeds the limit that we see in the games, but the anime seems to suggest that this is possible. I would sorta want there to be only 8, but if we get really popular here, then I want to accommodate as many as possible without going too far. Also, each Gym Leader must specialize in ONE specific type. And no two Gym Leaders can specialize in the same type. First come, first serve. But this does not mean that all his or her Pokemon are of that type (for example, Jasmine is a steel-type leader but has an Ampharos).

No legendary Pokemon are allowed.

You may choose to play as multiple characters, but no more than 1 of them can be a Gym Leader.

Feel free to add more details as you desire, but please try to include the requested info as indicated below.

If you play as a Gym Leader:






Type Specialty:



Biography (optional):

If you play as a Pokemon:


Nickname (optional):



Owner (if wild, put "wild"):

Appearance (only needed if describing features that make it different from others of the same species, such as form, markings, scars, clothing, etc. Some species like Shellos need this since the species commonly comes in different forms):


Biography (optional):

If you play as anyone else:







Biography (optional):
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Gym Leader Availability

Available Cities





Regal Town

Jade Town

Opal Hills

Copia City





Available Type Specialties


















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Species: Umbreon

Nickname (optional): Oni

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Owner (if wild, put "wild"): Luna

Appearance (only needed if describing features that make it different from others of the same species, such as form, markings, scars, clothing, etc. Some species like Shellos need this since the species commonly comes in different forms):

Personality: Shy, quiet,
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Night, the Dragon Spectre

Name: Night (Real name remains unknown)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

City: Copia City

Type Specialty: Dragon


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Death_Gun_character_design_art_(pamphlet).png.1f6e98351ef7f5c60f7ace13d96954ef.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Death_Gun_character_design_art_(pamphlet).png.1f6e98351ef7f5c60f7ace13d96954ef.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Dark, mysterious, and sketchy. Not an ideal person to run into. A somewhat malicious aura emanates from within Night's thin frame. Tormented from his past, he rarely talks and hates to be the center of attention. Night also finds unwelcome or negative references towards his wardrobe highly disrespectful as he takes pride in his specter-like appearance.

Bio: Grown into a life of privilege, leisure, and top-class education Night was fit for success as a member of a royal family. He strove to be a Dragon-type gym leader since his older brother was one as well. However, he passed away soon after Night got his role as a faithful Dragon Type gym leader due to a excavation incident. Five years later on the day of his brother's death he almost perished himself. In a fateful accident Night refuses to explain, he lost both of his arms and acquired a large scar on his face. After rehabilitation and healing he was back on his feet with a new pair of mechanical, top-notch prosthetic arms. He also fixed himself a frightening outfit to remind himself of the looming presence of death and injury. Along the lines he was considering to become a ghost or dark trainer but disregarded the notion. He wants to stay a Dragon trainer as a memento of his brother and the loss of his limbs.

Aero, the faithful Noivern

Species: Noivern (Flying/Dragon)

Nickname (optional): Aero

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Owner: Night

Appearance: Normal at first glance, a few minor differences set him aside from the typical Noivern. His white fur around his collar is more grown out and long, making it look like he's wearing a long scarf. Also, he has a higher amount of articulation in his elbow and shoulder joints which allows him to position his arm/wings to more human-like poses.

Personality: Reckless, fun-loving, boisterous and lovable. He's the life of the party and barely anything can dampen his mood. Often the comic relief in tense situations and will not tolerate meaningless violence as a resolve. In the most dire scenarios his persona takes a sharp turn and reveals itself to be more serious and vigilant than normal.

Biography: Hatched in a nursery from a neglectful trainer who left him at birth, Aero was alone and helpless for some time until Night came along and took him home. For four years Night trained him and gave him proper respect and affection. Somewhere along the lines he even evolved from a Noibat and into a Noivern. During the four-year span Aero learned the English language, and also trained alongside a Zoroark named Twilight and a Haxorus named Scythe into adolescence. He saw Twilight and Scythe as his unconditional sisters and formed close bonds with them. After the accident Aero accompanied Night on his possible deathbed. He was relived when Night came back to full health and new arms. Though he was slightly disappointed Night had lost his vigor and past self.

Twilight the Troublemaker

Species: Zoroark (Dark/ Fighting)

Nickname (optional): Twilight

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual (Color added just for the comedy -3-)

Owner: Night

Appearance: A mostly normal-looking Zoroark. Although her hair is longer, and her eye color and hair bead is color is purple instead of the generic blue.

Personality: Tomboyish, stubborn and not the friendliest of Pokemon. She likes to be left alone most of the time and will not tolerate the presence of other Pokemon besides the Pokemon she considers 'family' or 'friend'. She also is a mischievous and malicious and takes a liking into picking on smaller and weaker Pokemon. Twilight also thinks her girly name is a curse and hates it whenever someone thinks her as a goodie-two-shoes since Night enjoys to groom her hair from time to time.

Biography: Another one of the Pokemon picked up by Night as he was looking for Pokemon for his team. She still doesn't know to this day why she was picked since she isn't a Dragon type at all. As a Zorua she was timid and not the one to speak much. Almost instantly after her initiation into Night's team she was greeted by a friendly Noibat who welcomed her with open arms (wings?). With her new companion she felt more confident and eventually replaced her shy and shaky demeanor with a more loud and malevolent being. She evolved along with the Noibat, learning the English dialect, and gaining a most effective moveset. She believed everything was going along as she wanted to. Out of the blue her trainer was injured and almost passed away. The three weeks she, Aero, and Scythe were left alone was filled with days of loneliness, helplessness and nightmares. She was glad Aero was there to comfort there. When Night came back she acted a lot more cautious around him since she doesn't see him as the caring and loving owner she was adopted by in her childhood.

Scythe, the temperamental Haxorus

Species: Haxorus (Dragon)

Nickname (optional): Scythe

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Owner: Night

Appearance: Nothing particular to state about her look besides a strange wrought iron pendant hanging from a black necklace on her neck. Her silence is said to be since she doesn't know English and is embarrassed to admit the fact she hasn't learned yet.

Personality: Quiet and not the one to cross paths with. She is perpetually mute and refuses to speak. Scythe also is hot-headed and easy to irritate. Her temper is not to be ridiculed. She is a force to be reckoned with,

Biography: Hand-Picked by a shady trainer named Night, Scythe wasn't very fond of this new trainer since her old one gave her up to Night in a casual trading session. She spent four years with Night and gained the acquaintance of two other more energetic and open Pokemon. Scythe wasn't very shocked when her trainer became hurt and bed-ridden in a nearby hospital. She actually hated that she felt slightly worried for Night's wellbeing. She's also the only Pokemon Night has that doesn't know English.



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@Noivern Your character, Night, is accepted... and all his pokemon as well. I want to ask a question, though, just out of curiosity. Is Night gonna be dressed like that the whole time?
SkullRoss said:
@Noivern Your character, Night, is accepted... and all his pokemon as well. I want to ask a question, though, just out of curiosity. Is Night gonna be dressed like that the whole time?
Probably...Maybe he can change wardrobe?
@SansLovesPugs If no one takes up the offer to be Oni's trainer soon, I would be more than happy to produce a character to be Oni's trainer.

@Noivern I'm just playing with ya. Just sayin' that he might want to work on his tan while on this cruise. jk. I get the feeling that he wouldn't care for that.
Name: Voyan Salfine

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: about 5”


Personality: Ambitious, loves the ocean, enjoys telling stories of his adventures, loves to teach young trainers, very proud of his achievements, gets into trouble easily and frequently (without malicious intent).

Biography: Voyan struck out on a pokemon journey at 13, with his partner Espurr. He was determined to go throughout his entire adventure without capturing any pokemon, but wasn’t opposed to letting Discario join along the way. Since Meowstic wanted to become as powerful as she could get, Voyan got help from multiple psychic veterans in training her. He even learned how to train psychic pokemon to be able to mentally communicate with humans. Voyan had tons of adventures before eventually settling down 4 years later. At 17 he started apprenticing under his father so that one day he could be a proper captain. After a few trips, Voyan’s love of the seas was rekindled and he chased after the career of a sailor ambitiously. Now, at 19, his father has invited him onto the Splendor which he will be piloting so that he can teach Voyan how to maneuver bulky vessels. (More TBR)

Species: Meowstic

Nickname: Mao

Owner: Voyan Salfine

Gender: Female ♀

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Likes to brag and show off her skills from time to time. Sucks up compliments vigorously, but isn’t necessarily dying for attention all the time. Loves to travel and see new places. Wishes to be the most powerful psychic user.

Biography (According to Voyan): Voyan had known Mao since an uncle gave her to him as an egg. Voyan was 9 at the time, so he has had her for a long time. As an Espurr, Mao constantly sought to improve her psychic skills, so much that she was a big reason why Voyan wanted to go on a pokemon journey in the first place. When they met Discaro, Mao stuck to him as if he was her older brother. Mao and Discaro trained together often, pitching their psychic power against each other. Now, Mao still trains to keep up her strength, but usually helps Voyan out on his job. (Abilities TBR) (More TBR)

Species: Lucario

Nickname: Discaro

Owner: No official owner

Gender: Male ♂

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: (Doesn't have a chest spike)


Personality: Relaxed, Helpful, Intrepid

Biography (According to Voyan): During Voyan and Mao’s journey, they teamed up with a shiny Lucario in order to battle some organization thugs. Afterwards, the Lucario wanted to accompany Voyan and Mao on their journey. Voyan accepted and gave him the name “Discaro” so that he wouldn’t be confused with any other Lucario. Discaro was never bound to a pokeball, so his company wasn’t permanent. Discaro always had trouble with his aura-type abilities, which he always blamed on his lack of a chest spike (a birth defect). Voyan decided to get a TM and teach him Psychic, and then build up his psychic potential instead. Discaro picked it up pretty quickly and was soon outmatching even Mao’s power (which she always complains about). Discaro also trained up his physical abilities too, mastering close combat and a variety of other moves. After Voyan finished his journey, Discaro traveled to other continents in search of new discoveries. At the time of this story, he recently got back from Sinnoh is going to surprise Mao with his arrival. (Abilities TBR) (More TBR)
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Name: Luna

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

City: Ecopolis

Type Specialty: Dark.

Appearance: Black hair that fades into purple, dark purple eyes, school like uniform but it is dark purple and light purple (Don't have a picture yet. I will post one once I draw her)

Personality: Shy, calm, collective, and drawn into herself

Bio: After getting the gym from her father before he passed. She stayed in the gym, even making a room for her inside it. Since her father was the gym leader before her, he never spent much time with her. Some people even say that Luna's personality changed when she battled, during the battle she was loud, upbeat and always smirking, like she knew the move the trainer was going to make. If the trainer lost to her, she went back to her normal self and told them to try again later. But if the trainer won, she was upbeat when she told them congrats on beating her. She has a sister, Sola, but she never talk to Luna. Due to the jealousy she has against Luna. Even though Luna wishes to make amends with her sister, Sola refuses. And claims to never want to talk to Luna again (which could explain the fact Luna is drawn to herself)


@SansLovesPugs: is one (There ya go!)

(Second one)

Name: Absol

Type: Dark

Appearance: (will post pictures once I'm on a computer again, iim on a tablet now)

Sexualtly: heterosexual

Sex: Male

Nickname: Moon moon

Bio: Has been with Luna his whole life. Luna calls him Moon moon because at night, his fur shine brightly, like the moon. Luna doesn't keep him in a pokeball since Moon moon has been with Luna his whole life. His main move he likes to use is Dark Plus. He also knows Thief, Hyper Beam (Last Resort move), and Faint Attack..


Sex: Female

Sexuallity: Pansexual

Appearance: (will post later)

Bio: Was captured by Luna in a graveyard. Is stubborn whenever Luna tells her to do something. Luna has to bribe her to do stuff, all the time. Her main move is Fake Put then uses Bite. Her other moves are Shadow Claw and Faint Attack

(Sorry, got really excited and went crazy)
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Lunachan said:
Name: Luna
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

City: Ecopolis

Type Specialty: Ghost/Dark/Psychic

Appearance: Black hair that fades into purple, dark purple eyes, school like uniform but it is dark purple and light purple (Don't have a picture yet. I will post one once I draw her)

Personality: Shy, calm, collective, and drawn into herself


@SansLovesPugs: is one (There ya go!)

(Second one)

Name: Espeon

Type: Psychic


Sexualtly: heterosexual

Sex: Female

Nickname: Gem

Bio: Has been with Luna her whole life. Luna calls her Gem because at night, the gem on her head glows brightly, like a star. Luna doesn't keep her in a pokeball since Gem has been with Luna her whole life. Her main move she likes to use is Psyshock (80 damage). She also knows Psychic, Hyper Beam (Last Resort move), Psywave.


Sex: Male

Sexuallity: Pansexual


Bio: Was captured by Luna in a graveyard. Is stubborn whenever Luna tells him to do something. Luna has to bribe him to do stuff, all the time. His main move is Hypnosis then uses Dream Eater. His other moves are Shadow Punch and Faint Attack
Yaaaaaay! =D
@Lunachan Your character, Luna, is accepted. And it looks like you get the approval of @SansLovesPugs to take ownership of Oni. And I'll put you down as a dark-type specialist, since it seems obvious that is what you chose.
Name: Arnold Vogel

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

City: Winston

Type Specialty: Flying


Personality: Calm, peaceful, introverted, dedicated, prideful, and indecisive. Arnold tends to keep to himself (or to his closest friends) in unfamiliar settings. He avoids confrontation even when he gets mad at someone. He takes great pride in his role as a gym leader at the Winston City Gym, where he trains flying-type pokemon. He has difficulty in making a choice when many options are available to him or when many variables are taken into consideration.

Biography: Arnold grew a liking to birds at a young age. Over the years, his obsession grew toward all flying or levitating pokemon. He dreamed of being able to fly through the skies just as they did. When he was 10 years old, he received a Pidgey and began his training. His childhood dreams came true when his Pidgey finally evolved a couple times into a Pidgeot. His pokemon was then strong enough to carry Arnold as he flew through the air. His new dream is become the greatest master of sky battles. He spends much of his time searching for a diverse team for this purpose.

Pokemon Team

Pidgeot, male

Braviary, male

Emolga, female

Vibrava, male

Yanma, female

Togepi, female
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Name: Lu

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


tall, attractive, brown hair, green eyes


Lu is a very friendly and loveable boy. Many would use the word cute to describe him despite his tall and muscular physique. The ranger is quite an airhead. He can be rather slow and dense, but when the situation calls for him to act as a ranger it seems as if he suddenly taps into a higher percentage of his brain. He becomes rather quick and tactical when on duty, for when Pokemon are in danger there is no time to act foolish. Though he is very flirtatious with everyone he meets, his intentions are almost always platonic. He simply enjoys sharing and displaying affection to those he is fond of. Once he considers someone a friend, he will be very touchy and downright flirtatious, but sees it to be all in good fun. Despite how much of an airhead he is, Lu is actually very perceptive to the emotions of others.

Biography: may add later

Species: Ariados

Nickname: Sanyi

Gender: Female

Sexuality: ???

Owner: Lu's partner pokemon

Appearance: somewhat larger than most ariados

Personality: Calm and intelegent, Sanyi is usually the one looking out for her ranger due to his ariheaded behavior. She loves affection, but only from certain people. She's very picky when it comes to people, and will try to keep Lu away from someone who she doesn't like by displaying her distaste.

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  • giphy-facebook_s.jpg


    Eddie Simmons


    Turned 15 not too long ago






    Eddie is...diffrent. He takes his job as a poketuber very seriously, not hesitating to defend his fans or team if necessary. He loves to make people laugh and hates seeing people sad or upset, which is the reason why he is spontaneous and hyperactive, believing that it makes anyone laugh.

    He's also childish, being as naive as a toddler sometimes and would do the most dumbest things if he deems it (and he always does) necessary. Long story short, he is kind, outgoing, random, and devoted to his job, making him the perfect role model...to some.


    Eddie was always a lonely child back then, always inside the house due to his mother's distrust of the outside world, leaving him with no friends or human contact besides his mom. At the age of nine, his mom had bought him his own PC in order to give him something to do with his time, leading him to not only discover pokemon and pokemon trainers, but a very special group of them who vlog their daily lives as trainers...a poketuber.

    Amazed by all the adventures and friends they made throughout their journey, he had finally decided to ask his mom if he could become a pokemon trainer, yet she refused, due to outside world influences. It took 5 whole years of begging and pleading before his mother finally thought he was ready. With help from an old friend from her school days, she gave him two pokemon, who immediately fell in love with the boy's kindness and enthusiasm.

    It had been one year since she had sent them off, and he's been working to set a name for himself since then. He has took up his long awaited poketuber career, managing to obtain a gym badge and two pokemon he caught all on his own. As a special thanks to his subscribers for reaching 100,000 subscribers, he decides to vlog his time on the cruise, not only to meet his fans, but also to celebrate with his pokemon.


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