Pokémon 1x1 [Inactive]


New Member
Stripe submitted a new role play:

Pokémon 1x1 - A tale of two trainers.

Not all those who wander... Are lost.


The sky had again returned to gray, she noticed, and the sun had already begun to lose its warmth. Winter was approaching, and along with it a perpetual, overshadowing unease. Something was amiss about her, though her mind could not...
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Ivoron was walking through the woods, trying to find shelter from the harsh wind. Winter was definitely coming, he was just hoping that it wasn't going to be as soon as it was. If things were going to plan he should have been almost two towns over before winter would come. But Ivoron guessed he couldn't complain, everything was going according to plan except for the one that that he could have no control over; the weather.

He started to shiver almost uncontrollably, "Remind me to buy a warmer coat when we get to the next town! This winter feels like it is going to be a rough one!" He shouted out loud through the whistling wind. As if responding to his shout one of the pokeballs that were attached to his belt started to shake slightly before the pokemon that was inside came out. It was his Blaziken. He looked up at his friend and gave a small smile. "What are you doing out here? Its too cold for you-" But he was stopped short when his Blaziken's fist suddenly burst into a light blaze. The small blaze not only help light the way but it gave off a small warmth. Ivoron finally understood what he was doing. "Got it, then how about we make a run for it?" He asked as he started sprinting, trying his best to keep up with his friend.

Ivoron and his Blaziken probably ran about four miles before they finally reached the pokecenter. Stopping at the doors he smiled at his friend. "Thanks for the warmth Blaziken. You did great, now get some rest..." and grabbing his pokeball he returned his friend before he entered the building. Entering the building he realized that he wasn't the only one that decided to take shelter from the cold. Spotting Nurse Joy he walked over to her desk and asked if he could take shelter until the wind dies down. After she gave him the okay he went and found a spot to sit.

After finding a nice spot that was a little bit away from everybody he took off his backpack and started digging through it. Pulling out five bowls he started to fill them each with a different type of pokefood. Each one was specially made or each of his pokemon. Calling out his pokemon he let them all dig in; he himself would be getting ready for a meal as well. Pulling out a sandwich from his bag he looked around the center. He felt uneasy about something but he couldn't name what. All he knew was that something wasn't right but it had to be his imagination. This was a Pokecenter, it was a safe place.
After speaking to Nurse Joy, Silmalossë slowly glided to a table just behind the counter. Her team followed faithfully, relief upon their faces. Delphox sat next to her, smiling gently. Lucario took up her other side, as Zoroark morphed his shape into that of the nurse that had greeted them upon entry. "Zoro~!" He cried cheerfully. Silmalossë turned her head to him and smiled softly. Zoroark was ever joyful, refreshingly so, especially when the air hung heavy, and the trainer was appreciative of that.

After sliding her satchel off of her shoulder, the young girl removed items necessary for dining, and began to adorn the table with bowls of Pokéfood. Her friends waited patiently, but their watchful eyes upon her told her that she should make haste, and haste she made, for her Pokémon's happiness was one of her top priorities. Once filled, she slid the bowls to each of her friends in turn. "May this food and this company be blessed this night, for we have walked long and fought hard. Eat my friends, and rejoice in hope that tomorrow will come clearer than this day."

Silmalossë's team smiled, each nodding their head in agreement, and then began to quietly, but vehemently, eat their food. Silmalossë watched, peace filling her heart for a transient moment before fading away. She could not find an appetite for herself, but in stead only came across a lingering nausea. When all was wrong, and her heart swayed, sitting down to meals was near impossible for the teenager; witnessing her Pokémon enjoying their food so was more than enough for her to enjoy this meal time.

Within a few minutes, the group of Pokémon had finished eating, and Silmalossë could feel Absol lay down at her feet, his body providing warmth to her feet and shins. "Perhaps now we shall go to our chambers and rest ourselves-"

An abrupt cry of distress cut her off suddenly, and, startled, she swiveled her head toward the direction of the shriek just in time to catch sight of two individuals, a man and a woman, running down the hallway toward the main entrance room. In the arms of the male was a small, dark bird, which Silmalossë recognized as Murkrow, for she had not too long ago encountered one among the trees on a wooded trail.

"Please, stop them! They have my Pokémon!" The girl's dismayed, panicked voice called out again.

Silmalossë spared no time and rushed from her seat without hesitation, her team following with equal urgency and eagerness. "Lucario, you are the fastest on your feet. Pray, cut them off before the reach the door." She instructed politely, and immediately, Lucario nodded in response and shot forward with a grunt, and he was at the door in a matter of milliseconds, expression determined and fierce. He himself had very little patience for bullies an those who bring harm to others.
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Ivoron decided that he still must be at ease from the cold and started to eat his sandwich. It was a simple sandwich that was given to him in the town over from a friend he met on his journey. They both had gotten their badges at the local gym at the same time, but they were heading in different directions. His friend knew that he was a little low on supplies and that he couldn't really replenish them until he had gotten to the next town where his parents had sent mail to; more money to help him. So to help out a little she had given him a small meal and something for his pokemon to make their journey that much easier. It was an generous offer that he swore he would pay back again one day. But until then all they could hope for was to meet again in the future.

He was barely through his sandwich before he heard a scream and a cry for help. He was quickly on his feet and took a look around. He saw a man running with a Murkrow in his hands. He recognized them, not personally but what they stood for. He had fought a team rocket before in the beginning of his travels. They thought because he was new and young that he was going to be easy pickings, but they didn't know how well trained he was already. He noticed that somebody went to go help already but he wasn't just going to sit there and watch, he would help as well.

"Blaziken! Glaceon! Let's give them a hand!" Then in the next second his Glaceon was standing next to the Lucario of the girl that went to help by the door, in a defensive position, bringing a chill with her as she prepared for an attack. Ivoron's Blaziken stood behind the two, both its fist ready, just waiting for the word of his trainer. His other pokemon stood at his side. His Sawsbuck pawed at the ground, wanting to jump in. While his Venusaur had it vines out, ready to grab the Murkrow for a rescue and his Blastoise was stomped his foot in wait. They were indeed a threatening team.

"Leave it to a Team Rocket to be the scum of the Earth and try to take somebody's pokemon! I suggest you give that Murkrow to its rightful trainer if you don't want any trouble!"
The lavender-haired man came to an abrupt halt as he swam his path become blocked. A look of hesitation crossed his face, as if he were weighing his options in his head. The arms around the small Murkrow tightened their grip in defense of their plunder. The red-haired woman stopped next to him, looking angry and impatient. "We have very important business to attend to; I suggest you get out of the way before we have to use force."

The remaining members of Silmalossë's team joined the group in front of the door, standing strong and intimidating as they flashed their abilities, giving warning not to entice them to be used. Delphox had already become surrounded by spheres of flame circling her body. Absol moved his head in a way that created a gleam from the sharp horn upon his forehead. Venusaur looked to his kin belonging to the boy that had come to help and mimicked it. Lucario stood in a battle-ready stance, his strong legs ready for speed and power. Zoroark, bless him, had again shifted form into that of the male with the kidnapped Pokémon. "Zoroark!" He growled, his intention to threaten.

Silmalossë stood a little ways off to the side, a disdainful expression upon her pale face. Any remaining chill from the trek to the Pokécenter instantly left her body to be replaced by the heat of fury and battle. "Pray, I advise you release Murkrow, evil doers, for you are hopelessly out numbered and overpowered."

Jessie and James then looked to each other briefly, dismayed and annoyed. They seemed to recognize the reality of ten powerful Pokémon blocking their path, but made no motion to relinquish their prey. "Wobuffet! Meowth!" The woman called, and the two aforementioned Pokémon stepped forth. Upon witnessing the scene before them, their expressions grew startled and incredulous. The small cat creature spoke up, which greatly surprised Silmalossë, for she had never before heard a Pokémon speak through tongue, rather than telepathy. "How do you suppose we will defeat them?!" Meowth asked desperately, eyes wide. "You will have us killed!"
Ivoron had a look of small surprise when the Meowth that had been called forward spoke. He had never seen a pokemon speak like that before. He shook his head, he couldn't concentrate on the fact that a pokemon was speaking in clear english, he needed to think of that fact that there was an innocent pokemon that was in threat of being captured by some low life crooks. When he did notice that they weren't going to be giving up, his jaw nearly locked and his hands clenched into fist.

"You should listen to your Meowth! The only good way of you getting out of this is if you just let the Murkrow go and surrender. You won't get away with this!" As he spoke he lightly, almost unnoticeable, tapped his Venusaur. Slowly and just as about as unnoticeable the vines of his Venusaur crept up to the Team Rocket and slowly wrapped itself around their legs. He tried making eye contact with the girl, to see if she could take notice of what he was doing. She seemed like a good trainer, her was going to get them to let go of the pokemon, and he hopped that she and her pokemon could be fast enough to catch the Murkrow.

Taking an insane amount of trust of somebody that he didn't know, but he did know a well trained pokemon when he saw one and not to mention that she stepped up to help too, he shouted out. "Now!" And in the instance his Venusaur had pulled its vines to hang them upside-down. They were barely in the air before his Blaziken had used high jump kick to hit them in their backs, making the male drop the Murkrow; which was uninjured. In the notice that one of their pokemon, the Wobuffet, went to go help its trainer his Glaceon sent a small blizzard their way; not wanting to take a chance and freezing them in place.
Silmalossë watched as the boy maneuvered his team to release the Murkrow from the man's clutches. She had hesitated instructing her Pokémon to act, hoping that the two thieves would have surrendered the most likely terrified creature they had tried to steal; however, she was grateful to the boy across the way when she saw his Venusaur's vines creeping toward the team. She had taken that as her cue to motion for Lucario to read himself for a catch. He was her fasted Pokémon, and therefore the most likely to make it on time.

As the Murkrow began its descent, the bipedal, dog-like pocket monster zipped forward in a blue of blue and black and beige, and he had the small bird in his arms safely. Silmalossë smiled at her friend and nodded her thanks to him before approaching and taking it from him. She could feel it trembling in her arms, but aside from the fear in its eyes, it appeared to be unharmed. "Be at peace, little one." She cooed softly, gently stroking its head. "All is well; be at peace..."

The owner of the Murkrow sprinted over, a look of immeasurable relief taking over her once terrified features. "Murkrow!" She exclaimed as she took him from Silmalossë and embraced him tight against her chest. The owner remained that way for a moment more, rejoicing, before she lifted her head and addressed her heros. "Thank you so much! I thought I would lose her forever!" She said to the two trainers that had saved her beloved companion.

Silmalossë offered a small smile, her dimples becoming present briefly before she had relaxed her facial expression once again. She then turned to Lucario and placed her hand upon his shoulder. "You did very well, my friend. Thank you." She whispered softly, to which Lucario responded with an appreciative nod, leaning into his trainer's hand slightly.
After he saw that the Murkrow was safe and away from the trouble he had his Venusaur drop them and he was getting ready to let his Glaceon freeze them all until they can contact an Officer Jenny to take them away. He had heard Nurse Joy call for help and so to get them out of the way he went over and started shoving, with the help of his pokemon, push the frozen villains outside. He had gotten them out there but before he could finish he had noticed that part of them wasn't completely frozen. When he bent down closer to take a look, he could have sworn he saw movement, a Seviper came out of nowhere and was getting ready to attack him with a poison jab. Ivoron fell backwards from the shock but didn't get hit. His Glaceon jumped in front of him and took the hit for him, protecting him. His Glaceon had gotten frozen and Ivoron quickly picked up his friend and clenched onto him. "Blaziken!" He shouted as the pokemon performed a sky uppercut and sent them blasting off.

Standing up and carrying his Glaceon he ran back inside and brought it to Nurse Joy. "Please help my Glaceon...she's got injured protecting me from a surprise attack..." He said in a small panic but spoke soothingly to keep his pokemon calm. Nurse Joy took his pokemon and said she would do everything that she could. That his Glaceon should be as good as new in no time. Taking a small breath to help calm himself, he returned his other pokemon; only after he promised to bring them back out the second Glaceon was back. He looked around and noticed the girl praising her pokemon just a bit aways and decided to approach her.

"Those are some well trained pokemon you got there. I should know..." He said as he approached her with a smile. He outstretched a hand and spoke. "Hey, I'm Ivoron L-" He stopped short. He was always cautious of saying his last name, he hated people knowing who he actually was. That was when the comparisons always happened. "I'm Ivoron." He said continuing the smile and acting as if he didn't just stumble on his words from almost saying his last name.
With safety now returned to the Pokécenter upon the departure of Team Rocket, some onlookers clapped briefly, joyous in the victory of good. Silmalossë's team made their way back to her side to be praised in turn. She gave each of them words of thanks and a gentle pat, smiling gently. Zoroark, as sweet and gentle as he was, did not settle for only a simple pat, and had locked her in a warm hug.

Silmalossë chuckled lightly and returned the affectionate gesture, her hands softly patting his long red hair. When he released her, she stepped back and took his hand in her left. For a moment, she was relieved that this occurrence had happened, for it seemed to be probable cause for her unease. Perhaps she had been sensing ill intentions around her, and they had led up to the attempted robbery of Murkrow; however, such theories were short lived, for she realized the unrest in her soul prevailed; the ache deep in her bones did it cease with the passing of the wrongdoing.

Distracted by her uneasy reverie, Silmalossë was silently startled as she was approached by the boy who had done most of the rescuing. She stared at him as he spoke, smiling at her and outstretching his hand in friendliness toward her. Communication had never been her area of expertise, and her mistrust of others did not facilitate interacting. She hesitated before slowly reaching out her own unoccupied hand and softly shaking his hand. "Thank you." She responded to his regard of her Pokémon's behavior.

When he stumbled upon his words, she paid it little mind, the majority of her focus being consumed by her raising her guard. "I am Silmalossë. I thank you for rescuing that Murkrow. You and your companions were valiant." The girl said softly before withdrawing her hand once more. Beside her she could feel Zoroark press against her in protective nature, and she tightened her grip on his hand slightly, offering him reassurance.
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He looked at her as she spoke and his smile softened a bit. She spoke very formally for somebody that had to have been around his age. But everybody had their own quirks. "No not really..." He replied when she said that he was the one that rescued the Murkrow. "I only got them to release the Murkrow, it was your fast acting Lucario that had caught her and brought her back to her rightful trainer." He sighed and looked down a bit, with a hint of sadness on his face. "And we weren't well enough. Team Rocket was able to do a sneak attack outside and got my Glaceon poisoned. I can only hope she comes out alright..."

Again, as if sensing his worry, Blaziken came out of his pokeball and looked down at its owner. It put a reassuring hand on Ivoron's shoulder and let it warm up a little bit, as if saying it was confident that Glaceon was going to be okay. Ivoron gave a small laugh and put his opposite hand on his Blaziken's hand. They always had a closer bond. He was the first pokemon that he ever had. Blaziken was wild torchic at first and they befriended each other. When he was given his first pokeball he didn't go to get a starter, he captured torchic and they've been with each other ever since. Now they were a power house team with him and his Blaziken at the front.

"So anyways, its obvious that you're a trainer as well. Are you doing gym battles or are you a coordinator? I'm currently going down the line doing both. Or at least trying to." He said giving a small laugh. His hands were definitely full from trying to do both. But he knew with hard work he could get it down. He swore long ago that he would so that he could surpass the shadows of both his parents and he was going to do just that.
Feeling her hear squeeze in sympathy for Ivoron and his predicament, Silmalossë shook her head. "There is not one person who could have seen that attack coming. You had done everything you could, and there was no reason to suspect yet another attack." She paused slightly, uncomfortable and uncertain of what else to say. "...Your Glaceon was brave, and noble. It was her choice to protect you as she did; she was more than ready to take whatever consequences may have come her way, as I am sure you would have done had your positions been reversed."

The girl watched as Blaziken shed itself of its Pokéball and placed a hand on its trainer's shoulder. The two of them seemed to be bonded very closely; it reminded her of her own relationship with Delphox, who was stationed at her right. Silmalossë shifted her eyes to look at her fox friend and nodded. Delphox seemed to know what she was thinking, for she smiled at the trainer.

When the boy before her began talking once again, Silmalossë returned her gaze toward him. His questions regarding her career of Pokébattling set off warning bells in her head, and she eyed him carefully. "...I battle at gyms to obtain badges." She replied after a long pause. Her reasons for journeying were her own, and she was not eager to share them. Only her Pokémon were given knowledge of her driving force.

She had already defeated the gyms of several areas. The majority of the prize money she did not keep for herself. She kept only what was necessary to buy supplies that would keep her Pokémon happy and healthy. Silmalossë grew silent once again, not knowing what else to say to Ivoron.
Ivoron just sighed when she tried to give him words of encouragement about his Glaceon. "Maybe so, but I would have much rather taken the hit that was intended for me than to have any of my pokemon injured like that. But I do have faith that she will be alright. I've trained my Glaceon strong and well. I just don't think she'll be going into any battles for awhile..." His Glaceon was strong, he gave her the same training that his father taught him to train pokemon. Just with a bit of his own twist. He was confident that she would be alright. And he didn't fully believe that she would have to wait awhile before doing any battles. He would just rather be safe than sorry.

When he asked her if she was a battler or a coordinator, he could tell he hit a touchy subject. He felt a little offended that she treated him as if he was a bad guy, somebody to be so cautious about. Sure he had his secret of who he really was, but he wasn't cautious around her. It wasn't like he was a member of team rocket or something where she needed to be cautious of him. But before he could open his mouth and say something about his Nurse Joy came out with Glaceon. She looked well and healthy with only two bandages, they laid in the area that she was attacked.

Now ignoring the new person that he had just met he ran over to his Glaceon and picked her up. It was obvious that he was happy to see his Glaceon well and healthy. Then to keep his promise he released his other pokemon, whom all were also happy to see that Glaceon made a speedy recovery. His Venusaur even grabbed Glaceon with her vines and tossed her in the air lightly to show that she was happy. Ivoron laughed and after a reunion he returned all of his pokemon and started to collect all of his things. Taking a look outside he could see that the wind had died down a bit and he wanted to get started as soon as possible. He needed to reach the next town for a coordinating competition, which he needed to beat quickly so that he can go to the town after and go to another gym battle. It was a busy life but one he enjoyed.

The only one that refused to go back in the pokeball was his Blaziken. Ivoron paused a moment then smiled at his friend. "Going to run alongside me again? Hahaha just don't run too fast! You're hard to keep up with!" He said to his friend while Blaziken gave him a happy look in response.
Silmalossë watched the reunion from where she stood some ways away before turning back to her own Pokémon. She could tell by their stature that the team was growing rather exhausted. Their facial expressions would never show it, which Silmalossë knew, for her friends never complained, nor did they disobey when she made instructions. Silmalossë herself was beginning to grow tired.

She smiled slightly, regarding the group. "Come now, my friends. We will sleep, for night begins to close in, and we are mired with fatigue." The trainer watched as her friends nodded their agreement and felt her heart warm from the looks of gratitude upon their faces. There was yet enough daylight for them all to bathe before time for retiring, and a hot bath could do them all wonderfully. Though, Venusaur would probably prefer his bath chilled slightly.

As Silmalossë turned to head down the hallway that led to the housing area of the Pokécenter, she paused, staring down at the ground. Her vast knowledge of interaction with others began and ended at nothing; as to what she should say to the boy she had met, she did not have the faintest, but she felt it would be rude to walk away without saying goodbye and thanking him one last time.

Deciding upon her course of action, Silmalossë bid her Pokémon stay while she turned on her heel and noiselessly made her way over to Ivoron and his Blaziken. "I beg your pardon, but I must say thank you once more for lending us your aid. May courage remain with you on your journey." She said in a small, soft voice, a bit unsure of herself.
Ivoron had just finished packing up everything, him and his Blaziken were just about to head out when he heard somebody talking behind him. He nearly jumped because he didn't hear anybody approaching him but when he turned around, he just gave a smile when he saw who it was. Silmalossë was a rather small girl so it didn't surprise him that she was able to sneak up without making a noise. That must have come in handy.

He smiled at her words and looked around awkwardly. "Don't worry about it, really. Its fine. You don't need to be so formal with me..." He said, that was what made him feel the most awkward. He had never been talked to so formally, he didn't know how to react. "Look, which way are you heading? Maybe we can travel with each other for a bit, if not until the next time if you're going the same way...It gets kind of lonely traveling alone. And even though I love my pokemon it would be nice being able to talk to somebody who can answer back once in awhile..." He said as his Blaziken made a small offensive sound. He looked at his friend and gave a small laugh. "No offense old friend!"
Silmalossë stood in stunned silence for a moment, staring at Ivoron in astonishment. She had most certainly not expected such an invitation, and she almost immediately declined, but stopped herself from speaking rashly. Perhaps they could work together. She had her own pace, and she had a goal she wished to achieve. She wondered if raveling with the trainer she had met would impede upon her progress.

It was a race against time, Silmalossë's personal quest; she liked the freedom being without a human companion brought her. She could keep her steady pace without worrying about any hindrances that others could bring upon her and her team. It was a desperate struggle even on her own time; what would it become when a human companion joined the mix?

On the other hand, their Pokémon made quite a formidable team. If they joined forces and journeyed side by side, they could be come a force with which to be reckoned. If Ivoron was indeed both a coordinator and a gym battler, he surely must keep to a fast pace; however, that could raise a problem. Perhaps that pace would be too fast, and she would be unable to get done what she needed to accomplish.

She weighed her options in her head for a while before deciding upon what she would do. "I will consider your offer, Trainer Ivoron. I must concede with my companions, to whom I have already promised rest. We will be staying here this night to recover strength spent. We plan to make haste in the morn."
Ivoron looked at her slightly worried with her hesitation to his question. He was starting to wonder if he had over done it again with the invitation. He was known to do that. He was always so energetic that sometimes he just jumps the gun and just blurts things out. He was about to say that he took it back and that she didn't need to feel obligated to give him an answer, when she gave him an answer. Well sorta, she gave him a half answer saying that she'll think on it.

He paused a moment and than gave a small laugh. It was more than what he usually got. "Sure that's great. I was going to start heading out now but I can wait until morning. It would give more time for Glaceon to rest up." Then he turned to his friend Blaziken. "How about we go train a bit before calling it a night?" They had a coordination competition coming up and he wanted to get some training time in. "I'll await your answering in the morning then...." he said as he took off his backpack and put it down. Then turning away he headed for the doors to go train.

After some training he went back to rest with his pokemon. In the morning he was feeding his pokemon their special mixed food.
When morning came, Silmalossë found herself in a haze, void of the synthetic concept of passing time, and she was rendered obsolete, incapable of thought or motion. Her blue eyes, dull and tired, stared sightlessly through the window to the left of the bed in which she sat, her head shunted into a reverie mindless emotion, wherein even primitive instincts were laid to rest, and no disruption could be begotten. Hours already had passed, during which she had sat awake before the Sun, in dreams of sentience of both herself and that of which was around her. A perpetual sensation of disaccord and discomfort, and filth and perversion lingered within the young trainer's being, a horrid forewarning and dread that she could not place.

Beside Silmalossë lay the sleeping forms of her Pokémon, who were all of them, for a time, unaware and at peace within the realms of their own dreams. Lucario had been the first to awaken to a familiar scene some time just before the dawn of a red sun, perhaps feeling unrest in the aura around him. Upon witnessing his trainer's empty, catatonic daze, he had immediately roused Delphox, bidding her, "awaken!" This was not an occurrence with which he was ignorant. In fact, most every morn he would bear witness to the same likeness. Needless to say, his concern never waned, nor did that of Delphox, whose aura settled in perfect harmony with Silmalossë's. The friendship of the trainer and the fox born of fire was the most tireless of the group.

Delphox, who had stirred and came to wakefulness at the urgent tone of Lucario's voice, which was spoken brokenly as he was yet to master the tongue of humans as she herself had done, but she had understood him easily. Without delay, Delphox had sat up, inching closer to Silmalossë until she felt contact of their bodies, and began the routine of bringing the girl back to her thoughts. "Awaken, my friend..." The gentle Pokémon had channeled softly. "The sun has risen and there is much to do. Hark! Pray, awaken, Sil."

No response nor acknowledgement was given, but Delphox was patient. Lucario stood beside the bed, looking on in unease. Delphox smiled at him in an offering of reassurance before closing her eyes and resting her head on Silmalossë's shoulder. As per expectation, there was a persistent tremble about the trainer's body. Slowly, she raised her arm and rubbed her friend's back, emitting a low heat that she hoped was soothing. "Be at peace, daughter of the Silver Snow, for all now is well. Be at peace."

For a while they remained as such, the fox whispering and Silmalossë distant, but the time gradually came where the trainer's eyes again had shine and life, and thoughts returned to her mind. "There is a foulness that I cannot yet place..." She croaked to Delphox, slightly winded and quite clearly unnerved. "There is something amiss. It frightens me."

"Sh..." Delphox hushed, wrapping her trainer in a gentle embrace. "Do not fear that of which you know naught; fear only what is to be feared when it is right to fear it, and as of present, your quest alone is what should be of any worry. There is naught else."

Silmalossë nodded, drinking in the comfort of her companion's arms and then slowly arose from the bed, her legs shaking slightly. After she dressed herself, she led her Pokémon to the main hall and sat at a table to give them breakfast. Her appetite had not yet returned, leaving her to watch in silence as they ate and wave off the concerned glances she received from them.
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