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Multiple Settings Plot Cravings


Radiance of Tomorrow
Hi, just looking to get a few more stories going!

Please be 18+ because I'm more comfortable rping with people closer to my age
I will be playing the female roles in all plots
I'm open to changes and doubling if you want to do so
I'm pretty laid back so as long as you give me something to work with, that all that matters

Plot 1:​
A prince in a kingdom is next in line for the throne. But the rule is that the prince must marry a princess in order to take the throne. But every princess he meets is just another "fake" who is only interested being queen.

One day the prince goes into the village to get away from the castle and wants to see how the common people live. He disguises himself as a peasant boy so people wouldn't treat him differently. Near the town square was a tournament to see if anyone could defeat this young man in a sword duel. The prince was well taught how to use a blade when he was a child. The prince decides to join because he wanted to see how well this man was with a blade . The two duel and surprisingly the young man ends up winning. The prince smiles and pulls part of his disguise off and reveals to the man who he really was. He says that he he's interested for him being his knight and says he'll be back tomorrow and then leaves.

The next morning the prince comes back to the village back to the spot where the tournament was yesterday. He notices a commotion and tries to get through the crowd to see what was going on. Some of the king's guardsmen had tied the hands of the young man from yesterday. The king believes the young man was trying to start a revolution to stop the prince from becoming the next king. One of the guards pulled off the helmet the man wore and everyone quickly realized that the man was actually a young women. This shocks the prince realizing that this girl was one of a kind and he has an interest in her.

The girl is taken to the castle's dungeon. The king plans to execute the girl, but the prince realizes he has feelings for her. But it is forbidden for him to marry a peasant. In order to be with the one he love's he must take the girl and leave the kingdom. But the king is against it and is trying to keep the girl away from him long enough so she can be executed for false accusations against the kingdom. The king then decides the prince can become king without marriage he just has to wait a few months before his 18th birthday. It's up to the prince to decide if he should save the girl and run away or stay a prince an wait til he is 18 to take the throne.

Plot 2:​
A girl survives a ship wreck and is washed upon a shore of an abandoned island in which she has to fend for herself.

Years later, a prince who craves adventure stumbles upon the island and is startled seeing a beautiful women living alone on the island. He then decides to help her, taking her back to his kingdom and invites her to stay in the castle. When he returns, he's startled to discover that his father had set up an arranged marriage with a princess from a neighboring kingdom. Unable to protest, the prince silently follows as he is force to spend time with the princess despite falling for the island girl.

The princess, however, is not so pleased with the island girl as she becomes jealous after seeing how the prince looks at the girl and talks to her. This is when the princess comes up with an idea to get rid of the girl.

A couple of days later, the princess's family heirloom goes missing. When the guards investigate, the heirloom is found in the island girl's room. This is when the island girl is arrested and thrown into the dungeon awaiting her fate. The prince believes that the princess has framed her, but when he confronts his father, the king won't listen as this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of the distraction to the prince.

This is where the prince must find a way to expose the princess if he wants to free the island girl.

Plot 3:​
One day a boy was with a bunch of friends. He was known to be very daring as he loved to go out and party every Friday night drinking with some friends while having a good time. Late at night they decided to go out exploring having him drive even though they all have been under the influence. One of his friends dared him to drive on the opposite of the road while driving on some curving back roads. Not wanting to decline his dare, the boy accepted it, but that is when things went wrong.

While taking a sharp turn, an oncoming vehicle was coming to them and the two had a head on collision. Miraculously, The boy and his friends were all unharmed and their vehicle for some odd reason was still in working condition. They decided to leave not wanting to get in trouble by the police as they had already assumed the driver of the other vehicle was dead. Perhaps if they weren't under the influence they would have made a better decision.

Time as passed as the boy still felt some guilt that they had just left the other driver left for dead on the road. He decided to stop making stupid decisions and decided to leave his group of friends. A new girl shows up at his school, but there's something different about her. The girl was in a wheelchair as she was unable to walk. The boy decided to get to know the girl and the two started to become friends. But as they got closer he got curious about what had happened to such a sweet, innocent girl to be in such a state like this. Eventually, the girl explains what had happened and the boy didn't know how to handle it. Turns out that the girl was the other driver in the vehicle that the boy had left for dead. It was his fault that the girl was now unable to walk and must use a wheel chair for the rest of her life.

Bold (craving)
Italics (preferred role)

Shy girl x Popular Guy
Princess x Knight/Bodyguard
Poor x Rich
Royalty x Villager
Good Girl x Bad Boy
Sunshine x Grumpy

Childhood Friends
Arranged Marriages
Enemies to Lovers
Fake Relationship
Love Triangle

I'm always open to new ideas so feel free to hit me up if you have something in mind

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