Plot from song title relay

Rhapsody said:
Next track: :"We Interrupt This Programme" by Coburn
Voice of the unmarked grave has been siging, that is of coure for her a good thing, but for the one who listen not so much. For mounts now her concert has been moving over the scavenger land charming the low and the high all the same with i't moving melody and the subtle thread of essense she has infused in the song. She has announced recently that she will be hosting her bigest concert yet, a very special performence. Of course, all would go acording to plan if i't was in a less active region but she is expecting interuption. She pettition the character, her fellow deathknight to silence any interuption quickly and quietly while she lead the listener into oblivion gaping maw.

next will be Ultraviolet from U2.
TheReagent said:
next will be Ultraviolet from U2.
Once a benign childhood malady, the Violet Pox has suddenly become lethal in a remote area of the 1000 kingdoms. Entire villages have already been wiped out by this new strain of the disease and if allowed to continue, the strain could become a terrible plague. The spirits of the area are in upheaval, acting strangely and lashing out at mortals for no apparent reason, could there be some connection with the disease? Or could it have something to do with the small, but burgeoning shadowland that has begun to form in the center of the afflicted region? Can the characters stop the spread of this deadly new plague before the region falls into the grip of the underworld? or will they become just another victim of the strange new plague?

The next song is "I Would Never Want to be Young Again" by Gogol Bordello
The next song is "I Would Never Want to be Young Again" by Gogol Bordello
A terrible curse has been laid on Chejop Kejak, reverting him to a childlike state both mentally and physically. Currently, he is at the cusp of adulthood, but signs are showing that his body is further regressing backwards. The Gold Faction and the Bronze Faction must set aside their differences to work together on a cure to this malady, lest the eldest and arguably the most powerful Sidereal wink out of existence decades before his time.

Next track: "Dreaming" by bt.
Rhapsody said:
Next track: "Dreaming" by bt.
A group of entrprising fair folk, have decided to hold a contest of who could craft the best gossamer item out of the dream of a sleeper, the contest id three-fold one is the material used they must find the best dreamstuff in all creation, second is the process used to harvest the dreamstuff and the process used to create the item. One of the participant yell himself that the more important the person the better the dream and so he goes on an exalted hunt or at least try to convince one to sell his dream. Will the character defeat the Raksha or will they attemp to bargain with him? Will they try to ruin the contest by crashing i't or participate? If they do what will they do when they find that a young girl can shape the wild with her dreamstuff?

Next for all your pleasure is Super Disco Breakin' from The Beastie Boys.
Next for all your pleasure is Super Disco Breakin' from The Beastie Boys.
A deathlord has invented a new war machine cobbled together from the bodies and souls of the damned, the machine is designed to launch great thousand-toothed soulsteel discs that slice effortlesslly through stone, steel and flesh alike.

but there's more, for every soul they consume they spin faster, fly further and become sharper than before.

When one is fired into the highly populated nexus can the players find a way to stop it?

Next up is "Cowboys from Hell" by Pantera
Smeggedoff said:
Next up is "Cowboys from Hell" by Pantera
After the loss of many circuit riders, the Council of Elders has decided to enlist the aid of adventurers in ridding the Marukan Alliance of it’s greatest threat. A handful of witnesses have reported massive groups of Turrin raiders pillaging and razing range towns throughout Marukan. These survivors speak of bandits with living weapons on hideous steeds with flaming manes and hooves. Women are raped, men slaughtered, and slaves are taken. But worse than this, horses are being rustled!

Next: Battle without Honor or Humanity from the Kill bill Soundtrack
DugCoffin said:
Next: Battle without Honor or Humanity from the Kill bill Soundtrack
For many years the kingdom of Shanarinara has had the will to expand, but due to constant watch (and intervention) from Whitewall, Gethamane and the Haslanti League, the city-state has lacked the means. Recently however, this has changed. As soon as the spring thaw came upon the North, the surrounding city-states found out that Shanarinara had been up to no good over the Winter months, when the cities are mostly cut off from each other. In a swift and brutal strike, Shanarinara invaded Fella and crushed the city-state's defenses almost without effort. Survivors of the brutal attack fled south to nearby Whitewall, and north to Gethamane, carrying stories of Shanarinara's new army, an army of men with emotionless countenances and blank white eyes. Survivors told of how these men fought until no life remained in them as though they felt no pain, and acted completely without remorse or humanity, dismembering anything in their path, from enemy soldiers to livestock to children without pause or thought. Fearing invasion during Shanarinara's new expansion, the Syndics of Whitewall have hired the characters to infiltrate Shanarinara and discover the source, and if possible a way to stop this bizarre new army.

The next song is "Cry Me a River" by Julie London.
The next song is "Cry Me a River" by Julie London.
The River of Tears is one of the most successful geomantic engineering projects from the First Age, pulling brackish water from the White Sea and feeding it into the Yanaze. But something's gone amiss with the dragon lines and Essence engines that drive the river and Sijan is suffering for it. The salt marshes to the west of the city's walls have started drying out as the River of Tears recedes, revealling for the first time in centuries the elaborate manor-tombs of the First Age dead. Without the salt marsh to help protect the tombs, Sijan is in a difficult spot, and the characters are hired to either fix the problem with the river or guard the tombs until the problem can be fixed, undertaking an oath to not enter any of the masoleums... even if someone recognizes it as his from a past life.

Next track: "Lux Aeterna" by Clint Mansell from Requiem for a Dream.
For thousands of years since the Usurpation, the Sidereal Exalted have stood firm, with a hand on the faltering keel of Creation. With the maddened Solars destroyed, their Lunar mates run into the shadows to lick their wounds, and the Dragon-Blooded Host falling into chaos and infighting, it has fallen to the Stargazers to hold back the tides of destruction. But now the unthinkable has occured: the Deathlords have set aside their differences, united at last by their common goal. The Green LAdy is a traitor, and is betraying the secrets of the Fivescore Fellowship to their most dangerous foes. In this time of impending doom, it will take all the skills, cunning, knowledge and power of the Chosen of the Maidens to keep the light burning. And even then, it may not be enough...

Next up is Glass and the Ghost Children by The Smashing Pumpkins.
Chaka said:
Next up is Glass and the Ghost Children by The Smashing Pumpkins.
While traveling in the southern deserts, the characters come across a badly wounded man, crawling toward the caravan they travel with. Bringing the man to the caravan, they find he is fatally wounded. He manages to choke out a startling story with his final breaths. Just to the southwest lies the city of Leshekt, a small city founded by a cult that was exiled from Chiaroscuro almost 100 years ago. Though the city seems at first to be a small but flourishing oasis in the middle of the desert, the dying man professes to having found out the reason for the city's prosperity. Every year the cultists brutally sacrifice a child during a ritual to ensure the child's death creates a ghost, and binds it in rocky tunnels beneath the city. In the tunnels, says the man, is a fell god which feeds off the eternal suffering of the ghostly children and in return grants fertility and prosperity to the town above. The man chokes out that he was injured trying to stop the ritual and save this year's victim from eternal torment.He tells the characters that he was able to slay the head priest and turned the ritual dagger, a dagger made of Chiaroscuro Glass, on the dark god, injuring it. Moments later the cultists set upon him and he barely escaped. He begs the characters to go and save the child, or if they're to late, to bring retribution on the town for the evil they've committed. He tells them to use the glass dagger, the only thing the fell god fears, to slay the god and bring peace to the tormented ghosts of Leshekt.

The next song is "Shadow of the Day" by Linkin Park
Might as well tie all the loose branches together...

TheReagent said:
Rock Your Socks by Tenacious D.
Thirteen years ago, during a typical Cynis party, Veiled Knife (a sidereal obsessed with dragon-blooded genetics and breeding) manipulated two terrestrials into a drunken tryst, ensuring that the union would conceive. Both had extremely pure blood, but were of different aspects, the father (Cynis Kariq) being Wood and the mother (Ragara Biseth) being Earth. Veiled Knife had a point when setting up this experiment, but was himself so drunk that he had forgotten the whole thing by the next day. The two parents, however, did not. They not only regretted their union, but actively resented it, as they openly loathed each other. Horrified that her child would be contaminated by a Wood aspect, Biseth retreated to her manse, spending the entire gestation period in the hearthroom, surrounded by earth elementals. She even convinced several earth spirits to bless her and her child.

This morning, the elemental forces in the blood of young Ragara Dren ignited, meeting the blessings of spirits and years of his mothers resentment and regret. He became something... unexpected. Nine feet tall, with skin of solid rock, his mindless rampage through the streets of Juche startled many, but left few injured. Seemingly directing his rage at vegetation, every plant or item made from plants that he touched turned into solid rock. At first, this was merely a nuisance, changing a few road-side trees. But then he started encasing people in their own petrified clothes by the dozens, then hundreds.

As the heroes enter the scene, Dren has made his way into the surrounding farms, threatening to destroy a large part of the city's food supply.

DugCoffin said:
Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold
Even heroin factories have needs. Beasts of Resplendent Liquid are sexually stimulated manually for purposes of breeding experimentation (all failures, thus far), but also because it makes them more docile. A difficult process, the Guild has tried many different combinations of team and technique, but none have more than a 10% success rate. Lately, they have been importing whores by the dozen, on the theory that they may be able to better "intuit the mood" of the beast. Results so far have had even less success, with one notable exception.

Opeldra, a heroin-addicted sex slave from Chiaroscuro, seems to have a special connection with one of the beasts (who his handlers have named "Reggie"). She not only has a 40% success rate, she is the only person who has ever been able to accomplish the task solo. She is completely awed by the beast and, for his part, Reggie seems to have taken a liking to her as well, as she is one of the only people whose approach he even seems to notice through his opium filled haze.

Not long ago, Reggie's well-guarded holding area was raided. Though well armed, the invaders were driven back after inflicting some heavy losses and pillaging some of the more minor buildings, including the one housing Opeldra. During the retreat, the invaders managed to abduct Opeldra, along with many others, in full view of Reggie. In the thick of the battle, the combatants also managed to accidentally torch the opium fields Reggie had been eating.

Forced to move Reggie to better ground, the Guild boxed him for transport. During the move, they attempted to feed him by hand, but he would not eat, missing Opeldra. As some of the opium haze lessened, Reggie grew angry and missed her even more.

His yearning caught the attention of Xenophis, the goddess of inter-species love. On being unpacked at Reggie's new eating grounds, Xenophis possessed the beast and went on a rampage, trampling and crushing all around him, then heading off to find Opeldra.

He now roams the countryside seeking his love, driven and protected by Xenophis. A lot of people are trying to find him.

Flagg said:
The Native Tongue of Love by Reverend Horton Heat
Mobok was a slave who became a legend. Sold in An-Teng, he was actually a native of the tribes of the surrounding jungles. Though initially deployed as a domestic servant, he soon wound up in the bed of his owner's wife. She would frequently rave about his sexual prowess to her friends, often saying that he "speaks the native tongue of love". Most considered this a semi-veiled oral sex reference, but she repeated this phrase so often without explanation, that her friends ultimately demanded, and some received, a demonstration of Mobok's talents first-hand. They, too, could only describe the experience using the same phrase. Ultimately, when Mobok was sold to cover his owners debts, rumors of his ability had circulated so far that the price he fetched not only met the debt, but rejuvenated the family fortune for centuries.

Mobok died young, confronted by a husband jealous of him and his "native tongue". After being initially wounded, Mobok cursed the husband, claiming that Mobok's tongue would haunt the husband ever after. Driven to the brink by this comment, the husband cut out Mobok's tongue, threw if off the balcony into the garden, and ran Mobok through.

The tongue was found almost immediately by a pair of young slaves, weeding. The girl was horrified by it, but the boy, trying to get a rise out of the girl, began tormenting her with it. He even went so far as to hold it up to his lips, at which point it animated, forced its way into his mouth and grafted itself there. The boy fell unconscious for two days. He eventually recovered and, years later, enjoyed the same prowess that Mobok did. (Among other things, his affect on his owner's wife drove the owner to suicide.)

By the time of the boy's death, the story had spread, and a secret ritual had been prepared to transfer the tongue from the boy into another host. And so it went, through the generations.

Now, the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears has learned of the tongue, and must experience its secret pleasure, whatever it is. Trouble is, the tongue now lives in one of the heroes servants (or one of the heroes themselves).

The Statue Got Me High by They Might be Giants
During the Usurpation, when bands of terrestrials were combing Creation to snuff out the last remnants of the Solar Deliberative, one of the few solar fugitives they never found was Four-Fold Smile. In the final decadence of the First Age, Four-Fold Smile grew obsessed with the process of exaltation and the idea of elevating mortals beyond their potential. He withdrew from solar society entirely to focus on his research. When he heard about the Usurpation, however, he withdrew from reality itself, by virtue of a powerful spell.

It's unclear exactly what Four-Fold Smile was trying to accomplish, but what he succeeded in doing was, essentially, cursing himself. When the dust settled, his soul had retreated (or been forced) outside Fate and all that was left of his body was a life-sized, terra cotta statue, covered with a dozen or so holes, surrounded by strange glyphs. Although mostly hollow, a maze of tubes, tunnels and chambers wound through the innards of the statue. Seven of Four-Fold Smile's mortal acolytes were struck by visions that allowed them to read the glyphs, which instructed them to make a particular mixture, place it in the statue, set it alight and inhale the resulting smoke.

The mortals did so, twelve of them inserting tubes into the holes and using the statue like a hooka. The statue glowed as they toked. After a few minutes, a strange transformation wracked the mortals. Five of them simply ignited with a bright white flame that almost instantly turned them into ash. Four others became enlightened, accessing their own Essence for the first time.

The three others transformed into gods.

The gods immediately turned on each other, until only one remained. The victor, calling himself Third Grin, proclaimed that Four-Fold Smile would return when his likeness had "enlightened ten-thousand souls". Knowing of the Usurpation and assuming that the dragon-blooded would be coming, the god instructed the remaining mortal acolytes to take the statue and conceal it until the danger passed. The god decided to take on the appearance of Four-Fold Smile and wait for the usurpers to arrive and kill him, to give the impression that they had successfully destroyed his master and stop looking for him. He waited in vain, however, as they never came (Four-Fold Smile's soul being outside Fate, they had no way to find him).

Meanwhile, the mortals were eventually waylaid by bandits and the statue taken. It drifted through various opium dens, eventually reaching the Nexus. A decade ago, Third Grin tracked down the statue, stole it and has begun to build a cult around it. Being the only one that still knows the original mixture, he has been convincing mortals to smoke it, killing many of them, but enlightening others. No others have become gods. He nears the ten-thousand mark. When he hits it, will his master return? What happens if he does? After a thousand years banished who knows where, will he even be sane? And how will Nexus handle ten-thousand enlightened mortals, either way?

Shadow of the Day by Linkin Park
Shuffling Dancer Clad In Superfluous Buckles And Zippers, a Day caste abyssal, never fully trusted his shadow, but it wasn't until he visited the Wyld that it actually rebelled. Stopping briefly in his assigned task to witness the sun setting spectacularly over the lake of unpleasantly singing fire, his shadow streamed out long behind him. He stood, obliviously, on the home of a hive of Shade Dissectors, its warriors returning from their daily hunting. Unnoticed a swarm of their tiny jaws snipped the base of his shadow from his heels, allowing its distended form to scamper away to a happier life.

The shadow took over a band of fair folk, and now leads raids on isolated pockets of creation, trying to make the inhabitants happy and feeding on the results.


Our Operators Are Masturbating by Dr. Octagon
wordman said:
Our Operators Are Masturbating by Dr. Octagon
you bastard

A mysterious disease is sweeping lookshy, incubating over three days it is followed by a mild rash in the form of green tendrils sprouting across the users body. When the vines sprout flowers and bloom, the infected dies painfully, the only way to halt the diseases progress? to acheive the peak of sexual stimulation at least once an hour, otherwise the tendrils continue their course. It seems to affect those who have been in contact with artifact or magitach, an at least half of Lookshy's gunzosha (?) units have been afflicted, can the players find out what's causing this before they too catch it?

Next up "Cat's on Mars" by Yoko Kano
A group of Tiger Beastmen, led by the Lunar Ten Stripes, are raiding towns in the Threshold. However, higher-ups in the Fivescore Fellowship don't want these towns raided, though they're refusing to say why. They've sent a crack team of Battles Caste Sidereals in to clean up the mess quickly and cleanly. But Ten Stripes, though a young Lunar, is no fool, and with an army of Cat-men at her back, she's not a foe to be taken lightly...

Gold Lion by Yeah Yeah Yeahs is up next.
Chaka said:
Gold Lion by Yeah Yeah Yeahs is up next.
Trouble is brewing in Yu Shan. Indomitable Fortitude, a ranking Celestial Lion, has grown sick of the politics and favor currying in Heaven. He sees most gods as nothing more than corrupt power brokers and most do not deserve the place and position they have. In his mind, things would be so much better with the Celestial Lions in charge. So it is that he has been speaking in the ears of other Celestial Lions and dispossessed gods talking down the gods in power, talking up their own importance. His intention is to incite a revolution in Heaven, putting himself and the other Celestial Lions in power.

Of course, this idea has been heavily encouraged by The Green Lady. Nothing would serve her....allies...better than a civil war in Heaven. So she has been whispering in Indomitable Fortitude's ear, giving advice, pointing out the corrupt nature of the gods. She hasn't been inciting these ideas, simply reinforcing ideas that were already in Indomitable Fortitude's head. It's up to the PCs to diffuse the situation, either by convincing Indomitable Fortitude that his ideas would create chaos, or taking out Indomitable Fortitude and his allies.

Up next: "Mack the Knife" by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht
Vanman said:
Up next: "Mack the Knife" by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht
Mack fell in love with shape, the sensation of limited feeling and the prickling of individual sensations on the tip of each hair of his body, and then how much more sensitive it would become when he would lightly shave the tip of each hair. Eventually, Mack's obsession descended deeper...

Mack was a talented butcher in Naples, along the curve of the fertile crescent Earth-ward from the Scavenger Lands. His faeblooded-heritage was unknown to him, but the instinct to taste the dreams of mortals was not. Mack took great delight in sampling the travelers that would pass through town, and was talented enough to keep the contents of his cooler a secret. He's had his eyes on a delectable treat for nearly ten years now, always the same young lady with a beautiful golden crown adorning her forehead.

May Blossom never suspected that her favorite butcher would be a psychopath. That's the only conclusion that she can come to, though, as she weakly stumbles around the freezer, mysteriously drained of essence, energy, and will. Her Sabbatical was only two weeks... Hopefully her Circle will come looking for her before Mack goes too far.

Next song is Pocketful of Sunshine, by Natasha Beddingfield.

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