Plot from song title relay

Jack said:
Schadenfreude - Avenue Q
It's well-known that deathknights take pleasure in the misfortune of others.  But what happens when a force more powerful than anything they've ever known begins to take pleasure in their misfortunes?  What happens when they become nothing but one misfortune after another, and all for the entertainment of some great being?

The next title is "Royally Fucked" by Mindless Self Indulgence.
Rhapsody said:
The next title is "Royally Fucked" by Mindless Self Indulgence.
One of the many courtisan of the scarlet empress is currently looking a bit too much into her affair Memnon is thinking, I't time to Reming that insolant child what i't is to cross Memnon even if sha was from her own house, Will the character, a sworn brotherhood sent to retreive her, give in to Memnon or will they let the upstart courtisan go? And in soing so learning a secret that could gain them the favor of other powerfull dragon-blooded but turn them away from their house favor? Maybe the can even *gasp* blackmail Memnon?

Next up is Rock Your Socks for tenatious D.
Rhapsody said:
The next title is "Royally Fucked" by Mindless Self Indulgence.
In the middle of the night the characters are visited by ALL 7 of the Hidden Judges of the Secret Flame and escorted to Yu Shan. There they are told that they faces charges of crimes against both creation and heaven. They have one week to prove their innocence, problem is, no one will tell them what they did. They are free to go where they please within Yu Shan (except for to the Games of Divinity) but can not leave the city. If the characters can not figure out what they did and prove their innocence, they face execution so that their exaltations can be freed from their current "corrupt" incarnations.

The next title is "Dead Gardens" by Nightwish.
The next title is "Dead Gardens" by Nightwish.
Since the Empress disappeared, order has started to spiral into chaos.  The Great Houses are literally at each other's throats in bids for the Scarlet Throne and the treasures and secrets Her Majesty left behind.  The Threshold tributaries are revolting one by one by one, and the Anathema have returned at the time of the Realm's greatest weakness to plague Creation once again.

But nothing, nothing, compares to the latest tragedy.  The Crimson Gardens are beginning to die, for no apparent reason, weakening the secret protections placed by the Empress and tied to the roses surrounding the Imperial Manse.   Only Chejop Kejak is aware of the true extent of this situation, but whether he lets the flowers die, manipulates a Brotherhood into fixing it or pulls rank on his fellow Sidereals is anyone's best guess.

Next track is "The Kids Aren't Alright" by the Offspring.
Next track is "The Kids Aren't Alright" by the Offspring.
The fire trees have bloomed once again in the Republic of Chaya and the locals have begun their yearly outburst of emotional inhabitions, drinking to excess and fire blossom induced craziness.  All however, except for every 9 year old child in the region and the natives have locked them away, viewing them as they would any outsider. The characters must find a way to protect the children and uncover why they have been excluded from their way of life.

The next title is "I'll Go Until My Heart Stops" by 36 Crazyfists.

Rhapsody said:
Next track is "The Kids Aren't Alright" by the Offspring.
For centuries the island people of the south have sacrificed their firstborn to their volcano gods for mercy, prosperity and honor as directed by their ancestors.  At the age of 16, these children are flung armed and armored into the fires of the volcanoes to fight the war that keeps the blood of the old gods from destroying their homes and claiming their souls.  Or so the people were led to believe.  

Now the children have returned trained in the war arts of the damned and have begun to silently destroy everything under the sun and moon.  They appear from nowhere in great numbers and are seemingly unstoppable.  Who can stop the daughters and sons of the volcano gods?  

Next track is "Beast and the Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold
The next title is "I'll Go Until My Heart Stops" by 36 Crazyfists.
One of the Heroes has been injected with a potent poison causing his heart to beat slower and slower until it stope completly, the only way to counter this is to keep it beating as fast as possible until he can find the antidote.

the next title is Wierd Beard by the Mad Caddies

(shamelessly stolen from Crank, good film)
Smeggedoff said:
the next title is Wierd Beard by the Mad Caddies
(shamelessly stolen from Crank, good film)
One of the female characters is growing a beard. Not only is she growing this beard, it's growing in all shades of the rainbow, and it grows at a rate of a foot a day.  If she cuts it off, it grows back overnight. Trimming it back is only a stopgap and the hairs are bristly enough to poke through any covering placed over it like sharp needles (though it's otherwise soft to touch).  Figuring out why should prove interesting... if she doesn't kill her Circle mates for laughing at her before the problem can be solved.

Next track: "Killing in the Name Of" by Rage Against the Machine.
A Chosen of Serenity plays a short concerto. Nobody cares. Kejak uses Pattern Spider Touch on Rocketbilly for giving a flippant answer so he can post his own song title. Nobody cares.

The Native Tongue of Love by Reverend Horton Heat
Next up: Concertino in Blue by Sasaki Hirofumi
A Chosen of Serenity renowned for her music is hosting a concert outside the Jade Pleasure Dome, which is rumored to have drawn the attention of even the Incarnae away from from the Games of Divinity.  This would be an opportune chance to speak to one's particular patron on the state of affairs in Creation... if one could only finagle an invitation to the performance.

Next track:  "All Star" by Smash Mouth
A Quintet of blind performers is traveling throughout the Scavenger Lands, leaving change in its wake. Rumours move ahead of them, speaking of their wonderous skills, and how no leader who has ordered their execution has stayed in power for long. What the PCs don't know is that it is really a group of Sidereal operatives, oddly enough, all Chosen of Serenity, working to fix fate errors and bring Creation to a more healthy state.

The Statue Got Me High by They Might be Giants
Wow, three people all threw out suggestions for Concertino in Blue. o_o I don't think that's happened anywhere else before, not even in the OTT. I suppose it'll be interesting to see what's answered next here...

*flees before she gets smited for not actually contributing*
Bah, getting any more specific with Killing in the Name of would be doing the title disservice. My answer was succint and concise.
Bah' date=' getting any more specific with Killing in the Name of would be doing the title disservice. My answer was succint and concise.[/quote']
I gotta agree with him on this one.

All Star: In defiance of tradition and to show the world the true skills of the Five-score Fellowship, a small group of Sidereal Exalted have entered the Heaven and Earth Invitational... and one of them has partially mastered Prismatic Arrangement of Creation. Is the competition effectively over, or can Abaddon, outcaste dragon-blood, rising star of the Nexus pit fights and finest martial artist the First Pulse style has ever produced, prove once and for all that there are more ways to fight than fairly?

Next up... The Same Old Innocence by Architecture in Helsinki.[/i]
Our heroes crest the hill to see a group of villagers about to burn a girl at the stake, with rakes and hoes and implements of destruction in hand, screaming for the blood of the girl, hurling torches into the creeping fire to get it stoked and burning.

Our girl is screaming and if they decide to save the girl, she swears that she will be eternally grateful, and serve the Exalted for all her days. Because, let's face it, she certainly can't back to the village that the Exalted just put a beat down on.

If they scatter the villagers, the few who will talk say that she has to die for their village to live. She must, or all will perish to the Creeping Doom.

The Creeping Doom does want her to die--an old and powerful Lunar who has taken the form of thousands of crawling insects, a gift of a powerful Artifact armor that protects each insect with the full protection of the armor, and makes the bugs damn near unkillable, on an individual level, and each insect can attack with the strength of the wearer, making the swarm not just a wee bit dangerous, but suicide to roll against.

Why must the girl die? Because she is host to a powerful Demon who has consumed the girl's soul and uses her as its anchor to do its work through her. For a single year, she will tread the Creation, until she can find a cult to Summon her again, whispering in their ears the ancient words, so that she consume homes.  The Creeping Doom knows this, and has cornered the girl in this village, but by ancient pact and ban, The Creeping Doom cannot touch the girl, or her followers. The first girl that the beast consumed for its own, was The Doom's own daughter, and while the Demon still is in the Creation, it holds the soul hostage, and each subsequent Summoning and transference to a new vessel only adds more souls to the locket around her wee ankle, a chain that is now wrapped around her leg and onto her waist, each link a girl who it has already taken.

The Doom can't act directly against the girl, it is helpless against her cultists even, but it can direct the locals to crush her, and it has killed village after village, trying to destroy her, only to have her slip away, time after time.  

Being around the girl is dangerous, and she will use all her wiles to turn and corrupt the Exalts, new pawns in her ancient game, and even going so far as to reveal the location of a copy of The Broken Winged Crane.  Her very presence corrupts the earth around her, blackening the earth slowly. So long as she keeps moving, the signs of her corruption are hidden, the innocent souls that she carries protect her from detection by mystical means, but that doesn't hide her for long, or her need for flesh.  She can hold back her urges for a while, but eventually, she must feed, and when she does, she emits a curdling scream that opens the souls of those who hear it to the whispers of the Yozi.  Those poor Mortals who listen too long, ride down the dark path, and too long exposed to they are bound to her will, and bound to her service.

She instructs those who follow her in the ritual to transfer her essence to the next vessel, and so she begins anew, to corrupt, to turn, and to sow the seeds of panic and mayhem amongst the Creation.

And now she has Exalts to soon do her bidding...

Luck Be A Lady--Frank Motherfucking Sinatra. Get some classics up in this mug...
Luck Be a Lady

The Western casinos are famed for being able to wager anything and to win anything.

A certain young lady is winning everything. She matches every wager with something agreeable, and then wins. She has defeated every patron, crushed the house, and even won handsomely off Plentimon himself.

Who is this mysterious woman? And what will the Sidereals sent to investigate her do when they discover... she has no thread in the Loom of Fate?


Classics, eh?

For the Longest Time by Billy Joel
For the Longest Time:

Lead by strange rumors, a group of exalts enter a necropolis known to be appearing only every 1000 years.

What they didn't know is that the shrine is under a solar spell that takes it in the Elsewhere for the next millenia at the end of the day.

Unfortunately for them, they stay trapped in the necropolis... and now they are trying to figure out how to get out of here, knowing that with every hour that flies away, a long period of time passes in Creation.

Next is : Shadow on the Sun by Audioslave
cyl said:
Next is : Shadow on the Sun by Audioslave
The Black Exaltation isn't the only way Abyssals are made.  Sometimes, Deathlords can entice Solar Exalted into their service.  When one Solar emerges from the Underworld years after his disappearance quite literally a changed man, how will his Circlemates react?  Will they try to save him, or will they become his bitterest enemies?

Next track: "The Internet Is For Porn" - Avenue Q
A sorceror fleeing the PCs takes refuge in a major city, but not before he casts Hideous Confusion of Tongues in a crowded market in order to create general mayhem to cover his tracks. The spell spread quickly, and soon everyone in the city is spouting meaningless phrases in a desperate attempt to communicate...

Blizzards, Buzzards, Bastards by Scissorfight

Flagg said:
Blizzards, Buzzards, Bastards by Scissorfight
He who lay waithing, a buzzard lunar, has been observing the deathknight of loverclad uin raiment of tears for quite a while. She now has her fancy of clollecting more and more beastmen from his tribe. Why does she do this? he ask is fellow lunar to help him capture the deathknight to investigate. He is revealed to be the bastard mate of one of the character? What will shr do? He was to say the least unkind in is previous form.

Next up, If love is a Red dress from the pulp fiction soundtract.
TheReagent said:
Next up, If love is a Red dress from the pulp fiction soundtract.
The auction houses of the Guild boast many rare and mysterious artifacts, and the latest fliers littering Nexus streets proclaim an open auction fitting this bill perfectly. An exquisite First Age scarlet evening gown, guaranteed to make even the most homely girl a desirable goddess, is up for sale to the highest bidder. Only the artifact isn't quite what it seems: it is, in fact, enchanted to make all who see the wearer in the dress fall instantly in love. The problem is, this dress was not tailored for anyone but a Celestial Exalt, as Terrestrials and mortals cannot properly handle the dress' effects upon themselves or other people. Should the dress fall into mortal hands, chaos and widespread destruction is almost guaranteed to ensue as mortals will tear each other and their city apart in order to possess the wearer, who will be unable to control herself or the dress and will likely die as a result.

Next track: "Duel of the Fates" from the Phantom Menace OST.
Rhapsody said:
Next track: "Duel of the Fates" from the Phantom Menace OST.
While laying low in Nexus, the characters run across a young boy being assaulted by thugs in a back alley. Before the characters can intervene, the boy exalts as a Zenith Caste Solar and lays waste to the thugs before their eyes, then leaps the building and is gone before they can react. As they look for him, they are stopped by an old beggar who stares at them with blind eyes and tells them in a cracked and aged voice that they must protect the boy. As the characters look to each other, they look back to see the old man has passed on, his final words a warning that the boy must not come to harm. The group soon finds the boy, again being assaulted, this time by a bronze faction assassin. After fending off the assassin the group is visited by a Gold Faction Sidreal, who tells them that they must protect the boy at all costs, for the threads of fate show that the boy may very well grow up to lead the solars in bringing lasting peace and tranquility to the world. Before he can finish his sentence however, another Bronze Faction Sidreal steps from the shadows to warn the group that the Gold Faction isn't telling them the whole story. The Bronze Faction Sidreal then informs the group that the boy's destiny is split, with an equal chance of going one of two ways. To be certain, one path leads to a better world, but in the other the boy grows up to defect to the ranks of the underworld, and is instrumental in the Deathlords usurping the living world. He informs the group that because of this possibility, the boy can not be allowed to live. The Sidreals, seeking to avoid further confrontation each give the characters information on how to contact them and give the group 3 days to decide what to do with the young boy. What will the group do? Can they kill a child that has done nothing wrong for sins he may never commit? What will the characters do when they hold the fate of a boy who's fate it is to change Creation, for good, or for ill.

The next song is "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk
The next song is "Harder' date=' Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk[/quote']
It's not hard to live a good life in the Era of Dreams, even as a mortal. The gunzosha troops are the elite of the elite, however, and acceptance into that program pretty much guarantees glory and fame. The Era of Dreams was long ago, however, and the gunzosha troops are all but gone. What happens when a mortal from Nexus stumbles on a fully-functional and fully-automated guzosha laboratory and becomes the next generation in elite troops that haven't truly been seen in their full glory since the Usurpation?

Next track: :"We Interrupt This Programme" by Coburn

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