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Fandom Pokemon Art Online: Fight for Freedom (Always accepting)


I'm a real Chimchar

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Welcome to Pokemon Art Online!


In the year of 2022, the Nerve Gear has finally hit the shelves. Gamers from around the world flew in to Japan and waited in line for days, just to receive one of the first 50,000 consoles.

Everybody logged into Pokemon Art Online right away. All 50,000 players online, in the matter of hours. This was when many began attempting to log out, only to find that the log out button was missing on their menu. Tsunekazu Ishihara, president of Pokemon, spoke to all of the players.

"Welcome, my brave Pokemon Trainers. I am Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and founder of this game. To be blunt, uou have all entered this game and are now trapped. Now be careful, because once you die, you're dead. Not just in this game, in real life as well."

"Bullshit!" a young man screamed out. Others began to cheer in his wake.

"It may be hard to believe, but you'll have to believe it. The only way you all will escape alive, is if somebody defeats the Floor 100 boss. Good luck my Pokemon trainers, train hard and fight to the end."

With that, the president of Pokemon's face flashed out of the sky and news stories were playing, speaking of how children and adults from all over the world were stuck in a game in Japan.

It is up to you. You will decide what you will do with your time in PAO. Become a famed floor clearer? Perhaps one of the top blacksmiths? Maybe your goal is to spend your time fishing and relax until someone completes the game.

The choice is yours. Will you risk your life to make a difference?

President Ishihara disappeared from the sky. Many were in shock, simply standing there, not knowing how to react. Others were acting in fear, several dying on the first floor due to suicide.

Not Joseph, not him. Train insane. It was just like wrestling. To be number one, you have have to train like number one.

Light began walking, opening his Floor 1 city map, looking for the nearest exit to a dungeon. He saw that the nearest one happened to be the Cave Zone, which he was fine with. On his way to win, Light took off at a deadsprint.

I feel like I'm forgetting something. Light was at the entrance to the dungeon portal, when he looked into the sky and noticed a flock of Pidgey. I think that a Pokemon may help.

Not wanting to waste any time, Light took off at a sprint once again, opening his menu simultaneously. "That way," he spoke to himself, heading off towards the location where he'd receive his Pokemon. Despite being stuck in a virtual world where he may die in the real world, Joseph managed to keep his mind off of that. He kept progressing, moving along. If anything this may be fun. The juvenile side of Joseph was obviously there. There was a bit of an optimist within him. Instead of having to torture his own body, he'd be torturing the virtual bodies of make believe animals!

Still, two questions were still unknown by the players. First, what the starter Pokemon were. Second, if the Pokemon showed personalities and emotions. The Pokemon Company had avoided releasing too much information, simply to make people more interested. They claimed to not have any way to record video within the Nerve Gear, but that did little to numb the public's interest.

Finally reaching his destination, Light came up to an NPC standing behind a counter. "Hello, and welcome to the world of Pokemon Art Online. To start you off, we have stocked your inventory with 5 pokeballs and 5 potions. Now, please choose your first Pokemon." A selection screen popped up in front of Light and he began scrolling through. He estimated there were around twenty to thirty options, including all of the typical starters and a few extras. He had his eye set on the Chimchar the whole entire time. He began furiously scrolling through, eager to meet his future partner.

"Almost, the-" Light was interrupted when a Tepig came rushing through, nearly wiping Light out and causing him to stumble forward. "Oh no," and he did it. Light had run into the button.

"You choose Chespin? Wise choice, would you like to nickname it?" the NPC asked.

"What? Where's the confirmation screen?" Light shouted as he raged. He attracted looks from his fellow gamers, but he didn't care. He had just picked the wrong Pokemon. What was worse, it wasn't even his fault this time!

"Ugh, just name it Zelda."

"That's a lovely nickname. Please enjoy your time in PAO!"

"I got a stinking Chespin..." Light muttered under his breath among other vulgar things about his new Pokemon. "Alright, let's see what we have here," Light grumbled as he released Chespin.

Chespin came out in a flash of red. Immediately, the Pokemon ran up to Light and hugged his leg.

"Get off of me! You little," Light grabbed his pokeball and attempted to return Chespin. Immediately before the Light reached Zelda, the grass starter hopped to Light's other leg. They played this game for about 5 minutes before Light gave up.

"You know what, let's go to a dungeon. We're just gonna train you up and see if you're any good."

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