Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts
Until I figure out if I can get the hosted project, I still need to be working on this and discussing it with my people so that it can maybe get finished.
@CalamariHero @ShadowedNexus @Vengeance Spirit
This will only be for the battle system so powers, the effectiviness, accuracy all of that will go here. I want to try and make most of it dice set. Also, Xp in battles can be posted here. Just drop in your plans and ideas for it. I am trying to work on powers and taking in consideration how much damage something does by use of dice.
@CalamariHero @ShadowedNexus @Vengeance Spirit
This will only be for the battle system so powers, the effectiviness, accuracy all of that will go here. I want to try and make most of it dice set. Also, Xp in battles can be posted here. Just drop in your plans and ideas for it. I am trying to work on powers and taking in consideration how much damage something does by use of dice.