Pokemon : A New Story (Accepting)


New Member
Welcome to the new story of pokemon. Many years after the adventures and disappearance of Ash, Team rocket schemed a plan to change pokemon since the origins. After many attempts and failed experiences over the span of ten years, They finally managed to hatch their plan. Fusing Human Dna with that of pokemon, they created hybrids. Humans who had emerged from pokemon but retained certain traits and looks to the predecessor. They kept the powers but looked almost human except for the few remnants of the pokemon they was. These hybrids all had different motives. Some wanted to return to the way they once was, others lust for the destructions of hybrid, humans and pokemon alike and some just wanted to continue to live the way they was created. In the pokemon world, This was quite the site now. Knowing that such a creature could exist. Something that could move within the humans but not be caught by a pokeball. Team rocket had really outdone themself this time.


1.No Godmodding.

2. Have Fun.

3.Everybody is welcome.

4.Please use a character sheet.




Human, Pokemon, Hybrid:

Bio: Optional
Name:Nichole Katoya

appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8c93bfe_images-5(2)(3).jpeg.a7c73b4a5822b97232fd08ee0b3286f0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8c93bfe_images-5(2)(3).jpeg.a7c73b4a5822b97232fd08ee0b3286f0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(just picture the pikachu ears cheeks and tail plz)

human pokemon or hybrid:Hybrid

bio:When Nichole was born she was so small and weak. The doctors gave up on her and said she wouldn't live. her parents prayed everyday until finally their prayers were answered when a light surrounded Nichole. she changed and was stronger. She had pichu ears tail and cheeks. Mew said"this is what will help her. she grow stronger and stronger but one day she will have to leave you to grow stronger in spirit and she will be picked on. she will learn and find her gift!"



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/zoroark__guise_by_akarui-d37nkmb.jpg.20ba0c3e56fef58eada0307f36605334.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/zoroark__guise_by_akarui-d37nkmb.jpg.20ba0c3e56fef58eada0307f36605334.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:Zoroark

Appearance: Above^

Human, Pokemon, Hybrid:Hybrid

Bio: Zoroark doesn't remember anything from the transformation and hasn't assumed a name except for his original name. Team rocket had captured him and used him as one of the first test subjects. He longed for a new beginning but secretly missed his old life. He would only learn of things to come. The secrets behind his creation and the path chosen for his future.



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(kk) Nichole said"mom may i go outside today?"looking out the window. Her mom sighed and said"yes...becareful..." Nichole smiled and ran out the door for the FIRST time!
A small purple mist surrounded the town as he walked through it. His figure couldn't be seen until he kept walking. A few moments passed and he emerged from the mist. His clothing was black except his shoes. His upper half was covered by a cut off black jacket that had fur which covered around his neck. His abdomen was showing which was very muscular for his age. His lower half was covered by black rocker jeans that covered over the top of his blue sneakers. His face was unscathed and almost as if porcelain which contained his bright blue eyes. The most notable feature would be his hair and ears. His ears where that of his original pokemon, with metal rings through it that stuck out of his long red hair which had a green bow tied near the bottom of it. He was unique looking as he held a smile on his face. He was very mischevious. He continued his walk as he looked around his surroundings.
He continued to walk unaware that anybody would be following him. His eyes searching around. He could smell all the fragrances around him. He quite enjoyed it here.
Zoroark walked into the young girl and looked at her. "Who are you?" His curiousity had peaked as he looked at the young girl infront of him. His blue eyes staring her down as if he hadn't seen life besides himself.
Zoroark smiled even more seeing how innocent she was. He hadn't known innocence. He almost laughed but caught himself. "Nice to meet you Nichole, I'm Zoroark."
Zoroark cringed at the word parents. He had never had parents. He seen her struggling to reach the pecha berry. He reached out and grabbed it. He handed it to her. "Is this what you wanted?"
Zoroark jumps up into a nearby tree. "You're welcome." He rests happily on the tree branch as he keeps his eyes on Nichole.

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