Pokemon Battle System


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts
Until I figure out if I can get the hosted project, I still need to be working on this and discussing it with my people so that it can maybe get finished.

@CalamariHero @ShadowedNexus @Vengeance Spirit

This will only be for the battle system so powers, the effectiviness, accuracy all of that will go here. I want to try and make most of it dice set. Also, Xp in battles can be posted here. Just drop in your plans and ideas for it. I am trying to work on powers and taking in consideration how much damage something does by use of dice.
Ooh. Interesting.

But something like this just seems like it would eat up alot of time...
Yes, but it will be a hosted project and I want to make it simple for others. I am making a pokemon mmo roleplay that will be mainly ran by the players so I want them to be able to use the system easily without much stress. If it is too difficult they will not stay around. It may be tough, but it is possible

Effectiveness I think is the easiest

The modifier will be Power times or divided by effectiveness

Not effective= X Zero

Not very effective= /2

Effective= X 1

Super Effective= X 2

Critical Hit= X ?? (Should this be added to the previous or its own?)​
It's own, I guess?

Critical hits should be two or three times the move's Power.
That is what I was thinking. I can either lower super to 1.5 or move critical to 2.5 or three
Super-effective attacks generally do twice the damage when not taking defense into consideration. Critical hits do three times the damage, and I believe super-effective criticals do four times the damage...?

So how does a dice system work?
The dice system will decide if your move hits, how much damage it does, and if your move does a certain status issue like burn damage. I am actually now thinking I might try and make the dice similar to how the card game works... but I will have to wait for @CalamariHero
It will be better explained once I get it going.

Accuracy will be done with a D10 (dice with 10 sides) that will determine what you get.

Example. Move has 70 percent accuracy. rolling anything 1-7 will make it land.

10 percent accuracy would just be 1.

(Of course modifiers will come into play, but that can be done later)

Bedtime for now
DemonKitten said:
Accuracy will be done with a D10 (dice with 10 sides
I thought we already discussed the dice system. Accuracy goes by 5's, thus justifying the use of a d20.

Ok, so I have never played the TCG myself, so I looked up Acc and evasion to understand what you meant. P = A × (Acc ÷ Eva)

I forgot to take the fact that you could modify accuracy and evasion into account. The tcg equation is absolutely perfect.

I also found, as I was looking up the TCG, that it glappears to go by tens, which is entirely reasonable.
Okay. You know Better than I. I just want a simple role of dice to determine everything.that is my dream goal. Though I did find some calculators that determines how much damage you cause
I sent CalamariHero a formula we could use for battle damage. It's the same in-game formula and we can probably alter it a bit for the rp
Okay. Yeah I want it either a simple multiplication formula that I can get the players to do at the bottom for the xp.

Damage I sort of want to be able to use dice if possible
The problem with doing damage with dice is that we have to calculate in Atk/SpecAtk and Def/SpecDef, STAB, as well as type modifiers, and the base damage of the attack.
Maybe we can make it simple enough then

I am not meant to do the math stuff as much. I just recently feel pretty confident in dice. Math makes me overwhelmed. I usually start to panic though I am actually really good when I just do it for fun and there is no pressure, lol
If we want to change the system a bit I would suggest something like


That's probably the easiest I could simplify it to while still having the regular mechanics
So, let me run through a couple things really quickly:

Hit (Accuracy & Evasion) -- Comes from TCG

Damage -- An equation from the games. (or dice)

EXP -- A derived equation, in which I have finished, but still wish to weed out unnecessary variables.
I was looking at it and i think i could cook up a pretty simple dice system that resembles the game very closely if you guys dont mind.

Mostly boiling down to a modifier vs modifier format, quick simple math all i would need help with is balancing it out

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