Plight of the flameborn fist war upon the ice[rp]

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One Thousand Club
Prologue: the walkers first landed, spewing out into the forests of our fair world and tearing down towns and small cities in hours. News of lossed communication is usual so it's thought of as nothing. Until your city is attacked. Your reside in the city of Ross. The first attacked with a trained and powerful population. The walkers pour in with thoulsands upon thoulsands of wights alongside. Are you going to awnser the call to battle or run and hide?

Arcon:oh what a wonderful day it is*ears prick at the sound of battle, the clashing of sword on sword and screams of death, bolts upright quickly grabbing his sword and dawning true silver aromor(powerful and light metal) and preparing for the incoming tide, slowly walking twards the sound of battle*
Kaze got up from bed at the sound battle. 'Oh mother, why have a battle here? I've been here less than a day already. Oh well, maybe i'll get a little more sleep after this fight if i'm needed' he thought as he got dressed and donned his sword. He then walked over and opened up the door to his hotel room. As he walked through and then closed the door he looked out to the streets where the battle would soon be. He looked up at the bright sky and said out loud, "Through roaming from town to town, to the battles and wars fought through time... I summon you my loyal Cerberus." A few seconds later he held two guns in his hands with full ammo, "Now... *puts on a sly smile* I am ready." He then walks toward the street and battle.

Materialization: 4/5 -- XP: 1

Shape Change: 10/10 -- XP: 0
He looks around the sky, standing on a large building, his black cloak waved in the wind. ''hehe so then...this is the human should be happy when I get more souls...ehehe'' He smiles widley showing his sharp fangs. ''kehehe..Im almost shaking with anticipatin!! ahahha'' He slowly leaps down from the building, shooting down and with a thud crushes the ground under my feet.
Maddie awoken early. Her blonde hair pulled back in a bun as she slept. Maddie pulled herself out of the coziness of her bed. Maddie looked to her bed, pulling a stuffed rabbit from next to the frame. It was plsuh and pure white, with a pink nose. Maddie smiled as she recalled the sister she had once had. Maddie quickly dressed in a Pink button down Collar, on top a White tank top, and a pair of denim jeans. Maddie slipped on her peal necklace that hid in her clothes, she smiled as she walked out into the street. She pulled out her Bronz sword, that had Ancient greek symbols on it as she walked towards the battle.
Nichole and Eli,her angel dog, shining as he walked,wandered about aimlessly. Having been a week since Nichole killed her mothers boyfriend,she sighed then sat in a tree to think. Eli said"are you ok?"
Jasper tightened the grip on his staff, slowly turning his head as he took notice of a beautiful female and others approaching, but soon returned his gaze to the battle. A bolt of lightning struck the diamond upon the hilt of his weapon at his will, flooding it with power and energy rather than damaging it in any way. They planned to win this battle. Because they were the flame-born. And the flame-born didn't lose.

Arcon:*smiles at the sight of the other flameborn, a most welcome party in times of battle* this will be fun* he unsheathed his sword, the black metal causing a loud vibration and a beautiful sound, his flames racing up his body burning the armor, it's structure actually hardening from the sudden heat* let's raise hell
Eli said''it'll be ok Nichole..your mother is in a better place....'' Nichole said''but i couldnt save her in time!'' Eli sighed and nudged her. he said''remember a warrior doesnt show fear or sadness in battle you did what you had to...''
A hideous screech came from the end of the city as a building was torn through, it's destroyer:a giant ice spider, so solid it could break the steel supports like nothing. It's hideous screech rising above the battle as it tears the building to nothing.

Arcon:*glances at the spider, knowing not many would be able to fight such a foe alone, luckily,he wasn't like many* I shall take this beast, the rest of you assist in the battle.*he approaches the spider,it's leg shoots out to meet his sword in mid-air, the sound resonating throughout the battlefield as Arcon fought against the giants crushing force with all his might, slowly pushing the giant leg back*
Eris wandered out of her home in the woods at the sound of a commotion. She paused a moment, relishing in the pandemonium around her. "Ahh, I've always loved battles.." She said softly, swiping a strand of red hair out of her eyes as she fully emerged from the forest. Her black robes whipped around her as she stealthily made her way towards the fight. She chose to target the things that were easiest for her. The male walkers. With a coy smile, she wandered right into the fray. "You don't want to hurt me..." She said softly, a soft pout on her face. "You just want to stand there and let me attack you." She told them. Two of them got caught up in her powers of persuasion and she used the to her advantage, quickly dispatching them with spells that her father had taught her. Glancing over, she saw a boy fighting against an ice spider. "Need a hand..?" She called over to him.
Arcon:haha! No way, I live for this stuff!*he is swiped at by the spider, jumping to the left at the last second and attaching a wire to the spiders leg, he jumps as another comes down pulling the wire around another leg while dodging its attacks, the walkers now regrouping put up anti-persuasion barriers and charge again while arcon nimbly loops the wire around the immense spiders legs*
Eris couldn't help but pout, sensing the barrier. "Well, crap. There goes my fun... that's the easiest way for me to get rid of them too..." Looks like she was going to have to resort to her magic then. She readied her staff as they regrouped and came at her again. She chanted words under her breath, pointing her staff at one of them causing them to trip and fall into another. It was small mischief magic. She decided she would try not to bring out the big guns unless she absolutely had no choice. Pointing her staff at another one caused him to look up at the sky long enough for her to bring her staff down onto his face. Sigh, her mischief magic was more fun when she was using it on unsuspecting towns people.
The walkers continued assaulting the city, balls of ice blasting into buildings sending debris flying across the city all the while their army's slowly surrounding the city, making it seem like an island in a lake

Arcon:*threads the cable through its legs, quickly pulling tight and tripping the spider,using its own weight to shatter it upon the ground*that was fun.
Eris sighed, smacking a few more of them with her staff. Well, this was getting nowhere fast. With so few of them fighting, they weren't going to get anywhere. From the looks of things, the boy seemed to be a good fighter. However all she had was her mischief magic. That wasn't enough to take down an entire army. When it came to actual combat, she was extremely unskilled. She sighed again, causing a few more of them to trip and fall. Yeah. Definitely going nowhere.
Arcon: *quickly goes to work with his sword, dashing through the crowd of walkers and wights, dodging nimbly and slicing through arms and legs like butter, causing a trail of explosions to follow him he cuts a small swath from the enemy lines and raises his sword defensively as strikes come at him* where are the other fighters!
"I don't know...!" She called over to him, swinging her staff around her, knocking several of them down or into each other. "but they would be of real assistance right about now..!" With that, she muttered a few more words under her breath, summoning a small snake. With a few more words, the snake grew and started taking out some of the walkers. That was close to the best she could manage. Her snake familiar was her second best trump card. She didn't think she could manage to pull out the first.
Nichole looked over the horizon and saw a battle happening. ''come eli!" he nodded following her. Nichole ducked behind a building waiting.
Kaze jumped into the fray while gunning down 4 walkers in the process, each with a bullet straight in the head. He landed in front of Eris and shot 11 more in the head in quick succession. "no you don't" was all he said as he moved his right arm back behind his head with the gun pointed in the direction of Eris. He fired the gun and smirked, a second later the bullet that breezed past Eris' head and face hit the walker behind her straight in the temple as it was readying a strike against her. Kaze then crouched lower to the ground awaiting the next wave.

bullets: 84/100
Eris watched with wide eyes as a bullet zipped past her head. "Nice shot.." She called, a small smile on her face as she turned to see the fallen walker. Holding out one of her hands, she recalled her snake. It shrunk down to a smaller size and coiled around her arm. Her familiar needed a bit of time to rest. She raised her staff again, preparing herself to continue fighting. Man, she really wished that they wouldn't have put up that barrier. That would make her life a lot easier.
arcon:*sighs cleaning off his sword, seeing the walkers part as a small group goes through the gap,three of the group look different than the rest, an aura of power surrounding them*

Walker:why do you resist? We will kill you all either way. You cannot hold out forever. This battle is pointless.
Jasper outstretched his open hand, and at his will, a bolt of lightning struck the ground beneath a group of his enemies. The ground split in two, sending the men plummeting down into flame and darkness, falling until they reached the pits of Hell. "Need some help?" he enquired shrewdly to the other Flameborn, arching an eyebrow, his expression calm. His pupils flashed into cat-like slits, and his iris became an intense yellow, that was far too inhuman to even be contact lenses. Another group of enemies disintegrated on the spot as he faced his open palm towards them, his fingertips burning, although no injury was formed on his pale skin.

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