Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

OptimisticFire said:
Kennison Phillips




17 years old










He is very fidgety and nervous, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He barely trusts anyone due to his past. He tries to remain calm, but probably doesn't fool a lot of people.


Everything was fine when he grew up. People actually adored his red eyes and cheek markings. It wasn't until the ears popped out of his hair that people started retreating from him. Even his family was uneasy about the whole thing and insisted he wore some sort of hat to hide the ears in public. He also grew out his hair in attempt to hide his ears as much as possible (that didn't work very well). Eventually, his father confronted him and suggested he go get tested. Unfortunately, it was not the typical lab testing his father sent him to - it was a military base. He was sent in to be a soldier of sorts, like a lab rat. They could sacrifice a freak like him. He spent years in the military, guarding, spying, fighting, being drugged by many different chemicals. Luckily, he received the letter to join this secret school once he was 14 years old, and escaped from his assigned military base at the time. He remains in hiding in this school. He dreads his graduation date, not knowing what he'll do after leaving the school.


Secretly crushing on Alexia/Alex Dunes

-Is it your first year to the school?-


-Other information-

He prefers being outdoors as opposed to indoors.


John Bollinger





-Class, grade-







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/marashymarshmarsh.jpg.919a423ca39df44346e32ae1c48c9c2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/marashymarshmarsh.jpg.919a423ca39df44346e32ae1c48c9c2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

To be revealed in RP


To be revealed in RP


None, yet.

-Is it your first year to the school-


-Other information-

Likes peanuts.



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-Name- Serenity

-Nickname- Ren

-Age- 16

-Class, grade- 11

-Gender- female

-Specie- Zorua

-Appearance-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf70e3ea1_images(26).jpg.80e9f752710983bbbbd6eb7447f7254b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf70e3ea1_images(26).jpg.80e9f752710983bbbbd6eb7447f7254b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Personality- loner shy silent observant

-Bio- abandoned at child hood

-Crush- n/a

-Is it your first year to the school- yes

-Other information- likes tacos and kindness oh and honesty



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-Name-Asia Grace

-Nickname- None

-Age- 16

-Class, grade- History, Reading, and Art Grade 10

-Gender- Female

-Specie- Suicune


-Personality- In rp.

-Bio- In rp

-Crush- N/A as of now.

-Is it your first year to the school- Yes she is a foreign exchange student.

-Other information- She likes the color purple.
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None as yet



-Class, grade-







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pokemon_garchomp_human_by_marazh2104lovetu-d6zlnei.jpg.9f494d741dd6e7170ea7dae9e9707d0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pokemon_garchomp_human_by_marazh2104lovetu-d6zlnei.jpg.9f494d741dd6e7170ea7dae9e9707d0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Revealed in RP


Revealed in RP



-Is it your first year to the school-


-Other information-

Being fabulous

((Very basic, I have to admit it))



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Can I still join?

Name: Alluraine Flaress

Nickname: "Raine"


Class, grade: Sophomore, 10th

Gender: Female

Species: Chandelure

Appearance: *see picture*

"Revealed in RP" is just being lazy, isn't it? Just because you wrote that, I'll keep it short and sweet.

A mysterious, different kind of girl, Alluraine is the kind of person you would see playing with candles. She is a pyromaniac and loves to set things aflame. She doesn't do well with others, however, she isn't mean, just misunderstood.

Bio: Again, "Revealed in RP" is just, no.

Born of a Cofagrigus and a Houndoom, she was generally feared by her peers and such, which was not just because she lived in a haunted graveyard. She was teased when she was younger because of the way she acted, marveling at spirits and wanting to possess everything. One day, she had enough, as she went on a rampage, taking everyone's souls. She did this because she couldn't take the teasing and ridicule anymore. Her family moved right away and enrolled her into Poke-High, in hope of a better life.


Is it your first year to the school: Yes, she's new

Other information: She tends to talk to spirits that may or may not be there.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7ce1a7b_Chandelure3.png.a997d4e19f48849574b63f5bfb30721e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7ce1a7b_Chandelure3.png.a997d4e19f48849574b63f5bfb30721e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lotus Dahlia Grace Fleur

Nickname: "Lotus"


Class, grade: Senior, 12th

Gender: Female

Species: Shaymin

Appearance: *see picture*

"Revealed in RP" is just being lazy, isn't it? Just because you wrote that, I'll keep it short and sweet.

Shy but incredibly kind, Lotus Dahlia Grace but has a huge heart. She is very sweet and will help others to the best of her abilities. Heartbroken by the loss of her parents, she will forever have a grudge on the people that kidnapped her, but that never covers up or hides her bubbly, cordial personality.

Bio: Again, "Revealed in RP" is just, no.

Being born when the entire ordeal of the Resistance (an extremist group who's sole goal is to corrupt legendaries) and corruption of legendaries first started, she knows firsthand of the horror that Arceus had tried to mend, but inevitably failed at doing so. Growing up, she had discovered her amazing grass type abilities, apparently fueled from her hatred of the people who corrupt legendaries like her, so her parents (normal grass types) did their best to hide her from corruption by hiding and isolating from others for her own protection. Eventually, at the age of 6, workers from the Resistance found her, so they took her away immediately. Her parents put up a fight, and for rebelling against the Resistance, they ended up being killed, thus devastating poor Lotus. They unlocked her incredible powers and used it for their own gain: trapping Pokemon for their experiments, torturing humans and Pokemon alike if they didn't comply and go through with the Human-Pokemon transfusion procedure.

Lotus eventually escaped at the age of 8, a Ninetales and some other gijinka taking her in.

TBD, but probably going to be a fire type, electric type, or fighting type

Is it your first year to the school: No, she's gone to this school all 4 years

Other information:

- She is beautiful and can use this ambrosial factor to her advantage, getting anything she may ask for.

- If in a field or somewhere where there is grass present, she can easily make a little grass flute with a blade, producing beautiful but simple music.

- She can also use her extraordinary powers to make plants grow at phenomenal rates, which can be used to strangle people, pierce through their bodies, or trap and cage them in poison-laced vines.

- Finally, she can transform to Sky Forme at will.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7ce5e50_Shaymin2.png.4fcbf290da964a9b4f3f288b5e73e879.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7ce5e50_Shaymin2.png.4fcbf290da964a9b4f3f288b5e73e879.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The RP where Lotus as a child, which explains her bio ^



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Name: Cherry!!

Nickname: Nah, I don't have one of those.

Age: 17

Grade: Junior.

Gender: Female

Species: Espeon


Personality: Jolly. She loves to be herself, and that is a little bit hyperactive. After she evolved, she became a little bit more calm, but not really. She can be shy around new people, but will warm up to you VERY quickly.


As an Eevee, she had horrible things done to her by horrible people with big red R's on their clothes. She nearly lost the use of her leg from their experimentation, but she managed to get it back over time, leaving only a slight limp. Team Rocket was a major problem back then, but she broke with her DARK FRIEND, and they traveled together for a short while. Soon, she was living with a nice trainer named Cross and her Meganium, traveling together and having fun. But, fate brought her and her DARK FRIEND together when Cross found him in the forest.

Eventually they split from Cross with a not-so-final goodbye, and traveled to this place together. Along the way she evolved into an Espeon.

First year: Nooooo.

Other information:

"...None that I can think of."

She got her love of song and ability to play the guitar from Cross.
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Alright, then. Sweet~

Ih it alright to use a kinda canon character in Pokemon already? If not, I'll try think of something else

Alright, this guy is hardly OP. Is there a character sheet to fill or?

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