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One Thousand Club
Megasourusrex submitted a new role play. @Megasourusrex, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Looks (description or picture):





Any other info you wish to add: 
Name: Amanda Glare

Age: 21

Looks: Black hair, usuaylly wears tank tops of any color, black jeans, black "combat" boots

(the picture is huge so i'll just provide a link: )

Likes: Listening to music, photography, art, hanging with friends, swinging on swings, horror games

Dislikes: actually being scared for a real reason, bug bites, complete silence

Personality: Amanda is the fun loving type of girl who always wants to do something. Go on roller coasters, go sky diving, have a nice camping trip, you name it. I guess she is "adventurous". She always tries to keep a smile on her face, even when she is feeling upset. She can be stubborn and not ask for help when she really needs it. She is the type of person that is nice to the people who are nice to her, but wont be afraid to insult someone or stand up for herself when someone is mean or rude to her.

Bio: Amanda grew up always staying creative. She loved to take photographs and paint. She always took any art electives through her school life and is taking college classes to become a professional photographer. She always brings her camera with her so that she can take pictures of a pretty spot in the woods, flowers, or something she finds in the city that is cool or pretty. She never really had a bad life, but it wasn't great either. It had it's ups and downs. Both of her parents are divorced, and after a while, she made peace with that fact. She grew up learning to always put on a smile and push through the tough times, so that's what she did. However, when she accepted to go on a camping trip with her friends, everything turned upside down.
Can I please join the rp if you don't mind?

Name: Crystal

Age: 18

Looks: has long hair that is pitch black, likes to wears hoodys, has red eyes, wears black jeans, and has pale skin.

Likes: horror movies and games, videogames, art, science, carnivals, loves to have fun, and hangs around friends. Also she loves to listen to music.

Dislikes: bullying

Personality: shy, kind, nice, modest, funny, and happy. She loves to hang around her family. She wants to do fun things and amusement parks. She would probably get scared easily. When it comes to her friends or family she would do anything.

Bio: At a young age Crystal loved music and enjoyed outdoors. But when she was little she didn't have a family so she lived in an orphanage. As she grew older she didn't want to be in the orphanage and decided she wanted to leave. A friend of hers wanted freedom just like her so they escaped the place together and found a house to live in. Both of them grew up together and in school everyone would always think they were weird but her friend really didn't care but Crystal did and she was sensitive. She'd cry a lot and as years past on her friend left her for her boyfriend and so she was alone. She now is trying to move on and is shyer then before ever since. She loves to smile and wants to make friends. Later on Crystal registered to go camping in these woods but everyone doesn't turn way the way she thought it would.
Megasourusrex said:
normally i would say yeah go ahead, but there has been no posts here for a very long time and I think it's dying off. I was thinking of remaking it, so if i do i'll definitely let you know!
ok!! just tell me and thanks!

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