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Multiple Settings Plots and Pairings and More Plots!! (Always Open)

@Froggu Totally, what did you have in mind?

@Semblance Hahaha, I'm so happy you like my plots! Was there any one you had a preference for?


Well, I'd either be down for a supervillain x civilian, supervillain x heroic sidekick, or perhaps some vigilantes? I'm pretty open - I like plotting with people to come up with stuff (: 

ALSO sorry for the delay, I had holiday shenanigans. 
  • Teacher x student / Bad girl x good boy: So our teacher is a genuinely good guy, and seriously

cares about his students. A complete gentleman. His only problem: the aggressive, troublesome

transfer student. Half way through senior year, and she's completely failing his class. So of course,

being the good guy he is, he offers to tutor her. Only to realize that she has a very large crush on

him. And has no issues with expressing her feelings.

Hi there!

I'm super interested in this plot if you're up for it. :)
Would love to do the Mermaid Sailor with you :33

More than happy to play le swashbuckling Cap'n. xDD
Hey :) I'm new here (but not a new rper) and I'm excited to get started with my first rp! Are you still looking for a demon x human storyline? I have a few female demons that I'd like to explore further. 
Hello! Ifor you are still interested I would love to rp with you. Your plots are great. If you are still open to it, I am super interested in "Lost In The Woods". Thanks.
Wow, someone who's actually down for a teacher/student roleplay. If you've still got room for another thread, I'd love to try that out with ya! 
Nah, guess it's a bit too scandalous for some. They're loss.

Anyway, I don't have any ideas quite yet. What you posted sounds like a good starting point. Mind if I pm you so we can suss out the details? 

I'm sorry I'm going to be a bit awkward I don't mean to be though-

I really loved your "To Hunt or be Hunted" Storyline and I really am interested in roleplaying with you.

You did say you were starting to get interested in MxM Pairings. I was wondering If maybe we could do that but instead the princess be a prince? I kind of like the idea of them being a knight x prince pairing that maybe the knight goes with the prince to keep him safe? I would be completely okay with you roleplaying the prince and stuff like that but if you aren't interested in a MxM pairing I completely understand and I'm sorry for bothering you ^^ I hope you consider it.

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