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Plot ideas for One x Ones

H8becomesyou said:
Oh it is ok. No need to be sorry :) .
We don't have to do them. I am not big on them.

Where? Hmm doesn't really matter to me.
Sorry for being gone, I have been really busy the past couple of days.

I'll start up a forum for it probably tomarrow.


TheRevenant said:
What type of horror would you be interested in? Ghosts and stuff?
Not so much ghosts and stuff.

More like a silent hill sort of thing.

Like, our characters would entire a different plane of existence.


Evergreen98 said:
I like the android/doll rp

Any thoughts on it?


Pwninator said:
I have yet to see a good cyberpunk RP.
Well, I am sorry for your luck than?
Msygin said:
orry for being gone, I have been really busy the past couple of days.
I'll start up a forum for it probably tomarrow.
That is fine I understand. Take your time. :)
Hmm.... I was thinking the doll/android could be found beat up and almost broken near the trash... due to it's owner abusing it and then your charecter finds it and fixes her up....


The your charecter buys a doll to enter in fighting competitions...


We can go with the first one... except the doll's memory is erased and the owner can enter her in competing after he fixes her up, but later the more human she becomes... she begins to gain her memory. And when the previous owner see her on TV he trys to get her back and stuff...


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