Pokemon : A New Story (Accepting)

the Pokemon seemed to disappear in a bit of mist and a young man in the((picture)) came out and he looked a the young girl,"I'm surprised you know my name young one." He laughs lightly and ruffles her hair. "Please don't shock me for that, i couldn't resist."
Zoroark felt the legendary energy, the same that surged through his darkness. He felt the purple mist swirl up around him as he faded quickly, moving fast enough it seemed he had reappeared in a tree branch above as the mist cleared. "Hmmmmm." He wondered if all legendary pokemon was linked.
Name: Zahara



Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Hybrid

Bio: N/a

Name: Macy



Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Hybrid

Bio: N/a

Name: Aaron



Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Hybrid

Bio: n/a

Name: Luke


Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Hybrid

Bio: Optional 
(Do you think i am accepted???)

Name: Red



Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Human

Bio: Optional

Name: Mightyena



Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Pokemon

Bio: Optional

Name: Absol



Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Hybrid

Bio: Optional
Awesome! =D

Name: Chase O'Donnell

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.4661ad874b1c18e05fd3815edb15b8ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.4661ad874b1c18e05fd3815edb15b8ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: hybrid

Bio: too lazy to make one xP



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the young man regarded the other person in the tree with curiosity. "And who might you be?" He had noticed the mist and maintained a short distance away from the other person as he thought about what pokemon he may be but none came to his mind as he didn't know other regions existed with other forms of pokemon.
He looked at the one speaking to him. His blue eyes calmly as he had noticed the same flow about the person that had once been within him."I'm Zoroark. You are?" He awaited an answer not knowing what would happen.
(Can someone walk through the woods for Zahara???)


She walked through the woods slowly, her nine tails whipped in the air majestically, her feet fell lightly on the soft grass, and her black hair blew in the gusts of winds, then she heard a crack of a stick, she dove quickly into a bush, and watched as a human walked through the woods, she watched curiously, it didn't look like a full blood Pokemon, or a hybrid, was this the human the other hybrids spoke about?


She walked through the woods slowly then saw a small lake, she tilted her head then used Ice beam, a small part of the lake froze over and she jumped to the ice spot, she sat in the middle of it comfortably and her tail flicked and swayed, but she watched the woods just in case for a human or aggressive Pokemon.


She walked through the woods, her blood red eyes scanned the forest floor, then heard someone speaking, she peaked around the tree and saw Three Pokemon hybrids just like her, but one was a Pikachu, another was one she hadn't seen before, and the other was a Lugia. She watched them swiftly and her ears where erect as she listened to them speak.


He walked through the alley way of the city, then saw a bread stand, He licked his lips and his ears pricked up and he watched the man offer human's bread, when the man was distracted, he grabbed a hand full of bread and began to run, he ran threw the forest and slumped against a tree and ate his bread hungrily, his blood red eyes glistened and glittered happily as he ate. 

He walked through the city, His Pokéballs where strapped to his belt tightly, His red eyes met with other people's as he walked, and a smirk crossed his face "Don't mind them Absol." He said gently to her then looked into her bright blue eyes.


She sighed deeply "Red, i already know that i wont be accepted in the human society, Why do i even try? " Red growled which always had startled Absol, He was her best friend and wanted the best for her, "Because, The other humans don't understand the Hybrids are just like them." They walked past a few girls who started to giggle at Absol, She frowned and looked down at her feet. Red sighed and they kept walking.
Actually macy, and aron is right where zoro and i are)) he turned around to the lake as he had felt the temperature drop and on the other side he saw a murky shape and he paid no mind to it and he turned back and regarded zoroark((reference i'm gonna call zoroark zoro from now on.)) "I'm Lugia..." he mumbles to himself about the forest becoming to busy or something like that. He grumbles, "it's getting a bit too crowded for me to handle so uhh... i'm just gonna go?" the mist gathers around his body again and he returns to his original form and flies back into the lake to take a nap. ((i have no clue what i mean.)) As he dives into the lake he creates a large wake of water that disturbs the ice patch on the other side of the lake slightly.

She scratched the ice getting a grip and growls softly. Then watches the Lugia go into the lake and she turns uneasily.


She watched the Lugia closely then turned her attention to the other hybrids, but kept an eye on the Lugia encase he spotted her, she wasn't eavesdropping, she was merely curious.
Chase was walking along, hoping that he didn't run into any humans. They were always giving him crap, even though he was like them. Well, he used to be, until he was turned into a hybrid. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a few more hybrids. Holy sh!t, there's more of them. Chase had always thought that he was one of the only kids turned into a hybrid. After mulling it over a little, he decided to go up to them and introduce himself.

"Hey, I'm Chase." he said to the Zoroark.
Name: Joaquine "Vix" Macrotis

Appearance: Vix stands at about 5'4", and appears to be around sixteen years old. She has dark auburn hair and bright gold-brown eyes, which are only slightly darker than her tan skin. Two fox-like ears and six curled red tails adorn her body, and her nails and teeth are sharper than most humans'. She wears brown-and-gold leather armor over a pair of knee-length red leggings with sandals. A small utility belt circles her waist.

Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Vulpix Hybrid

Bio: Vix and her younger sister were both selected to be made into hybrids by Team Rocket. However, something went wrong in her sister's hybridization, and the eight-year-old girl died in the laboratory. With her newfound powers, Vix destroyed most of the facility she was being held in, and swore that she would stop all further attempts by the team to create hybrids.

Name: Alexandria Genesis

Appearance: Alex looks to be about 19 years old, and has waist-length dark hair and deep purple eyes, both of which are in stark contrast to her extremely pale skin. She's tall and slim, with long, thin legs and hands. She always wears a dark gray jacket and dark jeans, though her shirt color varies with the day. Additionally, she wears dark sunglasses at all times to hide her misty eyes.

Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Human

Bio: Alexandria was born blind. Due to her disability and appearance, she was bullied relentlessly throughout her childhood. She swore when she was 8 years old that she would catch Pokémon and join Team Rocket to prove to everyone that she could do anything she wanted, regardless of her eyesight. At age 9 she had the luck to catch a wild Eevee, and through careful training, she managed to evolve it into an Espeon a year later. She and her Pokémon shared a special bond, which allowed her to use its psychic abilities to sense her surroundings. It wasn't as accurate as sight, but she was no longer helpless. A few years later, at age 14, she caught a wild Kirlia, which she evolved into a Gardevoir. At long last, armed with her two powerful Psychic Pokémon, Alexandria joined Team Rocket at the young age of 15. During her time in the organization, she has slowly grown to hate the rest of humanity and fear the created hybrids. This hatred and fear influences her actions, making her personality as dark as her hair.

Name: Espe

Appearance: He looks like an Espeon. Duh.

Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Pokémon

Bio: See above

Name: Alto

Appearance: She looks like a Gardevoir. Duh.

Human, Pokemon, Hybrid: Pokémon

Bio: See above

(( Sorry I don't have pictures! Hope it's not too late to join. ))
(are there any villains cause I wanna make a giratina as the villain)

name gerrio

age 29

species dakrai hybrid

bio (a short one) was once wanting to take over the world, but when he was defeated by a lone warrior, he was sent to the negative world, now he haunts the stories told to bad children. but he wont return....or will he
Nichole jumped down and ran into the forest. she was surrounded by mean looking pokemon. her cheeks sparked and she backed away. they smirked and attacked. "pika..CHUUU!!!!!" shocking them. she ran away and they followed.she ran for her life!

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