Pokemon: A Different Take (Always Accepting)

Welcome, trainer. You better be ready, and the same to your Pokemon. Because this is a different system of Pokemon battles.

You just have to tell your Pokemon the strategy and they will move on their own. The battles are not turn based. They will move like real fighters. You can still give commands during the battle though.

Are you prepared?

Character Skeleton









Which Region:


1. No godmodding!

2. No legendaries, they're too powerful...

3. Don't kill Pokemon, they only faint. Just because this is a different take on Pokemon doesn't mean you actually KILL them.

4. You can have as many Pokemon as you want, but you can only bring 6 in battles.

Here's mine:

Name: Dharc Murasame

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Personality: Dharc is usually silent, and wanders around a lot. He usually resides in the shadows.

Appearance: Dharc has spiked black hair, and a brown hat that looks like a cowboy hat. He also wears a brown trench coat and black pants. Under his sleeves, he has several leather belts wrapped around his arms.

Bio: Dharc was a prisoner, about to be executed. However, he was able to escape, and he came upon a forest. He found a wounded Treecko there, which he took to a nearest center. When he heard that the police was looking for him, he quickly ran away, far into Fallarbor. Later he found out that the Treecko was looking for him, and that it brought him a set of clothes so that he could disguise himself. He soon became friends with the Treecko, and it gradually became his first Pokemon. Soon after, he met the others, like Kuro. The officials found him a great Trainer and offered that he join the Elite Four. He turned it down, preferring to be free than just stand around waiting for Trainers. He came upon records of Legendary Golems, and he has been pursuing their legend for a while now.

Abilities: Dharc doesn't always hide behind his Pokemon. He can also fight using his bare hands, and his kicks are usually powerful. He also knows how to use guns. He also knows how to play the flute.

Which Region: Hoenn

Pokemon (Main Team):

Zaber (Sceptile) - He has a scar running down his head and his blades are worn out.

Kuro (Mightyena) - His paws are covered in bloody bandages.

Soul (Absol) - His scythe is worn out, but like Zaber's blades they can still be used for fighting.

Raze (Salamence) - N/A (No differences)

Mafuyu (Ninetales) - N/A (No differences)

Revolver (Aggron) - His horns and claws are worn out.

Pokemon (Stored)

Sora (Skarmory) - N/A

Flame (Torkoal) - N/A

Requiem (Duskull) - N/A

Drill (Anorith) - N/A

Relic (Relicanth) - N/A

Whirl (Vibrava) - N/A

Sharp (Clamperl) - N/A

Fritz (Tropius) - N/A

Claw (Zangoose) - N/A

Toris (Mawile) - N/A

Kreuz (Heracross) - N/A

Spaak (Manectric) - N/A

Name: Hisui Shirin

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Hisui is a very reserved person, quiet and indifferent about several situations. She appears to have a fear of Pokemon since she is very distant even to her own Pokemon preferring to keep only a few of them close. Despite this, she is very amiable to Pokemon, which are immediately attracted to her as soon as they are caught. In battle, she does not act on impulse or on emotion, allowing her to perfectly analyze the situation and determine which moves works best. She has the habit of reciting a poem - like introduction that is unique for each of her Pokemon.

Appearance: She has long black hair tied in a ponytail at the back with some sticking out from the sides and some bangs covering her forehead. She has red eyes and a pale complexion. Her entire body is covered in bandages including her forehead and right eye. She wears a long sleeveless trenchcoat buttoned above the waist with a white vest on top of it and a red ribbon that serves as the buttons for her coat at the neck area. She wears bicycle shorts and a pair of black boots.

Bio: At the age of 11, Hisui used to live around the Pacifidlog area along with her family and Via, her Vulpix and first Pokemon. An excavation done by Team Magma around the surrounding caverns awakened Groudon which caused massive damage around her residential area. Hisui was badly burned and Via was killed leading her to develop a fear of Pokemon, specifically Groudon, and a strong hatred against Team Magma. During the next years, she was comatose in a hospital at Pacifidlog. When she turned 17, her parents moved her to Littleroot so Prof. Birch could monitor her condition which has significantly improved. Her burns were gone but her skin was still sensitive to heat so she retains the need for her bandages. She received a Mudkip as a gift so she would not be lonely. She gets scared at first but easily adapts. Upon hearing Team Magma's outrageous stunts, she decides to seek them out, strengthening her Pokemon and collecting Gym Badges along the way. She is constantly improving her relationship with her Pokemon and coming to terms with her fears and anxieties.

Abilities: Despite her frail physique, Hisui is proficient in hand-to-hand combat. She also has good fencing skills, able to wield a rapier on par with accomplished fencers. She also has good sneaking abilities, able to infiltrate bases without being detected. She can communicate with her Pokemon via telepathy but this ability has started to degrade over time. She is also shown to be a good dancer.

Which Region: Hoenn

Pokemon (Main Team):

Arondight (Swampert) - Has a bandaged right arm.

Gilgamesh (Gyarados) - Injured fins.

Amaterasu (Ninetales) - Shinier coat and blue scarf on her right front legs.

Kanshou (Flygon) - N/A

Setsura (Gardevoir) - Green Scarf. Hisui's closest Pokemon

Steiner (Sharpedo) N/A

Pokemon (Stored):

Susan'oo (Mightyena) - Has a scar near his left eye.

Tsukiyomi (Manectric) - Spikier fur

Izanami (Absol) - Longer and sharper scythe covered in velvet cloth.

Izanagi (Houndoom) - Spiked collar and fiercer temperament.

Mari (Banette) - N/A

Titus (Hariyama) - Has a black belt and brass knuckles.

Brachios (Tropius) - Only a few fruits remain around its neck and spotted leaves.

Rosenkreuz (Cradily) - N/A

Spallow (Swellow) - His feathers are longer and rougher.

Artemisia (Altaria) - N/A

Kojiro (Skarmory) - Chrome, stainless steel wings shaped like swords.

Gafran (Muk) - N/A

Enkidu (Golem) - Some rocks have started protruding as spines.

Napoleon (Crobat) - N/A

Omoikane (Castform) - N/A

Bakuya (Flygon) - N/A

Kuzuki (Breloom) - Sharper nails.

Caesar (Aggron) - Larger and bulkier. Chrome armor plating instead of steel.

Escarga (Magcargo) - More flames are coming out of its shell.

Dimorphin (Pelipper) - N/A

Kuro (Delcatty) - Wears a Silk Scarf around its neck.

More to come...
Character Skeleton

Name: TK

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: Very silent but the you hang out with him the louder he gets

Appearance: Profile pic except the ears

Bio: His parents had to abandon him because of Team Rockets backfiring plan of capturing Raquaza when he was 8 grew up with 7 Eevees each took on a different form he then traveled the Hoenn region so he could find his parents. He eventually gave up and decided to go on his own mission destroy Team rocket single handedly

Abilities: carries a pike and is skilled in hand-to-hand combat he can also cook Italian food


Current Party:

Tsunami (Vaporeon):Cuts on the tail fin

Shade ( Umbreon ): N/A

Jolt ( Jolteon ): Cut Ears

Spiral ( Espeon ) N/A

Aura ( Glaceon ) tail is cut

Blaze ( Flareon ) Tail is cut


Terra (Leafeon) Leafs are cut

Blitz ( Sceptile ) N/A

Hydrex ( Blastoise ) Scar from the eye

Nova ( Metang ) Tad Rusty

Ex-death ( Serpirior ) N/A

Garland ( Typhlosion ) Scar on the eye

Zidane ( Staravia ) N/A

Enough for now ( My fingers hurt)

Which Region: Hoenn
This is how the battles would be like (Hisui VS Dharc):

Claw managed to land a quick slash on Titus' arm. Titus nimbly catches Claw in his right fist, flings him and hits him with an Arm Thrust. Claw loses consciousness, falling limp to the ground.

Notice that the Trainers rarely command their Pokemon in battles here.
Name: Amila

Age: 16

Gender: female

personality: quiet till you really get to know her. She dosent especialy like to be around people, she'd rather be with pokemon. She's actully really energetic and bubbly but it takes a while for her to warm up to people.

Appearence: long white hair with pink strips, amythest eyes, and pale skin. She wears a long short sleved purple shirt, a small jacket, white boots, and a feather clip in her hair with a strange stone on it. She carries around a frying pan.

Bio: being abondend as a baby she was raised by pokemon. At age 10 the pokemon that were taking care of Amila got captured by team Rocket, so she learned to care of herself, and eventuly she got out of the forest and into the nearest town. Amila trained hard and created a team, now on a quest to set free all the pokemon team rocket stole.

Ablities: she's very agile. She's competent in fighting but mostly uses a frying pan.

Region: Johto


Lad(Toreterra): the tree on toreterra's back is pretty scratched up.

Blaze(charizard): wears bandages on arms.

Leaf(meganium): wears purple scarf.

Lyri(Espeon): wears a black ribbon.

Flair(Arcinine): no diffrence

Ditty(Ditto): shiny ditto.

Pokemon in pc:

Goldy(goldien) N/A

Queen(Gardivior) N/A

King(Galade) N/A

Air(Dragtini) bandage over right eye.

Watari(Vaporeon) N/A
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(( Nice. Accepted, no offense, but man, she has few Pokemon compared to the others.)) 
(( .....Alright so we've got three members. I guess we can start now? You ready, guys?))
(OK sorry it took so long to reply)

The light shining through the branches of the tree gently touched Tk's face "Is it morning already?" He rolled over trying to back to sleep but his friends wouldn't let him. Jolt shocked him but he didn't move an inch so Aura froze his nose so he couldn't breathe "Aah i'm up i'm up Get this ice off my face Blaze help!". Blaze the shoots a small ember to melt the ice. "whew thanks blaze. Alright guys lets get a move on we need to get to Lillycove by tomorrow the ocean is supposed to be beautiful to get new friends".
Amila tried pushing and pulling her meganium to wake it up resulting in getting rolled on. "Get off! Leaf your too heavy!" Amila managed to escape from the meganium. Leaf grunted in response. "No. Not five more minutes." Amila knew that grunt always meant 'give me five more minutes!'. Lad slammed into Leaf, and the meganium was up within a matter of seconds. Now the two pokemon rammed into eachother untill Flair shot ember at them. Amila laughed and everyone in the group headed of into the morning.
"Wow would you look at this place route 120 filled with Lots and lots of trees to much tall grass i could get a bug bite ooh lets try to befriend an Absol. " Tk started to walk but before he could look through the grass he saw a member of Team Rocket "Hmm how about some target practice"
Dharc awoke on the cold ground. 'How long was I...?' he thought, getting up. He saw Zaber looking boredly at him. "What happened to your twig?" he asked. Zaber looked away. "You lost it, didn't you?" Dharc asked. Zaber shot him a fierce glare. Kuro awoke from his side of the ground. "Well let's get going. It's still a long time for me before I need to eat." Dharc said, standing up and brushing off the dirt from his trench coat. The two nodded. 
Flames. Flames everywhere. That burning town. The fleeing people along with their Pokemon. That house. That shattered house, along with all the memories of a happy childhood. Via. She's over there, her lifeless body among the remains of the other creatures that perished. That was only one of the many memories that has haunted her. All because of that THING! That gigantic red behemoth that arose beneath the sea and set fire to her quiet town. In a moment, it turned to look at her and slowly approached her, jaws open, about to devour what was left of her broken body. Until...


Hisui awoke in a cold sweat, her hand instinctively grabbing the hilt of her rapier that lay near her side, about to slash whatever caused her to wake up. She turned to look at her room but only saw Kuro lying near her stomach.

Geez, would she stop doing that?

Hisui reached out to pet that feline that lay at her lap before turning her head to face the window and greeting the rising sun that heralds the start of a new day.

That dream again... How many years has it been? Via, it seems I have yet to escape that terrible catastrophe that took you away from me.

Hisui heads to the bathroom to grab a quick shower before wrapping the bandages around her body and putting on her clothes. She opens the TV to watch some news before leaving.

Breaking News! This is just in! Groudon's silhouette has been spotted near the outskirts of Fallarbor. Local authorities are now attempting to follow via--

Immediately she shuts off the TV and opens the door to go outside but suddenly stops.

Can I do it? Shall I really throw the balance between the land and sea into anarchy just for revenge? Am I powerful enough to defeat him?

She looks at the Delcatty still sleeping on her bed. It had only been thirty minutes but it felt like hours to her. She makes her way back to the bed to check the time. It was only 3 AM.

It's still early. Maybe I should get some more rest before heading out. The doctors told me I shouldn't push my body too far.

She curls up in the corner of the bed, her eyes still fixed on the darkness in her room, trying to make out a shape that was never there.

I'm sorry Via... I'll avenge you when I gather up enough courage.

With that, Hisui sleeps again, her black hair dancing to the rhythm of the early morning wind.
Amila turned to Blaze. "Hey, you wanna fly? It'll be faster that way." Blaze nodded in responce and the rest of the team returned to their pokeballs. Amila hoped on Blaze's back and they flew into the sky. "Please dont make me fall this time, it took me two hours to wake up after hitting the ground last time we went flying." The charizard responded with a nod. Once they landed they were greated by the wind, which was blowing lightly against the trees and grass in the area. Amila let her pokemon out of their pokeballs and the team immediantly started to explore.
"OK guys here is the plan Tsunami since he is on the bridge i want you launch him upward using the water in the lake the second you do that get away from the water ok?" The Pokemon nodded she knew what was going to happen. "Hey Team rocket jerk", he yelled "You suck". The member started to walk toward him angrily but before he could do anything he saw an eruption of water from under him launching him in the air. "Now guys use Pentabeam All of his Pokemon shot a beam toward the rocket member launching him into the sky. "one down an army to go. Come on lets go find that Absol."
Name: Kilian "Bastille" Hartwig

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kilian is a little above the average height for most teenage boys of his age. He has straight white hair that partially obscures his sharp crimson red eyes. His bottom lip are adorned with two silver colored snake bites that seem to switch to a bronze color when introduced to any type of liquid. He has slightly toned olive colored skin, which has a couple of abrasion marks from constant adventuring. Along his neck, he wears a silver necklace that is adorned with a pendant that is in the shape of a Durant. He wears a red short sleeved shirt with several black and white lines that run vertically along his chest leading down to his waist. Although this is some times covered by a grey sweater that is usually half zipped; to allow some of his shirt to be visible. He wears a pair of faded blue jeans with tears along the knees, and a black leather belt to keep his pants from sagging. He also wears a pair of black knee high socks and a pair of black leather shoes with red laces that are also made of leather. Kilian also carries around with him a black one-strap backpack that is rectangular in shape.

Personality: Kilian doesn't have a problem working with others, but prefers working alone since that's where he can show his true potential. Although he works pretty well in groups, he only travels with a few Pokemon, and literally has no friends. He has no problem with meeting new people, and considers himself to be extremely trustworthy. Kilian is extremely intelligent when it comes to reading his opponents and pin pointing their weaknesses and blind spots. When in battle he loves to show off how captivating his Pokemon are by using moves in a way, in which some would only see in a Pokemon Contest. He tends to follow orders unless he sees them as unjust and just plain wrong. Even though Kilian is shy, he enjoys company. But, has tendencies of being emotionless at times, which he tries to improve from time to time. (With no avail.) He tends not to get himself tied up in the affairs of others unless he is personally asked to do something.

Biography: When Kilian was born, he was diagnosed with three different cancers. Doctors said that the probability of him even being able to make it through surgery was highly improbable, but his parents didn't believe it at the time. Some how though, he managed to survive the surgery but still with much of the cancer left in his body. He continued to go through several surgeries and many treatments until he was at the age of six. But, since he was not allowed to interact with the outside world what so ever before he had finally overcome his diseases, he became home schooled and eventually winded up developing a shyness towards just about everything and everyone. But, since he was sick, he had a lot of time to himself and found reading and problem solving to be his best friends at the time. Eventually he enrolled into elementary school late, but exceeded at top of the class. Due to his good grades, his parents promised to take him on a hiking trip in also small celebration to be able to take Kilian outside now without any worries of him getting immensely sick. But, it was on that day, that his parents were oblivious to the fact that there was a thunder storm approaching, and a nasty one at that. While trying to find some shelter from the monsoon, Kilian got separated from his parents and eventually wandered into, of all things, Bouffalant territory. Due to the vast downpour of rain, visibility was greatly impaired to where you wouldn't even be able to see your hand an inch away from your face. But everything was fine until the rain eased out a bit, and Kilian's vision became normal, only to see a field of Bouffalant, and they were anything but happy. He had heard that Bouffalant were extremely territorial, and was scared out of his wits. What was even worse was that several Bouffalant noticed him and began to charge. Kilian knew it was fight or flight, and since he could do neither, he ran as fat as he could. Eventually he escaped the Bouffalant territory only to run up to a river and spot what seemed to be several Drilbur attacking a silver colored bug Pokemon. It was a Durant, and an abnormally small one at that. Feeling emotional for the first time, Kilian attempted to stop the Drilbur by scolding them, but with no avail. He was soon attacked by those same Drilbur as they felt that he was being intrusive, and started attacking him by scratching, pushing, slashing and headbutting. That was, until more Durant from the other Durant's colony appeared and quickly decimated the Drilbur. Not to protect Kilian, but to protect that other Durant. But, the small Durant noticed that Kilian tried to help and deterred the other members from attacking Kilian. Trying to wash off whatever run off of small cuts and bruises, he went for the stream, but was quickly joined by the miniscule Durant. It turned out that the Durant appreciated Kilian's efforts in efforts to try and help it. So, to help Kilian the two went on a look for his parents. With the help of the Durant, Kilian eventually managed to find civilization and with familiar surroundings found his house with both him and Durant intact. And was quickly taken into the arm of his parents, while wondering if to keep the Durant as a guest. But, during the adventure Kilian had grown sick, and had to be rushed to the hospital. It turned out that one of the cancers had come back, and he would probably have to go through surgery. Though the Durant was young, it understood what was going on, and wanted to come with Kilian and his parents to the hospital. It turns out, that the two developed a strong bond while out looking for Kilian when they were on their 'misadventure'. When surgery came up with a slight positive, it turned out to be lung cancer and they had almost removed it but, Kilian would require a lot of bed rest. Acting upon loyalty, the Durant stayed with Kilian while his parents left to do important things like going to work. Eventually within the next day, he awoke refreshed and to his contentment, woke up to a small Durant sleeping by his side. That experience alone made their bond grow exponentially. When he turned the age of thirteen, Kilian decided that it would now be time to hit the road with his Durant, who had grown exponentially in and was already slightly bigger then that of the average adult Durant.

Abilities: He is skilled at blocking just about any move someone/thing can manage to make on him.


Species: Durant

Name/Nickname: Aeon

Gender: Male


Iron Head


Thunder Fang

Hone Claws

Description: Aeon is anything but a normal Durant, standing at about two feet tall which measures twice the size of the normal adult Durant. From far away he may seem to be normal, but upon closer inspection, his carapace is actually tinged in an egg white coloration, which glimmers in the light of the moon or the sun. His eyes are a calming light blue color, which are abnormal compared to the rest of his species whose eyes are usually a deep red. His incisors are longer then that of a normal Durants' jaws and contain spikes along the front and sides. His Carapace is covered in scratches and dents from previous battles. He wears a yellow scarf that is layered with black stripes.

Species: Hydreigon

Name/Nickname: Exeedra

Gender: Male


Dark Pulse

Dragon Pulse



Description: Exeedra is unlike any other Hydreigon one is lucky enough to encounter. He is much, much, larger than that of the usual Hydreigon. Standing at a boasting 17' 1'', this creature is visibly nothing compared to its other species, and is more of a hulk than anything. His back supports a pair of strong, scaly dragon wings, covered in membranous leathery scales. Behind the head where the 'frill' would be located, it has instead grown a long flowing mane of red hair. Instead of having heads located on both hands, it has instead, simply grown hands with cross like scars on the palms, that conceal the mouths. Each hand has four fingers that end in claws. Behind the hand, a mane similar to the one located behind its head, has grown around the wrest. His feet are far more developed than that of the usual Hydreigon, being quite muscly. On each foot, powerful taloned reptilian claws meant for gripping at the ground, are located in pairs of three on each foot. A long, scaly, flexible tail lashes behind him, its final third adorned with small bumps that can extend into vicious-looking spikes. In contrast to the usual blue and black located on other Hydreigon or the rare green, Exeedra, is instead a dark tan almost chest nutty color with a gray underbelly. Instead of fir, it has instead grown scales.

Which Region?: Unova

I'll add more when I have the chance.
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Dharc walked, Zaber and Kuro following behind him. He didn't mind the ash in front of him. He stopped in front of a tree and snapped off a sharp branch, dusting it off. "Here." he said, giving it to Zaber. The Sceptile swiped it away from him and bit it. They continued walking. 'Anti-human weapon for Treeckos, Grovyles and Sceptiles, huh?' he thought.
"That ought of teach em' a lesson..." Kilian said walking away with his Durant on a fight too fast to even be called a warm-up. Behind them, a trainer who had just finished returning their Dragonite into its Pokeball. "At'll teach em' to call my Pokemon a freak of nature..." he said kneeling down to adjust the Durant's Black and Yellow striped scarf.
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Now if i were an Absol where would i hide? hmm this is tougher then i thought. unless we bring him to us ok so we need to beat up more team rocket members. Good idea right spiral? Spiral shrugged she thought it was decent "You ready guys lets go!"
Dharc heard a voice. "Hey you! I want a rematch!" He turned around to see a trainer. "Oh, it's just you." he said boredly. "Grrr, you better be ready! Machoke!" the trainer growled, throwing his Pokeball. Dharc looked at Zaber. "You know what to do, pal." the Sceptile nodded and launched himself into the battlefield. As the Machoke was tightening its focus, Zaber readied his blades and slashed him repeatedly. When the Machoke was out of focus, Zaber launched himself, tackling the Machoke and making it faint. The trainer returned it. "Wasn't worthy of Zaber." Dharc muttered and left.

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