"Ugh!" Ritsu cried out as her mechanical arms were sent careening back towards her.

The AI quickly ran diagnostics over the appendages, checking them for damage. She was originally built to be able to take down the same man who created a permanent crescent out of the moon and thus, her creators spared no expense in making sure that she could handle absolutely anything. In the face of magic and the like, however, she wasn't quite as confident in her defensive capabilities.

Suddenly, Ritsu's sensors went haywire as they began detecting a huge swell of energy. Her eyes snapped back towards the mangled form of the shadow, just as it finished summoning one of the most grotesque creatures she'd ever laid her eyes on. As it began rearing up for an attack, it dawned on her that there was no way that she could stop that thing with what firepower she did have. With that thought in mind, she grabbed hold of the blond girl's wrist and began to make a break for it, following after the other two towards the bridge.

Haz. Haz. 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Zamasu Zamasu
Lyle Walt

  • lyle-walt-png.576890

    Research Room
    : Rin, Len, Takemi, Research Room Group​

    No luck here as well

    Len's reaction was enough for him to see there was nothing noteworthy in the PC. When he found something of importance, he would go into a deep explanation on the topic, just like the fight against Spidersuit.

    The scattered notes were better, but not by much. He could tell that it was probably note of research, but without any knowledge regarding the experiment itself, he couldn't make head and tail of it. There were drawings of the strange monsters they fought, though. They were definitely useful.

    "Let's hope the group heading to the other room is luckier," Lyle patted Len's shoulder. He swiped his hand over the table.


    Like a magic trick, the research notes, the computer, even the table disappeared. Lyle stored the notes, computer and desk into his spatial storage.

    "We should go once the wounded are able to move. There isn't anything important here any longer."

    As much as he despised Sub Zero for his action, he wouldn't be so cruel to leave the prisoners to their own. The others most likely wouldn't agree to it as well. At the very least, they should had some gain after using the precious chess piece called 'surprise factor'.

Aeon proceeds to look at the creature springing to life, she seemed to be... ungrateful. As Aeon was looking at the creature, she heard a familiar voice come into her name. 'Mother, Aeon, and Venus. Please give me strength for what I'm about to go through.', Aeon heard Double's voice as she proceeded to hold her chest. "Double, you don't have to face this alone...", it looked like she was about to cry. Double was her first friend in her life, as a human. Her bravery was something that other couldn't copy and probably was needed by everyone who had to be protected, she was willing to kill herself in order to save others. Aeon became teary eyed as she thought of Double. She wiped her tears and proceeded to learn about the creature. The being's name was Midna who came from the Twilight Realm. She was familiar, like she had seen her as a figure in a shop before. She felt like Double was in danger, she proceeded to go to Rin, with red eyes. "C-could you scan th-the area? I-I need t-to kn-know so-something...", she felt Double getting hurt, like something was taking hold of her. Aeon had a spiritual connection to Double, allowing her to feel what she feels. She was almost going to cry, she could feel Double crying as she was bleeding somewhere. Her eyes were going to leak, she proceeded to hide her face with her cloak.

Location: Research Room
Interacting With: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

STATUS: 579211

Leon stood confused as the world around him evaporated into the void, and then quickly reformed into a dilapidated hallway seemingly devoid of use for some time. The smell of rust and iron invading his nose as a heavily wounded creature comes around the corner. The new face of the party seemed to recognize him as they exchanged a few choked words before the wall were painted in entrails and blood. "Jesus Christ!" Leon felt horror and disgust well up inside of his being and begin flowing out through the expressions on his face as a new hulking beast rose like a phoenix from the corpse of the previous creature. Leon drew his pistol and with his other arm out in front of Yuma he backed them away a bit "You guys... this is bad, but keep calm and we can do this. Negan be careful."

Leon didn't have any more questions. If he had to compare it to something it looked like William Birkin after he had been consumed by the G-virus. Either way, it clearly wasn't on their side. Leon fired two or three shots at its head and in between he beckoned "I know it used to be your friend but it's not anymore. We have to kill it."

( Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Stormcloak Stormcloak CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Haz. Haz. )
( I have no idea what boss this is so I just went with a Leon response to it all )​

Originally she was going to teleport below deck but suddenly found herself being dragged along by the AI.

"Excuse me ma'am but where are you taking me? " She was confused about where on this ship could be safe from the horse thing.

She was having a hard time controlling her bloodlust...sooner or later she would lose it and go careening in possibly killing herself
in the process so for now she would need to hold it ,no, Her in..

Looking around she noticed that they were going to the bridge "Why are we going there? There is nothing for us there! We're better off hiding" the frustration was very explicit in her voice.

Ineptitude Ineptitude Haz. Haz.
Yuma watched as things starting to change again. She watched as the creature walked around the corner. She saw how wounded the creature was and wanted to go and help it. Those thoughts soon changed as another monster like creature exploded out of the creature. She felt like she was about to vomit, but she quickly pulled out her gun and began firing at it.

Aegis Aegis Stormcloak Stormcloak CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

"It's cutting through the floor boards like butter!" Ritsu explained, not once looking back at the blond girl as she focused on their escape. "We're better off in an open space where we can anticipate its attacks and move accordingly rather than hide and not know what's coming!"

"If you have any plans on taking that thing down, though, I'd be happy to hear it!"
She shouted, sounding as cheerful as ever despite the stressful situation she found herself in. The earlier panic bled away, leaving her processors running mile a minute in order to find a solution that would let all of them come out of this alive. "Fighting magical creatures isn't something I've ever done before so I have no clue!"

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
We're in trouble. Saber can't get time to charge her noble phantasm, Shiki is being crushed, and Shirou is practically drowning. Wait, this might not work but it's something. "Saber, when I give the signal start charging your Noble Phantasm!" A ceremonial knife shows up in Shirou's hand before the blood around him starts turning to normal blood, the corpses turned to normal corpses, all leaving Neferu's control. But Shirou's goal wasn't to protect himself. Instead he ran over to Saber to buy her time to use unleash her sword, batting aside tendrils of blood on the way. "Now Saber!" Shirou yelled as he plunged Rule Breaker into the red light. Then an omni-directional torrent of wind came from Saber as she released Invisible Air, with Shirou just barely managing to block it using Rule Breaker. After he landed he was doing the best he could to prevent any blood from striking Saber as she was charging. They just needed several seconds for this. Let's hope Shiki lasts that long.

"Normally Mu-12 can cut through magical creatures but this one is different!!" She screeched as she was being yanked by her arm with brute force

"I was thinking of setting up an ambush..Maybe i can hide my swords somewhere and you could lure him into my trap...Either way we can only beat this guy if we work together!"
She shouted back to the sentient box who had almost pulled out a clump of her hair

"Look for any narrow corridors or maybe some kinda chokepoint"

Ineptitude Ineptitude

As Willow distanced herself, Len gave her a little wave, following her with his gaze before streightening himself back up, deciding to check on Takemi and the assotment of notes:

"Is there anything I can assist you with, Hashimoto-san?", the younger twin had asked since he was done with the computer.

Meanwhile, Rin's focus had been completely on their new flying friend, until she noticed someone else tapping her shoulder. With a 'huh?' sound, the female vocaloid had turned around to see a cute little girl holding a teddy bear, her optics were filled with delight and excitement at such an adorable sight!

"Oh, thank you!", she had replied at the compliment to her head bow, that is until the next part rolled over, then she was thoroughly confused, "Eh? W-what do you mean?"

Tilting her head slightly, it took Rin a while to realize that the girl had been pointing at it, which prompted her to try and look at it. Reaching for the bow, the vocaloid pulled each of its 'leaves' down while trying to look up to see them. It was akin to a rabbit trying to inspect it's own raised ears and failing miserably at it. Took the girl about 3 minutes of struggling with it before she gave up, glancing around the room looking for something akin to mirror and then finding... nothing. Dammit! And Len seemed busy with something too!

Without a choice, the worried vocaloid then proceeded to poke the person that was immediately next to her. Turned out that was Blake:

"Hey, B... What does my bow look like right now?", she asked pointing at it with both hands, "I can't really quite see it..."

While she waited for an answer, one of the big robots took it upon themselves to add on to Rin's earlier explanation, but with more fancy words and better explained information. Then its... brother? Younger brother, perhaps? Had chimed in, beginning a new round of introductions. Yay! They were here absolute favorites! Regardless of what had been said about her ribbon, Rin would give a little excited hop and jump in the fun before anyone else could:

"And I'm Rin! That nerd there in the back is Len, my brother and uhhh...", that was normally as far as introductions normally went, yet she was stubborn and wanted to make a great impression just as the two before her had done, so she kept it going, "We're built for singing! There are settings for Gender Factor, Breathiness, Vibrato, Growl, E.V.E.C, Append voicebanks and a Japanese voicebank, which is well, the original, because obviously, I'm speaking English right now!"

"Oh and I can do this too!", Rin swiped nad tapped on her sleeve's console and soon a white and gold electric guitar had been brought to life after a cluster of pixels that vanished as soon as they had appeared, "Ta-da~!!", the girl let out joyfully, feeling very accomplished and strumming a few cords, barely audible in the lack of speakers.

Their new friend, Midna was her name, had also introduced herself. The female vocaloid wasn't very comfortable with her use of the word 'idiots', though once or twice she'd let it slide. There was one thing that had stuck out with the girl though, one bit of information that disproved an earlier theory:

"Ah, false alarm everyone! Mii-chan actually remembers things! Hurray!", Rin raised her arms in the air, still wearing the guitar, "Oh wait, those were not your friends then? Huh, I thought you looked similar..."

Upon receiving a shoulder pat from Lyle, Len had given a nod in reply, acknowledging the other's words. What he hadn't expected however, was to them watch as the entire table with all of its contents, including the computer, disappeared from thin air seemingly being stored by their leader into some kind of sci-fi pocked dimension.

"Walt-san, you gotta tell me how that works whenever you get the chance...", he had commented, giving back the shoulder pat, albeit softly as to not accidentally hurt the other.

Rin, taking advantage of the guitar she had just materialized as a demonstration, kept strumming some of the chords happily as if the instrument was just a toy. In the middle of mindlessly solo-ing her way with the unplugged music apparatus, however, she had been approached by Ae, who had come with a request for her. As much as the young vocaloid would have liked to oblige with it, she still need Ly to do his thing, first:

"A-are you okay?!", the girl asked widening her opticals at the woman with concern and confusion, "Does it hurt anywhere?"

Letting the guitar fade away on a new cloud of pixels, Rin stepped closer to Aeon, holding her shoulders to provide her support akin to how one would with someone that had difficulty walking. If she was indeed hurt, the girl wouldn't know what to do:

"Len! Ly! Kemi! Everyone! Help! Something is wrong with Aeon!"


Neferu was disappointed, they were aiming more towards the blood rather than her. She whistled over to them saying,

"You know, there are other enemies besides that..."

She proceeds to fly high into the air, and drop all of the blood that she gathered unto Saber, Neferu laughs as she proceeds to drag her by her feet and push away Shirou using the blood. She proceeds to stab Shiki as she was getting pounded by the fist of Mother. She smiled, she said to the trio,

"Now that I have taken a whiff of your blood, I'll gladly take sips... violently."

The woman proceeds to pull her skin and leave a totem behind, she goes to Saber and stab her repeatedly, using axes and sickles. Saber's body gets lifted into the air as Neferu proceeds to stab her one last time, before she melts back into the blood. The dagger that Shirou thrown into the air destroys another glass pane as shards proceed to fall, it stabs Mother in the eye and she lifts her fist. A violent scream rings out in the cathedral, loud enough to make your ears bleed. Neferu reveals herself and grabs her head, it made her stunned for a moment as she proceeds to revert back to her human flesh, where the totem was located, and stand near her statue.


Interacting With:
Haz. Haz. wdinatx wdinatx PlusUltra PlusUltra



Aeon grabs her cloak tighter as she feels her body heating up, she proceeds to look at Rin in the eye and say, "Help me." What happened after was shocking, she proceeded to cough up blood slowly as she tries to cover it up with her cloak. She doesn't care anymore if a person sees her bra and shorts, she just needed to keep silent about it. She needed help, fast. Ike was there as well, he couldn't do anything. 'Double, where are you?', she proceeds to think as she feels her stomach churning. If Double was getting hurt, she would feel it as well. Her skin is becoming paler, her body feels like it's burning. Her sand inside her body was getting wet with blood. Khronos was also feeling it as well, his two heads proceeded to go out of her body and cough up small amounts of blood as well, "Rin, check- *cough* to see- *cough* where Double is. She's- *cough* experiencing pain." Her tears were dripping from her eyes, she needed to know where Double was. It was important.

Location: Research Room
Interacting With: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Ritsu loosened her hold, turning to scan her surroundings with a critical eye. She did, in fact, know where to find a narrow hallway, the only problem was the very fact that it was deeper inside the ship, as that is a given. With the slowness of the eldritch creatures attack, however, if they were quick enough about it, they should easily be able to run past it.

"There's plenty of those in the ship. Do you think we can get there fast enough?" Ritsu asked, before pointing towards the general direction of the bridge, where the pale-skinned man carrying the unconscious body of one Goro Akechi had run off to. "And what about those two, then?"

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Zamasu Zamasu Haz. Haz.
"SABER!" Shirou shouts, worried the plan has gone awry. "I'm fine, she messed up." Saber said while standing up, her sword glowing brightly. Shirou knew what she meant, she needed her hands intact to use Excalibur properly. But... "Saber, be careful." She nods, confident in their victory. "Make sure Shiki and Double are safe." Shirou goes to check on them, knowing this battle is over. "Ex-" Saber's sword growes ever brighter. "-Calibur!" She swing's her sword down, a massive beam of light shooting out of it straight for the stationary Neferu. Saber then collapses from the pain and exhaustion and Shirou can barely stand. But he can at least free Double, diagnose Shiki. All while hoping Saber can survive her wounds.
Well, the scraps of notes were mostly a bust. Scraps of barely labelled diagrams were only so useful. These people were the worst scientists. She was about to explain her findings to Lyle when he came over to check on things himself, before sliding everything into his spatial storage. He should have done that from the beginning, Takemi thought, if we were going to keep everything. Oh well, maybe this way one of them could do some sort of deep search on the computer when they had more time and were out of the enemy’s backdoor. Maybe there was even some sort of hidden message in the Shadow-Creature notes.

The paper dog-man thought that Impa may have been a criminal here, to be imprisoned, but he turned his mind on that quickly.

“If this is what prisons in this world are like,” Takemi muttered, “Then they make Japan’s look like a playground.”

The imp, Midna, didn’t have much more information for them. Knowing what the creatures, Shadow-Beasts, were called, didn’t exactly put her mind at ease. Another important question was ‘How did Midna get transformed?’. No point in asking her about it if she could remember anything else.

"After all, you guys said that you were searching for a... Tesseract, was it? And if this Cobblepot person had me locked up here, it must have been for a reason, hmm? So all in all, it sounds to me like I'm your best bet at finding whatever it is you want."

“If you want to come along, you just need to say so,” Takemi said, walking over to the group by the door. There was no need to talk herself up. They were all in the same boat in terms of knowing what the hell was going on around here. That and having amnesia tended to make things difficult when you were talking about how you were imprisoned for forbidden knowledge. Takemi wasn’t about to say any of that; having another ally in this fight would be helpful, even one who was kind of arrogant.

"Len! Ly! Kemi! Everyone! Help! Something is wrong with Aeon!"

Rin’s cries broke through the air. Takemi spun on her heals, and rushed over, only to recoil at the sight of all the blood, of the heads popping in and out from her body.

“shit.” Takemi hissed. What the hell should she do here?

Damafaud Damafaud , thefinalgirl thefinalgirl , GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva , jigglesworth jigglesworth , DapperDogman DapperDogman , marc122 marc122 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun



Ryougi Shiki
Location: Simulation Room
Tags: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl wdinatx wdinatx

The girl keeps her grip, the Red light showing no effect as it shines over the face illuminating the fact her eyes have been closed this entire time. The skeleton trying to leave but the firm grip on the neck of the bones resisting before slamming her twice into the walls, impaled by the incoming projectiles then crushed under the falling statue as the chains and locks falling freely just as the hand crashes down on the remains of the statue. Thinking the girl crushed it was in fact not the case grasping nothing but air, the quick pattering of splashes as the girl sprints across the liquid and the walls of the room just as several red lines appear across the hand.

"This fool is overconfident, now her statue is shattered I may as well aid your time" the girl herself entirely unharmed and slicing through the blood to scatter it rather than crash atop the servant, bouncing off and slicing at the skeleton several times to distract her before getting out the way for the final blast.

When all was over the girl herself slotted her blade away, no visible injuries across her and its only now she finally opens her eyes, extending a arm to grab the falling body of Saber "I am perfectly fine, The Fool ignored the threats and paid the consequences. So focus on yourself first, so you can focus on double...I will watch for Saber" casting the same listless glance to Shirou as the faint look of emotion from before fades away.

Last edited:
Continued from here.

Mid-Chapter Update
"Rise of the Twili"

As the fights in the simulation room all wrapped up, you would all notice that the room around you began to crumble in on itself. The jungle landscape turned dark as the leaves began to wither around you. You all could even hear thunder crackle above you as rain began to pour down. A loud BOOOM! Was heard from above, causing all of you to look up at whatever was responsible. And the answer was a strange, slender figure that you hadn’t seen before. He was staring down at you all as he hovered mid-air.


The figure stared down at you all, staring menacingly for what felt like a good few minutes. And then, suddenly, he began to move closer to you all. As he did so, the room began to disorient further around you, the rain coming down like hail and the thunder clapping loud enough that some of you could swear your ears were ringing soon after.

"I believe it's safe to say that this is the part where we RUN!!!!!" Akechi shouted as he quickly turned around and ran in the opposite direction towards the door, the rest of you following suit.

Those of you in the research room would have exited after Aeon collapsed and fell to the ground, having decided that her life was more important than staying behind to investigate much longer. Midna had followed you all, as well as Willow, and eventually you all met back up in the hallway which you entered from. Leo was there waiting for you, although he seemed confused as to why you all seemed to be in such a rush.


“Hey guys, is everything--” Before he could even ask the entire question, the facility’s intercom rang out, grabbing everyone’s attention. The voice was a familiar one-- that of none other than Oswald Cobblepot’s. He laughed into the intercom for a moment before it subsided.

“Well, would ya look who’s back for more? Did ya come to give me another round?” He asked, clearly referring to the group. “Well here’s the thing. I don’t think I want you lot breaking into my little home, so I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave. However, since I’m such a gracious host, I decided to give you all a little parting gift before I sent you on your way!”

As soon as he said that, you could hear a high pitched electronic beep ring out in every direction across the hallway. Moments later, the once empty halls would be filled with the same beasts from before, ones which some might remember Midna had referred to as Shadow Beasts. Leo’s eyes widened as he took a step back.


“T-there’s too many of them to use my power on…!” Leo exclaimed, and even if you all attempted to take some out, more and more would keep coming, which eventually led you all to the option of simply running away.

“This way!” Midna shouted as she floated above, clearing a path for the beasts just enough to get you all into a room. However, not all of you made it, as Steve was caught in the hoard. Sounds of screaming and growling could be heard, followed by a low-pitched “OOF!” before the door slammed shut.

The room in question was a lounge room of sorts, with a pool table, a minibar, television set, and a number of couches and chairs. Leo quickly grabbed a couch and pushed it up against the door as the Shadow Beasts desperately tried to claw their way through.


“We don’t have long before they’ll break through!” He shouted, occasionally bumping forward before managing to push back enough to shut the door once again.

With this in mind, you could either help barricade the door or search for a way out.

Steve would wake up on a cold, hard, concrete surface. You sure were waking up a lot like this today, huh? As Steve awoke, he would find a sticky note attached to his chest. If he were to look around, he appeared to be in a lab of sorts.

darkred darkred as Michael “Psycho” Sykes (Crysis Series)
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva as Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat)
Veradana Veradana as Takemi Hashimoto (Persona OC)
marc122 marc122 as Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia as Izuru Kamukura (Kamen Rider OC)
Cthulhos Cthulhos as Charles Thurston (OC)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tandem (CLIMAXVerse)
animegirl20 animegirl20 as Amy Rose (Sonic X) - DEAD! MAULED TO DEATH!
wdinatx wdinatx as Shirou Emiya and Saber (Fate Series)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Ren and Len Kagamine (Vocaloid)
SheepKing SheepKing as Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Damafaud Damafaud as Lyle Walt (Sevens)
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Hat Kid (A Hat in Time)
Birb Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
Arnold Shpitz Arnold Shpitz as Arnold Shpitz (Lisa the Pointless)
thefinalgirl thefinalgirl as Aeon and Double (Skullgirls)
Corrosion Corrosion as Alex Mercer (Prototype)
Aegis Aegis as Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
Sleek Sleek as Jerome-092 (Halo Wars)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Ike (Fire Emblem)
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre as Chloe (Earthbound OC)
Zamasu Zamasu as Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II)
Specialist Specialist as Thaddeus Solaxus (Warhammer 40K OC)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Big Daddy (Bioshock 2)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Jrzag42 Jrzag42 as Misao Makimachi (Rurouni Kenshin)
T The Man With No Name as Papyrus and Sans (Undertale)
CatJones CatJones as Selvaria Bles (Valkyria Chronicles) - DEAD! MAULED TO DEATH!
P PopcornPie as Samus Aran (Metroid) - DEAD! BRAIN BLAST!
Sumirenko Sumirenko as Byakuren Hijiri (Touhou Project)
PlusUltra PlusUltra as Shiki Ryougi (Kara no Kyouki)
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow as Eric the Typhlosion (Pokémon OC)
TCA TCA as Katrina Ridley (Pokémon OC)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Parappa the Rapper (Parappa the Rapper)
Stormcloak Stormcloak as Negan (The Walking Dead)
Shiyonichi Shiyonichi as Robert E. Cerf (Kamen Rider OC) - DEAD! MAULED TO DEATH!
Centurion_ Centurion_ as Bryan Fury (TEKKEN)
June Verles June Verles as Steve (Minecraft) - DEAD! KILLED BY SHADOW BEASTS!
Haz. Haz. as Goro Akechi (Persona 5)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Yuma Kennedy (OC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Julian and Praetorian (XCOM 2)
Cocogerber13 Cocogerber13 as Link (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - DEAD! CHOMPED IN HALF!
ManyFaces ManyFaces as Calvin Zabo (Marvel Comics)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Noel Vermillion (Blazblue)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Willow (Don't Starve)​


Ryougi Shiki
Location: New Room
Tags: wdinatx wdinatx @All

Shiki's eyes seem to shift for a moment as she stares to at the being in the sky, serene, calm, something altogether different than even the gentle persona like everything is flowing past them and starring upwards with Vacant eyes "Disappointing, to think this was the threat...one that will be gone as dust to the wind" a innocent giggle from her lips for a moment "It truly is a pity, my hand won't be needed" shaking her head she turns to calmly walk with the storm to her back, the previous persona appearing as they proceed onwards with the long graceful steps, watching the panicked boy sprint as if his life depended on it with a disapproving shake of her head

A second before the door slams shut several of the creatures are sliced at directly at the lines with unmatched speed, the figure of Shiki emerging unphased and dancing around and strikes at her slow pace to enter the room with Saber below an arm "That was informative at least, but i take it you're wanting to flee rather than address those familiars?" glancing at the door and the panicked expressions as she hands off Saber to Shirou, looking over a strange pixelated blade she picked up along the way and slotting it with the other between her sash and scanning around the room "Unless we go towards Cobblepot though the entire journey here would have been as pointless as it was dull...but since some seem afraid of those things i guess it cant be helped" taking her time to look as she seems to be searching for a way out.

She shrugs lightly "Or i suppose the alternative option, is i kill everything in that hallway while you go on ahead and i catch up later, though i question if that will actually be the safer option for you, since you are very accident prone after all"

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Sub Zero had recovered form the kick easily, raising an eyebrow in confusion. He wanted to uestion Midna more for not being grateful, but it appeared they had other things to wory about. More of those beasts appeared and eventually they were all huddled together in one room. Kuai decided to help barricade the doors by freezing the entire entrance and any other barricades the others would have put down.

"Cobblepot will die for what he has done. HIding behind strange creatures like a coward. Midna, you have been here longer than any of us. You know this facility beter than the rest. Tell us anything else you may know."

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Jeremiah Jeremiah thefinalgirl thefinalgirl GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Those of you in the research room would have exited after Aeon collapsed and fell to the ground, having decided that her life was more important than staying behind to investigate much longer. Midna had followed you all, as well as Willow, and eventually you all met back up in the hallway which you entered from. Leo was there waiting for you, although he seemed confused as to why you all seemed to be in such a rush.


“Hey guys, is everything--” Before he could even ask the entire question, the facility’s intercom rang out, grabbing everyone’s attention. The voice was a familiar one-- that of none other than Oswald Cobblepot’s. He laughed into the intercom for a moment before it subsided.

“Well, would ya look who’s back for more? Did ya come to give me another round?” He asked, clearly referring to the group. “Well here’s the thing. I don’t think I want you lot breaking into my little home, so I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave. However, since I’m such a gracious host, I decided to give you all a little parting gift before I sent you on your way!”

As soon as he said that, you could hear a high pitched electronic beep ring out in every direction across the hallway. Moments later, the once empty halls would be filled with the same beasts from before, ones which some might remember Midna had referred to as Shadow Beasts. Leo’s eyes widened as he took a step back.


“T-there’s too many of them to use my power on…!” Leo exclaimed, and even if you all attempted to take some out, more and more would keep coming, which eventually led you all to the option of simply running away.

“This way!” Midna shouted as she floated above, clearing a path for the beasts just enough to get you all into a room. However, not all of you made it, as Steve was caught in the hoard. Sounds of screaming and growling could be heard, followed by a low-pitched “OOF!” before the door slammed shut.

The room in question was a lounge room of sorts, with a pool table, a minibar, television set, and a number of couches and chairs. Leo quickly grabbed a couch and pushed it up against the door as the Shadow Beasts desperately tried to claw their way through.


“We don’t have long before they’ll break through!” He shouted, occasionally bumping forward before managing to push back enough to shut the door once again.

With this in mind, you could either help barricade the door or search for a way out.

As everyone began to funnel out of the lab after all investigative opportunities had been exhausted, Hat Kid decided not to linger this time around. Stuffing the documents she had gathered under her hat, the little kleptomaniac vaulted off the desk and marched behind her ragtag group. Meeting back up with everyone who had split at the crossroads with a lighthearted greeting, Hat Kid's mood quickly soured at the sound of Cobblepot's voice. Frowning, and unable to taunt him in-person, she settled for sticking her tongue out at the ceiling. Cringing as another alarm blared, Hat Kid's heart sank while she watched the corridors behind them fill with shadows.

Popping on her Sprint Hat, she scrambled through the crowded hallway, weaving around people's legs to break out ahead, never looking back even as Steve was left in the dust. Diving forward into the lounge as the door flung open, Hat Kid bounced back onto her feet and immediately set about scrambling around the room, firstly searching the minibar top to bottom. Villains always hide their secret tunnels in random rooms like these, right?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PlusUltra PlusUltra @escape
"Are you insane!?" Midna shouted in response to Shiki, her fists balled up by her sides. "If you honestly think you can take all those creatures at once, then you're even dumber than I thought!"

Meanwhile, Sub-Zero freezing the door worked for a bit, however the barrage of the beasts managed to eventually cause the ice to break, a few shards falling onto the ground as it burst from the insane amount of force being put on it.

Meanwhile, Hat Kid wouldn't find anything of note behind the bar, aside from a few alcoholic beverages and some more novelty penguins.

Jeremiah Jeremiah PlusUltra PlusUltra Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva


Ryougi Shiki
Location: New Room
Tags: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @all

She gestures to the door casually at the imp shouting "Those creatures were stopped by both that door and that Ice, those I have thought on mass previously would have shattered that in a single blow...more so their movements are sloppy and slow with their lack of self-preservation or straight evasion telling me they rely on their innate durability and armour...something that means little to how I fight" turning to look to them more fully "Those are not something that would be an insurmountable issue without a clear handicap on my part, something I would not give myself on such an offer given I would find the act somewhat enjoyable in the challenge it may represent at best, relief at worst. But i will abide by your expectations if you insist" giving the imp little further mind as she walks to continue searching around the room.


Alphonse Elric
The aftermath of the fight certainly took a lot out of Alphonse emotionally. Having other people fight his personification of his inner fears right after meeting an illusion of his dead mother would certainly do a number on anyone. As he watched the fabricated world crumble around him, Alphonse realized he almost felt content, like he had a little less weight to carry on his metal made shoulders.

Though as all things are, this wouldn’t last for long. As soon as Akechi suggested it was about time to run for their lives, the Alchemist sprinted full force in hopes of finding a way that would get them out of there. Luckily a strange impish girl that the group in the reader has room had met not that long ago quickly pointed out a place of escape for the rag tag group of misfits. Thankful for her guidance, he hurried inside without a moment to lose.

As the others quickly caught up Alphonse noticed something odd. Steve hadn’t arrived yet. He held onto the hope that the blocky man was simply herding the others it but as the last people went inside bloodcurdling screams were heard with an final OOF before ending with the door being shut. Steve was dead. The man who he had grown to see as a friend was now nothing more than a rectangularly shaped corpse.

After the man with Xingese features froze the door shut, Alphonse clapped his hands and without a word fused the door and wall together as he carefully made sure not to weaken the already cracking ice. They would be safe from the monsters, or at least for now they would be. They could now focus on finding an escape.

At least the rest of the group could. Not saying a single word, the boy walked up to the wall farthest from the door and punched it with all of the force at his disposal. A huge ugly dent in the shape of a giant fist was left after the act of aggression. It was too much. Being taken from his brother, being forced to see innocent people die, having to see the remains of his dead mother, and worst of all, losing a friend.

He looked back towards the others. If someone could look past his cold exterior, they would find frustration and embarrassment boiling inside.

“I...I guess we would should start looking for a way out”

The suit of armor went to examine the TV.
June Verles June Verles Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Haz. Haz.
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