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Multiple Settings Plots and Pairings and More Plots!! (Always Open)

interested in the witch scenario. However I would prefer to be the guy, since I can't really RP any girl characters. How do we proceed if I am interested? PM or topic?

Edit: Forgot to mention that I prefer Anime pics as characters, since this is the only style I can draw, and I prefer to personalize my own characters
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 @ianbabyyy Heya! So, checked out the  My Neighbor is a Vampire! Thing, and, was wonderign if you are looking for someone to do the RP with? Get back to me when ya can, thnx :33
@VenomSlayer Eek!!! I'm super excited to hear that you're interested!!! I don't currently have a

roleplay going with that plot, so I'm totally open to doing it with you. ^-^ It may be a bit before

we can get started, as I'm not doing super great at the moment, and I've fallen behind on a lot

of stuff, so I hope you can have patience with me.
@VenomSlayer Eek!!! I'm super excited to hear that you're interested!!! I don't currently have a

roleplay going with that plot, so I'm totally open to doing it with you. ^-^ It may be a bit before

we can get started, as I'm not doing super great at the moment, and I've fallen behind on a lot

of stuff, so I hope you can have patience with me.

:PP I am all good, though the silent treatment from the site is killing me, (#FirstWorldProblems) 

((Too soon?))

But don't worry, all G, trying to find RP's at the mo and have signed up to like 50, most of them dead and some still (slightly) alive.

Also: Hope you get better :(( From the sound of things you aren't too bad off, as in breathing through a tube bad, so drink vitamins... and stuff... lots of pills... Umm.... DO DRUGS! i think that's what you say at least...
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Hey there, I'm interested in starting up a roleplay with you. 

Some things I'm interested in from your plots and pairings list.

  • vampire x human
  • angel x human
  • vampire x hunter
  • princess x knight
  • princess x rogue
  • To Hunt and Be Hunted
  • My Neighbor is a Vampire

Or we can create a plot together with one of the pairings.
I feel like I'm about 10 hours too late, but I would love to try out the My Neighbor is a Vampire roleplay. I have a character that I will probably dredge out from the attic-- or I might make up a new one. Do you see this going in any particular way? So far I'm thinking of:
-Vampire culture: vampire tries to hunt down your character and bring her to the nearest coven head, because he is unsure if he himself should kill her or make her his companion
-Vampire is also an outcast, and is willing to keep her secret and help protect her if she agrees to be his companion.
-Vampire is interested in half-vampire neighbor, and is willing to kindof take her under his wing. Little does she know he as an ulterior motive, as there are a few very awful people trying to hunt him down. 

I don't mind having slice-of-life characteristics to this roleplay (I'm already kindof imagining my character to be a fairly successful business investor), but I think we could definitely inject some darker stuff into this roleplay.

I get that this is kindof from a different throught universe, but I would be really interested to bring in the Primal Fighters into this roleplay too, somehow.
Wheeeeee, yeah, I'm totally up for accepting another of that plot. I don't have a specific way I see

this going. I'm not sure which of your ideas I like better! We can maybe do a combination of the

last two?

Yay, slice of like combined with darker makes my day. Partly cause slice of life can be hilarious,

and hilarious and dark go together strangely well.

I'm not sure how well the Primal Fighters would fit, since I see this roleplay being modern, mostly

this universe, just with, you know, vampires. And Primal Fighters is almost a combination of

futuristic and almost dystopian. Did you have an idea on how to fit them together?
My thought process was that my vampire, being a successful business investor, is also investing (somewhat illegally) into biotechnology, and is actually helping to develop the first experiments of the Primal Fighters. Maybe there are already fighting cages happening, maybe something else...? In any case, something incredibly inhumane is happening to sentient creatures. Maybe other vampires are the clients, and for them this is just a wonderful form of entertainment. My character wants to stop it but can't, because having like several covens of angry vampires after him would just put him in mortal peril. But maybe he just decides to bankrupt himself on purpose, and create a paper trail for the police to follow leading to these experiments...

I'm rambling--- these are just the first sort of thought coming to me.

We can go in a totally different direction if you don't like this idea.
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@Myotis I think that combines pretty well. I'd imagine that, to balance it a bit, vampires wouldn't be

able to feed on primals for some reason or another. (Otherwise why would they care too much about

humans, since they could have slaves for that?)

@NerdyBirdie Hi hi! If you were up for doing The Mermaid Sailor, what role would you be interested in?
Hello there! I am a detailed writer who happens to have a passion for naval history. As such I would like to play through your lovely "Mermaid Sailor Plot".

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